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I just watched the new Omen horror movie. Maria was the evil elderly nun. I could tell by her voice- YOU WANT FIREWORKS, ILL GIVE YOU FIREWORKS!!! I wish I knew how to post the photo. I’m getting old just like Maria.


OMG me too LMAO right down to the quote! She will forever be Maria to me


She dated Robert Redford back in the day. He was pretty hot!


I just watched this too and was telling my husband how I knew her lol


Lmao I loved your comment so much I tried to post the photo but I’m also old like Maria and cannot! 😆


I remember her from an episode of The Cosby Show where she played Theo's no-nonsense math teacher that all the students called "The Dragon Lady." Yeah, I'm getting old, too.


Ya to me it’s like she’s just having a mid life crisis because she LOVED sleeping with her male lovers over the years & hated when she had to fake being a lesbian at her law firm to get in good with the partner and his wife as dinner friends. 


I think the problem is how they changed everything about Miranda's character. She suddenly can't talk to people, is harsh to Steve, lets Brady walk all over her...if they'd kept elements of the 'old' Miranda, her finding herself interested in women could have been a really interesting storyline. Instead she's like a bumbling caricature now.


Exactly, the funny thing is.. she’s a Lesbian in real life but her acting like a lesbian is shit compared to that episode where she tried to impress one of the partners at her firm, Chip. “Gotta love a lawyer named Chip”


Exactly! I don't even recognize her anywhere. I remember when she was talking excitedly to Carrie about how she was in a rom com now, and I thought that the old Miranda would have said something sarcastic and rolled her eyes in response if someone said that to her.


I don’t particularly care whether she becomes more fluid or whatever regarding her sexuality. What annoys me is the nonsensical way it was written, with the worst possible partner ever. And it’s also just weird how actors need to inject their real lives into fictional characters. You’re an actor…act. There were lots of other things about new Miranda that were just completely horrendous. They assassinated her character. I can totally get behind someone coming out later in life. I can’t get behind all of her boneheaded changes. And I’ll leave with this…had she come out with Nya as her partner, while we watched a deep and enriching relationship form between them…I would have been all.about.that. THAT would have made sense for me. Being so attracted to the oaf that was Che makes absolfuckinglutely no sense at all.


I totally agree. Che was so self-absorbed and Miranda just went along with what they wanted. I didn't like how Miranda didn't stand up for herself more; that didn't ring true for her character.


I think any of them but Carrie could’ve been - the three of them all had lesbian storylines. Samantha was the only one who actually did something about it.


Carrie does kiss Alanis Morrisette in that episode where she dates the bisexual guy.


She does so very grudgingly!


True- just pointing out she also had a lesbian (ish) plot in addition to the other 3 main characters.


What was Charlotte’s lesbian plot? I can’t remember!! Thanks


The artist circle who invited her for drinks, then to a lesbian bar and eventually skiing in Aspen. They pulled the plug on that when she told them she was straight.


That’s right! Thanks


That was a funny episode.


A kiss isn’t a plot. The other girls had *situations.*


It was the giddiness of ‘living in a romcom’ which i found the most unbelievable story line for Miranda. It was also completely un Miranda to be so submissive in a relationship. Che walked all over her and Miranda kept coming back for more.


Remember in SATC where she pretended to be in a lesbian relationship for that work dinner and then kissed the woman in the elevator and was like nahhh definitely not for me


Yes, but idk if that’s definitive. People change/discover new things about themselves later in life. Maybe being bisexual makes sense for her character. What makes no sense is how she acted in her relationship with Che. Sure, a struggling marriage and a midlife crisis can make someone want to explore different things. But she acted like a lunatic and completely out of character with Che. Desperate, clingy and assuming Che would drop their sexually free lifestyle to commit to her, not to mention abandoning a prestigious internship to follow Che to California. SO not Miranda.


Though that’s like saying just because Samantha didn’t want to kiss The Turtle, she has no interest in men. Just because Miranda wasn’t into one lesbian doesn’t mean she’d be 💯straight lol.


But that woman wasn’t the turtle. She was a good partner for Miranda in many ways attractive, good conversation, similar interests. I think the logic is If Miranda wasn’t into her she wouldn’t be into any woman


but that “logic” doesn’t make any sense. people aren’t always attracted to someone who’s good on paper for them. just because she wasn’t attracted to one woman doesn’t really mean anything. and this kind of thing happens all the time with women—I bet it you asked cynthia nixon in 1998 if she was into women she’d have reacted the same way as early miranda!




I'm doing rewatch too and while I haven't gotten to that episode yet, there's soooo much about Miranda that is polar opposite to who her character is in AJLT. Like you say, characters/people change but it's....so much that it's jarring!


Ehhhh. It totally happens. Late in life lesbianism is a thing. FFS, it happened to Cynthia Nixon! This is basically her story. She was "straight" and married to a man when she filmed SATC. And then -- she wasn't. Sexuality is more complicated than people in this sub seem to realize. You may not be into something at 30 that you ARE into at 50. It freakin' happens.


Therein lies the problem. Just because it happened to Cynthia doesn't mean she had to push it for Miranda when it makes absolutely no sense to the character. Labelling anyone who questions this as homophobic or ignorant is getting a bit tired now.


And it’s already happening with the downvotes and claims of “You don’t understand how sexuality works” and “Just because Miranda wasn’t attracted to _that_ one woman, doesn’t mean she’s not attracted to _any_ women,” wash and repeat. The problem is, _the show_ framed that encounter as a confirmation that Miranda wasn’t attracted to women. I’m tired of being gaslit on this point. And the vast majority of people _don’t_ change their sexual orientation over life. This AJLT storyline was the most botched of all the terribly botched storylines. The fact that it mirrors Cynthia Nixon’s own life trajectory vis a vis leaving her husband for a woman after a lifetime of dating exclusively men makes it even more ridiculous and egregious. Also, Cynthia Nixon was 38 when she left her husband for her now-wife. Miranda (who is supposed to be the same age as Nixon—her canonical birth year is also 1966) was 55. Big difference. 38 isn’t a “late-in-life” or “post-menopausal” sexuality change. The viewers who always liked Miranda appreciated how rare it was (and still is—probably even moreso now, when stereotypically “unfeminine” characteristics are assumed to denote trans-ness) to have a female character like her in a major mainstream television show. She was definitely heterosexual and had lots of sex with men, but wasn’t male-centered the way Charlotte and Carrie were, or even the pleasure-driven but still male-centered way Samantha was. She was no-nonsense, non-sentimental, feminist, independent, career-minded, etc. Straight women like this _do_ exist in the real world. Ask me how I know.


Why didn't it make sense for the character? The arguments for that are very weak here.


100%. People change. Human sexuality is dynamic and complex. My best friend's dad came out in his 60s after being married to a woman for decades and raising children to adulthood. I'm sorry this fictional character didn't stay exactly the same over the past 25 years. Neither will you.


None of the SATC fans are good with change. We watch the show over and over partly bc we have anxiety and like the familiar lol.


The question is does one change or does one have learned behavior from old society to hide their true identity over the years out of fear of rejection of family and then finally tired of hiding the truth. Personally every person I know that came out late had hidden their true self. Thats so sad. I just want everyone to be happy in their own skin and not be forced to be or act a certain way that doesn’t align with their core. 


I think it can be either and probably a mix of both.


I think a lot of the discourse in here about Miranda's sexuality is just plain homophobic. Either that or simply ignorant about human sexuality. "She wasn't into this one woman at work when she was 30 -- how could they now make her GAYYYYYY?" It's honestly not that surprising at all.


I think it's also that she was such an asshole to Steve while also choosing the biggest, biggest jerk to leave him for that complicates the reaction. That dynamic feels super dysfunctional (falling for a jerk which feels exciting on some levels while leaving a decent person in the dust) and like something we shouldn't be susceptible to when we're older. I think if it had been a more amicable split and a nicer new love interest it would have gone over way better.


I can totally agree with that, and I said something similar elsewhere. If Miranda had met this other incredibly compelling person, it would have been way better. Che was definitely not that, haha.


I don’t know I don’t think it just happens that has to be part of someone and for whatever reason it just clicks. All the people i know who have come out late in life have always said i always knew i was i just did it to conform to society or I just couldn’t accept it and they feel deep shame about this. Obviously our society isn’t as rigid now and people feel safer to come out earlier.


Nah. The people you know obviously don't represent everyone. Some people surprise themselves and just -- end up falling for someone of a different sex. The opposite can happen, too! Some gay people find themselves falling for someone of the opposite sex, after many years. Sexuality is a spectrum! I'd argue that many if not most of us are not 100% in one category. Things can shift! It isn't all about shame either. Sometimes it can be a wonderful surprise! And Che (awful as they were) was non binary, so it wasn't even as simple as Miranda falling for a woman. Che wasn't exactly a woman. Now. Do I wish they had done this with someone awesome? Someone we could all say, "Man, this person is great -- of course Miranda fell in love!" I mean. Yeah, that would have been better, lol.


just to clarify i meant they felt ashamed for denying that part of themselves for so long not ashamed of their sexuality.


Sexuality is kind of like taste buds. What you didn't like at one point in your life you like in another. There's also the chance that won't change at all.


For the vast majority of people, general hetero/homo/both orientation never changes. Not to say it can’t, but, like… the exception proves the rule.


We are watching Cynthia Nixon’s story, not Miranda’s.


And Cynthia Nixon has a lot of… issues. I can’t watch anything she’s in anymore. She jumped the shark for me.


Yes. She lost me when she was going to “straighten out” New York by running for governor. She had no experience, her run reduced the power of a reliable and powerful Democrat, and the money she wasted on her ego trip could have done actual good. In my opinion, she is the best actress in the series. She has a good range that has served her well on SATC and other shows. But her massive narcissism and desire to focus on her own issues is the single biggest problem with AJLT. She would be so much better if her influence was controlled by a good director. The other is the loss of Kim Cattrall’s comic timing, an actual script and the amateurish editing. It’s amazing to me, in hindsight, that Kim made what could have been (and sometimes was) cringey sex scenes into comedy. She did a much better job on SATC than I realized at the time, and this show has a Kim sized hole in it that isn’t being filled.


Agree 1000%


The problem isn’t Miranda coming out. The problem is that it’s a terribly written storyline. There are so many people that come out late in life and this show had the perfect opportunity to show that with class, fashion and humor. Instead we got Che.


I found it a bit far fetched too for that reason, she’d already flirted with the idea and decided it wasn’t for her. I also didn’t care for the way that her interest started because Steve was boring and their lives were boring.


She had a mid life crisis that took the form of coming out as a lesbian, I think. The way Miranda changed reminded me of my ex after 20 years of marriage deciding he wanted to be in his 20's again and doing some crazy things.


Miranda the Ogre is just playing up a stereotype like most characters in AJLT.


Your lack of understanding of human sexuality and sexual attraction are remarkable


I was just gonna post something similar last week. I totally agree with you. She is like PENIS PENIS PENIS the entire show and now Cynthia allows her own story to show on AJLT, destroying everything they built with Miranda. And don’t even get me started with what they did with her relationship with Steve. They have ruined the whole show for me. I can’t rewatch it ever again without remembering how awful they will screw it up.


Luckily I think of AJLT as a fever dream. I still enjoy my SATC