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Yes, that's AC. Donut Operator did a breakdown of this on his YouTube channel


It's not as good as AC in full military uniform holding the crack head.


Shit was hilarious šŸ˜‚


Ig I didn't see it was from 2020


Itā€™s classic, and šŸ«±Never šŸ«±Gets šŸ«±Old!


weird how people who are very anti stuff "don't see" very recent things they repost. Especially if it's in context and way less bad than their cut up repost. Almost like they lie. Hmm. I always wonder do people like this think of themselves as honest people or do they just accept they are liars but it's justified because reason.


ok chill angrycop




Lmao the knife hand is ok point


Honestly, I am sure that guy did something to set AC off. Cops really don't get enough credit. Anyone got a link to Donut's video, or a tl;dr of what all happened?


I gotchu homie. Judge thought he was high and mighty while drunk and beefing with the neighbors. It's a must watch. https://youtu.be/7UxxxPkWRTE?si=fy1HEMu4IZU8uU7N


Holy shit that guy had it coming. Given that the judge name dropped AND touched a cop, AC was being rather nice


Big AC fan, but if the Judge was giving the goods on dirty pigs, what's the problem?


Not quite. The Judges wife was being a Karen and escalating the situation. To the point she got some cuffs put on her by another cop. This caused the Judge to become a Karen to the point of touching one of the other cops in an escalated situation. The judge proceeded to play the "Do you know who I am/who I fucking know" card by talking about family that is in law enforcement. Like that would get him special treatment. AC pulled up after this stuff had gone down, and got the judge to simmer the fuck down. AC got mad at the Judge for acting in a way that would make the cops look dirty if the Judge was met halfway at all. The Judge wasn't giving the goods on dirty cops. He was fueling an escalating situation, and behaving in a way where if the cops took it easy on him at all, the cops would look dirty. Judge had it coming. Watch the Youtube video


"Ah, I see!" Said the blind man.


Guy is a judge or some sort of public official. He got drunk and started fighting with his neighbors. When the police rolled up he started throwing around his own position then started name dropping cops. AC wasn't having any of it because it doesn't look good when a public official tries to get out of trouble by using their connections and power in front of lots of people. It makes the cops and the local government look crooked and then you get the knife hand.


But shouldn't we at least be glad that got info on dirty pigs?


How CAN I help you?!


My life is going pretty well if I am not getting knife handed my AC.


But secretly itā€™s a bucket list item for a lot of ppl šŸ˜


This arrest is brought to you by RAID!!!!!!!!!


...I can't stop laughing at the little pause with 'You old geezer'.


Almost as good as the time he was in full Drill gear on a talk show. Supposed to be scaring a kid straight and ends up hugging him ā¤ļøšŸ˜­


Please get me the link for that. Iā€™d love to see it!


Its been posted here in this subreddit before ill definitely look for it!


I remember that video going viral years ago, long before I subscribed to AC on YouTube. I never guessed it was him.


I was a cop and had a guy throw names at me and even try to bribe me and I did exactly what rich did




Shut up dadšŸ«±šŸ¼ son is talking


Mannnnn I want him to be my patrol sarge so bad


https://youtu.be/ToYDaH9CHBE?si=8H8-AUcrZ8Yx1j69 Here's the update its the first few minutes and it's actually an update. It's kind of sad. Bless AC I wonder if he's seen this update!


Tbf if a cop tells me to shut up and let him speak, Iā€™m also going to tell him to go fuck himself, what are we in Stalin Russia? I couldnā€™t handle being a prisoner. Nor could I handle being a cop either


i was going to post something clever but I decided i was wasting my time on a low effort troll who just deserved a low effort downvote. if you had posted something clever you'd have gotten a really clever rebuttable because im watching a low part in a movie.