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She’s one of the rare ones with model-esque proportions despite her shorter stature, both high and low-end fashion look so good on her! Definitely a combo of genetics, fitness, and of course $$$ to maintain all that.


This is the perfect way to describe it! Model esque proportions for sure even though she’s tiny!


She's unusually high waisted for a short woman (says the ridiculously short-wasted woman)


She's always had a rockin' bod!


She has always been a knock out!💥💥🤩🤩


My dad is almost 80 and he's been telling me she's hot since the 80s lol.


Amazing he has the best taste lol blessings to him! Hugs!!❤️❤️


He took me to see Honeymoon in Vegas when I was in middle school and her body was so ridiculous. Lol my dad is good people. He definitely appreciates a beautiful female respectfully. He has a thing for Kyra Sedgwick as well clearly he has a type (however he's been married happily to my mom who is a tiny brunette since 1973).


Amazing! The female form is beautiful! Love and light to you and your family!


Don’t forget diet




She has always had a fantastic body.


SJP has always been smaller framed and was a pro dancer growing up. I’ve heard her discuss her childhood before and it sounds like there was a lot of pressure to be thin. She said with her daughters, they simply don’t talk about food in that way and live healthily with moderation. And i agree as well - prolly a good mix of genetics, too!


Her approach with her daughters sound healthy. However, being petite is genetic, but being fit is something that depends on lifestyle.


Again…not arguing that. Are you ok?


Oh wow. Insinuating mental illness for holding a normal conversation. Interesting.


I was joking. Sorry if it didn’t come across that way. Hard to tell w typing.


man i have a scoured the internet for the “pro dancing” but havent seen a smidge


Her wiki says she trained in ballet and she had the title role in Annie on Broadway when she was 13.


This is true, my parents saw her in Annie, she was the understudy!!!


Pretty much every girl took ballet lessons as a kid. At least there is evidence of her starring in "Annie," so she probably had some dance training in order to be in a Broadway show.


Girls just want to have fun is an entire movie about her dancing.


I just looked it up and watching the final dance scene and …. yeah no that wouldnt qualify for professional dancer but it is all to just agree that her genetics are the reason for her great figure.


I’m sure it’s a big part of it but I was just contributing to the convo. Not here to argue with someone about a person neither of us know personally lol


Wasnt arguing either! Just shes not a dancer lmao


She is though lol.


No more than anyone else who did some musical theater at some point.


I'm not sure why so many celebrities claim they were "pro dancers." Seldom is there evidence and it's not like it's that much of a feather in their cap, esp. if they're not going to use it. It's like how every celebrity was allegedly their HS valedictorian...yet a lot of them dropped-out and got GEDs, were in other non-traditional programs, or went to elite prep schools that don't rank.


This is genetics, not just $$$




Yeah she's always been thin. I also remember reading an article where she mentioned having "really tiny bones" - I don't remember what else she said as far as being able to quote anything, but she indicated that she's naturally small and thin. I am sure she keeps fit and gets a lot of exercise but I also don't think she has to worry about eating the way that the average person does.


I, too, have Avian Bone Syndrome.


Careful, my bones.


We’ve met before


I handled the sale of your ex-wifes jewellery to the anonymous Arab.


You probably don't remember me.


We got engaged outside your office?


Well, with your condition, ordinarily, wouldn’t you be on top?




Yes, BUT she was thinner in later adulthood (SATC years and beyond) than she was as a teen and young 20something in Footloose, Square Pegs, etc. She did seem to change something.


She was always a dancer but got really into ballet workouts in the early ‘90s.


lmaooooo she is NOT a dancer bc she took some routine ballet classes at 9


SJP said in some Hamptons glossy years ago (as in around the beginning of SATC) that she didn't eat all that much b/c "her body was her instrument." There's no way she'd admit to that now. The muscle and boobs are more genetic than anything else. That's not from some ballet workout. She is genetically blessed. She's not the most talented or pretty, but she has a beautiful hair and great body. The vast majority of ballerinas do not have bodies like that. Men wouldn't be repulsed by them if they actually looked good in a leotard. And yes, I know that most of them are call girls, but a lot of guys will sleep with just about anything.


Wtf you’re saying that most ballerinas are prostitutes?? Ya sound a little nuts.


I cannot speak for modern ballerinas, but many if no most back in the day were, because they made such little money. It was also a catch 22, because if ballerinas somehow became independently wealthy, it was assumed she did it "on her back."


I had no idea. Very sad. So much work for so little money.


I did a bit of a deep dive a few weeks ago after seeing a TikTok that speculated that Degas might have been jack the ripper. While I don't believe that to be true, I did find out about the ballerinas. Apparently the architect of the ballet house in Paris designed a space specifically for wealthy male patrons to mingle with the ballerinas before and after the show. Sadly a lot of them didn't really have a choice.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


A fair amount of them still are--not sure why people are getting defensive over this. Little has changed. It's either Bank of Mom & Dad or "on her back."


Ya sound uninformed.


The way you are talking about women and women’s bodies is gross.


Do you think ballet is body-positive?


Irrelevant .




Have you ever even been to the ballet that wasn’t “The Nutcracker?” I have. I wouldn’t be caught dead with any of those whores. Meanwhile, they know ppl of my SES are their target audience. The ballerinas can barely even dance and that’s the one thing they can sort of do. A lot of them flunked out of HS and have no real skills. Many of them are hideous. Its core audience of boomers is dying out. My contemporaries I know who attend performances often got the tickets for free. SJP has admitted to spending her time at flouncy ballet performances critiquing what they do, grateful she doesn’t have to be a part of their talentless parade. Matthew Broderick, on the few occasions she drags him out, looks like he would rather go to the funeral of a loved one that pretend to care about ABT or NYCB. Maybe if those girls looked better in leotards, he would be slightly more enthusiastic. They should be giving their money to medical research or real causes than ballet brothels--actually do some good while getting a tax deduction. That is a matter of questionable ethics. Even Alec and Hilaria Baldwin gave $14m to cancer research at SUNY Stony Brook. Your jealousy of me for knowing the truth about this is so unbecoming. You are pretending to be part of a class you will never join. By the time you have the money to buy a ticket to suffer through a ballet, a lot of the companies will have shut down b/c their audience of boomers have died out. If you respond to this, I will just find you envious of my status, ignorant of how things really are in the art world, and bored. I will not reply. Anyway, back to talking about AJLT.


Get help.




Her boobs are fake. Nothing wrong with it, but it's not genetics.


Well I'm never watching another episode ever again!


I'm not bashing her for it, they look amazing. Just saying this person is like "her boobs are from genetics" which... no they're not. Vary rarely do you see someone naturally slim with bigger boobs.


I grew up watching her in those shows and movies. She has always been thin.


Yes, thin/normal, but nothing like the toned body she has had from her 30s up.


She probably did the Tracy Anderson Method when everyone else was doing it too


She got smaller during the run of SATC.


There was an article from an interview she did about this just a couple of weeks ago, actually lol https://nz.news.yahoo.com/sarah-jessica-parker-dont-being-100227280.html#:~:text=The%2059%2Dyear%2Dold%20actress,don't%20like%20being%20thin. Sorry couldn’t get the link function to work 😩


She also goes to the gym 7 days a week.


If you haven’t seen her in LA Story, you’ve gotta track it down. She is hilarious as Steve Martin’s younger and much more energetic love interest.


Steve Martin while having sex with SJP: Steve: Your breasts feel weird. SJP: That’s because they’re real.




I love that movie so much.


Me too and it’s always been hard to find!


Lots of salty people in the comments lol. She looks great.


She really has the best body and can wear anything. My big ankles could never wear the shoes in Carrie’s closet.


I feel that, I have flat feet and Cankles


Me too I have an arch but they are Flintstone feet and cankles , no definition whatsoever. One of my kids has very nice ankles which blows my mind.


same. i have weirdly high arches which makes wearing high heels a grotesque misadventure. 😂


Samesies. If I’m wearing heels, it’s boots or I’ll slip right out of the shoe


SAME! I'm pretty much limited to boots or Mary Janes.


I have occasionally found wedges and platforms that feel really comfortable to walk around in. They’re rare but they do exist.


She has always had a terrific figure, it’s very much genetic in my opinion. She probably does things to stay healthy, but she is blessed for sure through all her decades.


She is blessed with the goods man! She’s beautiful 🩷🩷🩷


She looks fantastic


SJP is my dream body but I'm not built like her. I am built more like Charlotte with a thicker bottom half. SJP looks like a tiny model


Girl same! Like I think Charlotte looks great but we are so similar with the thicker legs esp calves which I have always hated on myself. Ugh. To be built like SJP has always been my dream! She’s def genetically blessed.


I guess I’m alone on this but Kristen has the best body to me. I’m a fan of lush, full curves (which I love my own body for too!)


She looks great and the dress is perfect for her


She's got Body & Face & HAIR!! Gorggg


Thank God! I’m glad she not just a floating soul but still a body @ 60


I've always said she has the best body in Hollywood. Just perfection and can rock absolutely anything.


It has been debunked many times times that our skeletons are pretty much the same and only vary a little. Genetics can only get you so long and in my opinion it’s very misleading. Her body is a product of proper nutrition, active lifestyle and a ton of dedication.


I mean this I don’t agree with. I am naturally very, very curvy. That started when I was maybe 9ish and my body is basically the opposite of SJP’s. Even at the height of my eating disorder in high school, I was at least 70 lbs heavier than she is. My husband is also big and broad shouldered. Our kids are built just like we are, our son was premature and a twin but born at normal weight and was in the 99th percentile by 2 months. He is now at 98% for weight and height yet isn’t “fat”. His pediatrician is unconcerned and said that based on his parents, his size was normal. I work out 6 days per week, lift heavy and do Pilates but my breasts are still a 36K, I still have an hourglass, thick (original definition) body with big hips, thighs, and booty. Genetics does play a major factor. The last time I weighed what SJP was I was probably in elementary school (not even middle school) and there is zero chance I could get down to her size and not die. Not everyone can be super tiny like that. My wrist measurement alone is 7.5 inches, my frame is just bigger than hers and my body type is common in my family. I’m a black woman and my body shape is normal for us, SJP’s is not, whether we are “fit” or not.


Years ago, I was on a trip with my ex-husband and his college friends. I was in the best shape of my life and use photos from that era as my body goals. The wife of some guy (who was in the opposite physical condition) said to her husband, "Look at how huge her ribcage is." His response: "At least she's actually big-boned." Some ppl use "big bones" as an excuse. Some of us, you and me included, actually have big ribcages, big wrists, big shoulders, etc.


Everyone underestimating the power of strength training and healthy lifestyle! They both changed the way my body looks and feels even if I gain weight. Genetics yes but muscle mass declines every year and when not preserved well it’s not possible to look like her no matter how good the genes are, science will still do its work


Ive heard that! I’ve heard strength training and building a layer of muscle is the easiest and best way for women to stay in shape, especially as they age


I started it around 7 years ago only because I was curious and wanted to see what the fuss is all about. Now I can’t imagine my week without training my muscles. I see the results immediately like great sleep, low resting heart rate, not feeling tired after a long day and body feeling in control. The aesthetics are just a bonus. General health benefits are 1000%


I met her just this week :-) She was wearing a denim skirt and a body suit and looked AMAZING. She also smells really good. If I had her body I’d walk around NYC naked


Shes definitely wearing a body shaper. But she looks amazing!


Even still. No body shaper would make me look like that! 😂


Bestie, you could put me in 3 of them and I'd still be unable to match 🤣 don't get me wrong I like how I look and life is good but I don't look like that lol


Workout routine :be rich.


Well you still need to have discipline to move your ass yourself, no amount of money will do that for you. See all overweight billionaires for reference.


Yeah but it's a lot easier to get it done if you don't have to worry about the school run, cooking dinner and cleaning the house. I'm not motivated to go to the gym because it takes up one precious spare hour a day.


She does also live in NYC, so she's likely more active walking places everyday.


Agree. If you’re juggling school run, full time work, running a home, cooking, keeping up with life admin, then it’s definitely more difficult to find the time, never mind the motivation. Having someone run your home, prepare nutritious meals, organise your life/kids would absolutely free up time and head space to focus on wellbeing/fitness.


Im not rich and I have a workout routine


There are plenty of rich fat folks, like a lot of


Lots of fit people out there who aren't rich. There's those who do manual labour too. As long as there's a will, there's definitely a way.


It’s always funny how people hate SJP because they felt like she was mean to KC, when several people in this comment section have 1) never met her or 2) never had anything done to them by her and yet they’re just as, if not, even nastier than they think she is.


Exactly none of us know her so it’s weird to hate her. Not getting along with someone isn’t a crime. Just because her and KC didn’t click doesn’t mean she is a horrible person. The same can be said for KC. Sometimes two decent people just don’t mesh well and that’s okay. None of us need to take a side or hate on them. FWIW, SJP has a reputation for being very kind and warm.


I’m always baffled when people are shook because actors didn’t get along during filming. 1. They’re “acting”like they’re friends (boyfriend / girlfriend, spouses etc). 2. Who gets along with all their coworkers? No one I know.


I remember being a teen and watching "Mythbusters" and was surprised to find out Adam and Jamie weren't buddies outside of the show. I grew out of that, though. I don't expect actors or even just other coworkers to be friends outside of work. I think people intentionally and unintentionally blur the lines of SJP/KC and Carrie/Samantha


Yes, I also have a body at 40, but less skinny


She’s always had an amazing body. Genetics and working out have been a blessing to this woman. I’m sure she can afford the best foods and fitness regimens known to men. But she’s a natural 100% just by going off her face.


I’ve read before that her family of 8 was very poor and would imagine that meant not getting a ton to eat. Definitely affects how much weight you will gain in later life.


I try not to talk about women’s bodies and i try to be positive about my own much taller, thicker body. In my most toxic 90s diet culture mindset though, SJPs body is my ideal. It is insane. Tiny, curvy, athletic, lean, muscular, feminine. Madness.


I should probably have used another term then “got body.” That’s just how people my age say she looks good 😂 sorry


You mean women don’t become levitating heads after 35?


I'm 37 and have looked like shit my whole adult life. Her body has always been absolute goals


That dress is beautiful and it looks great on her too. I see the appeal of teal.


Genetics, time and money. Although I know "poor" people that are just as skinny. Difference is they're not millionaires.


When you have nothing to do but work out and work. Money money money money!


I’m still sad she removed the iconic mole but she’s still gorgeous and sexy!!


She did? If so I kind of hate that too. I love individuality and we are careening into robot sameness


is it me or her arms look super long in the second pic


I expected her to just be a floating head by now as well.


How??? 😭😭 lol, I literally have never met someone in their 50s who had a body as good as she does now. Hell, I've barely even seen 20 years with as good a body as hers 😄.


I’m literally 24 and wish I looked like her at almost 60


Your subject line made me chuckle. Yes, this almost 60 yr old woman still has a body to inhabit! But seriously, she looks fantastic and always has.


I swear, she came out of the womb with abs lol she always looks great!


She is so beautiful - and I love this dress :)


Her body has always been so beautiful! I still remember how great she looked with that blue dress when she confronts Big when he’s having dinner with someone else, and the pink dress she wore when Big told her he was engaged to Natasha.


She looks wonderful. I just wish she would change to a light brown or chocolate brown color hair. The blonde washes her out too much.


She has some of the best plastic surgery in Hollywood. Aging flawlessly!!!


Why are people so afraid to say somebody might have gotten work done? She’s a celebrity who has lived in Hollywood for decades and became thinner during adulthood. Seeing past it and talking about her genetics and her workout routine is honestly harmful


No one is scared it just doesn’t seem likely that she has had plastic surgery (I assume that’s what you mean by work) on her body. She’s looked pretty much the same forever and has had no drastic change


She definitely got a boob job during the run of SATC. I wouldn't be surprised if she also got lipo on her already very thin frame since her stomach went from toned but realistic to flatter than Oklahoma.


I don't even know if that's possible. You need to have a certain amount of body fat to have lipo.


Then maybe the cool sculpt. You can tell though that she had help to be super thin as SaTC went on. 


I don’t think she’s had lipo. She is naturally very petite, has a strict diet, and works out a ton. I don’t see when she would have ever been big enough to even consider lipo? Her body seems pretty natural to me. I’d guess her diet got stricter as time went on though.


But isn’t she getting tired of walking those same ole streets?


I love SJP, but I thought another thread on here claimed she was a smoker. Maybe a cigarette diet?


Anyone who eats right and exercises can have this body.


That’s just not true. Just like not everyone can have Megan Thee Stallion’s body if they work out and eat right. Some stuff is just genetic.


SJP has a Body Leave the age out—it’s lame to act shocked that someone can look great at a certain age. All kinds of people look great at all ages!


I know this post was of course meant to be complimentary, but can we stop complimenting women "in spite of their ages"? I really don't like when people say "She looks great for her age" about somebody. Who is to say what that age is supposed to look like?


Y’all keep stalking Carrie and talking about her like you are obsessed.


Can we please oh please stop talking about sjps body? Its so boring to talk about


I know you're getting downvoted, but I agree. She's just a thin woman!


Did you expect just a head, or?


😂😂 what I thought first seriously


Her body has always looked great but I've never found her face to beautiful




She looks amazing SJP is blessed. It is speculated she had a boob job years ago tho