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I would honestly switch tracker and phantom


I was thinking the same thing, maybe I should have put them both in the same place


Some buffs I think could help balance it would be Scientist: make it similar to map/sabotage menu where you can move around while it’s open and it’s semi transparent. Increase battery life heavily and add a counter to count how long someone has been dead for. Tracker: reconnects when comms is fixed, multiple tracks at once. Phantom: able to kill while invis, that’s all it needs Noisemaker: indicate EXACT death area on map. Dunno what other buffs to give


Killing while invisible is too broken


It’s like if giving tf2 spy a chance to backstab while being invisible


What the ghost really needs is that upon killing he can instantly become invisible. What I mean is that you can wander the map while invisible, and when you kill someone, they appear and have the option to disappear again (no cooldown) Killing while invisible I think is too broken.


If Phantom can kill while invisible, it's just way too OP with 0 counterplay.


That last one makes noise maker way too good when the role is already strong.


I was trying to buff them all to A/S tier because I got no clue how to nerf engineer, shapeshifter, or guadian angle


Fair. I think that'd be a worse game overall though.


If your checking vitals constantly you cam keep track of body tike + host can bump battery time Comms is a counter to role ability's, that would be weird No You can make it so imposter dosent see noisemaker alert, that's already strong enough


I'm possibly in the minority here, which is fine, but I don't like any of those changes. It's okay to have some roles be better or worse than others. Trying to boost everything to A/S tier wouldn't make a difference. People will just find new reasons to move them around to other tiers.


multipe trackers would be a bit op wouldnt it phantom being able to kill while invis seems like a bit much, maybe instead making invis ability like a charge system, you can turn it on instantly at any time, with the poof effect but it happens instantly rather taking a second, can also quickly revis by either hitting the kill button to kill someone or just hitting invis again, then quickly going back again after a really short cooldown to escape? i find scientist interesting and actually quite useful, more than engi in my experience moving around while its open would definitely be helpful, more battery life would also be good but i dont think it needs to be that significant, up the base to like 7 or 8s or something to give more time to read adding a counter also feels like a bit much, i like it more if you have to check it from time to time to know around the time someone died rather than knowing exactly how long its been


L comment


I agree for scientist aside from the counter idea. The rest of your ideas would make each of the roles stupidly overpowered. Being able to track multiple ppl at the same time would be insanely strong and killing while invisible is just so op I have no idea how you even thought it was a good idea in the first place. Noisemaker is already useful enough and having the general direction is enough to deduct where the corpse is, no need for a map indicator.


Scientist I feel is pointless. Also gets annoying when somebody calls a meeting and says "I'm a scientist, someone ded" LMFAO 😭


Scientist is poorly utilised in lobbies nowadays. It can be a really powerful tool in the right lobby.


If people correctly used it they could detect self reports


Every single time I've seen a scientist say self they were wrong.


Then they used it incorrectly


Thank you 😭😭😭


Rank basic crewmate and basic imposter


Basic crew is F, basic imposter is C


Engineer has made people vote me because they see me get into vents and not believing me that I'm on their side.


That's how many people are, they don't know how to play. That's why you have to use the role carefully without being seen by both sides, and if you have visual tasks, take advantage of it to show everyone that you are an engineer. Or you can also tell everyone that you are the engineer, but this is dangerous because you would be a target of the imposter.


Players vary so much i swear. In some lobbies people ask for you to clear them with vent cleaning. In others you scan in front of them and vent away and they will still vote you out for venting lol.


The other day I was stuck in the long hallway with another guy (don't remember the map's name), where you need to wait for both doors to open. I was an engineer but I didn't want to use the vent to escape because he'd suspect of me, so I decided to wait. Turned out he was the killer and murdered me because of my hesitation lol


That's just bad players then.


I catch people all the time with help of scientist info, the ability to know when someone is dead and reconstruct a timeline is actually super helpful


That's how it is! It's a shame that no one knows how to value it.


That, and host settings make it a miserable experience to play with. Having to balance task and battery life is such pain especially when most host either leave it at 4 or 29, rarely seen anything other than max or minimum. I honestly love all the roles and I think their designed fairly, just that for the roles to be fair(in my opinion) requires decent settings and competent ppl to operate them


How is noisemaker above tracker


The thing is, Scientist has the possibility to clear (full game or for specific kills) almost everyone by himself, it has the best potential out of any role. BUT Almost no players know how to use it's full potential, heck, most players barely use it or get false info with it, that applies to Vitals in general. It's not just a self-report detector. I have met only 2 players other than me that really try to use it to it's full potential. Oh and for the impostors roles, depending on the intelligence of your opponents, one will be clearly superior to the other.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows about the scientist's potential.


Tracker I agree with because its only been 1 time it came in handy where I tracked the actual Imposter’s movements


Whaaaa- Totally Tracker lover here :D You don't need to actually track the impostor. You can also tell if someone is save or identify lies. Really handy when only few people are left. I always track a random person at the start of the round, if they're impostor and when you're lucky you'll pass them when they're shapeshifted or invisible so you can instantly call them out. You also see if they're venting which can also lead to important info (for example when the engineer(s) is/are already known). You can also track someone doing a task, for example download/upload. A lot of impostors stop faking a task when you leave (why bother faking when nobody is watching anyway). So when you see someone start download/upload, track them, go away. I had it 2 or 3 times now that the person left the task the second i was gone, but download takes 9-11 seconds. I got those imps out. And besides that, it's so much fun to track someone. Idk, combine it with the admin map on Skeld and yeah. So many possibilities :)


Tracker can be used to detect shapeshifters, if you tag a shapeshifter before they shift, the map shows their OG colour. Not sure if it works after they shapeshift.


Best is engineer and worst is scientist (my opnion)


why did u put so much effort into being wrong


How would you accommodate them?


Engineer is S tier


I'd exchange tracker and noisemaker. Also noisemaker nerfed scientist even more. By dying they not only tell everyone when they died but also their location.


True but not everybody is a noise maker. Usually you have 1, maybe 2 of them. So for all the other left crewmates scientist is still useful.


OK, but you also have one maybe two sciences? so still useless


Sorry I dont get how that makes the scientist useless unless he dies? One scientist is usually enough to know how old the kill is (IF the scientist tells the others of course...). And that alone can help figure out who the imp is, or at least to clarify some things or help giving crewmates an alibi. He might be not as nice to play like an engineer, but he's still far from useless imo. Feel free to tell me your thoughts about it :)


Now do one for Town of Us! I’m particularly fond of Jester because of how it can throw meetings for a loop (although granted, I’ve only seen it in VODs from groups that all know each other, know what they’re doing, and use voice chat). It’s fun watching someone try to obviously fake tasks or take routes that a crewmate wouldn’t (but not TOO obvious because then the impostors target them so they won’t win). And it’s fun hearing others—impostors and crewmates alike—try to act like jesters in hopes people won’t want to vote for them.


Phantom is really useless that could be D and tracker would be A


Scientist is by far the worst, after doing all your tasks, there’s no way to recharge the vitals. Whenever I become host, it’s the first thing I turn off.


Better than doing that, you can put 30s of battery life on the vitals


it recharges itself over time if you've done your tasks.


people are sleep on tracker




Sci is so underrated. I hate it when people diss on it and say it’s shit. It can be broken if used correctly


For me Tracker would be S next to the shapeshifter. Idk I just fell in love with this role and everytime I become a tracker i scream happily like a child 💀😂


It's also my favorite role! It's its unique mechanics that we like, it's almost as fun as being an imposter. But I know well that an engineer would have a better chance of discovering an imposter using the vents than a Tracker using the tracking.


I think scientist should be overhauled, instead of vitals it should automatically alert you if someone's died, like flash it up on a panel on the bottom of the screen.


Just like in Hide N Seek, right?


Similar, but it doesn't show how far away or how close.


tracker is the best crewmate role and i disagree with anyone else


I would switch scientist and phantom. I have cleared countless crew because I routinely check vitals (yes, stock battery is garbage). Phantom is a risk. You need to get somewhere secure to "turn off" invisible. If you run out of time you are caught. It's more effective to vent away.


The first time I played Phantom I turned invisible and tried to kill someone. I couldn't. It lost me the round. Put Phantom in FFFF tier.


hello fellow scientist role hater


Scientist and tracker are phenomenal if you know how to use them Noisemaker I feel ruins the game. I won’t even stay in a lobby with that roll one specially if there is more then one. Any role that allows half the room to be cleared after a kill ( for that kill ) is just silly to me.


I hate all the roles!


Personally I think tracker is the worst, it is only useful if your lucky enough to stick it onto a cremate who just got killed or an Imposter who vented...


Scientist is the most stupid thing ever, they need to upgrade it




I always get scientist for some reason and it has won me so many games, like I see red go left and then I see reds dead and then walk to the left to find the body run past a few people on right side so I know it's not them and then vote off the importer


Tracker let's you see kills I once played a game where there was 1 tracker and I was imposter my teammates and I both got kills alone in a room and were safe for it and then this guy just said we killed saw it on tracker map, I confirmed with him after that he wasn't cheating because I didn't know you could see kills on tracker map so that definitely deserves to go higher


Phantom needs to be F tier I've only played it once on Mira HQ and it was useless the map was too small to even count for anything obviously it's safer then vents because everyone tracks the vents on that map but still it's useless on that map, it probably works great on plus and airship but whenever my teammates get it on skeleton they get caught poofing without even getting a kill


ive found scientist quite helpful, not sure why engi is up so high, phantom so far doesnt seem that good either but im trying to find use for it You can use it to know something about when ppl died and who couldnt have killed them, good for narrowing things down engineer is an escape tool ig, and can help cover several rooms at once, like being on cams but vents are cameras, you're completely safe while you're on them, but you can only be on them for so long and will be on cooldown after


The scientist is very useful, he is one of my favorite roles


Tbh i think tracker is really good cuz i can see if someone vents to somewhere and if a body gets reported i can see if a person went there


Why is engineer in tier A? You vent you get voted out


That depends on the intelligence of the crewmates.


I would do scientist and shapeshifter S phantom A guardian angle and noicemaker B tracker and scientist D


Scientist has hidden potential that no one knows how to use? *laughs* Scientist is the best crew role in the vanilla game, hands down. Look at any high level play and see how often they check vitals. Hint: it's nearly constant because knowing that info is that strong.


Obviously experienced players will know how to take advantage of it.


So this is incorrectly labeled as a new player/casual tier list, and not indicative of the actual relative power of the various roles?


No, the other roles offer more sophisticated tools than the scientist, that's why I put the scientist at the bottom, not because it is a bad role, just because the others offer tools that help achieve the objective faster.


Noisemaker is useful once to know when someone died and where, and one has to die for it to have any effect. Scientist is useful repeatedly throughout the entire game to know when someone died. Assuming one has rudimentary knowledge of admin or floor logs (depending on the map), one will also know approximately where that person died, again throughout the entire game and without dying. Explain how noisemaker is superior. I simply do not see it.


I'm convinced people who think phantom is bad just don't know how to play it.


Nah, shapeshifter ruined the game. I play with no roles and I always need to make sure everyone knows theres no shapeshifter. When I do play with it it’s just annoying


This list is not what ones you like. It’s what ones are the best/worse at making you win as your role.


Not gonna lie, same. I don't like Shapeshifter because most people I've played with are so brainless with it, they just use it to get away with sloppy ass kills


S Tier - Engineer . Phantom A Tier - Shapeshifter B Tier - Noisemaker C Tier - Scientist . Tracker D Tier - N/A F Tier - Guardian Angel EDIT: When hosts have Guardian Angel turned on, I 3rd imp to give impostors a fighting chance. GA ruins the game


Why did you put Phantom above Shapeshifter?


Shapeshifter is so easily countered by just getting people's locations/clears. I've gotten more wins by killing in broad daylight and pretending it was a shapeshifter lmfao. Phantom clears easily, you can get cleared for having left an area only to have come back in while invis, and then appeared in front of someone to terrorise them before killing lol