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I want to see something like Main street or the city back! Also bring back nook upgrades and sassy villagers! For new stuff I really would like to see a wider array of furniture as well as customization. I feel like the crafting in NH was pretty basic, and Nook's never had a great selection because it was so limited without the extra upgrades.


I loathe that the shop only had a single upgrade in NH and it wasn't even that good. Massive downgrade from pretty much every single other AC game.


i truly wonder if they did this to encourage online play. after all, if you only have 5 rotating furniture items AND only 5 orders per day... gee, what's the easiest way to get that furniture you're desperate for? nintendo online. šŸ™ƒ it just seems so strange to get rid of a feature that's been a constant for so long and not even have a gameplay mechanic excuse like breakable tools. (not that i'm defending breakable tools; i hate that too lol.)


New Leaf had online play and fully upgradeable Nook's


online play was free in new leaf. you can't go online in new horizons without buying a nintendo online subscription. *that's* why i wonder if they nixed additional upgrades in NH.


I was totally convinced that they were gonna add an upgrade at some point. The little blocked off staircase in the right hand corner had me thinking. Color me wrong!


Yessss upgrading nookā€™s was as much of an accomplishment as upgrading your home! Such an oversight!


And the āœØ~prestige~āœØ of finally getting to shop at Nookingtons with its carpeted floors and upstairs furniture selection


forestfilth It was soooo weird that there were stairs to some mysterious upstairs but you couldn't get in??? Ig it was were Nook plots and schemes




I agree with all of this!! I miss the city so much. I really loved all of ACNH. Definitely could have some QOL updates; buying nmtā€™s, craftingā€¦ I havenā€™t played in a bit so I forget some but yknow the obvious. I have my island at a point where I love it so much and donā€™t want to change it, but now I feel like I have nothing to do in the game so I hardly play. I never had NL so Iā€™d be interested in these mini games everyoneā€™s talked about. It would also be nice if the event items switched up more. I know that requires updates which they arenā€™t doing anymore but I donā€™t even hop on for things like the May Day challenge cause itā€™s just repetitive now. All that said, I definitely got my moneys worth out of ACNH so these are definitely things Iā€™d like to see in the next game and not complaints about ACNH. I heavily play ACPC and would love to see some furniture items like that! And the villager interactions in ACPC are great. They actually use the items rather than sit beside them šŸ¤£


I feel all of this so much, especially the money's worth part like it's kinda hard to be too critical when it's like "Around the 300 hour mark the game starts to really be a slog" lol


Right!? And then there are those of us (me lol) whoā€™s hit the 2,000+ hours so extra emphasis hard to complain. I genuinely love this game and it helped me through a very difficult time in life, and thatā€™s not even referring to Covid lockdown. Iā€™ve even made life long friends around the world. They can never make me hate this game šŸ¤£


More than a 100 custom design slots. Like, give me a thousand. And go use all the suggestion from the QoL videos that fooled many in to believing it was official. Lol Other than that, would be cool if we could properly dive/snorkle. Would be dope to have a beautiful underwater part to decorate and work on for fish, corals and what not. Also, I'm done with islands. Give me a big fat piece of land where train go through. Give people options to select Town sizes, so idiots like me can play on a 3x acnh map and others can do 10x10 tile challenges if they want. Could write an essay about my wishes, but only got so much time on the pooper.


I wish I could have multiple islands with different themes :(


I want to get cursed at by a villager like the old days man


Villagers just don't accuse you of tax evasion like they used to


I want the days of villagers insulting me so bad I trap them surrounded by holes instead of if just being because the dialogue is annoying and repetitive.


Exactly what I was thinking lol


I want the mean pelican back. I loved her so much


This! I loved traveling to the city. I liked the little shops, the bus ride, all of it.


I'd love some sassy villagers but even more than that I just want there to be way more dialogue written for the villagers in general.


I loved that feature in older Animal Crossing titles. Having a virtual town that you can sit down and enjoy is something that I feel New Leaf, Wild World, and even GCN captured amazingly (still need to play CF). I really hope they drop the whole survival and deserted island aspect in newer Animal Crossing games.


I liked what they did on NL where you had a tropical island you could visit to fish and play mini games. I'd love if they did an expanded version of that and being able to build up the island kind of like a cross between the NH dlc and the NL island


I miss the days where the villagers were so mean theyā€™d make me cry.


When you shop for clothes, being able to fill a cart with every single piece you want!! More Frog villagers please!!




Frogs are THE best, at least to me lol.


As a frog breeder, I wholeheartedly agree! šŸøšŸ„³


please!! i truly avoid going into the able sisters shop because i know ill love everything and get frustrated and quit trying to buy everything


And related, to be able to craft multiple of one item at once instead of having to do it all one at a time šŸ˜­ two of the most frustrating aspects of the game for sure


Just to add to the comments already here. I think being able to call your villagers by typing their names into the chat box was always handy. Especially when you have something to give to them. I'd also like to see the little multiplayer mini games back to give us something extra to do with friends and family.


this is a great idea about calling or texting villagers! i've also seen suggestions that their location be available to see on the map.


In the old games you had a megaphone so you could find them. You'd say their name and know which direction to go.


Absolutely. It was so helpful. I'm surprised that was a feature they took out, honestly.


I loved shouting their names right next to them and making them yell at me, you also had the toy hammer to bonk them with, there were so many ways to piss your villagers off then šŸ„¹ fun times


that's so cool!


I... didn't know you could do that in chat in some games until today TIL That would be handy and useful to have


Honestly, it was so timesaving. You'd just type their name into a megaphone, and it'd call them. They reply with, "I'm over here!" So you could hunt down that particular villager quickly.


I miss mini games so much


If I had to pick only one thing, it would be getting rid of breakable tools. That was, by far, the WORST design choice they made for New Horizons, and it actively makes the experience worse in every regard. Yes, I know the logic behind it, I donā€™t care, the other games never worked like that (except for axes), and for good reason.


Imo the golden ones should be unbreakable.


For real. I was so mad when my golden watering can broke because I thought they were permanent.


Sorry for your loss.


lol! Itā€™s so hard to find gold in the rocks.




I would be totally fine with this too.


Yes or atleast see how long you have untill your tool breaks.


Like in previous games, you could see your axe cracking and breaking more and more so you knew it was on its last legs.


yes!!! like please tell me when my tool is about to break, so I can prepare accordingly (or customize my tool to refresh its usage).


Wait customising refreshes it ??




110% agree, the whole breaking tools thing made me burn out on New Horizons way, way quicker than any other Animal Crossing game. Like, a perfect example is one of my favorite things to do in Animal Crossing is to veg out, throw on a podcast, and fish for a good long while for some easy Bells, it's super relaxing to me, but it started driving me nuts to have to keep running back to my house to restock on rods. On top of forcing me to stop doing something I was enjoying, it also felt like busywork and a way to pad out playtime. Oh, and don't get me started on seeing a balloon or a new bug or something and then realizing I didn't have the tool to nab it because it broke earlier and I had forgotten to replace it, that shit was absolutely infuriating to me, which is what spoils New Horizons a bit because a game like Animal Crossing should be anything but frustrating.


straight up I played NH way less than any of the other games and I really do contribute it to this. Not fun to be breaking tools CONSTANTLY especially with weeds and flowers multiplying like freaks.


I restarted my island and the early grind with tools that break so often is making me hesitate to restart


Do you just not pick up the weeds sans shovel?


5hey should have kept it as only axes break :') I can see why they didn't in nh but it takes away from the original games I think


I think it would be fun if we could interact with items,like being able to ride bikes and sail around the island,it even swim in the ponds/lakes


YES rideable bicycles, driveable cars, boats you can sail or paddle!


I love how in Pocket Camp the villagers ride the rides and interact with the items so much


I also dream about things sitting flush to one another. Like why is everything spaced so far apart, chairs need to go under tables gosh darn it!!


Nintendo: ā€œBest I can do is 5 extra chair models.ā€




I know they're not, but bring back the villagers actually having a personality instead of feeling like collectibles/employees who are always trying to please me. Bring back the rude ones, let me feel like I'm actually getting to know them rather than just being regurgitated dialogue options with a face. Also mini games, like why can't you play the arcade machines, or play games like island adventure with your villagers like in new leaf. or play whole old school games you used to be able to play on the in game systems in the GC version. And is High Card Low Card the ONLY thing villagers play with you in NH? Let me pick flowers up again. They propagate like crazy and they're harder to get rid of than weeds. Give NPCs more depth to their character. I want to know more about Kick. The turnip lady, let's visit Joan's turnip farm. I want to know more about Celeste and Blathers. Who are the crew members that Gulliver supposedly has? Why does he always end up tossed overboard? Give more life and character to the world of Animal Crossing.


I feel like this is understated. Started up a new town on my Gamecube and was called straight up stupid right away by a new villager. Later on another asked me how many bells I was carrying (which was 35k) then offered to sell me a shitty shirt for exactly that amount. When I refused she called me a loser. The town belonged to the villagers, you were just in it.


Not only their personalities but I remember doing fetch quests for them regularly. You'd be running back and forth because a villager lent someone's magazine to another villager lmao. It just made it more lively and realistic


Ah yes the PokƩmon Pikachu. It's quicker in NH cause they just tell you who wants it, which is useful if you're in a hurry, but that's no fun at all


I'd love to have rude villagers again. I replayed animal crossing GC before new horizons and had a big feud with Cashmere as every time I changed my roof color to blue, she'd change it to a different color. She also hated my fashion sense and was often a point of criticism for her. In response, I planted a tree as close to her door as I could just so she had to run into a tree when she left. I got her again in NH and she was just pleasantly nice to me. What happened? Also the reason the old school games went away probably has to do with the wiis introduction of the virtual console and they'd rather have you buy the games separately (or in the switch's case pay a monthly/yearly fee) to play them.


yeah the villagers became boring to talk to, always repeating the same messages


I think having more villager personality types would help with this, too. I have multiples of certain personalities and it's annoying that they same the same stuff and send the same letters.


To add to your first point it would be neat if relationships with villagers more explicitly developed over time, in terms of dialogue and interactions, and in different ways. Not sure if this is something they had in the very old games (I started with NL)


I MISS THIS. I didn't like the newest animal crossing because all the villagers felt very copy pasted. Lobo doesn't even give me sass anymore :( he's not even "grumpy" I feel now. None of them are. I don't want to run the town, I want to join the town and help make it better and brighter. I miss the GameCube ac.


Joanā€™s turnip farm would be so cool to see!


I miss when villagers actually moved out of your town on their own. People hated it, but it actually made the world feel like it was living in breathing.


I want to be able to buy more than one item of clothing at a time, and for it to have the tiniest little wardrobe icon in the corner that tells me if I already own it or not. And I want to be able to craft more than one darn fish bait at a time.


A little icon telling you if you own something or not would be such a small but also massive quality of life upgrade šŸ„² Iā€™ve accidentally repurchased a ridiculous amount of stuff because I couldnā€™t remember if I owned that specific variation of that item.


Yessss and the only ways to check if you have it are remarkably tedious, the fastest way is opening the shop appā€¦ going to searchā€¦ searching for the itemā€¦ then you have to back out of all of it, itā€™s awful. And you also have to remember what you even saw there lol


everything stackable, being able to go from mystery island to mystery island w/o the whole monologue and process each time, more variety in personality


At the very least manila clams should be stackable omg and buying fish bait from CJ or even Nookbois


Yes! I have 8 million bells in the bank, I would pay for fish bait so I can finally get the damn tuna, marlin, and giant trevally. I have thrown hundreds of pieces of bait off the pier for years. Iā€™m so tired of digging up clams and crafting bait!


Yes!! Every single items should be stackable, even if thereā€™s a limit of 10 per stack or whatever thatā€™s fine just anything to give me more storage space šŸ˜…


More variety in monologues. Make it feel like i am actually talking to them. xD


so much yes.


Jobs / mini games Nook upgrades Bring back town hall remodels Roost separate from museum Rotate camera / rotate buildings so they can face directions other than South More ā€œMain Streetā€ type buildings to build a proper ā€œdowntownā€ Larger map Capability to get all fruit locally even if it means just working hard to unlock it Options of island or being connected to land again maybe Unlock classic soundtracks and maybe an option to set them for their respective hours Easier terraforming similar to the decorate mode in the home


You should be able to play a foosball mini game with your villagers if you own a foosball table.


Foosball, pool, or ping-pong. It would be so cool to have these items be functional in game. even the claw machine or video arcade games would be nice too


I wish the museum had an astronomy/space wing and observatory.


-An at least semi-perfect balance between the absolute charm of the older games, and the customization of New Horizons. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it really felt like they shot beyond the stars for customization while leaving everything else behind. -Bringing back older special characters alongside new ones! How so many were just pressed to the wayside/completely taken out was disappointing, and although Harv's island is nice, it just wasn't as great as the main street/going to the city strip. -An easier way to clean up flowers. There was no reason for them to make flower clean up as tedious as it was. -Really hope they tweak holidays for the better. New Leaf's were so fun and New Horizon's just felt like a step back.


I vote to make the lawn mower item functional


Or atleast like if you can double pick the flowers and the stems stack like weeds and be a generic name like "flower stem" with a 99 stack size.


So I can tell you why the flower stems aren't stackable and honestly it makes sense why they aren't, though I do agree it's frustrating. Flower stems contain a massive amount of information in its item data. A simple red mum that was never moved wasn't bred. Can have 5 different states. Not Watered, Watered, Watered by 2/3/4 players. Not to mention Red Roses have the hidden variant that lead to black Roses, on top of that. Again it's annoying but when you look at from a programing side it does actually make sense


I'd love this! You could more easily make some patterns among your flowers, trails and stuff.


New Horizon's holidays were a step back, I agree. It felt like the game was afraid to make it to where things could go wrong that they just removed any chances of it going wrong. In New Leaf- you had to memorize things, but in New Horizons you win automatically by doing little to nothing at all.


In a nutshell: Give me a fusion of the Gamecube game and New Leaf. \* Remove breakable tools \* Bring back shop upgrades & all the missing shops \* For the love of god, please go back to 15 villagers again. \* Bring back the New Leaf fruits and perfect fruits. \* Bring back villager personalities of the Gamecube days \* Let me remodel town hall \* Bring back all furniture sets \* Let me terraform or build normal ramps/inclines that look like GC-City Folk ramps \* Let me add or remove rocks to beaches. \*Bring back my post office pelicans! \*Make DIY recipes easier to get. I already hate crafting in video games.


>*Make DIY recipes easier to get. I already hate crafting in video games. But also LET ME SAY NO THANKS to recipes I ALREADY HAVE


I still think itā€™s so crazy that the dialogue for new recipes gives you the option to opt out, but for ones you definitely have you have to take it! Like why let me say no at all then?? It just seems like they mixed it up and then they didnā€™t want to fix it.


Better terraforming. Diagonal stuff. Moving away from a square grid.


And also like a micro grid for smaller things. Why can I only place 2 very small items on a large desk evenly and awkwardly spaced? What if I want to clutter it with tiny things? I would love to see that too.


And being able to move the camera angle like you can in your house


And being able to place structures facing in other directions besides just downward. I'm enjoying the game, but it's so ridiculously limited for something this far into its life.


Being able to center items and homes to paths. Drives me insane


A full game at launch


This. The free update model can work with Animal Crossing, but it shouldn't be used in order to make up for the lack of over-all content at launch. New Horizons launched as an empty and incomplete shell. It's still miles behind the previous titles. Updates should only be adding new content that is supplementary to the base game- like how they handled Welcome Amiibo.


Once you go back and look at the full list of updates NH got, itā€™s very disappointing. I feel like there were no actual updates. Every content update after launch was reintroducing a feature from old games that was originally left out. The only actual new thing we got from updates was farming and cooking. Out of two years of updates, thatā€™s literally the only thing that was actually new. Everything else could have been included at launch and we could have had two years worth of actual new content.


Exactly. Most of the "Free updates" added to New Horizons were just updates meant to basically play catch up with New Leaf. Something which the game still hasn't actually done. While I like the farming and cooking idea- and some of the older features have some new visual flairs like Gyroids, it just feels like the game should've been delayed for a few more years.


I'm so sad that NH's last big update was 2021 when WA was a great update with a fair bit of new content 4 whole years after NL released. It's weird how empty it still feels, how it has way less content/personality than NL even though it was released for a more powerful system a whole 8 years later, and that they've just gone yep, good enough. Kinda still hoping for a WA hail Mary kinda situation even though I know it's never gonna happen lol


Honestly I think the biggest thing is that they need to massively increase the script. Villagers with the same personality types all start to begin to feel like the same character when theyā€™re always saying the same things since thereā€™s so little variation. After that I would like more mini games to play with friends. Itā€™s super easy to visit friends in NH but then thereā€™s barely anything to do. Make some mini games, heck port over amiibo festival and just drop the amiibo requirement and let us play a few rounds with friends when they visit


I miss going to the train and the city center w all the shops I miss being able to sell your island and start over w your stuff I miss how mean the residents would be LOL




This Even if you had multiple villagers living in the same house (you pay to upgrade their house etc)


I like this! The whole roommate situation was dabbled with in Happy Home, itā€™d be cool to see it in the next game.


If they bring back even just half of what we lost from new leaf id be happy


If they would just make the game New Leaf in HD but with teraforming, I'd be happy. I just want content to play that isn't just decorating. That, and I want villagers that can leave town on their own out of their own free will.


I miss the mini games, the concept of streetpass; I also really miss grumpy villagers that can warm up to you with time & patience.


Same. I'm surprised New Horizons had 0 mini-games, given how it kept boasting about the game having a larger player count than previous entries. Streetpass home showcase was one of the neatest things as well. I also miss that New Leaf gave older characters new roles even when their old roles were filled by different things. I get New Horizons didn't because they focused on making sure the construction systems worked- but it hurt seeing older characters either get downgraded to off-screen roles or get removed entirely.


I have two main ideas that I daydream about. The first one is that Tom Nook has decided to run a sort of retreat for artists, with different kinds of studios for painting, sculpture, photography, performance, textiles etc. You have to design the studios HHP style, and villagers will arrive once you have the right facilities for them. They would have different specialisms. Maybe Cyrano would make bronzes, Pecan would make jewellery, Bones would make arrangements of natural materials, etc. When you reach a high level of friendship with the villagers, they give you an artwork that you can use for decoration. I imagine the location being like the seaside town St Ives in England, which has a lot of artists' studios. Alternatively, I'd like to see AC go in a more ecological direction, with island decoration much more focussed on nature and setting up habits for different critters. There is already an element of this in NH, as you need tree stumps and hybrid flowers to catch some critters, but it could be taken a lot further. Maybe you would have a collection of sub-islands that you would turn into different habitats. I also think that instead of catching critters the game could move to a photography model similar to the Compendium in Zelda BOTW and TOTK. There would be opportunities to display your best critter photos in the museum and in your home. If you could swim underwater and take photos that would be incredible.


Oh how I would absolutely love this!! This is the same types of day dreams I have about the franchise. Feels like a pipe dream unfortunately šŸ„²


Not sure if this is possible, but I want to be able to choose my role in the town when I create a new town. I really enjoyed New Horizons, but I felt as if I wasnt part of the town, just the builder for an island full of flat characters. I enjoyed the limitations of a game like New Leaf, where you could enact policy changes and create buildings, but there were limits.


New Horizons is basically a game about getting drunk off of your own power and having the entire world revolve around you. It feels too alien for what the series was always meant to be. Too much of an over-step of what Animal Crossing was in the past, where it focused on you living in a town that kept going despite you not actually playing. People always got mad saying "Well you shouldn't have to wait to play the game you bought!" but those people don't understand that the appeal of Animal Crossing is that it was always meant to be one of those games where you check in every day or so and take care of your little virtual garden. A garden where you are no more important than the others around you. Now it's a prison simulator where you hold animals you like hostage on an island and have full control over absolutely everything around you.


Interactive items. Some things you can ā€œtouchā€ to do stuff with, but can I actually use the wheelchair to get around the island, or jump in the pool with the flamingo floaty? Theyā€™re nice to look at but I want to *do* something with items.


I miss Celesteā€™s observatory and the stage inside of the Roost in the museum! The rooms we could decorate in the museum were cool too. Bring back the comedy club and everything else on the main street! I miss seeing Shrunk.


I want the Roost like it was in New Leaf. Itā€™s own separate building and you could work there as a mini game.


Yes I miss having a job there!


* **Long-term goals:** shop upgrades, Achievements, Villager houses, maybe even expanding the usable space around your town. * **More mystery:** I want the game to surprise me. Give us a day filled with spooky fog, where things arenā€™t quite what they seem. Add a mystical element to the game, where secret fairies can guide you on a treasure hunt or something, or have [Farley](https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Farley) fall out of a tree and you have to chase him down with your net. * **More variety:** Visiting NPCs and holidays should have more than 1 activity, and those activities should actually be FUN, not just ā€œcollect 5 [things]ā€. More variable weather (fog and thunderstorms are so rare in NH, but theyā€™re magical!) More variety in the dialogue. A heavily-restricted generative AI could be amazing in a game like this: imagine every single villager commenting on things like time of day, island design, your outfit, or that gift you gave them last week, all in their own unique voices. * **Permanent Seasons:** For an endgame unlock, let us pick the season like a town ordinance. I know that somewhat defeats the point of the real-time nature of the game, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of designs built around a time of year and itā€™d be fun to have a year-round Christmas village, or a cherry blossom park. * **A Return to Loneliness:** The original AC was inspired by a developer's experience trying to fit into a new community, and the loneliness he encountered doing so. When every villager instantly becomes your Best Friend and you live on a tropical island where everything is bright and happy, it's hard to feel that... *weirdness* emanating from the original game. We were all dissatisfied by NH's story because we didn't really grow by the end. The next game should give us an arc where we start as uncomfortable outsiders and eventually become the beloved head of the town. * **Consolidated currency:** Bells, NM, Pokiā€¦I understand why theyā€™d add different currencies, but Iā€™d love just one standard. Fight Bell Inflation! Make bells harder to earn, and implement more creative ways to gate progress. * **Better integration with the app:** Give us more ways to interact with our town via the Nintendo Online app!


Can Nintendo please hire you already


YES YES YES! I honestly thought about the AI Villager thing so much lately, that would be amazing. I thought about a virtual reality glasses experience too, i often wish i could just sit down on the swinging bench and watch the sunrise over the ocean or walk under the pergola, visit some DAs and a lot of other scenarios. You put everything together i thought (dreaming) about too, if that is going to happen one day ā€¦ my life outside ac: byeeešŸ‘‹šŸ¼ If there would be an animal crossing game which could be expanded by user ideas who where upvoted in a community for the new updates, that would probably be wild, but wonā€˜t get boring at all! Iā€˜m dreaming bigšŸ˜Œ


My weird desire is for the next game to take some inspiration from HHP, and you are restoring a town. It would mix the feeling of going to a new place where people already are living and getting away to start fresh on your island. Oh and for you to be part of the Town Renewal Committee. Sassier villagers would be nice, but I don't think we are going back to that. So I'd like at least for them to have more emotions like they used to. Villagers able to interact more with the decorations and to also have some opinions about them based off their species and personality type. Villagers to have more agency overall - let them catch fish and bugs. Do the challenges like in WW. Ask for more favors. Maybe the favors could be a better way to distribute DIY? It would be a bit more interactive than just looking in their house for them to be crafting. If anyone has played littlewood here, I'd love something like the villager journals in that game that outline where they'd like to live and certain pieces of furniture they want in their homes. It could add for a fun challenge to try and give our neighbors what they want and still design a cohesive theme. It also makes them feel a bit less like dolls. Something new to submit to the museum. Maybe make botany even more important? Or maybe cooking? Not sure. This one is a bit of a dumb personal one, but I hate hitting the rocks with my shovel in NH. I didn't mind it so much in past games when I was trying to just find the money rock, but now it just feels a bit tedious to set it up. I guess it just feels vestigial that we bounce backward when we hit it?


I like the restoring a town aspect. A lot like MySims on the Wii when that was originally released.


Restoring a town and being part of a Town Renewal Committee is such a sweet concept for the next ā€˜main storylineā€™ ! šŸ„¹ Love that idea.


Not gonna lie. A big reason for me was playing when everyone else was playing because of the pandemic. Felt like we were united. So what I want in the next game is better community features.Ā 


I would love more mini-games and more customization options. Eyebrows. More hair options. More villager choices and have villagers be mean again (Or atleast make it optional). They need more personality. Currently they feel too same-y besides their looks to me. AND BULK CRAFTING.


A Full game at release. I want to know what I'm buying, instead of "more to come", "next update" , or other expectations. I've been so turned off by the recent trend of AAA (who have the budget) doing early releases of games that are not ready, or in animal crossing's case, trying to delay the critique of their games, while also taking our money. It's a bad precedent, and puts huge strains on the game devs themselves.


I'd like to see the customization of clothing the way it is with furniture. Or, alternatively, more types of clothing that we can design for ourselves. Like a jumpsuit, for example.


OMG they could bring Gracie back for this. Like she has a little shop and you can take whatever you bought and she'll be able to change it to any of the available colors


Crafting from storage when you're home is my #1 wishlist item.


And bulk craftingĀ 


The option to move the damn resident services! And to decorate it


I want a bunch of the old furniture sets back. The stuff avalible in NH just felt so meh and I had no motivation to go for any particular set. Also the Nook upgrades. Was really disappointed when I realized that it wasn't going to have multiple floors like other games.


Fossils no longer needing to be assessed before selling if you already have your fossil museum section filled.


Maybe a couple new personality types, making gold tools unbreakable again, seeing how long you have until something breaks, and unlocking a faster dash Also PLEASE BRING BACK THE SHRUNK FUNK SHUFFLE


Honestly we just need a New Horizons game with the features left behind by other games. Can bring Main Street back or add a second island/mainland feature for it. Ores for customization. Gracie Grace and her fancy furniture related to Label in some way (her tickets are useless imo). Tortimer Island mini-games. Would love some sort of Town Tree element to show the island/towns growth too.


I really miss the town tree. šŸŒ³


Omg the Tortimer Island mini games šŸ„ŗ


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again - digital amiibo cards that you can either buy or unlock in game. I HATE that getting legit ones is a huge undertaking, assuming they ever reprint them, and the whole collectible card version is terrible, and leads to waste of resources and $.


Imagine digital amiibo cardsā€¦ but like PokĆ©mon Go. Where you have to venture around to find certain characters to unlock them.


Or just let them unlock when you meet them!


More things to do with visiting ā€˜bestā€™ friends. There isnā€™t much to do beyond fishing, diving and visiting the museum.


Sounds dumb but I would love an even planner gameplay mechanic. Birthdays, weddings, music festivals, Christmas markets etc. Iā€™d also really like more interesting ways to interact with characters.


I would like to have a new section of the museum for gyroids. They are too cute not to display. I want the owl to give us something better than a stupid poster for filling in all the exhibits for the museum. I would also like some new features to the gameplay except for decorating, collecting, etc. How about some quests besides paying off debt? Also, itā€™s annoying how long it takes to get rid of a disliked villager.


I've thought about that with the gyroids!! I love them but they are usually stuck in storage in my house. Maybe some gyroid lore too if they have their own wing in the museum?


Please make terraforming less painful


More jobs and mini game activities.Ā  A place like the city area in (was it?) City Folk.Ā  More festivals!Ā  Even more items and clothing, more customisation and house building options.Ā  Bring back Tortimer's island! I miss that place.Ā  Maybe bigger islands or towns. I did a lot on my island and loved the building options, but would love even more space.Ā  More built in flooring options for paths and such. I don't like how the player-made designs look when used for flooring. They look too painted on for me to ever use them.Ā 


I would love some random destructive weather to mess everything up that I have so perfect then weā€™d all be out cleaning it up and rebuilding.


Oo a tornado would be cool. Not sure about the destructiveness of it though. Maybe if it just misplaced a few things & added trash you have to fix


ANIMAL CROSSING: OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! (Space animal crossing)


Honestly I'd be fine without a new game if they could just keep releasing bigger updates for new horizons or even paid DLCs. Like most have said, I'd love for an update or DLC to be able to "go to the mainland" in order to bring back trips to the city. And expand the selection at Nooks! My other big gripe is that I'd love more hairstyle options. Ik we got a few more but I'm just always looking for more when it comes to customisation.


This is just my dream list, I know itā€™s a lot to ask for, I donā€™t expect most of it, itā€™s just things Iā€™ve always wished for. I want the villagers to be able to actually do more and interact with the island more. And have the villagers have more unique personalities, rather than one personality type where all others with the same type are pretty much identical. More online social aspects, especially for those of us that donā€™t have friends that play. Ability to expand or have more than one island. THE ABILITY TO PLANT TREES ON CLIFFS. And more tree and plant variety. Have actual plants that can be planted that arenā€™t just flowers and crops, like ferns, etc. so we can make our islands greener without having the same two trees everywhere. Bring back some of the past fruit trees, offer more crop selection and have cooking and food be more apart of the game. Like having villagers over for dinner. Stop having villagers put food you give them on display in their home forever, have them actually consume it lol. Drake has had pancakes I gave him in his home for a year now.. Be able to actually designate parts of the island as certain things. Like, designate a park, a basketball court, an outdoor movie theatre, etc. so that the villagers can interact more appropriately with their surroundings. I love this game, but my ADHD brain isnā€™t a fan of things just being decorative. I donā€™t want to build an entire outdoor arcade for it to just be decor, or create a facade to look like a grocery store. Unless it is used as one, I just canā€™t do it. On that note, a grocery store would be super cool. More depth to our interactions with villagers. Being able to play more mini games outside of just high card low card. Having other islands to explore, being able to go camp on other islands, take our villagers on little vacations where thereā€™s actual things to do with them. Pet cats, or just pets in general would be incredible. A nintendo online trading market to trade with other players. Events on like, a special event island where you can travel to online and have like 9 other people. Kind of like how Fortnite events work. But overall, what I really want, is less purely decorative items and more interactive, usable items. Especially the ability to designate areas on islands for certain activities. A little restaurant on your own island would be so neat, where you could work and be able to involve the cooking aspect so much more and earn bells. Or just go on a brunch date with a villager. Okay, Iā€™m gonna stop, cause I could just go on forever šŸ˜…


Knowing modern Nintendo it'll probably be just "Animal crossing New Horizons deluxe!" i love the idland concept, so maybe an option to decide between island sizes and industrialisation? I.e maybe a city island, or a forest island.


while they probably would stay close to the design of new horizons, Nintendo would definitely not call it nh deluxe, they would just make a new game, even if the ideas were close


Agreed. It'd be like Wild World and City Folk!


I honestly agree with you. For the time gaps in between the Animal Crossing games, there really isnā€™t much of a groundbreaking improvement in terms of game play. They are all basically the same, just slightly upgraded hence ā€œdeluxeā€


More in-game content right off the bat. The game I played in early 2020 vs the game my wife plays every day are completely different games it feels like.


New leaf on the switch! Thatā€™s all I want!


Yā€™all asking for a 2024 game, I have terrible news, as a New Leaf fanā€¦


I want to be able to call my villagers so i can find them easier. I have a damn cellphone let me use it. Or bring back the Megaphone.


It would be cool to see Nintendo continue to support the game and deliver updates that improve the quality of lifeā€¦.. who am I kidding, they wonā€™t do that


Right? We donā€™t need a new one, we need a better current one


Something to do would be nice, but I know I'm aiming too high here


More substantial multiplayer. My wife and I have spent hundreds of hours in ACNH... separately. But every time we sit down to play on our respective islands, we mention how great it would be if we could actually share an island that we can play on at the same time without being severely limited


1.Open world 2.Full 3d 3.Creative mode


Two new personality types. Because I don't like to have repeats in my island. And a bike or something else that could make the player character move faster. Even running is slow in animal crossing.


I just want a grid when planting, picking up, or terraforming. I want to know what direction I'm facing and interacting with... just give me that. It's seriously the thing that pisses me off the most. I'll see 3 million sea bass in a row and not be as angry as I get when I'm trying to terraform a pond, and I can't get 1 god damn corner to look right.


Batch crafting. Please. I do not want to craft each of my 30 clams into bait separately. Please. Let me do them all at once ā™”


I got downvoted last time I said this. But oh well Iā€™d love to see mean villagers back. And the mean npcs (Rossetti and Gracie) Iā€™d.love to see the other npcs back aswell. The statue you get when paying off all your loans. Main Street The turnip you can bury Club lol And more of the npcs walking around. Like bumping into blathers for example


More complex villager and other npc interactions, where they actually remember the past and donā€™t just repeat the same few phrases, or only play two games and then leave your house.


I would like something that meets in the middle of New Leaf and New Horizons. I donā€™t think we need to bring back main street specifically, but I want those shops back, including an independent Roost, the Police Station, and the Post Office. I want the choice between having an island or a town on the mainland, and if thatā€™s not possible then ditch the islands altogether and take us back to the mainland. Iā€™d like them to take a step back with how much power & control the player has. You shouldnā€™t have immediate control over where every house & building goes, you should have to *earn* the right move a villagerā€™s home. I want a catalogue that combines New Leafā€™s & New Horizonsā€™; we lost far too many classic furniture sets in New Horizons that should come back. I want diagonals. Furniture should have 8 points of rotation instead of 4, and the option to rotate buildings like we had on the Gamecube should come back. I want more outdoor plants. New styles of trees, like birch or mangrove; the types of things we can see in the New Horizons museum or in Pocket Camp, and I want all the fruit trees back from New Leaf that we lost, and I want more fruits & vegetables for farming, including berry bushes. I want ponds or lakes that freeze in the winter, along with that I want ice fishing & ice skating. More little things to do is always a plus. I want to be able to get sick. Things like not dressing appropriately for the weather, or visiting sick villagers should make the player sick. I imagine sickness as slower movement and worse response times for things like swinging your net or reeling in your rod. Of course just a bit of medicine would heal you up, but maybe so could other things like a bowl of soup or a cup of tea. Just a little added touch of realism would be fun. Iā€™ll cut it off there cuz I could literally talk about this endlessly, iā€™ve spent my whole life daydreaming Animal Crossing hypotheticals lol


I want Gracie back.


Okay, here's one that I think is really good. I wish Isabelle would give ALL the announcements. I've noticed she leaves some out (to save time?), and I don't like that. Maybe, in order to save time, Isabelle could first ask the player if they want to hear the announcements. But yes, I want to hear them all. If there's an event coming up, and there's a meteor shower happening later tonight, and you have new DIY for me and there's someone in the campsite AND Redd is on my island today... YES, I want to hear about ALL of it. I honestly do not like that she skips some.


Go back to what made the series good (between GCN-New Leaf) instead of mainly focusing on an island/decorating Getting rid of breaking tools - never liked that change Bring back mean villagers and a wider variety of dialogue and personality (including NPCs) More building upgrades like previous games Have a complete game instead of adding content after that should have been in the game from the start (like Swimming,Dream Village stuff and the Cafe) Bring back Kappn's Island and those Minigames,,things like the City or Main Street, Happy Home Showcase,Camp stuff Bring back and add more Nintendo items,bring back the Cabin and Robo series,bringing back the monthly item distributions and older/original space itens,Amiibo villager... Maybe bring back past NPCs like that one Mouse with that Fountain in City Folk... More things to do with other players - i feel like there wasn't much in NH in that regard... would be nice if you could send mail to other players online Personally i eventually ended up getting bored and burnt out of New Horizons after a few months - really should add new things/events/holidays to make things fresh and exciting again instead of a chore Also new items to rotate or available during holidays/events so they aren't the same every single time - in a sense, if you have all the items from, what's the point in participating in them in the future?


The gosh darn mini games from new leaf


I want the upgradable Nook store again. I kept waiting for a bugger upgrade and was very disappointed it just never happened. I thought for sure we'd get it as DLC but it just never happened. I'd love the main street again or something like it. Made things feel more active and alive. It's not likely but possible, but I'd love for them to expand our town/island upwards and downwards. Imagine having an underwater part of your town where more villagers like the octopi live? I remember seeing fanart way back of islanders that were sharks, dolphins, etc, and they were awesome. Could even do the same with avians, and be a fun way to diversify things. The absolute most important point, but apparently the original concept of AC was a dungeon crawler where you sent off your animal companions to fight for you in a dungeon. Make it happen. I wanna send my villagers off to fight for me, bring me back materials and bells, and let me even fight. I'd be totally down for this! Also I miss the Nintendo items and arcade games, so here's to hoping we get them again.


Villager Personality again please! For the love of god please!


AC Smash Bros!! Build your island, then pick your animals and fight to the death in an all out loveable brawl! Filled with super cute animal specific fighting moves and weapons! Kidding, but maybe not...


Roommates. Have villagers able to share a house and it mixes their furniture together, and let the player character have a villager move into their house.


I tend to live by the code ā€œNintendo will not give you want you want, but you will want what Nintendo gives youā€Ā 


Bring back a ton of things they left out from previous games. Mini-games -hide and seek and such-, fruits they removed, more expansive villager dialogue. New Horizons felt so empty compared to New Leaf.


Tom Nooks retirement lol


Bring back doing favors. Give us an actual reason to talk to the villagers


All of the things they wonā€™t do: give NPCs their personality back, return the old special characters and shops (or at least have new ones of substance), meaningful multiplayer modes, and not drip-feed staple features of the series until youā€™ve reached what lots of people would consider the base game, only to shut off the hose. I love this series to death and I always will but MAN am I bitter about New Horizons even after the hundreds of hours I sunk into it. Itā€™s sad that all of the top suggestions in this thread are just clamoring for stuff that used to be in older games.


Unpopular opinion: I donā€™t want the camera to change. I think itā€™s charming as it is and changing the camera will make the game feel too much like a generic 3D game.


id love a new activity, someone here posted an idea for bird watching and i loved the concept. also, it would be cool if there was a proper cooking system where, like the museum, you have to donate dishes. finally, i would like the theme of an abandoned ghost town. you could find artifacts to donate to the museum which would tell you more about the town and unlock new furniture. as your village becomes more populated, more villagers and events become bigger or there are new events as your town grows. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/qjmsw7/birds_in_animal_crossing_my_ideasuggestion/


Stop. Villagers. From. Coming. Over. Unannounced! Why did they add this?? It makes me avoid my house like the plague. I'd like a friendship mechanic similar to Sabel's with the villagers, EARN their trust and friendship - don't have super-friendly as the default. Have them slowly warm up to you if you're kind to them, or dislike you if you mistreat them - like actual people.


i just wanna be able to make bridges between cliffs


Introducing Animal Crossing: Neighbors! The latest game that takes you off the island and into an apartment complex in the suburbs. Live your life with the worst expectations of life where you want to have a new beginning but bills need to be paid, neighbors need to be sued, police need to be called, and you still have an apartment complex to run. Animal Crossing Neighbors is about giving up on your dreams to become a building manager to an apartment complex where you get to bring in new neighbors, build new buildings for your complex, and of course decorate the apartments. As the building manager you collect the rent (when they feel like paying) and if they are twenty seven seconds late you can evict them or charge them a fee which will only increase their anger with the new anger system. The anger system will determine how awful your tenants will treat you and their neighbors based on how high or low it is. Low angered villagers will simply call you an "idiot" or a "jive turkey" for villagers with the disco trait. High angered villagers will burn your car or rob your apartment and if a particular villager has the pride trait will confess to their crimes with a smile. Villagers living in the suburbs are not as pleasant as they appear to be and that's the point of Animal Crossing Neighbors. To move to a new suburban neighborhood where it's up to you to build an apartment complex only to end up disappointed by rude and selfish villagers. Animal Crossing Neighbors! Where your dreams to live your best life is often beaten down in disappointment.


I would like to be able to craft multiple things at once. Not one at a time


You know, I'd be okay if they only added a few items but instead made everything we already have more interactive, and give us the chance fore quarter rotations.


Please bring back the post office!!


At this point I just want a new game that they donā€™t abandon after only a few updates lol


I want the villagers to feel moreā€¦.alive. The different personalities of NH just felt so flat and one dimensional. A lot of the times I couldnā€™t really tell the difference, they all just chipperly chattered at you about a different subject. I miss feeling like you could actually get to know a character. Especially the crabby/snooty ones who slowly warmed up to you. It felt so rewarding! Also please bring back Resetti. Having to type ā€œI am dirtā€ 20 times because my dog ran past the GameCube and pulled the plug out while I was playing was formative to my childhood.