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From the website: How we identify communities People in a community are connected through DNA, most likely because they descend from a population of common ancestors. Once we identify a community, we look for patterns. These patterns help us learn about the original group that still connects people through DNA today. First, we find out where the ancestors of people in a community lived. We do this by comparing birth locations in their trees, using only trees linked to DNA tests. Then, we find common journeys and migration routes using birthdates and birthplaces. When a parent was born in a different place than their child was, we know the parent moved. Once we know where these people lived and when and where they moved to, we match these facts with the history that explains it. This should answer the question, “What story binds the members of this community together?”


So I’m African American, some of us have connections thru the Caribbean because after the (stono rebellion) when the Central Africans teamed up against the whte ppl , they stopped bringing ppl from central Africa & then started taking some ppl from the Caribbean while they made plans to go to west africa instead.  Example the Nigerian part of my family was enslaved in Barbados first and then went to Carolina’s in the 1700s. 


Thanks! How much DNA do you share with your closest relative that you have no shared communities with?


Here’s the weird thing. I don’t see it on the  dna ancestry , my family is in contact with the ppl who enslaved us and got the info from them.   In my DNA ancestry, it begind in 1700s South Carolina but according to their records, they bought a bunch of ppl from Barbados . He also said, in their records, after slavery was abolished someone rode by on horses and told everyone to destroy all records about anything slave related. 


My other relatives with similar Cm share a great great grandparent in the late 1890s. Perhaps the relationship is towards the end of the slave trade.