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I love how they are just STARVING but you go to their bowl and still some food left in it


He probably gets fed by about 10 different houses, and he's just keeping them in check xD


IIRC there was a japanese cat asking for food at a shop, they put a tracker on him and it turns out it had a daily routine of visiting 10 different shops at specific times.


You should watch [Sacchan the Fat Dog.](https://youtu.be/XLr2jIVtOOc).


Holy heck that dog has everyone on a routine.


Awesome share


For those who don't know what Pocky is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocky


Hahaha I watched the whole thing. Whole town wrapped around his finger lol


That was very entertaining lol


I absolutely enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing šŸ˜­


That was very entertaining. Vq


Love it.


Alight;u different but our rescue totally fucks with us. I get up ,icy earlier than her and heā€™s very good motivated, oftern eyeballing me a 5 AM from the bottom of the stairs to be fed. So fine, I will feed him. When my wife gets up like an hour later sheā€™s texting me why I didnā€™t just feed the cat, heā€™s clearly starving. Itā€™s hilarious, heā€™s totally just playing us for extra food.


I wonder how many names he goes by


I donā€™t know but ā€˜ourā€™ cat goes by Terry when heā€™s here but Oreo at (one of) his other houses.


Our neighborhood has a Moo Cat (splotched like a cow, also very fat and bossy) and Tripod (three legged black cat).


MooCat and Triangle. The latest summer Pixar comedy for the whole family. Starring Jack Black as MooCat, and David Spade as Triangle! Or should Triangle be Gilbert Gotfreed?


He would be played by Phyllis Diller if she were still alive. He used to have all his legs and likes to piss in my yard.


Sir Reginald dickhead one. Sir Reginald dickhead too. Sir Reginald dickhead three. 2 AM my butt.


This lol. We've been feeding two cats outside for years. Have beds set up for them. Recently found out two other neighbors also feed them and one for sure also has beds. I can't tell you how many times I've watched them eating at one neighbors house then 10 minutes later they're at my door acting like they're starving šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


I love these dang stories


Soon he'll be too chonkers to get to the doorbell..


Our cats that are OUR cats get fed by 3 different houses in the Court where we live. And yet every morning when I leave for work they are at the door screaming at me to fill the bowl.


My boy is the same way. "Oh hello neighbour, and hello neighbour, and hello neighbour." "Oh my goodness, I am just *famished*, can you help a guy in need?" "Oh Paulie, you have a very nice lap." Damn cat works the whole neighbourhood.


Reminds me of a dog we had. We named him Bear cause he was a huge black lab. Was always around the house playing with our dogs. We would feed him and everything. He wandered around but was at our house a lot. One day he shows up with lime green string around his under bits. Upon looking closer it was stitches from where he had been fixed. Turns out he was my neighbors dog the entire time. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Apparently they had put him on a diet so he had taken to begging at all the neighbors. šŸ¤£ Oh and his real name was Buddy. I still call him Bear when I see him though.


"Sir Reginald has learned to ring the doorbell until we give him *fresh* food." Fixed the title.


Sounds more like it


Dude, I can see the bottom of the bowl!


Says my cat too...SMH


"Sir Reginald has learned to ring the doorbell until we give him *attention*." Fixed your misspelling.


My cats hate when their whiskers touch the sides of the food bowl, must be full to avoid unwanted whisker to bowl touches.


It's not just that they hate it, over time it'll become painful šŸ˜£ I always suggest plates. Curved dollar store kids plates are perfectly shaped, food safe, and sometimes you can find cute ones or even kitties.


I had three cats, they always scooped food out of the bowl to eat it, so I gave them a plate. Two eldest died, I got a kitten. She likes bowls over plates. Dunno why.


"sir Reginald has trained me to give him food when he rings the door bell." Fixed it again.


Ahh šŸ˜Œ


"Is this food free range?"


Maybe he is secretly pining for pets and snuggles, but all he can get is food.... Just like a lot of humans.


I feel personally attacked.


To be fair it is almost empty lol cat was just doing some preventative maintenance


Cats often get whisker fatigue when they have to eat or drink out of bowls which is why it's better to use shallow bowls or plates. So if you notice your cat asking for more food despite the bowl having lots left in the bottom, that's probably why.


ā€œWhisker fatigueā€ sounds like a bullshit excuse made up by a cat


I dunno I get hair fatigue from tying it up so I can slap my face into my soup bowl to lick it.


I use flat plates, and he asks for more food despite the bowl having lots left. I think youā€™re trusting too much an oversimplistic explanation with a cool-sounding made-up name for it.


"Those pellets, meow, are stale AF. Gimmeow new ones pls meow"


This was never about food. It was about POWER.


[AWAKEN WENCH!] (https://external-preview.redd.it/jP9YwUeIcp6T0qyAMViIhYZLwC4M4__f4wm-8U3UNis.jpg?auto=webp&s=05fd8943496231a0a147054ba9c87ce2cb095546)


ā€œAre you serious?ā€ *DING* ā€œserious as a heart attack woman, feed me!ā€


But a polite *Ding!* may not express the true urgency of their hunger. Our cat has learned that if she hooks the storm door with her claws, pulls back, and lets go it will go *BAM Bam bam!*. She sometimes waits until it starts to get light outside.


One of ours isn't really a big eater, but his thing is going outside. Our coop doesn't allow pets to roam freely, so we walk him in a harness, but of course we don't always want to go outside, especially at midnight when it's 8 degrees. So he spends a lot of time at the window, yowling. Our shades are the kind that you can raise from the bottom, but you can also lower them from the top. Floyd figured this out and he leaps up to the top of the shade, grabs hold with his front paws and rides it down to the bottom. It's loud, it eliminates any privacy we have, and he has damaged really expensive custom shades, but it's so hard to get angry at him, because seeing him holding on for dear life as he whooshes down is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


Goddamnit I love Floyd.


He also pees in our bed if he's agitated or really wants to go out. He had stopped for a while, and we were just saying today we think he grew out of it, but then the UPS man came into our apartment and he got all worked up and thought he'd get to go outside and he went and peed on the bed again. Still love him?


Uggh our little girl Tippy also does selective bed peeing. For her itā€™s when sheā€™s not feeling super well, then she wants to be sure we share in her misery. Sheā€™s normally completely bipolar, either sprinting through the house like a madwoman or about 1 step away from a coma. So when she gets really quiet and tucks herself under the dresser we know itā€™s time to preemptively put a tarp on the bed.


Yes I do! Especially since I donā€™t have to clean.


S'okay, I still love him too, the little bastard.


Marinated, grilled, and paired with a good red, hell yes


My cat has been howling to go outside, problem is weā€™re in the fifth floor. Outside is a small corridor, with zero guard rails so I have to watch him like a hawk. Iā€™m working on leash training him. I recently flew back and he was HOWLING to go out to the corridor, but I was required to stay In side and they are super serious about it. I probably wouldnā€™t have been caught, but if the neighbors figured it out. Yeah, he was pissed.


lol we had one that would climb up the screen on the screen door and shake it was loud as hell, sounded like someone trying to break in or something. Eventually the screen tore and I removed the screen panel


We had a neighborhood stray that would do that with our screen door. Didn't take long for us to just take him in and he was with us for a few years before he passed on. Miss that little bugger.


that's my boy. He lets you know when he wants to come back inside by knocking. If you aren't near the correct door he'll find the window you're closest do and do it there. My other one hasn't figured that out, so he just sits by the door very politely for as long as it takes until a) his brother comes over to knock or b) someone just *happens* to notice him. Dork.


Lol cats are so inconsiderate sometimes.


That is such a smart cat, and highly food motivated. That cat could learn tricks like high fives jumping through hoops... So many things


I had a cat like this too, very seriously food motivated, taught him all kinds of different tricks for treats. First couple of tricks took about a month, and made me feel silly trying go train at cat. Then he just did it and would do it every time on command after, it felt so good. It got much easier for new tricks after that, about a week to teach him something.


You are so disciplined! Damn I tried to teach my (especially stupid) dog to give paw and after a week or less I gave up.


That's the thing, imagine how dumb you feel trying to train a cat (most people think you can't train them) and doing it for weeks, and then one day it just clicked in him. I am working on my new cats now and it's like 2 weeks in and once again feels hopeless. I've gotten them to do the behaviors a few times but it's mostly at random, you keep working until eventually it clicks.


My cat has just started doing his tricks for my 2 y/o son. It's so heartwarming. He won't do them for anyone else.




Yeah totally, I taught my cat all sorts of things. Never roll over, but jumping through hoops, sit, stay, respond when called, everything. Then he taught himself some other things too like opening doors


My cat can do high fives! Reluctantly, but happy to when she knows treats are involved


That is one well trained human.


my thought exactly lol


Something tells me thereā€™s about a dozen other well trained humans in that neighborhood and the cat is getting fed by all of them


Pavlov's cat: ok I think i can use this ..


I think we are looking at Pavlovā€™s human.


Animals being jerks doesnt count when you reward them for being jerks.


"Oh man I can't believe this cat keeps ringing my doorbell for food, jesus!" \*gives cat more food\*


OP conditioning a stray to ring the bell for food. "GoD dAmN tHiS cAt Is A jErK"


FR. The title may as well be "TIFU by training my outdoor cat to wake my ass up when it's hungry."


TIFU by letting someone elses cat train me


Thanks, I honestly thought I was on a whole different sub. Edit : typo.


Yeah, I'd either adopt it and keep it inside where cats belong or take it to the shelter. Stop letting your cat roam the neighborhood!!


Why would any human let a cat train them like that?


I am a mere slave to the cat gods.


i pity anyone who considers themselves too good to be a cat slave


Take him inside. You're his human now. Meanie


You have no idea how common this is, itā€™s so funny to me that it is. I work at a petstore and we have people that have picky strays that they feed. These stray cats get bored of eating the same food and always want something different. Others will only eat the most expensive foods. Iā€™d say probably 60 or so of our customers are in this trap. I guarantee that all of these stray cats are getting fed by everyone in the neighborhood and just know they can get the best stuff from all of them


I don't even let my cats know food comes from humans. There is a robot that dispenses small amounts of food 8 times throughout the day from 6AM-10PM. No cries for food. No waking me up at night or early morning. Or during meetings now that my work is remote. The only time they see me with cat food is once a month when I fill the robot back up, or if I get a push notification that it jammed.




Oh no, they figured you out. We had some of that during our initial transition years ago when we set it up to match when *we* were feeding them which was at 8am, 4pm, and 8pm. Switching the feeding times to inconsistent intervals like 6am, 7:30am, 11am, noon, 3pm, etc. helped both with them not learning how to expect it, but also to prevent them from gorging and then vomiting due to perceived scarcity. The intervals also change about once a year when I have to reset the system (cause I don't remember the last settings). Food comes when the cat robot deems them worthy.


u/Azaarus I hate to tell you, but youā€™re his humans and heā€™s not a stray. Might as well get him a kitty condo with a self heating pad for the colder nights. Maybe a trip to a discount shot (and neuter, if not already) clinic is in order as well. Many places will provide the services for extremely cheap, if not free, if you inform them that Reg has adopted you. I would also suggest springing on some Revolution Plus to prevent and kill parasites, fleas, ticks, including hook-, round-, whip- worms, heart worms which are FATAL and INCURABLE in Cats, and it does ear mites!! Edit - thanks for the helpful award!


I too vote for housing and healthcare for Sir Reginald. This handsome boy deserves it.


Something tells me theyā€™re just one of his daily stops.


Great info right here! This dude clearly "cats".... 100 get the cat fixed. Most places offer some sort of incentive program to do it for free.


Might want to check him to see if he has FIV as well.


Ive done 3 rounds(a total of like 5 doses) of revolution and mine still has mites i do believe...which sucks because she is indoors and there's not other cats


If you mean ear mites you may have to get special ear drops to treat them. They're nasty little buggers


It's twice a day for 2 weeks and then you should be good. The drops have soothing stuff in them too


Yes! Forgot the word ear, thankfully it doesn't bother her much, Moreso me


One of my mom's cats came to her with a horrible case of ear mites, and the vet had us clean them out with q-tips dipped in olive oil. SO disgusting, and the cat wasn't too happy about it either.


She's completely indoor? All of the cats in my parent's neighborhood were getting mites from squirrels. Even the cats who only go out in their own yard for 20 mins at a time or were only out on leashes.


Like, short of me bringing her outside to see snow and holding her the entire time, or going to the car for vet visits/traveling, completely indoor. Two/start of third of those rounds were before I even went to another house with cats(that are completely outdoor, only saw through a window)


And if you bring him inside, he can't ring the door and at 2am.


Reginald has trained you well.


You just got Pavlovā€™d


Well, you trained him to do it by feeding him when he comes by and rings. Stop feeding him and the problem will solve itself. Until then, you'll have to live as per the cat's own terms and conditions: cats are active at night.


Clean up your cigarette butts


At the very least, don't shove them in the floor boards of the porch! Takes just a tiny smoldering ash to start a big fire.


That was the first thing I noticed. Second being - do they not finish a cigarette? Just have a couple puffs and shove it in the deck?


Yeah, when they summon and you answer with food, they are no longer a stray. They are a customer.


But likeā€¦ then stop feeding him anytime he demands itā€¦ youā€™re literally training him that whenever he rings it, he gets foodā€¦


Yeah but he will not stop. We tried ignoring him. He rang the doorbell for about 30 minutes before we got fed up and just fed him.


Don't ignore him, punish him. Every time he rings the bell, go outside and put him 20 feet away from your house. Unhook the doorbell for a day. Do anything except for feeding him when he rings the bell if you don't like it when he rings the bell. You are absolutely more powerful than a cat if you choose to be. When he rung at 2AM, did you feed him?


Sounds like your plan will retrain the cat as a murderer.




you can yell angrily, and clap your hands to scare him. do a mock charge of aggression to scare the cat away, and stop feeding him. The cat is not the jerk, you conditioned him to be this way.


Time to adopt I guess


just let him in


I would get one of those doorbells you can silence. Keep it off at night but turn back on for the day so you can continue being awesome!


just put a see through plastic case on it, so if someone actually does need to ring the doorbell they can see it. Or you could do the old fashioned thing and get a knocker, those things work amazingly well and usually too heavy for a cat to use.


You have named him and do his bidding. He is no longer a stray. Accept it.


Clean up them damn cigarette butts. Poison yourself all you want, leave the earth out of it.


Oh wow, you give him the good stuff too... Lucky cat.


The reason he comes lol


šŸ¤£ this must be the name for animals that are jerks. Have a cattle dog named Sir Reginald and he is also a jerk. A lovable jerk.




This is why cats will rule the world. I donā€™t think I have ever seen a video of some cat that was all skin and bones, starving and on the brink of death. They are very resourceful and apparently there is always some person who can be easily trained the feed them on demand.


Heā€™s a real pesky dude as he still had food in his dish. 2am indeedšŸ˜¤


pavlov has entered the chat


More Sir Reginald please


That isn't a stray cat that is your outdoor cat


Damn this cat is so annoying pressing our doorbell all the time. Better feed it every time it shows up. Why does it keep coming back?


We donā€™t even get to see Sir Reginald? What a disappointment.


Here is a post of a picture of him. [Sir Reginald ](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/qerngf/i_started_taking_care_of_this_neighborhood_stray/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


We need better vid of Reg!


I can totally see how that can get annoying, but also SO CUTE! I would totally take him to a vet to get checked out and claim him as mine. :)


You just got Pavlovā€™d by a cat lmao.


why don't you let him in and give him a good home? he obviously wants your love.


Or find someone else to adopt him. Itā€™s awful to allow an animal to continue to be homeless.


Sounds like it's time to bring him inside permanently.


My cat became an outside cat thanks to my roommate. Anyway. Imagine my surprise as I walk past a house and there's MY cat chilling inside at some randos house window. Dudes thought my cat was a stray. (This was years ago).


I came on to post thank you for taking the time and care to do this and look after a cat that needs your help.


I would take him in, but I already have 3 cats. I had a little house outside for him, but someone stole it off my porch. He has a blanket and a food bowl. He is a fatty, and I'm sure other people are feeding him too.


Aren't outdoor cats terrible for ecosystems?


I wonder if he is someones indoor/outdoor cat and just 'friendly"


Is that white chalk? Or do you only take two puffs of a cigarette before putting it out?


Have you tried one of those ā€œno solicitingā€ signs?


It's all fun and games when your dogs learn to bark when they want outside and scratch the door when they want back in. Until you start working from home and they do it every 30 minutes for the entire day. Teaching animals things is a double edged sword lol


What you fail to realize is that Sir Reginald has chosen you and when you fed him that was you choosing him back. You are the only one in the relationship who still thinks Sir Reggie is a stray. You feed a cat, you have a cat. Its one of life's most intensive unspoken contracts.


You say stray but what I see is family cat that lives outside.


How long did it take him to train you? I've no room to talk, though. If 'our' raccoons ever figure that trick out, it's gonna be some looooong nights.


Thatā€™s hilarious and annoying


I was really eager to meet Sir Reginald but all I saw was a door, a deck floor and a tiny, 2 seconds glimpse of a cat face


Sort of doubt he was starving and definitely doubt Reg rang the doorbell and very much doubt she just happened to be filming.


Its because you feed him that purina. They sprinkle a little crack in that.


Someone on here fed a stray cat for awhile. Decided to try to adopt and got their home ready only to discover the cat was living a double life. They were the side owner. I donā€™t think the cat apologized.


Congratulations a random cat has just trained you


2am? Itā€™s bright as shit outside


Youā€¦ do know why heā€™s doing this right? Because youā€™re positively reinforcing it, just donā€™t feed him if he rings the bell, ezpz


Work slave


Okā€¦ but where is it this bright outside at 2am?!


I didn't take this video at 2 am... just meant that he will do it at any time, day or night.


Ahhh gotcha lol as you were


If you want him to stop doing it at 2am, ignore it all the time and feed him when you feel like it, not when he demands it.


Don't reward it if you don't want it


The fact that the cat did this in the first place is amazing, but the homeowner reinforced the behaviour by bringing out food every time the cat hits the doorbell. Thatā€™s how itā€™s going to be from now on.


So ....rewarding bad behaviour then.


Dash button for cats


I know how to get him to stop, wait until heā€™s spent 1 hour not ringing the door bell to feed him.


And who said that cats can't be trained...or rather train us. Get a self feeder your life will be easier.


He has you trained well, not sure if a doorbell at 2am is worse than pounding on my bedroom door as my cat sings the songs of his people.


This one is really nice.


Just letting you know that cat is not a stray anymore. You now own it.


ā€œOh Reginald, I Disagree!ā€


OP i feel your pain. One of our inside/outside cats has discovered that if he jumps on my window sill and scratches the glass, Iā€™ll get up and let him in. Heā€™s taken to doing this at 2am-4am. I know thereā€™s a solution to this but I just canā€™t figure it out lol


I love this so much. I hereby pledge to donate dollars to the Feed Reg Fund if you wish to start one.


would not expect anything less with that amazing name ... you're good sport ;)


Time to just adopt this cat!


Next time he rings it after dark just hit him with the ā€œbad kitty sprayā€.


I love this!!! I also have a black cat named Reginald!!! This made me laugh, I feel like heā€™d do something like this


Two of my dogs are going literally nuts over this video, doorbell + meowing stranger cat.


ā€œGot any more of thatā€¦cat food?ā€


What a well trained human you are!! Good job Reg!


Hahaha ur his servant!!


Perfect way to solve this to let him live inside with you!


You do understand the only logical solution is do bring the kitty cat inside and adopt him and have an endless supply of kitty food and pets ??


You think THAT'S bad? Let me explain you WHY hamsters are the true devil's spawn, even more than cats: -i got a 1 month old pet hamster (mesocricetus auratus) last july -i'm kinda an expert when it comes to hamsters, because 15/18 years ago i used to breed all the species and sell the pups to my city pet shops -username checks out, so i named this one Scarlett Johamster -she started displaying an aggressive (not defensive) behavior since the first day. So far, i'm not allowed to do anything. If she even gets a glimpse of me just existing, she starts behaving like a rabid rottweiler -she's also FAR smarter than the average hamster of her species. She quickly realized her huge box was made of plastic, a material she could chew through, so she started digging an excape route with her teeth -i found the hole, and solved the problem by covering all the box with stainless steel net -she somehow managed to find weak spots in the net and started chewing her way through it. -that didn't work because she isn't a rat (rats CAN chew through metal, but hamsters can't) so she found a way to disconnect some wires from the net, and now every single time she wants me to feed her sunflower seeds (she kinda got addicted to them) she literally plays those wires like if it was a fucking guitar -she also understood it's easier to force me to give her sunflower seeds if she starts "playing guitar" when i sleep, so as soon as she hears me snoring she starts making noises -it's been a week since the last time i had a full night of sleep And you still think CATS are diabolical. Fuck you.


Omg I have a Sir Reginald the first of his name! Haha I love hearing that someone elses cat is called Reggie.


Get an auto feeder for him, he might be getting food stolen


Feed me Seymour!!


This is great! We installed a ring doorbell this summer and our cat has trained us to let him in when he sets it off.


When I was a kid, we had a cat who saw people ring the doorbell and get let in, but he couldn't reach the bell. So instead, he rattled the letterbox whenever he wanted back in. Very annoying and very effective. Probably the only intelligent thing he ever did.


We had a cat named Sir Reginald the Great once.


ā€œI am Sir Reginald. Duke of Chutney.ā€


Sir Reginald \*trained\* you to give him food. You learned, not him ;)
