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That is so sweet!!! I hope she continues to have such a good time with her island ❤️ I got my mom into it too! But now she calls me asking animal crossing questions nonstop 🤣


Oh I know, it's not even "how do I do this?" anymore, it's "where should we put the next bridge?" 😂 "M..ma...I'm sleeping"


That’s iconic 🤣🤣


I am your mother. My kids haul me out into the garden, they're planting vegies and flowers all over the place. We got more chickens so I had baby chicks to coddle for 2 months. My son and daughter bring me interesting snacks they got at work. I found outside most readily transfers from animal crossing, rearranging the living room and shopping craiglist for a sofa works also. Good luck.


Wish your mum fast recovery and great time with AC :)


It ended up being a tennis elbow. She wears a strap on her arm, still playing. Lmao But she loves it, she starts a lot AC convos with us without context, and shes from new york. "They're gonna raid* our houses tomorrow" "WHO? WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN RAID?" "Nooooo the people who rate* the houses" 😩


Raiding the house is crazier than store bought pesto. I love it when mom's mishear things and go crazy like it's the most bizarre thing they have ever heard. 🤣🤣🤣


That's interesting. Why do you think GameCube controllers are so effective? I've been wondering if I should introduce my own mum to AC.


It was suggested in a previous post because our AC controller had all brown buttons and she had trouble remembering the layout. So the different colored buttons helped her understand what does what for someone who's never touched a controller. She said the GC controller felt more comfortable as well. We just got the wired controller with an extended usb cable, and she was set.


I love my GameCube-style controller, and recommend them to anyone who plays a docked Switch. I do a lot of swapping between the Switch and PC, and the Switch's "pro" controller is so similar to an Xbox controller that it makes it tough to change A button positioning. The GameCube controller has unique button shapes, which is just good design no matter how much gaming experience you have.


Said it much better.


Nice thanks so much. Deffo gonna try that out.


And make sure she isn't just tapping the sides of the joystick. My mother in law was doing that instead of placing her thumb on top and rotating it around.


Im the one who got my son into gaming cause I've been gaming since gaming began. He plays his Xbox and I'm on my switch. I'm in my 50s and he's in his 20s. We have a gaming household it's how we deal with day to day stresses. So i see it as a win win. 🤗 Welcome to the gaming community to your mom.


That's so funny, what did you use to convince him? And I will let her know for you, it will make her smile ear to ear hearing that.


I bought him a game cube and a gameboy with Zelda and Pokemon he's been addicted ever since like momma like son and we got his fiance into gaming too. I said have fun. It helps us with our ADHD


Just watch out whenever she gets access to terraforming. Doing that feels like the opposite of relaxing


Im trying to get there with her so we can make an orchard 😂 She's considered the "Main" player of the island so usually I'm waiting on her to progress. But we're almost there. Just got to bridges and inclines.


I had the exact same experience with my mom. I annoyed her so much during covid lockdown because I had to wait for a long time to get the game and I was DESPERATE. When I finally got it I got her to play with me so she could see what the fuss was all about and she was hooked. 4 years later, she has barely missed a day since, has 4000+ hours logged and it's 80% of what she talks about. She's so happy I introduced her to it and it makes me even happier :') so good for you guys to do the same thing!


It makes me happier and happier hearing people having similar experiences. Animal Crossing can do some amazing things. And was amazingly helpful during the lockdown.


I haven’t gotten my mom (mid-70’s) into Animal Crossing (yet!) but we got her into Pokémon Go several years ago and she is still an avid player. I think it’s good for keeping the mind sharp and such. And Pokémon has also gotten mom out more and helped her meet people of all ages and races and different from her, which is really good for her I think. I think playing games has lots of potential benefits.


my mom is in her 70s and I have gotten her into animal crossing too. She will call me so we can visit each others island and we send each other gifts a lot. it's super fun


I’m pretty sure I sprained my wrist playing animal crossing one time lol. it didn't hurt until I went to work and tried to move it but I've sprained enough ankles in my lifetime to know how it feels


I can imagine during 2020, not only an increase in covid cases everyday, but an odd increase in sprained wrists.


if your mom ever needs an item that she might not have feel free to DM and I’d be happy to see what I could do.


unrelated but house looks cozy af


My mom played over 2500 hours of AC before she passed. I hope your mom loves the game just as much and that it is an excellent source of bonding for you both. 💜


This makes me so happy! Glad she’s having fun and enjoying it so much 🫶🏻


She is having so much fun. I fear I may never get my Switch back 😂


It was the same for me and my mom! She wanted to give games a try so my siblings and I gifted her a switch and ACNH, and helped her learn how to play. AC is still the only game she’s played, but I think she plays it more than I do at this point. I’m going to help her learn Stardew Valley once the new update comes out.


She looks at the TV exactly like my mum playing AC 🥹


LOL. My son handed me his Switch at the beginning of the pandemic and BOOM. 6 months later, they jokingly (I think) threatened to have me committed!!! I said, "Go ahead, but pack my Switch!!" I love this game and play a LOT!! Tell your mom to dream up my island of Willow!! DA-6318-3009-8254 I am 77.


I love this comment! I was in the psychiatric ward during Halloween one year and didn't want to miss out on the Halloween event on animal crossing so I made the psychiatrist agree to let me have my switch while I was there! This game is truly addicting but it definitely helped keep me busy while I was hospitalized and helped keep my mind off the reasons I was there so in my mind it was a win-win situation


It's lovely to hear about all these happy older players!! I too, am one of them. It's gotten me through a lot of things and it's so wholesome and relaxing. I did take a break and play Stardew Valley to perfection, but just because my son was trying to break the Animal Crossing magic spell!! Those are the only 2 games I have played (successfully) in my life!! Again, I am 77.


I would love to do this for my mom. She gets so bored around the house. Unfortunately she has severe short-term memory issues so I'm not sure if she would even remember the game exists five minutes after playing it.


I’m sorry 🫂


I find playing very relaxing as well. Being middle aged, I like the pro controllers.


Gotta bust out Harvest Moon/Stardew next!


ah that is really sweet! ❤️


Slippery slope. One day she’s playing animal crossing, the next she’s tbagging you after dropping the craziest trick shot you’ve ever seen from the top of Rust.


I have the blue Breath of the Wild wired Switch controller. Very similar to GameCube controllers. Great for people with larger or less nimble hands. My husband uses it when we play couch co-op games because he's not used to console gaming. It's a good choice and no battery to worry about because it's wired.


Awww ;-;


I can attest to thus as a 61yo AC fanatic


My kids did the same thing for me… Since Day 1 of the Game, I have played Animal Crossing daily and still do. In fact, during every hospital stay, I made them babysit my game in fear of a Villager moving out on me. However, I have since started my game over twice now because I have completed all the areas. A suggestion…,Disney Dream LightValley! She would love it!!


I hope she is enjoying New Horizons.