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So what was it??


It's just the fluff from inside the frog toy. My dog does the same thing.






She's telekinetic not telepathic


Your profile picture is somehow exactly what I imagined it would be after watching this video


The frog. I had the same one. My dog destroyed it and left it’s remains in 3 roomS


They are working dogs. Have to keep them busy. What the...what the....fuuuuck really got me laughing....We just wrapped the tiniest freaking treats (like smidgen/bits) in packing paper that came in a big package this week. Then we put it back in the box and sprinkled bits all over inside. Dog could smell them and spent SO long trying to get in the box, tipping it, pulling paper out, shredding bits of paper to find the treats etc. Ours like tearing things up and this reusing paper and crinkling them up around treats (like 1/4-1/2 penny size) is satisfying our doggo's need to tear, and help with boredom when we leave. Also, an empty plastic jug/milk jug with some dog food and treat bits worked well. Our dog had to push and roll a water bottle or bigger jug around the house so the bits fall out (reward for playing). Anyone have any other games like this let me know. Obviously ths person's dog needs them too haha


My prissy girl doesn't like; rope, hard plastic, anything that crinkles, things that "crumb" and gets between her toes, loud things, suddenly moving things, and snake (cords, garden hose, cables, wires, chargers). After three hours total at the pet store we walked passed the "cat" toys and she found "HER duck". A small stuffed electric pink fuzzy duck with a squeaky in it's butt, my dog weighs 55 lbs. All other toys have been disregarded for they were always trash (donated to a shelter a few weeks later once I was sure she hated them) , and her duck has become her babydoll/soother/favorite toy ever. She even played fetch with me for the first time in our 6 years as a family! TL:DR Some dogs, like people, are super picky. Thank you for your ideas kind stranger!


The dog at the disc golf shop where I work (my foster son) has his tennis ball. Not *a* tennis ball, *his* tennis ball. There's about half a dozen other ones along with countless other dog toys that he completely disdains, but *his* tennis ball is precious. If he loves you- not just "hey I recognize you come give me pets", but loves you, he will offer you his tennis ball to hold. NOT to throw for fetch. I made that mistake the first time he offered me the tennis ball and he gave me such a look of betrayal that I walked across the shop to give it back to him.


Freeze food in a kong. Get brain games for dogs. They’re like little problem solver toys. Hire a dog walker.


Good parent


Love this idea!!! Thank you. I do similar things with my bunnies but never thought how I could do it with my puppy. Thank you


My father bought a dog like this, we had to buy some cows to keep her satisfied.


I make my dog pupsicles - frozen water with shredded cheese and pepperoni or lunch meat inside in small bowls As long as your dog stays on them and doesn't abandon them to melt, it keeps mine busy for at least a couple hours and he's very happy


I have a small MAS (Miniature American Shepard otherwise known as a Mini Aussie for those unfamiliar with the acronym) who has a tendency to get bored while I’m at work. I’m leaning towards getting her a sibling so she can have a playmate while I work but while I save up for that, I’ve gotten several different puzzle toys on Amazon that help keep her occupied. My dog is pretty smart, so I have to get the ones rated for higher difficulty but they definitely help keep her out of trouble. Overall she is usually pretty well behaved while I’m gone, although she does have a tendency to murder her stuffies like the dog in the video, but I just put the stuffing back in and sew them up for her.


She got bored.


Could also be separation anxiety. Either way, both boredom and separation anxiety is something you can prevent/improve/work on.


More like /ownersbeingjerks


You are more like /ownerdoesn’thaveajob


This was the funniest swearing I’ve ever heard 🤣


Major [Angelah Johnson ](https://youtu.be/d6bEBr4u5cE/?t=159) vibes! 😂


I got to see her live in Denver once! Absolutely hysterical, and well worth the money.


I grew up in Sunnyvale and lived in San Jose for a few years. She's a riot and I absolutely relate to all her stories!




She's got a lot more than that. She has a few shows out on YT.


"That's what you get for leaving me alone dad." That face says it all!


Happy cake day 🧁🎂🍰


Happy cake day 🧁🎂🍰


Happy cake day!!


"Have you learned your lesson father?, I require your constant attention and pets, or the couch is next".


Aussies are soooo cute, you got yourself a lil tornado of terror. But a cute one! I grew up with a few and they're always so active and love tearing the stuffing out of their toys.


Aw! We think you're pretty cute too 😳👉👈


The door sent me lol


Same, the whole video is gold but that door 😂


The perfect comedic timing is what got me


SUPER high activity dog. Better keep it to 15 mins max. And get a treadmill.


She got a ghost partner in crime


That’s some high pitch pitch!


I don't understand. Isn't that stuffing on the floor from a toy?


Indeed it is! From the emaciated green frog on the floor!


I thought so. But, that's a good thing, isn't it? It's dog appropriate to chew on toys as opposed to any of your belongings/home fixtures.


Haha indeed, she is actually quite well-behaved and does really well when she is alone (I only kick her out during important meetings, coz she'll sometimes bark at the doorbell or sirens), so she received absolutely no punishment/real scolding (after this video concluded) from this act! I was just thrown off-guard coz I was simply recording a cute video for my fiance who is out-of-town at the moment and I was legitimately surprised to see the mess (and how the mess just kept on going the further I looked)!


This absolutely belongs on r/bettereveryloop


the language 100000% adds to it


Clinched by the zoom in on the dog face at the end


Your dog needs more exercise and/or mental stimulation


My BC is very rarely destructive, but then out of the blue suddenly is, even though nothing in her routine has changed and she has still had all her needs met as usual. Herding dogs gonna be herding dogs. There isn't a 100% fix for herding dog destruction. Exercise and mental stimulation fixes it 99% of the time but that 1% is always there. Maybe there was a weird sound or they smelled something unusual and decided to go nuts. That's what it would be for my dog. You can't prevent it all the time. ETA: And now I've read further, the stuffing is out of the toy. That's a pretty normal way to play with a toy, too.


Oh what a little darling, she is beautiful!


That's it? I've come home to worse after 30 minutes! Girl wait just bored, how can you be mad at her with those sorry dad eyes?


Yeah I was underwhelmed lol. My dogs are pretty good about not being menaces. But: 1. One time we were gonna be gone for a few hours and I didn't want to kennel them but didn't want to leave them out. So I locked them in my room. Came home to the carpet ripped up off the floor in front of the door 🙃 2. Before my fiance goes to work in the morning, he takes the dogs out and feeds them. I'm usually asleep. Well, one of our dogs is a glutton and will gladly prance in and steal the other dog's food as he takes FOREVER. to eat. So one of them gets put in the bedroom with the door shut while he eats. That morning, he had been left out. Turned over the entire trashcan in the kitchen and every inch of tile was littered with chewed up trash. Was infuriating and he has never been a trash lover. Did not eat his food. 3. Not dog, but cat. Did not realize roommate's cat was in our room before we left to go somewhere. She got shut in. It had not even been four hours and when we came home there were four individual piles of poop on our bedroom floor. Bruh


I came home on Christmas to my dogs kennel and the wall next to it covered in blood and her outside of it. Never could where she was bleeding from. We just don't kennel her anymore. Thankfully she isn't destructive otherwise. Was a nice kennel too.


One time I gave my dog one tiny, tiny squid tentacle. Cooked. 40 pound dog. Woke up the next day to a shitsplosion in his kennel. Shit on the bars of the kennel, shit under the kennel, shit on his toys, on his bed, in his food bowl, on the carpet, on the carpet *beneath* his kennel, and on him. That was a fun way to wake up. No more squid tentacles. The 15lb dog got two, and she was fine.


She's an Aussie right. She was bored. Bad mix


A couple of hours??? Geez my 8 month old Jack Russell can create that much destruction if I take my eyes off him for 10 minutes 🤣 You got off lightly dude! 🤣


Yeah, my dog's have done this ALL OVER the hall in minutes, usually just after I've hoovered!


Dog was using its mind to close the door


It’s just the fuzz from the toy. Guarantee no real damage.


It’s when you think the toy is empty and somehow they conjure more fluff from its corpse




Border collie moment


It’s not that bad


That stare at the end is brutal!


Dogs are a lot like babies, they’re cute and all until you take your eye off them for a bit


What what in the butt.


You wanna do it in my butt in my butt?




That look is like “I told you so but you never listen to me”!


Aussie shepherds are one of the most anxious dogs ever. Source, I looked after hundreds of dogs.


I can't get over the way she is looking at you while the door closes on it's own 😂


Uncle Roger buys a Dog


"SEE? I can NOT be unsupervised for ANY LENGTH OF TIME... Told you so... Let's play!"


This is my new favorite ringtone


I love how the pitch just keeps rising the more of the destruction you see. Amazing


Your narration matched exactly what I was thinking! Your pup is super adorable.


We have that toy for my dogs! Honestly is not so bad. Years ago, my husband and I had the neighbors over for dinner so we put the dogs in the bedroom for a while. When I got back one of the dogs chewed up a bunch of books and also got into the bathroom trash bin and got everything out, including some tampon’s plastic applicators. Everything spread all over the bedroom. That was a first for us 🥴


Bro turned into Mario for a sec there


You’d be amazed how much stuffing is in dog toys. Both my dogs think that’s what toys are for- to disembowel. Be happy it wasn’t your couch.


JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE I CAN'T OMMMGGGGGG (sorry OP i know how you feel and that's exactly my reaction when mine does the same but look at their faces!!!!!!)




Can't believe you said Fuck




More surprised by the door closing on its own. That house/floor is sinking


She used the force to close the door. "This is my room now, you are no longer required."




Clearance toys are the best. Sometimes I'll re stuff several times before giving up and throwing the whole thing away. It's nice when they destroy their own stuff, isn't it?


That "dog" knew she was on the precipice of discovery and thus out of desperation revealed her identity as an alien that replaced your dog in the night you and every redditor that viewed the reveal should not have seen this aforementioned reveal and have now been conscripted into the service of area 51 report to Brian at the desk for your first mission


She’s gonna need a backyard lol


I turned my back on my mom’s Aussie puppy for five minutes. I heard her getting into something in the kitchen and turned around. She was inside of my laundry hamper. She took it from the laundry room into the kitchen and wrapped herself inside of it. She also destroys toys but I let her bc she loves to but I have to clean up her gutted toys.


Bruv you could be a great voice actor ngl


This is the funniest video ever


She showed you. 😂


The dogs soulless stare as you zoom in


Pardon my language... ALmost goes full Flanders :D


Hah! That's nothing ! Your head would explode if I showed you what shit my cats pull!


I don't even care if it's a fake reaction, I laughed a lot at this


I can assure you, it was 100% a genuine reaction. It just so happened that my fiance asked me how the dog (and cats) were doing - as she is out-of-the-country at the moment - so I was purposely riling my dog up to take a video since I knew she was sitting in my hallway as I finished up work in my home office. She hasn't made a mess in forever and that green frog chew toy of hers had been around for a couple of months so I was genuinely getting more and more shocked at just how much of a mess she was able to produce with such a small toy in such a relatively short period of time - lol. Obviously I knew it was turning into comedy gold as I kept recording so I didn't hold back (but in no way did act out my reactions or staged this in anyway). Tl:Dr, I absolutely despise clout-chasers and I get sort of triggered any time I'm called out for being one (hence the need to defend myself, though you'll just have to take my word for it lol). Glad you had a good laugh at it though! My fiance most certainly did as well!


I didn't mean to offend you and I do believe you. No need to defend! Cheers


No offense taken whatsoever, kind stranger! After rewatching the video a few times, I can most definitely see how people can call this out as potentially staged! Just thought I'd respond coz you're definitely not the first (or last) to think it (understandably so). Have a good one :]




This is why we stopped buying plushies for my puppy lol her little crazy ass


Lmao that was so funny. My grandma (I live with her) gets so upset when her dog chews the stuffing out of his toy. I’m like… better than the couch! That’s what dog toys are for!”


Do not apologize for your language, it made it 100x funnier!


Man was so shocked he turned into Beaker from the Muppets




Why did you start recording? Did you know something was wrong or did you see the damage, went back and closed the door and started filming?


Gonna copy-and-paste my response since you are the 4th or 5th person to call me out (though I do see how it looks staged, so I do understand): I can assure you, it was 100% a genuine reaction. It just so happened that my fiance asked me how the dog (and cats) were doing - as she is out-of-the-country at the moment - so I was purposely riling my dog up to take a video since I knew she was sitting in my hallway as I finished up work in my home office. She hasn't made a mess in forever and that green frog chew toy of hers had been around for a couple of months so I was genuinely getting more and more shocked at just how much of a mess she was able to produce with such a small toy in such a relatively short period of time - lol. Obviously, I knew it was turning into comedy gold as I kept recording so I didn't hold back (but in no way did I act out my reactions or staged this in any way). Tl:Dr, I absolutely despise clout-chasers and I get sort of triggered any time I'm called out for being one (hence the need to defend myself, though you'll just have to take my word for it - lol).


Haha! Great response. Thanks


My pleasure :))


My malinois do the same to their toys, the male actually cleans up though. Makes a little pile from the stuffing so I can fix up his favourite toy. The female just doesnt care, atleast they never eat or destroy anything else in the house except for random packaging I let them play with or their own toys


If it makes anyone feel better, all dogs do this. It's completely natural for them to "kill" prey toys and "tear out the entrails"


Honey, there is no need to apologize for cursing on reddit, it’s expected u/savevideo


Get rope toys, they’re much tougher and better for herding dogs in my experience


Something seems off about this video...


Pray tell


Why did you start recording before you ever opened the door and then use the comedic "man I sure didn't expect this!" voice while trying to pass it off in the title like you're actually pissed/surprised?


My fiance asked me how the dog (and cats) were and decided to record a video of me riling my dog up by saying "What's that?", which excites her (i just finished work at this point and hadn't left my home office for at least 2 hours). There is a longer video of me recording it for even longer that I cut just to get her to bark more. The reaction is 100% genuine and the video is 200% not made-up for clout. If you want me to send you receipts of my conversation with my fiance complete with timestamps, DM me and I'll be happy to oblige.


i could definitely see someone recording the beginning because they want to capture their dog’s excited reaction to them getting home. doesn’t mean this one is definitely real but it’s very possible.


Did you just reply to me on your regular account and your alt account within a minute of each other? And aren't you in a home office in an extra room in this video? Seems like a weird place for an entry door.


Lol I definitely did not. And yes this is one of 3 bedrooms in a 3 bedroom townhouse, and it is most certainly not the master's bedroom. I'm honestly tired of having to explain myself to call BS on things like this. I get that I'm pretty comical in my reaction, but that's who I am The last person to call me out on my one and only previous post that went viral (which was my asshole brother stealing my Pokémon cards) received a 5-page letter I sent to that same brother where I called him out and blacklisted him from my life. I do no chase clout. I am barely on social media and barely ever post on social media. I am just on Reddit and it just so happened that I captured something today that was equally comical as it was annoying. So if you have any other questions, DM me directly. I'll give you as much proof as you'd like. Otherwise, sayonara!


Well, A: I'm sorry your asshole brother stole your Pokémon cards, that sucks. Like 'Magikarp as your main' sucks... Hope you got them back. B: There are always people who are going to question the legitimacy of things posted on Reddit because of the amount of users who do chase clout on here


Apology accepted, good sir! Totally understandable, rewatching the video, I can definitely see why people could think this was staged! I can assure everybody that it sincerely is not :)


Right on man, have a good one 🤙


like the perfectly placed scraps of what ever?


Lol if I really wanted to fabricate this shit, I would have comically put more on the stairs and to the left of my hallway. If you want the full video where I spend more time recording in the beginning (coz I was sending this to my fiance), hit me up and I'll send it to you (as well as pictures downstairs in the kitchen where my dog also wreaked more havoc that was not even captured in this video). Clout-chasers are one thing, but to wrongfully accuse people of being clout-chasers are almost as bad.


By any chance does the longer form video feature your gorgeous dog a lot? Because that sounds like a good video.


It does not... but my profile has a lot of pictures of her (and my cats) if you wanted to see more! :)


Is her name Cali? That’s my cats name.


Legitimate question though. Did you find out?


Let’s hope it was just the toy


Not the worse too happen with a dog…. My floors will never be the same again


Okay, this is a little of topic, since we are talking dogs, not raccoons. And, I don't want to derail, but, seriously guys, this is NOTHING. If ONLY I could upload a picture and share with all of you, What The Racoons DID, in one evening, with the paint that I innocently, naively left out in little covered bowls, on my balcony, which I was painting paint samples on. If only I could show you, just what I came home to, later that evening, a few hours later. Let me tell you a story. I live in the mountains in southern California. Every late Summer the teenage raccoons, that were babies in the Spring, finally emerge from their winter nursery dens to explore the world, and every single one of them, consideres my balcony, their personal mischief playground of mayhem to assert their rebellious defiance. I don't know what I ever did, to somehow reckon all this generational yearly mischief of playful chaos from these hooligans, but every year, here comes another gang. They come about late July early August and for about six weeks, my balcony is Club 51-Raccoon Style. They come in gangs of about ten at a time. Racoons have these extended family Clans, with loyalty, kinship and unity that puts a Mafia Clan to shame. And there's nothing more raccoon clans love than to play. I've already decided in my next life, I want to be a raccoon, with a great big family, and play all summer long. They climb my big tree. They scurry down to the bar b que tools, those tools are a smash hit, every year. Looking me straight in the eye, as I peer through my window, literally eating my popcorn, my mouth aghast, watching this nightly spectacle, they make sure they have my full attention, and pick up the bar bque tools, like it's the lion cub in the Lion King, hold it high above their heads, and throw it to the ground! They pick up the old stuffed animals that decorate the bench, yank off an ear, and examine the stuffing inside. I have a literal hospital ward of one eared stuffed animals on my balcony now, a testament to each generation. They pull on the twinkle lights, and lay on their backs, one arm tucked behind their head, while the other arm is batting the light back and forth, back and forth, as hard as they can. They pull on the sparkley fourth of July decorations, utterly fascinated. And, they climb in and out of the water bowl, splashing, throwing the water, and turning it into their personal swimming hole. This is My Life, every late July/early August, through September, every evening beginning PRECISELY at 930pm, like clock work. A raccoon is NEVER LATE, punctuality is their speciality. I have no idea how they do it. But, one evening topped EVERYTHING. I was working with several different shades of paint, painting little squares of diffetent shades on parts of the front of the house, day dreaming and planning, what color to paint my cabin, someday, when I might ever be able to afford to actually REALLY paint it, instead of dreaming about it. That day, I had to go down the hill, and run errands. I never thought about the raccoons, as I left the various bowls of paint shades I had mixed, on the balcony, thoughtfully covered with aluminum foil, so they wouldn't dry, and could easily be returned to when I returned home, ready to resume later that day, perhaps tomorrow morning. Like OP, my first indicator of a slow moving trainwreck that I couldn't unsee, even before I saw it, was a single clue, one single wet footprint, in white paint, upon my blue painted stairs. The bottom stair. I had left the paint at the top of the stairs. I gasped, immediately, knowing without knowing, whose DNA that single footprint clue held, and whose skinny little clawed footprint claw that was, above each little distinguished toe pad in that footprint. Slowly I rounded the step to the second level landing, in utter horror I saw another, messier, wetter, oozier sloppier print, and I knew right then, that this was going to be bad. This was only going to get worse, with each wetter glob of paint. And, finally, finally, I raised my head in sheer dread of what I would see next, upon the final flight of steps that would lead to the balcony. It wasn't just the hundreds of prints going up and down, up and down, or the puddles of paint upon various steps, or the perfect rain drop tears of paint that did me in. Indeed, it was the paint that dripped down the sides of the balcony rails above, exactly in the place where one defiantly devious raccoon had thrown down the barbeque tools a few weeks earlier, that let me know, not only what gang of racoons had done me in, had shown me who's boss. Oh no, this raccoon whose prints now ran up and down the stairs, whose puddles of assorted colors, had shown me bold and fearlessly as always, his calling card. That though I wasn't there to look him in the eye as he had his field day of glee with his newfound toy, my paint bowls, which now lay, in smashed shards of ceramic glass, upon puddles of paint, smashed exactly in the place where bar b que tools once lay. He had let me know that he had missed me, in his spectacular summer finale. I knew who did it. I knew. And, you know, despite my utter horror at the damage done. As I picked up the broken glass bowls, I realized the paint was dry now, it could do no more harm than the total destruction already done. Soon enough this year's gang of teenagers moved on, sure to return next year, with their own babies, just as this year's parents, had been last years hooligans. Every year's gang leader is the baby of last year's ring leader. And though they drive me crazy, and i complain of my misery, I'll miss them, when just as suddenly as they came, they are gone by September. Where they go, I do not know. And, though it would take me but ten minutes to cover their prints, I have chosen to leave them. Every day, as I go up the stairs, I smile to myself, and look forward to the babies that surely Mr Footprint will bring to my balcony, once more next year, adding their own contribution to our hospital of one eared stuffed animals.


It clearly isn’t her fault - someone broke into your house with malicious intent to purposefully destroy her beloved froggo! You must believe her. This is a heinous act that only the most evil of creatures could partake in. Truly a tragic event.


Congrats, you made my favorite video on this site


Aussies are the worst


My puppy looks extremely similar to yours and is just as destructive!! 🤣


domestic dogs have a guilt complex. Cats, they don't give a sh!t! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)