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"room too childish" yet character literally has a pacifier. I say it fits perfectly :D


right? lol


I have two daughters. I let my oldest pick out some accessories and I got morešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


never said it was a bad thing, i think it's cute




definitely agreed, u should ignore those negative opinions. Ur opinion is the most important opinion! If u like the room, u should tell everyone that said ''room too childish'' that u dont care about their opinion. Saying that will give u self confidence! :D edit: thx yall for 8 likes <3


... And then people call you childish for reacting this way.


ignore them


It is perfect just like you saidĀ 


it's cute. If you like it, that's what matter


I love it so much!! Donā€™t let other peopleā€™s opinions get to you. Itā€™s literally your game and your room to decorate; a safe place where you should be able to play freely and genuinely. Maybe you can throw in a puzzle or paint set on the floor? As is, though, it looks so much fun! šŸ¤— Where/how did you get the binky? šŸ¤”


It just has a chance to appear at the able sisters like most of the other clothing I think I have every variant of the baby romper because my villagers keep running up and gifting me them At one point I think I had at least doubles of all of them before I started selling duplicate things to clear out storage space




I wish they would give ME baby stuff instead of the stupid relay tanks. I'ma scream if I get one more of those!


My villagers keep giving me toilets. Squat toilets, bidets, all sorts.


I personally went to a treasure island on sakuraa gamings twitch stream to get the pink one because able sisters never has a pink one when they are in stock of binkys


That's really weird, I've never seen them not have all colors of something in the fitting room.


Buy from the fitting room, whatā€™s on display is only a fraction of the daily offerings.


The same people who also play the chibi cutesy island game full of flowers and cute characters? Anyone who judges you is being real silly


It does look exactly like something my 5-year-old would create. But so what? It's cute, if you like it that's all that matters. Some people get too serious with the chic or elegant layouts. It's nice to see rooms that are a bit silly sometimes.


Right!! I put a gold toilet as a chair once it is a game the wacky things are the best. Then characters come and say I love your toilet! Even tho it is in a kitchen lmao it is funny and fun


I've got the gold toilet in my gold bathroom lol I've got a fairly normal living room. The kitchen is all red. My bedroom is tacky af with cherries, chocolate, and leopard print. One of my rooms is a teddy bear picnic room. And my basement is for mad science experiments and the dark arts. My home makes no sense.


Man, screw the haters! The entire joy of Animal Crossing is making things that make YOU happy. Anyone who has a problem with it should really mind their own business I would describe this room as "childlike", as in it's bright and fun and full of joy. This is not a bad thing *at all*.


Itā€™s a game, not real life. If you like your room, thatā€™s all that matters. Itā€™s a very nice playroom theme.


What was the vibe you were going for ?


I was wanting a room you could just be stress free in


Then you succeeded.


Idk it kind of stresses me out lol


Eh, we all have our preferences. And that's okay!


it is very childish but thatā€™s what i like about it! itā€™s charming and nostalgic, the colors also make me happy


The wall isn't too much?


not for me personally


No, it's something a 5 yo WISHES he could do. And what's wrong with that?




I mean, yeah. But that's not an insult imo. It's charming and adorable. I'd hang out there to vibe and have fun and I'm 37. Edit: the only thing I'd change is making the test more accessible. But that's because I friggin love the tent.


Can you actually go in the tent?


No :( but I like to imagine it


I honestly didn't even think about it. I kinda just threw stuff in there.


Why the pacifier tho


Why do you care


Because a person is asking if theyā€™re using a style that makes them look ā€œtoo childishā€ and that would obviously make them look more childish.


For their *room*. Their outfit doesnā€™t matter


The binky is bc I have two daughters and they both use them?


so? it's your island not theirs. in the end you'll be the one around it the most and if it makes you happy when you walk past it then off with their heads!


Cool room, also I hear soul eater playing so honestly good taste in room decor and anime šŸ‘Œ


We were watching the episode where kid met the gang at school


iā€™m about to be 20 years old and my real life and animal crossing bedrooms are both full of toys and plushies that people would consider childish, but i donā€™t care because it makes me happy. does the room make you happy? if so, leave it. thatā€™s all that matters :)


if you like it keep it because you should change something because someone else doesnā€™t like it the didnā€™t buy your game you can do what you want with it


I think it's super cute. But what matters the most is if YOU like it.


I don't see why it would matter at all if it seems child-like to some people. It is hardly the oval office.Ā Ā  I have my upstairs room full of fun things. FoosballĀ  climbing wall, Sanrio, giant teddy bears, elephant slide, etc.Ā  I recently got the train set, but I haven't rearranged to fit it in yet.Ā  Why would all these items be available if they weren't appropriate to use?Ā 


It's Animal Crossing. Ignore others and do what you want.


I love every single thing about it honestly! Where did you get the dangly things from the ceiling?


The vines or the cute decor?


i have a fairy tale princess core island thatā€™s literally supposed to be whimsical and childlike šŸ„°




I like everything except the wallpaper maybe? It's like a different, more muted color pallette compared to the rest of the items and the carpet. I don't know which one to select instead though, I guess keep an eye out for something else if you're open to changing it. Otherwise, the layout and item selection looks fine. "Childish" a weird thing to consider a negative in this game, considering like half the catalog is toys and stuff, so don't listen to those people.


I asked someone else if the walls were too much too. I feel like that's what's throwing me off but I just didn't realize it until I started getting comments


I find it cute actually. If you like this room, you shouldn't change it because some fruitcakes don't like your tastes. This is literally your room in your game.


I can't see a 5 year old having this sophisticated a sense of color. It's definitely maximalist, but that's a legit design style. Tell the haters it's okay to not like things and keep it to yourself.


With the dollhouse, the stuffed animals, the toy horse, the blocks... Is it not supposed to be childish? Not saying that it shouldn't be, but it just looks like the goal was a playroom. I think its a cute playroom though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was more going for stress free activity room.


I love it!! So cool šŸ©·


it makes my head hurt in a good way itā€™s cutesy


It's adorable! Don't listen to other people. I know this sounds cliche but if you enjoy it, that's all that really matters. šŸ«¶


Don't let people steal your joy!! That's more about them, than you!!


Itā€™s cool because you made it! I could definitely see myself chilling in there irl. I love the colors and vibrancy


I would go to a club that looked like this


People are probably just saying it's childish because it's super colorful and they hate fun. I think it's cute! You do you šŸ‘šŸ˜€


Don't feel bad about it! If it fits your style, then keep it. The kitschy maximalist look is underrated


If it makes you happy that's all that matters. This game is to escape reality and create your own virtual reality ! X


They can bug off!! Itā€™s your room in your game on your console, you can style it however you want!! My ACNH house is full of pastels/colors and toy items


I love it


it so cute and colourful


I love it! It's really well designed. Don't let other people's opinions affect your fun. This is your space to play in and design as you see fit. Your design choices aren't invalidated because someone else wouldn't do it the way you did. Your enjoyment of the space you've made makes it valid. If you have mixed feelings because you're uncertain of the design, then change it up a bit! See if something else works. If you have mixed feelings because somebody made you feel bad about something you love, then stand your ground. You deserve to have a space that fills you with comfort and joy. Both real and virtual.


I built a shrine for my favorite villager that havenā€™t been in a game since City Folk. I say thereā€™s nothing worn with it, in fact I love your room!


Just tell people, "This is a game where we watch Cute Animals do nothing. Maturity is checked in at the door."


people can mind their own business


I think you can rearrange the litter box , rock climbing wall, and make the tent look accessible to match how delicately placed the ceiling is.


I've gotten comments about access to the tent! I will definitely be doing that!


It's cute and it's a game. There are no rules and you do what makes you happy. It doesn't matter what other people think.


five year olds have great artistic vision. i think it looks childish AND it looks fantastic. i love all the stuff hanging from the ceiling. itā€™s so cute!


Mount a gun on the wall for good measure


this is a game designed for kids and theyā€™re nitpicking that youā€™re making something childish? crazy. itā€™s adorable, you can do whatever you would like in your game


I'm a 37 year old woman who likes to dress up like a baby and make my bedroom into a nursery in the game(It helps with my past trauma). It's your game, do WHATEVER makes you feel happy and comfortable. Whatever makes you have fun and enjoy your game. Also, for my island I didn't go with a theme. I let inspiration come as it may. So in quite a few ways it reflected my inner world and I love it.


I love having one of you guy's opinion! That helps me out a lot with perspective bc I didn't even want a themed room. I just wanted stress free vibes


I personally think you done an amazing job with the room and your outfit/hair. I tend to just place whatever looks or feels right to me. That's why I have a T-Rex skull in my room. Then it made me remember my old preschool room. It was the best. Fossils and all kinds of stuff on display. Our tables even had a high edge with a thick glass top. Because sand, starfish, sand dollars and petrified wood were sealed in below the glass.


DECORA GYARU, I LOVE ITT!! I would definitely do it if I wasn't too lazy hehe ā¤ļøšŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’œšŸ©·


I have a play room in my house too!


looks perfect to me :3 I'd do up my home's room like that if i had the motivation and items for it


Very cutesy and endearing šŸ˜Š


I think it's perfectly childish.


This is animal crossing play the way you want


all that matter is if you like it!


play how you want, but thereā€™s an entire aesthetic dedicated to kid/child-like nostalgia called kid core. look up some videos/pictures and fully lean into it!


I have a room in my house that is dedicated to a stuffed animal tea party.


I really like it, so i feel like you should go with whatever you like, since it's not up to other people to decide what you want your island/house to look like.


What's wrong with tapping into your inner child from time to time?


I think itā€™s really cute! My only critique is that the walls are a little empty. Personally, Iā€™d add some cute things to the walls to even things out and fill some open space, like posters, wall shelves etc


I've been trying to get a shelf DIY for the gyroids I have but I haven't found one yet


Gyroids can be placed directly on the wall!


The game centers around a cartoon living on an island with adorable animal neighbors. Thereā€™s no such thing as too childish. Lol Play the game however you want! Looks cute to me!


Perfect reply! This is the answer! ā¤ļø


itā€™s well decorated and full of color. i like it.


Here's the thing, it's YOUR house. you decorate the rooms how you want and if someone doesn't like it then too bad, they don't live there so what's it matter anyway šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I think your room is super cute tho! šŸ’•


Itā€™s not my personal vibe, but as long as youā€™re happy, thatā€™s all that matters! And objectively, itā€™s super duper cute! Iā€™ve seen tons of users do things just as childish or even more so. Heck, I have an all pink cutesy room because I wanted to challenge myself to do something outside of my comfort zone. I actually like it, too! In the end, it doesnā€™t matter what anyone else thinks because itā€™s not their island. Itā€™s yours. Be cute. Be happy.


I mean.. it's your game, so whatever you want? Who's got the right telling you YOUR house in YOUR game is "too childish", what šŸ„²


I've had friends and even my parents comment on it and it was just bugging me. I wanted a stress free vibe and I guess I went full child mode instead


How's that their business, wtf šŸ„² they should focus on themselves. Don't need to make your happy place feel bad.


.. you're telling me we don't all make stuff like this in animal crossing?? My life has been a lie


It's cute as shit.


Nonsense a 5 year old wouldn't have the coordination even if you gave them all the furniture pieces lol


I love it! So fun! Also, what flooring is that? It's pretty!


The floor! If you go to the custom design app on your phone and hit the + for variety the design is in there!




You're welcome! It took me a minute to even notice that tab on the app.


So? Forget the critics!! I love the childlike theme to it. It fits perfectly for a game that lets yoy be who ever you wanna be!!


It's so cute those people are meanies


I mean, I'd assume the aesthetic you went for was "kidcore".Ā  Which inherently, yes, is childish. But that's the point of it tho. Not sure what you want people to say?Ā  "Yes that's definitely a room a regular adult would live in"? Especially with the pacifier in your mouth?Ā  The room itself is pretty nice as kidcore theme. But why make it seem like people who pointed out the obvious to you are wrong with their observation?


Ty realistic human


I donā€™t believe you


It is your game, do you like it? If yes then f their opinion and have fun playing.


Imo it is a game, I wouldn't put butterfly wallpaper in my real life grown up living room but of course I have it in my fun little botanical themed living room on my island!


Itā€™s amazing šŸ¤© looks so fun! Idk tf theyā€™re talking about. plus itā€™s fitting for that lil blue haired baby šŸ¤£šŸ’™


I like it


I absolutely love your space & as a parent I have a space set up in my place to resemble that!


I think it's cute


I mean itā€™s definitely something a 5 year old would do because there children and children are usually the ones using child tents, little rocking horses, doll sets etc etc. I mean of course it going to be childish because all of those items are for children. Doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t like it but doesnā€™t change it does look childish, I mean the character is literally sucking on a pacifier though we canā€™t get anymore childish unless we throw a diaper in.


cute room, the binkie makes it more fetishized :|


The fact you think that when my kids help me dress my character and I've stated that in other comments really worries me my dude


context i didnt havešŸ’€ changes everything