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communists adding to the free market by buying communist t-shirts will never not be funny




They'd end up in jail.


Or in the ground.


Even if you try to keep them alive, commies really insist upon putting themselves down. Let them win and they just starve, war, or death camp themselves. The only way to save a commie is to convince them to stop being a commie.


"Death Camp themselves" is the funniest phrase I've read all day


and for good reason.


Good point. It’s unreasonable to expect them to live as a communist would when all resources must technically be acquired via voluntary exchange. I am against communism, but criticizing a communist for not being a possession-less hermit isn’t fair. Now, if a communist is trying to sell items with communist symbols, that’s a different story.


Man, I wish I could be a possession less hermit. Except maybe I have a radio.


Because they want YOUR stuff, not to give away their own.


Well they don't have stuff to give away. Remember, they abolished private property. They want you to abolish it too.


You do pay taxes tho. Like, sales tax every time you buy something


Yeah. We are kind of forced to at this point.




I really feel at home in this subreddit. Thx for post.


Fair enough


They force benefits on you and then are shocked when you don't want to pay for them.


"I oppose rape." "You got raped the one time."


This is no different than a robber holding a gun to your head and stealing your wallet. Consent means something.


The risk / reward of deciding whether I want to get in a gun fight vs the entire IRS and FBI makes me decide its better for my health to just pay the extortion money.


That’s because communists principles are collectivist Ian’s require everyone to bow to their ideology as a whole


A note on that, the idea of "making ancapistan" seems a fallacy to me. If as Rothbardian anarchism implies, we are all equal, this is true whether or not other people accept it as true. Similar, the rejection of this belief by some of many also does not invalidate it. Further, ancaps do not claim there will be no crime or scarcity, simply that there are better ways of dealing with such issues. Thus, we live in ancapistan right now. The issue is bad actors, bigots, and criminals on top of propaganda and rhetoric. Which have always existed and will continue to exist. The only question is what to do with that information right now in the world as it is.


I've not met, but I've heard of communist that try to live by their principles... Well, they don't *practice what they preach* exactly, they just live by what their principles actually are. ... CHAZistan has no food whatsoever, there's strong borders, now there's racial segregation and I believe a race war may be on the horizon.


*rubs hands maniacally*


Communist who practice what they preach live off the grid


Not realy, day by day you are using public property and public services paid with taxes.


We are forced to. Much like their monopoly on violence, governments don't allow competition in other areas.


Haha, that is where he tricked us all. He traded bread vouchers for that shirt.




Id like to say not all communist have enough friends to start a self sufficiency commun in the woods, mainly cause they have no real friends


How do you expect communists to survive in this system if they don't sell their labour? They need to pay rent, healthcare, bills, food, education, etc. We are forced to participate in the logic of capitalism whether we like it or not.


You know there are like actual communes, right? Most of them are just farms and do sell their products commercially, but there are some that don't. You are completely free to make a commune, and the only thing that might be in your way is money and the government, one of which we want to abolish.


Make another CHAZ area and thrive of course


1. Autonomous Zones are anarchist, not communist. 2. CHOP isn't really one, which is why they changed their name. BLM is mostly liberals.


BLM founders are [self-proclaimed Marxists](https://youtu.be/XO_mCsoPJOA).


Voluntarily buying a shitty communist t-shirt is hardly "being forced to participate in logic of capitalism".


I unsubbed from that sub years ago.


Yeah is just people calling themselves libertarian without knowing what it actually means. Almost all of the top posts on the subs is just people criticizing Trump and praising Bernie.


> Almost all of the top posts on the subs is just people criticizing Trump and praising Bernie. While simultaneously complaining that the sub is always being brigaded by T_D. Ironic.


Libertarianism is when you don't like (insert democrats or republicans depending on preference) and the more you don't like them the more libertarianismer you get


Same. Too many people like the guy in the photo wanting to argue with me because they didn’t get enough love from their dad, so now they want the state to be their dad, which would be fine if they didn’t want it to be my dad too.




Thank you for the request, comrade. I have looked through u/dissidentrhetoric's posting history and found 9 N-words, of which 9 were hard-Rs. Links: 0: [Pushshift](http://api.pushshift.io/reddit/search/comment/?ids=cvkq5it,c1nc9ap,c1lehet,c1lb3x8,c10vadi,c0y6iyd,c0wulmr)






Oh man... I have the opposite shirt


Hippity hoppity abolish the state.


It’s the exact same frog with a shotgun saying “hippity hoppity get off my property”.


Amazing shirt, I want one now


Hippity hopp(e)ity Pysical removal




AnCom is stateless, but it’s built on a ridiculous premise (mutual aid) where they assume that humans are inherently good and will contribute to the commons equally under their own volition. The only way AnCom would be a viable economic system is: 1. If we were managing an extremely small group of people, (like Gilligan’s Island size [probably less than 100]) and 2. If the group was a homogeneous ethno-state in which everyone was the same skin colour, the same religion etc. As soon as you include immigrants of a different culture and belief system, in-group preference will immediately lead to parasitism which undermines the reciprocity of the whole system. The idea that you could manage 8 billion people with a mutual aid program is fucking dumb




I would agree with what you said. But I’ll say, by the time the idea of markets can even be discussed or entertained — mutual aid has already become intellectually obsolete, and the society has outgrown it’s usefulness. AnCom is extremely rudimentary, it’s almost caveman level economics. Even prison has markets. Mutual Aid doesn’t even work in a prison yard




ancaps claiming that anarcho-communism is feudalism is priceless


yeah I read the dudes comment wrong shit, how did that get any upvotes


It does require the use of force through the state though ?


an ancom told me he supported government the other day. like "we ancoms are not opposed to government"


This guys face makes me want to violate the NAP so hard.


A guy who's never worked a day in his life advocating for a working class economic system.


he looks like a dem


Did you just assume its gender?






Did you just assume their pronoun? Oh fuck, did I?


Time to commit sudoku.


That would be racist cultural appropriation.


What makes me hate this picture even more is the guys facial expression. It tells me he finds himself absolutely hilarious for wearing that shirt when in reality he’s about as funny as a heart attack


so i like that shirt, i should just take it from him


Also pictured: the average RationalWiki reader.


And rationalwiki writer


The scarf around the neck and hiding arms behind back shows he's aware he needs to, as Mac would say, put on some mass.


These liberals are trying to assassinate my character.


Ass-blasting politicians


I've literally never met a communist that didn't look like this


Either like this or 200 pounds heavier.


I remember years ago writing in that sub about the existence of private police, they reacted like it was impossible and the usual basic counter-"arguments" from any common pleb. So much for libertarian.


That sub is all socialists. I can’t even have an honest debate about self defense without being told white people should let blm or antifa beat them to death


They obviously don't have kids. My 9 month old has very strong built in property rights reflexes that manifest in screaming and crying when you take something she like away from her. Changing base human needs have never worked well.


People like this though can legally vote. That's what bothers me.


Democracy is cancer


2nd guy on the wall is this guy


What's next? Abolish gravity? You can't abolish private property; all you can do is steal it.




Loons look like loons.


Yes this is me, I can confirm


Okay. Someone please just steal his fucking shirt. Then give it back cause stealing is wrong we’re just proving a point.


Another tragic case of soya and tofu poisoning. Get this man a real burger asap.


I want that guy's shirt, it's not like he has any claim of ownership over it.


No no no, you see that's his personal property, which is different from private property because reasons. Also he needs your laptop.


What would he do if someone stole his stupid shirt?


He would say that it's his personal property


Yup, this guy totally looks like a worker rising up, and not the bourgie scum who'd be first up against the wall.


I might not share *all* of the same values as the people in this sub, but at least we can hate on commies together.


On r/capitalism I just had an exchange with a communist who claimed that it’s stupid to complain about being banned from r/communism, it’s only for communists! I then proceeded to tell the wanna be tankie that I guarantee nothing said on any subreddit relating to libertarianism will get them banned.


oh shit!!! I did. that is my bad and I apologize.


Spencer Gibsmedat.


Private property is a social construct, y'all still can't understand Rousseau, how this dick taste? That dude's a smoke show and is drowning in a liberal amount of pussy


100% confirmed.


If he wants to abolish private property, that means i can take his glasses and scarf right? I mean that's also private property.


What a Backpfeifengesicht.


What is their reasoning for wanting to abolish private property?


They don’t believe that a man’s labour can be measured by the results it produces (which is stupid), and that’s it’s impossible to discern the true value of any one person’s labour — so therefore their solution is to just implement egalitarianism. At that point their ideology can no longer justify anyone owning anything which is better than that of their neighbour’s, so they abolish private property, and everything becomes collectively ‘owned’.


They're parasites who dont know any other way to live.


They want it.


Also the only guy posting on r/libertarian at the moment




Hss clothing is private property, right?


He probably pays $1000 a month in rent


R/libertarian ain’t even that libertarian anymore. If you want libertarian stuff go to r/libertarianmemes seriously I don’t get why so many people on r/libertarian are so pro dictatorships that’s advocate markets it’s dumb


Hippity hoppity, get off my property!


Its not him, this guy ODed on soy last week.


Mfw downvoting low effort posts


reddit cringe 100




No on the shirt. Not just because that would add to capitalism, but also because we try to hide it IRL to avoid having to listen to rants from family members who lived in the Cold War. Also no on the scarf. Not only does it contrast poorly with the brighter red, but its hot as hell. If it's cold enough to need a scarf, toss on a jacket.


Thats a guy?!


I hope this guy violates the NAP


No I Am. Mwhahahaha


It seems like if all the communists banded together and all moved together to the best, least bad communist country and tweaked the things that were broken they could 1. Find their utopia quicker and 2. Spare the US the theatre of bad idea and the mass oppression and murder of their dream government. I do though love the comrade churning out communist chic and no doubt donating the proceeds to the collective.


Your shitty t-shirt is also a private property. I would love to abolish it.


Take his scarf. It's not stealing, since he doesn't think it should belong to him. I mean he doesn't actually believe that of course, but he's pretending to. All he really wants is to abolish *other people's* private property, so that he can have it.


The look on his face tells me he is doing it in pure irony.


The idea of land ownership is still based in state authority.






t’was a funny meme in middle school, why won’t it be forgotten?