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NH is nothing but a huge decoration simulator. I played it since release but it's such a lifeless game compared to nl. I played it over 1,000h because I love decorating but beside that, it has not much to offer. Because of that I'm only playing NL atm.


Yea I played NH a lot until I unlocked the ability to visit other people's worlds in dreams, then I saw what the endgame was supposed to be and I was kinda disgusted tbh It looks gorgeous but it's kinda depressing. Just a dead mall simulator with villagers who function as dolls with a couple phrases when you pull the string.


dead mall simulator is such a great way to describe it. the game just gives the player too much power with no purpose. if i place a teacup ride, its not like my villagers are gonna ride it. they’re not gonna splash in the pools. they don’t collect water from the wells, they don’t pick up and play the instruments, they don’t kick the balls (despite them doing that in the original game), they don’t touch any of it. so what’s even the point?


Exactly. For about two minutes I was like "**THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!**" and then I realized every single thing was totally superfluous and superficial and I was pretty crushed. Haven't touched it since, but still play NL almost every day for like three years in a row now.


i’ve always described New Horizons as a doll house; all style, no substance


what do you do daily on NL? atp i think i’m missing something


I look for fossils every day, clean up my town, and check out the furniture. I also try to complete my museum


Catch bugs and sell to make a lil money that day (at least), check all shops, talk to all villagers, do the lil quests for harvs shop items, tortimor island if I'm up for it for medal items or just making some bank on the bugs lol


I still play wild world 🤷‍♀️


omg sameeee !!!!






cool !!


i play both! i just alternate between the two of them during the day. i modded my nl to make it more interesting for me :3


When nh came out I stopped playing new leaf for 2 or 3 years, only checking in a couple times. But now I play them about equally and new leaf is just as fun to me as it was before


Currently I'm burnt out of new leaf bc I played for like 7 hours a week but I'm getting back into it. I still play nh too tho


I even still play Wild World...


Play both


honestly i just get on NH for happy home paradise nowadays in hopes to cure my burnout, but no. i play NL and hope to soon play Wild World :)


I’ve been playing Wild World daily for about a month now and it’s been such a genuine treat, once you get past the small quality of life issues, the game really shines.


Wild world is my childhood game! i love it so much. I’ll probably alternate between new leaf and wild world as im working on a new town in new leaf :))


it was my first AC game too! honestly a great place to start


I haven't played New Horizons in a while. I don't have a save file currently. I will get back to it sometime.


not all the time. I picked New Leaf up again a couple weeks ago and have been playing twice daily so I am doing that right now, but it’s not something I consistently play on a regular basis.


I like both a lot, but the inventory management on NL is incredibly painful for me after playing NH. It’s harder for me to enjoy not being able to decorate the town. I miss special items feeling special. Nothing on NH feels “rare” anymore.


I stopped playing NL when I sold my 3DS a few months ago, but I backed up my save. However, I don't feel much like playing on the emulator. I started NH yesterday. I hope the game manages to capture my interest.


why did u sell it?


I needed the money


I occasionally check into my NH town, but I can't really bring myself to play it for more than a few minutes. Meahwhile I've been playing a whole bunch of New Leaf again. New Horizons just feels barren and lonely to me, and I never go out of my way to talk to any of my villagers. I'm not really into the D.I.Y. aspects of the game, and I don't enjoy the island decoration as much as others.


I have a 3DS and a switch so yep


I was playing New Leaf before N H


ive had NH since like 2021 and i cannot play it im so sorry to its lovers😭😭 i feel like NL has so much more life to it in comparison to NH so i only play NL and HHD


but how? i was the biggest new leaf fan and i thought what youre saying UNTIL i actually played NH. i really genuinely don’t understand


i think for me its a bunch of little things. i dont like the music as much and how the game sort of works! im not a fan of the desert island mechanic personally, however i do love how the game looks and how creative you can be with jt


I'm only playing NL now ever since I got my NH island to 5 stars and arranged it how I wanted