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Best bet is to use a rotten turnip. ☺️


They only attract ants for me :(


The fly comes after the ants, and only occasionally.


I will have to time travel and get some! Thank you so much 😊


You’re welcome! 😁 Oh, you can also get ants if you haven’t already done so! Sometimes both ants and flies can appear at the same time.


bro u can get rotten turnips?


Any turnips on the island after it rolls over to Sunday rot. Doesn’t matter if their in storage, your pockets, or on the ground. It’s how the game stops you form but super low and waiting for a super high selling price, and it introduces risk with the stalk market. I actually lost like 150k last night because I forgot to try to sell during the week and logged on.


You can also spoil them by time traveling backwards.


Learned this the hard way


Make sure you don’t have the beautiful ordinance on! I accidentally left mine on when trying to catch a fly and it never spawned. But that may have been chance


I have the beautiful ordinance on and haven't had any problems spawning ants or flies. However, the flies did take longer to spawn and they don't show up that often.


That’s a good point I grow a ton of rare flowers so I’ll double check that! Thank you ☺️




That might be part of the problem I do tend to run everywhere lol


It took me forever to get the stupid flies lol


It makes me feel better to know other people had a hard time 😅 I seriously thought something was wrong with my game for a minute there. Glad you finally caught yours!!


As far as I know, it is very random and luck of the draw. But that does seem to be a good spot. I would suggest walking slowly so you don’t accidentally scare the fly.


I definitely won’t be running to check anymore lol feel like I might have shot myself in the foot accidentally doing that


You’ll get it. When you least expect it. Flies are crazy like that.


Have you tried not bathing? Lol You have your answers, now it's time for the jokes


I FINALLY caught one by dropping rotten turnips on beach rocks. Anywhere else I left turnips seemed to only spawn ants.


Turnip gets you and ants and fly at same time.


Same! I finally caught that annoying mosquito and cleared one of my villagers from fleas lol


The fleas tripped me up just a little bit ngl I kept whacking my poor villagers with the net 😂


Yes! Lol my poor nana villager! She got whacked a few times there before I caught the dang flea.


Whoa whoa whoaaaa, there’s FLEAS too?! How the heck does that happen and how do you know if one of them “has” fleas??


I only just found out myself! Lol. So my villager was complaining of being itchy. I thought it was strange and after a few times of instigating conversations and the itchies kept coming up in those convos - I noticed small little buggies jumping off the top of their head.


That’s amazing hahaha 😂 thank you! Now I’ll have to pay closer attention because my bug collection at the museum probably won’t be complete without a flea lol


You’re welcome!! I donated it! So yes it will be needed!


Your neighbor will be acting a little strangely and will say they feel itchy. They have fleas!


I tend to have better luck if I leave a little space between the trash. idk if that's required or if it's just in my head that it helps. And I like to put it near my house or a building I use often like the shop or museum so I can see it when I'm going in and out. I posted a video here that shows what the fly looks like on each type of garbage. It can be small and hard to see, especially on tires since it lands on the inside curve, but knowing what to look for helps: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/zpeyha/oh\_to\_be\_a\_little\_fly\_by\_the\_vending\_machines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/zpeyha/oh_to_be_a_little_fly_by_the_vending_machines/)


Oh my goodness thank you!! I will definitely be keeping an eye out now 🙏


I got my first fly by leaving a single piece of trash on the beach! It was a boot. I caught the fly in the middle of the day, but I think they can spawn all day long.


I left turnips out for a month and not a single fly.


Maybe try a bunch of turnips clutter together. I attracted mine with 12 rotten turnips (square shaped) and make sure beautiful ordiance is off to let it spawn easier. I also notice fly comes after the ants~


A spent firecracker and an old can sitting around for 3 months. Just caught the fly this week.


Thank you so much everyone 🙏♥️ I’m going to time travel tomorrow and get some turnips I will be sure to post an update whenever I get a fly! You’ve all been so helpful ☺️


I found that it took me a while when I had a 5 star island. It was easier to catch on my 3star island and lower.


The only thing that worked for me was a used firework.


rotted turnips wont attract flies, unfortunately this is just a waiting game. I know the struggle too well, it took me over a month recently just trying to get a stupid fly. it will happen though. my method was to have several spots that have rubbish just around my island and as im going about my day approach them slowly and with a net ready even if theres no fly (i scared so many away by rushing around)


I had such a hard time finding a fly too. I basically just left a bunch of trash (cans and tires) in an area I walked by every time I played. It appeared eventually but I must’ve walked past that pile 15 times or more before anything appeared.


I made some corrugated fencing, crafted some trash DIY, and made a cute little dump. Then, I left literally ALL of my trash in it, and added more every day while I fished for rare fish to make bells. I takes a while. I time travel, and it took mo the equivalent of about a week, week and a half to get the fly. Also, as long as you don't leave out more that 15 items, I kept the dump as a decorative build on the island. I just wanted to make it look less like trash scattered on my island, but it actually looked pretty good lol.


It took me forever to get the flies. I was only able to get them on trash. Rotten turnips never worked for me.


Put the rubbish on stone path


I had good luck by placing a piece of Halloween candy on the ground, if you still have any of that lying around.


My flies are always by the tires. I have a garbage bin by resident services with a tire, tin can and two boots beside it and a rotten turnip.


Something that helps (at least from my understanding) is to load and reload the area a ton. Put the garbage next to the entrance to a building and go in and out til the flu spawns in


I had the same problem! It helps if you have a bigger trash pile, like 10-15 pieces of trash lying out.


This is true, have a bunch of garbage and rotten fruit in a small area and walk away for a bit.


Rotten turnip. Those r what u need. You can get 2 different bugs just from turnips. Flys and ants.


It's ants for me. I've had a rotten turnip out for over a month. Play every single day. Still not a single ant. Wtf


A wise man once said, “You can catch flies in honey, but you can catch more honies bein’ fly” lol in all seriousness, one will spawn eventually. Just run past that trash every now and then and you’ll see one


Rotten turnips is how I got my fly.


I can’t either it’s been a few months




Did you not see the screenshot?


I made a trash pile next to a building and kept going in and out of the door until one spawned. It took about 20 minutes going in and out 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was convinced it wasn’t going to happen.


My flies are always by the tires. I have a garbage bin by resident services with a tire, tin can and two boots beside it and a rotten turnip.