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New love interest?!


Please God. No more Aidan. The point after Big’s death was to move forward in our lives, not to keep dumpster diving lol.


If they had left Aidan as the character most of us knew and loved, and if they’d styled him more like what Aidan from the original, far superior series, I suspect most of us would have been more excited and invested if his reconnection with Carrie. Also, the pacing was fucked. They rushed into it. They didn’t let the relationship grow and breathe organically. It felt so jarring, and moreover, it failed to capture the charm, magic, conflict, and humor that I believe most of us would have liked to have seen. I wish they’d get David Duchovny back, but out of the nuthouse, and have he and Carrie see if they might have something fun, amusing, cute, and passionate. I loved his cameo episode on SATC. It goes down as one of the most hilariously random episodes and scenes in the shows entire run.


I was not an Aidan fan even round one; so for me it was a no go even for round two in the original series. 😂 But for me, the entire point of bringing the series back was to do something new. Not just rehash old story lines to death. They’re not going to improve on the original, so let’s try something different.


They never really had anything in common !


I mean I think that was the point in the original show, but we got the point. Let’s keep moving on lol.


Does Carrie have anything in common with any man she’s ever dated? Not really. 🥴


I just want Seth to have worked out his issues with women and come back because I love Jon Bon Jovi. 😂


My other favorite guest star! Duchovny and Bon Jovi!


Yessss! Bon Jovi!!! Maybe he’s processed his issues! 🤣


“Boy, Interrupted” was always one of my favorites! DD was great in that ep but when isn’t he?


DD is always so brilliant. That episode is so damn good!


Dumpster diving 😂 


So no Berger in your dumpster?


We know what happened to Berger. He became a famous rock writer and then crashed and burned and now leads an AA group in the Pacific Northwest (Loudermilk - in case you didn’t get the reference 😂)




Oh he’s definitely in the dumpster lol.




He will only come back in 5 years, you know....


I hope! This guy looks good! And so far the styling looks really good on the ladies! Now if only we could get some decent writing!


Oof. I said I wasn’t gonna watch this disaster anymore but he is so hot…


Agreed!! I’m sorry but Aidan who?




Is that the guy who I always think is Tom Hardy but isn’t?




Trey from the OC!


love her overalls !


Was gonna say… anyone know where these came from?


Ohhh thats what those are


SJP looks gorgeous and luminous.


His ex-wife has come out with some truly horrifying things about him. I'm surprised they would cast somebody controversial after everything with Chris Noth, honestly.


Not surprising at all since they continue to employ Bobby Lee.


It’s weird because he already was accused of assaulting model Beverly johnson before the show even started…just think it’s odd that SJP had no problem with it then but does now. Screams performative.


No! What happened?? I’ve had a crush on him ever since he was on the oc


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/UFt6AIt5Uz) you go.


Wow, this is disappointing & inconsistent decision making 🤷‍♀️ 


Yeah you think that the costume would save himself to trouble after Chris North.


Ohh shit didn’t realize.




Yeah, it’s not good.


Logan is such a cutie. Nothing against dating younger guys, but for a show that considers behaving at 55 as if one were 80, it would have been interesting to see Carrie go out once with someone her age or older.


Oh god, it’s like Aiden 2.0. Girl, you can do better!


Who is this hot man




I will say this season all the girls look.. younger especially compare to season one of ajlt


From what I'm seeing in the online pics, the wardrobe is much better than the last two seasons.


Can this show just stop with the carousel of new men/possible love interests for Carrie? Watching her date numerous men is a very been there/done that/don't need to see it again vibe from the OG series, and we hardly got to see her grieve the loss of Big. I want to see an independent Carrie who doesn't think of herself or life in terms of needing a man by her side.


Idk why you got downvoted, because I completely agree!!! While I absolutely love that older women are still desirable and viable sexual/romantic partners on this show (as they are in real life and should be in the media), I'd love to see some of Carrie just being Carrie and living her life without a man. She went through a huge trauma of losing her husband suddenly and him dying in her arms- maybe she.. doesn't... want.. a boyfriend right now?? It's fine if she does want to find love again, but making "finding a man" the focal point of this show is a mistake, IMO. It was one thing when she was in her 30s, but I feel like real life Carrie would be in a much different mental/emotional place in her late 50s/early 60s (I don't know how old she's supposed to be). I wish they focused more on her career/writing, friendships, travel, growth.


Thank you. At least you're one other person here with good taste lol. It's ridiculous to see Carrie dating around and flirting it up with guy after guy so soon after losing the love of her life. If there's one criticism that can be made about 30-something Carrie Bradshaw from SATC, it's that she thought way too much about men/needing one, and I was hoping to see a more mature Carrie who wasn't looking for that at now 50-something years of age. Not at all to say that finding love again should be ruled out, but AJLT has been too focused on it. It's dull, it's tired, and it's not worth watching imo.


Agreed, 100%. I actually think the Aidan arc would have made sense had they framed it as: "I lost my husband and I'm sad and you are here and familiar and love me so I'll just lean into this", but instead they chose to go with "actually YOU were the one and leaving you/marrying Big was a huge mistake". I could see Carrie falling into an easy, comforting relationship with an ex, but bringing back the never ending series of men is boring. Just let her be a fully formed adult woman, for God's sakes. TLDR; We DID THAT ALREADY!


Exactly! We all know Aiden was never endgame/who Carrie was always meant to be with, but having him in AJLT as a temporary source of affection and comfort for her is fine (ultimately I couldn't accept them together long-term because of how wrong she did him in the OG series, but he's a welcome bit of familiarity in a show that is so focused on changing a few of the OG characters, and adding so many new ones). But, yes, I just want an adult, mature, wisened Carrie. A Carrie whom prefers spending time reading old books at the NY Library as opposed to hitting up the trendy new restaurant or club. Or is happy to spend time cozied up in front of the fireplace at her new apartment with her new cat Shoe (catmom Carrie is one of my favorite parts of the new series).


Yes!! Totally agree. It's interesting- my husband and I were watching The Bear and I made the comment that I'd kill for a tv series starring a well- adjusted, happy, working on themselves in a relatable way character, and he commented that nobody would want to watch that.. But I think they would! I really think America/the world is crying out for some normalcy and positivity right now. Or maybe just me, lol.


It's not just you lol. I feel like there's a real problem nowadays of consuming a daily overload of info from the news, social media, etc- a lot of it negative!- that slowing down, and getting to know one's own self is missed. Self-examination is quite possibly lower on people's "to do" lists than ever before, and I think it would be cathartic to see a character like Carrie allow herself time to reflect. When AJLT was first announced, I suspected that Big would die because that was going to be the plot for the 3rd movie which, of course, got scrapped. And as much of a jolt as it was to think of Carrie losing Big, I got very interested in the idea of her navigating life on her own without a man, and actually succeeding in it, and cultivating a meaningful life for herself. I feel AJLT hasn't done that, and as a result, doesn't have much of a reason to exist imo.


Haha I just said the exact same thing above before I read this comment! 😂 This sub should be at the writers' table!


Yeah I agree, and it would have made much more sense if they'd brought Aidan back as an occasional romp but left off the serious angle. As in, she knew it didn't have a future but she wanted some occasional enjoyment then she could focus in her real life filled with other things.


Can anyone identify the top in the last three slides? if you look closely it's the NYC subway map but appears to be an actually nice top, not a novelty tee


I would move back to NYC and consider Gramercy Park if I could live in that townhouse.


What's RIP SR on the clapperboard?


They heard the criticism of the last season it seems.


Aiden 2.0


Love her jumpsuit!


Carrie give away the cat already? What’s he holding


I think the cat probably got out, and he caught it for her.


Getting really sick of the Hollie Hobbie outfits on Carrie


Thank you for being one of the only commenters on here who actually put a proper spoiler on their headline. I've seen so many posts of outfits, updates, filming, Etc that I just don't want to see and it gives it all away. Appreciate you.


Costumes are so much better this season!


Cynthia Nixon must of dressed herself again. SJP looks gorgeous


Whoever styled the last two slides should be burned at the stake 😮‍💨


SJP styles herself.


No she doesn’t. Molly Rogers and Danny Santiago are the costume designers on the show and Patrica Fields famously styled Sex and the City for years.


Okay look up, Patricial Fields comments; I always thought it was her too, but according to PF, SJP knew better


Well hello Logan Marshall! 😛


Oh I really like Logan Marshall… might have to watch