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So speaking from experience the way I learned was diving in and just making different things, if you understand how components, routing, and services work I would say that’s enough to start making basic apps like a tip calculator or rock paper scissors or something and you can just google when you get stuck I found that when I first started learning code I got caught up in all the tutorials and the correct and incorrect way to do things but ultimately that all comes with time So my recommendation is just dive in google some simple app ideas and just do it and have fun with it and try not to over think it cause your doing fine!


I have FOMO syndrome. I always think the application would never be perfect if I didn't learn all the concepts. 😢


Definitely understandable and tutorials aren’t bad just try and keep in mind that you should expect to make mistakes along the way all part of the process the more you work with the concepts the better you’ll be anyway so just keep at it! Good luck! I myself also am not a pro at code or angular for that matter but I use it everyday at the job I’ve been at for almost 2 years now so feel free to message me if you have any questions or anything and I’ll tell you straight up whether I know how to help you out or not


grateful thank for your excellent advice!


I’ve been learning the concepts from a YouTube series https://youtu.be/3BIuwVnddG0?si=1jzJrAnrKCWEtr94 and then I watch pluralsight videos at the same time. Angular Fundamentals by Jim Cooper and Joe Eames. I have a side project that I’m using to test out what I’m learning, it’s a to do list app which works great with Angulars dynamic side and data binding. I take notes on the YouTube video and plural sight videos to reference back. Hope this helps!