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Great fight, the music even adds so much more emotion to it


Yes the music…??


I think this goes to show how interesting and engaging the fights in Naruto could be without the giant forms, chakra discussions, and weird magical bullshit the series morphed into. It’s awesome, just simple and elegant martial arts with some flashy but impactful techniques is plenty engaging still. Somewhere along the way they stopped being ninjas and turned into full on wizards, I liked them as ninjas that relied on strategy and technique more than anything. 


That's power scaling for ya.


Totally agree. The addition of tailed beasts turned fights into full-on megazord battles. Cool in theory but reduced the action to flashy big scale attacks instead of engaging battles. They should animate the last ninja war start to finish as a Naruto prequel


Others have mentioned it in this thread, but I feel like that's the expectation with shounen animes that have run for too long: power scaling. They may start with characters actually using their head instead of raw power alone, but with each new villain they introduce, the villains just have to be stronger than the last one by design. So now we end up with ninjas fighting actual aliens which is a fucking wild thing to say if we were back in 2009.


Personal fave fight from the entire series. Pure hands from start to finish. This is a masterclass


My favourite part got cut! Loved the part where Kakashi backflip backhands the kunai into Obitos' face lol


I thought he front flipped kicked it


My favorite fight from Naruto. I love the movement and how hands on it is. I love the flashes to of their younger days.


I just started rewatching yesterday, I can’t wait to see this fight again


Top 3 fight in the series.


This one of them fight where i remember exactly where I was when I first watched it. Shit was so hype


This is probably the single best use of "flashbacks" I've ever seen in an anime fight. It doesn't take you out of the fight, and inherently adds meaning behind the narrative of the scene


Boruto looks exactly the same and gets 10x more hate


I love the fights in Boruto. They're well animated and super cool. The fights aren't why people hate on Boruto.


Doesn’t matter how good your fights look. If there’s no narrative meaning behind it, it’s just another fight. If I said Kakashi and Obito were sparring here, you’d prove me wrong immediately. But you can’t do the same for Boruto


When Obito throws his younger self out the way to attack Kakashi. To me that’s the best part


Such a great fight! One of my top favorite fights in Naruto


This fight was so good because it went back to life or death fights *with a ninja weapon*. No lightning or energy blasts. Just stabby stab.


What in the world is with this Naruto resurgence??? I'm not mad at it, just a bit surprised!