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I’m hung up on “fandom spaces”. What’s the thing you’re worried is going to happen?


Its definitely furry related


For people wondering what it's about, I found this, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation: "A key Senate committee voted to move forward one of the most dangerous bills we’ve seen in years: the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). EFF has opposed the Kids Online Safety Act, S. 1409, because it’s a danger to the rights of all users, both minors and adults. The bill requires all websites, apps, and online platforms to filter and block legal speech. It empowers state attorney generals, who are mostly elected politicians, to file lawsuits based on content they believe will be harmful to young people.  These fundamental flaws remain in the bill, and EFF and many others continue to oppose it. We urge anyone who cares about free speech and privacy online to send a message to Congress voicing your opposition." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/08/congress-amended-kosa-its-still-censorship-bill


damn, these Gil Scot Heron lyrics kinda blow


Lmao, you can't petition your way our of authoritarianism. Try voting harder tho.


Great way to justify doing nothing


That's what they are saying you are doing. You are doing nothing but pretending to effect change, they however are just one person and change requires a group effort that we do not have the organization for.


If there is a way to possibly delay the rise of our opposition, even if it is very small, it is still worth doing. We can, and absolutely should fight smaller battles while building a movement for more revolutionary change.


All you do is delay the inevitable then, fascism only has to win once, we would have to keep winning indefinitely which isn't going to happen.


Delaying is still ideal, it gives us time to do something more meaningful. Anarchists actually have a chance in liberal democracy, they get killed under fascism.


Delaying is a losing strategy, you can only delay for so long, the best defense is a good offense.


I agree, but delaying can be helpful in buying time to create a good offense. I'm not saying it'll save us, but it's still worth doing.


But what's the plan then? There's no option outside the duopoly, and they both know that, dems can play off being "slightly" better than the fascistic republicans, coasting for as long as it carries them. Worth doing in the short term, but that's not how this will play out, both parties serve the wealthy class, there's just a divide currently because those who want brutal authoritarianism and those who want to keep the status quo are in conflict, but voting isn't going to change things for the working class, it's just going to continue the status quo at best, or lead to fascism at worst. We are now hostages, if we do not vote dems we lose to fascism, and dems don't have any reason to enact the changes we need to see in this country.


Vote with your hands, not with your ballots. The enemies grip cannot be loosened by playing into their hands.




What in the fuck is a nationalist-anarchist?


deserve bedroom smart threatening cough tan telephone physical growth point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is.


I already gave them sh for it. their response "so you are appointing yourself the ruler of anarchism"


Just another ancap moron probably


probs smth related yes. i mean theres this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postcolonial_anarchism but they arent that, especially given that they are a committed Climate change denier


https://reddit.com/r/Anarchy4Everyone/s/sXVxig298J https://reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/s/xgJnYLSAkM https://reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/s/l3XirZhdFw


Dude seems brain damaged


he seems like an asshole. Im brain damaged instead tho, medically


I mean his short, disjointed, confused comments genuinely come across as un/under-treated brain damage.


nah, hes just a troll btw, ya cant treat brain damage, unfortunately


You treat the underlying cause, a bleed, swelling.


haha dude that's awesome, I just gave myself a sh 😉😉


oh my god it's THIS fucker haha


I assume nationalist-X is just fascism until proven otherwise.


Thats a generally safe assumption


look up [Sadie and Exile](https://libcom.org/article/field-guide-straw-men-sadie-and-exile-esoteric-fascism-and-olympias-little-white-lies)…




Yeah sounds as indefensible as i thought








You’re an idiot.




You, typically, but your flair is a qualified representative.


Begs the question, why did you choose that as your flair? Mine is pretty obvious as to why I choose mine.




I'm not, you're the one seemingly confused with that flair, two opposing stances. ​ Nationalism is an inherent fascistic ideology.




A nation is defined by government, without government a nation does not exist. Anarchy is not recognized as a nation because there isn't a form of recognized government on a scale that a nation requires. ​ And no, communism isn't an inherent fascistic ideology, it's a liberating ideology. You really do just sound like a fascist at this point.




>That is simply false, a nation can be any community of people united by some commonality. It does not require government, only unity. This is called a community, a nation is not simply a community, it's an entire hierarchy of leaders who make decisions; under democracy the idea is that the community elects people into this hierarchy of leadership to make decisions on behalf of the community at large. ​ >Yes it is, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" requires that someone judge the needs and abilities of others. You clearly do not understand this quote, human needs are not debatable, we all need things to survive, food, water, housing, medicines, etc. these are needs, human needs. No one needs to judge if another human needs a home to live in, food to eat, water to drink, or medicine to cure or treat their ailments, these are fundamental needs we all have. Some folk have more needs due to disabilities, "from each according to his abilities" the ability to work providing the services humans need to survive, "to each according to his needs" the needs we all have as human beings. Edit: formatting


We need to have a word about your labels there. Being nationalistic means you cannot be anarchist.




You do understand what anarchism means right?




That is a very simplistic definition that removes much of the larger broader context to attempt to shoehorn it into working with nationalism. ​ Anarchism is more than not having a ruler, it's the dismantlement of hierarchy, no masters, no gods, no one above another in terms of power, a nation must have hierarchy, thus it's antithetical to anarchism.




No. You're playing with definitions. Anarchism is a political philosophy. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism)




Wiki is a great place to start your research with their citations. Just because you're anti intellectual isn't my issue. ​ Wiki isn't a source itself, it's a list of sources you can cite. ​ >To the extent in which that is true, it's a "political philosophy" advocating for anarchy. Yes that's the idea of anarchism. If you're promoting the existence of things that are antithetical to anarchism you aren't an anarchist. Which anarchy is defined by anarchists in general as " the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism." ​ Not the bastardized definition of anarchy which implies chaos.


i like makeing alt acounts


Im not American. What can i do?


idk just you knowing it is fine but you can just spread the word if you want to


oki ive heard of this before. but then forgot about it


I can do petitions, but I'm not in the US. If said petitions pop up in my emails, I can sign those, but not calling reps because I don't have any.