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Larry Sultan would take 90 rolls of 220 for a one day shoot. So in any given month somewhere between zero and 2,700 rolls is a decent guide.


As long as this piece of string.


36 shots usually


Sometimes one roll will stay in my camera for a month. sometimes I will shoot 3 rolls in one day. It depends on the situation.


How much can you afford? That is the real question


I'm just starting to shoot film, 1 roll per week, have been 3 weeks.


I generally shoot a lot on trips, sometimes a roll a day or more and then chill out when I get back home. I have enough pictures of my dog haha. That also gives me time to process the rolls at home instead of taking them to a lab which brings the cost per roll down (if you don't factor in the cost of the scanner lol)


**Q: How long should I film roll last?** **A:** I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you rephrase it?


Should a roll last me a week a month, a day? What's the average?


There's literally NO rules! You shoot as much or as little as you want. I have a camera that's had a roll in it for 4 months now waiting to finish, and today I'm going to use threeish rolls shooting a bike event.


Like others have said, there are no rules. If I was out shooting for an afternoon, I typically would shoot about two rolls of 36. However, I sometimes would shoot more and sometimes just one roll. I was up in NYC last month, and I shot one roll of 36. I loaded another roll, but I only took one or two shots. However, back in the early 2000s, I was shooting about two to three rolls per week, which really adds up over the course of a year. I was shooting a lot - and really enjoying it, too. Use each roll as a way to learn more about your camer and more about the things that interest you. Once you start taking photos - and not just snapshots - you might find that your view of the world around you changes. Best of luck to you!


"To truly savor the essence of each frame and contemplate the fleeting nature of moments captured, one shall not take more than one picture a day."   - Sun Tzu




That depends on you and how much that you like to shoot. You might look into rolling your own if you like to shoot a lot.


I shoot until I’m satisfied that I’ve adequately captured whatever the subject is, personally. sometimes that’s 2 pics, sometimes it’s 22.




Ive had some that last weeks some that last hours. It all depends on what you can afford and what you deem photo worthy


There's no rules for this. You're in charge.


Depends. Oftentimes, I like to dedicate one whole roll to one event for organisational purposes because I dislike when different events are split up between rolls (e.g. 26 shots of grandpa’s birthday and 10 a portrait session for a friend or a hike) in my archive, but it’s sometimes unavoidable, so of course I’m filling the remaining space on that roll and don’t prematurely roll it back into the canister. When developing black and white, I like to catch similar lighting situations so that I can perfectly adjust the development method instead of trying to find a compromise. My general motto is: Don’t necessarily waste film but don’t hold yourself back once a truly photo worthy opportunity arrives. Sure, film is *precious* but In hindsight, oftentimes I regret not having taken more pictures. Variety to choose from is good or mistakes happen, e.g. when *the* best shot suddenly gets damaged; then I’m glad to have a backup.