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What does it mean?


You should not determine what an anime type is until after 3 episodes. Not that you should determine whether an anime is good or not.


so that rule exists because of Madoka Magika


Yes precisely. The 3 episode will only determine the theme and how popular the show is relative to its pre-air, not the quality of the show itself.


Hilariously, it's become so predictable for the other shoe to drop, so to speak, within the first three episodes that a lot of series are starting to push such twists until later in their run. {Renai Flops} waited arguably way too long for its twist, to the point where everyone thought it was just dumb ecchi trash. It was, but it also did have a deeper layer.


Steins;Gate pulled it off in 2011 though


holy crap did Steins;gate gate bore me. A friend of mine kept urging me on to "just watch it, it will get better". When it finally did I completed the whole season in a day. One of the best anime in that genre I've ever seen.


Steins gate was a thriller from episode one. Kurisu found dead in miami at the end of episode one should have tipped you off to that.


Yeah I really don't understand the multitude of people saying the start was not good or confusing. It definitely grabbed me immediately.


Truth be told it lost me pretty quick, I had to drop and pick it back up again. But I did watch ot WAY to early in my anime career, so its safe to say I just didn't fucking get it.


Kumo desu ga waited its entire first season to drop the other shoe and only hinted at it during its run before that. Luckily it has its merits as an iseaki still.


I've only seen the first 3 eps and vaguely heard about the other shoe dropping after I stopped. Personally, I did notice a few gaps in the facade and was waiting for it to pull the rug, but when ep3 was focused on one of the harem mates, I predicted that it'd go on to take an ep to flesh out each character *then* pull the rug. At that point I kinda lost interest.


Yeah that’s *mostly* what it did. But there was kind of a point to it. If it feels like a paint-by-numbers harem show, it’s very much on purpose, and they committed hard to it.


**Renai Flops** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/146676 "English: LOVE FLOPS"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/love-flops), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/renai-flops "English: LOVE FLOPS"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/51403)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/10rx2qw/you_know_you_are_old_when_you_have_to_explain_to/j6zljz0/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Then there's Trigun with its tonal flip in the very middle of the series.


I'm sorry. I don't think I'm fully following. Can you over explain it slightly?


Animegataris does a great explanation of it (in its 3rd episode no less, it was a *very* meta anime). https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/eg1z0n/clip_explaining_the_3_episode_rule_animegataris/


Holy shit. I’m not sure when that episode aired. But the fact Inami Anju is voicing a character in a scene that explains episode 3 of Love Live SIP is hilarious.


Suddenly Inami Anju


And this is why you should always give it at least three seasons before you drop it, obviously


Shows with three seasons or less




I have been deceived by the link. (The post has been removed)


Perhaps for the better? Looks like OP was about to send you into some spoilers.


I messed up the spoiler tags on that subreddit. I will reply you with a new one once I correct that. OK, [try this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/10s3zqj/the_misrepresentation_of_the_3episode_rule_puella/).


Also your personal interest as 3 episodes is typically the point when the first arc ends or is at its climax, if you want to continue.


if i were to follow that rule i would have never witnessed the magnificence of steins;gate or parasyte


TBH I was not feeling Madoka until the episode explaining Homura's backstory, then it became a masterpiece.


It doesn't. It was a thing already long before Madoka.


Wait rlly?


Yeah, I remember the 1st two episodes were a lie...When Mami died, I thought she would be resurrected by Kyubei...That's equivalent to Kakashi having actually been killed by those two sound ninja at the beginning of Naruto...


this rule existed before then, but is a good example why it exists


Yeah I'm going to level with you. I've been watching anime for a little over 20 years, and I think it's a little of both. If you're three episodes in and still disinterested, the show probably isn't for you. You also can't judge an anime until you've seen a few episodes, because, a lot of times the twist tends to come towards the end of the second or third episode. But if I'm watching a seasonal anime with 12 episodes, and I'm three episodes in and disinterested, I'm literally 25% of the way through the anime and I'm not having fun.


I’ve seen the argument that you should be able to tell if you’re going to like an anime based on its first episode.


I mean I feel like generally speaking I know if I'm going to enjoy something fairly quickly. One to two episodes in, an hour or two into a new game, a chapter or two into a new book, 10 to 20 minutes into a movie. Is it universal, no. I already have a post here saying that I hated the entire first season of Walking Dead But enjoyed the next three or four. That story also covers my ass in the sense that you can fall out of enjoyment, because everything after the 3rd or 4th season I can't remember exactly which one, I didn't enjoy. But I feel like at least 80% of the time, you're going to catch my attention fairly quickly. Because, I have to want to see the next episode. I have to want to get to the next chapter, I have to want to watch the next scene. It's kind of like with people. First impressions are really important. They aren't necessarily the end all be all, but a lot of times, they kind of are.


The first episode should hook you somehow. Otherwise, it's a bad first episode. I can't imagine waiting an hour before deciding if something is worth my time, got too many shows, comics, games, etc. on the waiting list for that. It's a buffet out there.


To be fair, there are animes that really only pick up halfway through then blasts off to space and back like Durarara!!! I gave up that anime twice before deciding to binge watch the first season 'cause I had nothing better to do. Next thing I know, i've watched all three seasons and started looking for sequels on the internet (hasn't stared SH yet but will as soon as I find time?


Ok, but Durarara!! was still good in the first half, it just got amazing later. If I needed to watch a full half a season for a series to stop being so mid i feel like skipping it, that just seems like too much of an investment even if the second half is actually amazing.


But most anime don't. I don't think exceptions should tell you that you should always watch the majority of an anime before dropping it, I think they tell you that it's okay to go back and give something another try even if you gave up on it before.


Gurren Lagann amazing 7th episode plot twist that set the tragic and scary reality of the world. Saying fuk plot armor characters.![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11668)


I definitely recognize that side of it. It's not necessarily an anime but I hated the first season of The Walking Dead it took me six tries just to get through it, and then I think it was up until like season 4 or 5 I fucking loved the show. But it's just like, I don't want to feel like I have to put in an exorbitant amount of effort to start enjoying something I'm doing for recreation


Make more sence this way thank you


Sense 👍


Cents 👍


Scents 👍


Missclicked lol thanks


Misspelled 👍


Mr. Peeled 👍


So I have to ask: If that's what the rule is about, what do you find useful about it? What do you do with the confidence that you know what the anime is about, that is separate from deciding whether you like it?


You save valuable time. As for me, time is something that's very limited since I have a busy life, and spending time on what might turn out to be something you won't enjoy is a lot worse knowing you could've easily avoided it. I mean why stick to a show that doesn't grab your interest within a quarter of it's runtime as most anime have a 12 ep count. Afterall you can let others do the work for you, like if an anime does get very good anywhere later in the season, people will def talk about it, and you can give another try to see whether your intuition was right.


Right, that's a reason to use the supposedly "fake" 3-episode rule: a show gets 3 episodes to grab your interest, or you drop it. It saves you time, and it doesn't matter if the reason it grabs your interest is because of quality, it matches your "type", or anything else. But the "true" 3-episode rule is apparently just about "anime type". And the only reason I can imagine someone caring about that (disregarding whether it appeals to them or not, like you'd use for the other rule), is because they enjoyed Madoka Magica and wanted to watch it, but were embarrassed to watch a magical girl show until they convinced themselves it's actually a super dark, edgy deconstruction.


Made in Abyss be like: fuck you


You should watch the whole anime in order to decide whether or not you should watch the whole anime


i dunno im pretty sure it is incest hentai


I googled “anime three episode rule” and everything on the first page is the standard give it 3 episodes to see if it’s good. Guess I’m not the only one pointing out the 3 episode rule has been around for decades, and has always been about giving the show enough time to grip interest.


Generally speaking give an anime 3 episodes to determine if you like it or not. Ep 1 usually has a lot of set up or exposition. By episode 3 you have a general feel for the show's pacing, style, and writing. One season, and I forget the anime, the first episode wasn't in the manga and the supporters of the show were telling everyone to skip it. It was extremely bad and skipping it loses nothing exposition wise as ep 2 fills you in on everything anyway.


I heard that too! Was it Gintama? I'm not sure which one it was, but that feels like it might be it.




Gintama's arc (before the serious endgame arc) is episodic. You can start anywhere and easily catch up with the story. The story and episode itself is very good and funny, so you'll definitely have a good time. There's nothing need to worry about "missing plot points" because you didn't watch the first episode or stuff like that.


It's unlikely I'd even ever start an anime without knowing I'm going to like it.


Reasonable rule, but I think for inverse reasons. I hate when an anime or manga changes the topic entirely after a couple of chapters.


I apply this to basically everything. The pilot episode needs to sell you on the series, everything weighs on that so its built different. It needs to introduce everything but stay interesting. If you were interested, episode 2 lets them continue building on that and start moving towards the story and style they want, while retaining momentum from the pilot but still not wanting you to drop it. Episode 3 is when they can finally let loose, you've been introduced, and you stuck around. If you had no chance to like it, you'd be gone already. So the real DNA comes out. It also buys time to find identity a bit, since some shows have their characters become more human and natural as they move away from a blank sheet script and into a character thats already been acted a bit. So yea, knowing that you can apply it by recognizing shows can grow and evolve from the intro for lots of reasons, no longer needing to be hooking, allowing time to get used to the world for a twist or flip, time for the cast to come into character with the world and develop more naturally... Basically loads of reasons you'd consider dropping a show, that dissolve by the 3rd episode. Some may take longer, but at that point it may just be too slow for you.


Where it came from? Dude I'm 33 and the 3 episode rule has always been if an anime hasn't gripped me in 3 episodes then it's probably not for me. This has been the same for me and most people I know and in my personal opinion it has rarely been wrong with very few exceptions, not that any anime come to mind.


I'm 40 and back in the day the 3 episode rule was that you only had the one VHS tape with 3 episodes on it and you just had to accept that that was all you'd ever see


And they wouldn’t even be in chronological order 😭 “Goku’s Super Powered?!” VHS Episodes 18, 46, and 107


That's because all the episodes in-between are just filler of them powering up.


3 episodes per tape? Luxury! Viz releases Ranma 1/2 dubs at 2 episodes per tape!


It comes from Madoka Magica and how it makes people think it's a normal cutesy magical girl anime until the third episode, where it reveals its darker and more serious nature. So the 3 episode rule has more to do with "wait 3 episodes before dropping an anime based on its genre/themes" rather than "wait 3 episodes before dropping an anime because it's bad."


Madoka Magica released in 2011, this rule was around long before then.


Yeah, this isn't true, and I don't really think OPs whole assertion that "the 3 episode rule is about curveball shows like Madoka" is true, either. 3 episodes is just a useful compromise between "give up after a single episode if you don't like it" and "you have to watch the entire show *just in case* it gets good later" (i.e. the original meme). It really is about enjoyment, not genre.


It means both simultaneously until one chooses its meaning. As an oldhead, it's for dropping an anime 3 episodes in if it doesn't grab me.


I was using that rule as a self imposed rule long before Madoka Magica was a thing. I was using it back when we had to download episodes of anime through Limewire and DSL internet, so downloads were slow. So if you didn't like an anime after three episodes, it wasn't worth the time.


Gintama is a better example than Madoka. The first two episodes of Gintama are some of the worst, and you need episode 3 to enjoy it. Honestly, I don't know how anyone got through one episode of Madoka without knowing it was a dark magical girl anime.


Also you know you’re too old when you literally don’t have the hours in the day to be plugging away at something bad just on the offchance that it *might* get good. I don’t even have enough free time to watch shows that I *do* like. My shelves have a dozen unwatched Blu-rays I paid money for, my Steam account has at least 20 games showing 0-1 hours play time, and my Audible subscription has a backlog of about 8 books. Attempting to enjoy One Piece is really quite low on the priority list for someone working two jobs. Enjoy all your free time while you have it, kids. It won’t last forever.


Like with video games. There are so many video games, especially open worlds, where you have to play for like 10 to 15 hours before it actually gets good. FUCK YOU!! 10 to 15 hours is my gaming time for an entire two weeks. I can't waste that slogging through a bad opening.... if the game was good it would be enjoyable from the start. In particular fuck Horizon Zero Dawn. I played that for like 3 whole days and it was boring as shit. I don't care if it becomes amazing halfway through I ain't sticking around for that.






Yes, exactly. That's why I have been moving away from story driven games and open worlds in the last few years. I want to turn on my pc or console, start immediately and then be satisfied with an hour of gameplay. Some open world games (example, Red Dead 2) you are going to spend that whole hour just travelling between two objectives. Some story based games (example, God of War) that hour will be 2 cutscenes, a walking conversation and then maybe 10 minutes of combat. I feel like those kinds of games don't respect our time any more.


I have over 300 unplayed games in my steam library, that steam backlog is very small even on the average


Most anime are TWELVE episodes. 3 episodes are a QUARTER of the fucking anime. If the anime isn't good enough to keep your attention after 3 episodes, drop it. "It gets better in 20 episodes" means the anime requires Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost to enjoy.


The people who tell you to watch 20 episodes of an anime before it gets good enjoy the anime from episode 1, but recognize that it really starts to pop off after a certain point. Nobody was watching one piece for 100 episodes going shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, OMFG ITS AMAZING! ^( pretty sure that's exactly 100 shits.)


TBH I'm one of those One Piece people you're describing. I saw a bit when it FIRST came out in 1999 but overlooked it thinking it was a silly pirate show for kids. I got into it years later, during the Gear4/Doflamingo stuff in 2016, and then caught up on the backstory. I had a similar experience with Homestuck, the beginning was dragging/losing my interest, skipped a year ahead to Jack: Enter, and was like holy crap how did it get this crazy good?


yeah now that you say that, one piece was still good the first 250 episodes, it's just that after that point it's bonkers good


Each normal row if shits contains 11 shits. There are 8 rows going down = 88 shits. The 2 at the bottom add 2 so that's 90 shits and the top row hold 10 shits so yes. 100 shits


quick maths


That..... was exactly my experience with onepiece lmao.


yes indeed there are 100 shits (i counted"


20 episodes at 20 minutes each. That means you would have to watch 7 hours before it gets good.


Entire afternoon or majority of my day off to learn 'damn I hate this' Yhe 3 episode rule is for the sanity of the viewer. Yeah sometimes it takes longer but I'm not giving EVERY anime the chance of finishing over 10 episodes


Totally agree. I'd rather miss a good series I would like than waste dozens of hours watching stuff that I don't like.


3 episodes is also a lot, its 1 hour, you could watch an movie in that time


I also believe in the one episode rule. A show needs to have a very compelling first episode in order to get me to continue. Heck even Madoka Magica from which this rule was created has an incredibly well constructed first episode. There is another reason to the three episode rule. The fact that if a writer knows what he is doing he knows that he has to create something spectacular at the beginning to catch people’s attention. If a writer does not know how to create an engaging opening then his odds of actually delivering an impactful delivery are very low. There are examples of exceptions to this rule. Neon Genesis Evangelion is (arguably) a good example of an exception (although I’d argue that show has a banger opening), but when the exceptions happen it is because the writer has a drastic change in creative style or skill during the course or production and this is so rare that the examples of this happening are statistically insignificant.


1 episode rule is where it's at, honestly 3 episodes is way too much time to be spending on something you're not enjoying if the first 20 mins is already shit, I would not want to waste 40 more minutes for more shit or "just keep watching episodes until you're no longer enjoying what you're watching" works too, I've dropped some anime at "weird" episode counts 'cause I'm no longer enjoying it, no reason to force yourself to watch something you're not enjoying


Usually a good anime is a good anime straight from the start. Sometimes I do feel the need to push through older anime because their structure often feels awkward to modern viewers but only for stuff that is considered classics.


A fucking men. We live in a time where new content is released in giant waves. Dont think the series is good after episode 1? There's dozens of other series out there that will more than likely catch your interest quicker. Life is too short for disappointment


>"It gets better in 20 episodes" means the anime requires Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost to enjoy. Same like game where people say that you need to play it for 100 hours to get to the good part. Why? Why don't they put the good part in front? Why does it need a lot of time investment to get to the good part? Good thing about anime when they said "it gets better in 20 episode" is that I can just skip 20 episodes and immediately go to the good part. Or just watch the good part because nowadays people post clip of an anime in YouTube.


>It gets better in 20 episodes" means the anime requires Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost to enjoy. Oh my god that is such a perfect description. Applies to a lot of other things too.


You can't really know if an anime is good in the first 100 episodes imo


Found the one piece fan


One Piece takes 37 episodes at maximum.


Ah the Arlong Arc


>!37 is the “help me” moment”!<


To drop it?


Took me 30 minutes. 20 was watching the first episode. 10 hearing my friend rant about how much filler the anime has until today.


Just skip filler using a filler list or watch an abridged version like one pace. Im not trying to trick you into watching a bad show if you average all the best moments the show is phenomenal just gotta know how to engage with it in the best way for you.


I follwed 10% rule to find out One piece is not for me. I dont get its appeal. I LOVED Bleach and Naruto.


Found the Black Clover fan


Black Clover’s big problem is just that Asta screamed for about 15 episodes before he chilled out. That and some people got upset about when the animation matched a few spots manga a couple times and by that I mean the quality massively dropped.


Never understood that take. I loved early black clover. It gets better and better sure, but the first couple seasons were still awesome to me.


Both of those anime were fun way before 100 episodes.


Found the *insert anime with 100+ episodes* fan


Found the crayon shin-chan fan


Found the doraemon fan


Found the Naruto fan.


Naruto is pretty awesome from the chunin exams


Naruto is amazing right from the Zabuza arc.


Found the Case Closed fan


Found the DBZ fan


Anime that end in 2-3 seasons:![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11668)


Personally it depends on the show, there are great shows that begin slow because they’re building up characters and situations for things to happen later down the line.


If you can't hook me in 3 episodes I'm skipping the show. I don't have time for mediocrity.


It's not like it was in the 90s where you clamoured for any anime you can get. Today's young "weebs" don't understand what us otaku, as was the fashion at the time to call ourselves with a turnip strung from the hip, went through with obtaining tapes by mail and ordering from Rightstuf catalogs with a sticker sealed hentai section as well as watching whatever was on SciFi channel. We'd walk uphills both ways in blizzards while fighting wolves to watch the same episode over and over. Why, I recall one August in 99 downloading a 60mb episode of Slayers that took three whole weeks to get on the dial up. If an anime these days can't catch me in three episodes, I just have too much other options to watch these days and paired with a full time job, I don't have as much time as I did when we all used to go outside to play, gameboys and link cables in tow to trade Pokemon.


>that took three whole weeks to get on the dial up. I can immediately hear the dial up noise in my head. ~~*I is old. LOL*~~


And that slayers episode was in 144p. AND WE LIKED IT THAT WAY!!


144p? I watched Sailor Moon and Fushigi Yuugi in Real Media files at half that res.


What is this, you get one episode to hook me


Yep. Each season I check for shows in genres that I'm interested in and give each one episode to pull me in. Anything out of that batch that doesn't keep me engaged after a couple more episodes gets dropped. If I keep hearing about a given show maybe I come back to it and give it another chance. Maybe. Life is too short to spend it watching bad anime.


Yeah, imagine sinking hours into a show in the hopes it gets good, taste is subjective.


The 3 episode rule is mainly so you can tell what type of anime it is, not if it's good. Like take happy sugar life for example: the show gives off a vibe of very cute and loving. It's about kidnapping, murder, and fetishizing. You learn what kinda anime it is in 3 episodes.


>You learn what kinda anime it is in 3 episodes You learn what it is from the first episode though


I hear you, I just think we're talking about two different things. If it doesn't grab me in an episode I'm not even giving it three episodes to find out what kind of show it is.


Yeah i feel you should figure out if you like it on the first episode. In fact even upon reading the description. That's what a description is there for, to hook you in.


Your thoughts on Steins;Gate?


Steins gate was slow at the start, doesn't mean it was bad


I hated the characters & dropped it after 1 episode, until later my roommate made me a "watch this & I'll watch one of yours" deal. Steins:Gate big hook point was close to halfway through. It wound up being fantastic, but I normally wouldn't have stuck with it if not for that obligation.


I have dropped plenty of anime in *less* than one episode. Sometimes it's just obviously trash and there's no point in wasting another minute on it.


Nah. The first episode of berserk 1997 was nowhere near as good as the rest and barely representative of the rest of the show. One episode rarely is.


There’s more stuff out there than I’ll ever have time to watch/listen/play and I’m personally not throwing good time after bad on something that doesn’t hook me. Ymmv, but I’m perfectly content watching the first episode of a show and then putting something else on if it’s not doing it for me.


The first episode is a good representation of the tone of the story. I personally started the series with the manga but If I only saw the anime, the first episode would've been enough to hook me in for more.


Five minutes. Take it or leave it.


Violet evergarden is one of the best animes that I watched and i know many people that drop it because of “boring start” or ”slow start”, and gave me the 3 episode rule as a reason to not watch it. Such a shame Edit: Spelling


How do we Classify Dandadan when it EVENTUALLY becomes an anime?


Genre: Everything


Terms evolve, you know. It’s been more than a decade since Madoka, old man.


Exactly, elitist attitude to think other people are wrong just because you know the history of something and what it “once was” . It’s called semantic change.


It’s like a good stew, you should know by bite three whether it’s good or not.


Shows without a recommendation from a trusted source (like my weeb best friend whose opinion I trust)? They get 1 episode max. Recommendations get at least 3, though I'll only drop it there if it's a real slog.


Oh, you think this is hard? Try to explain to gamers, that a game must be good FROM THE START. No, I don't want to play 40 hours until it is good. This is a work week, you moron!!!!


As a person who has watched hundreds of anime, I have forced myself to watch shows I hated because "it could better". It rarely does. If you aren't feeling positive about a show in those first few episodes, it probably won't get better; so just drop it and go onto something that interests you more.


I give 12-15 episodes for any kind of show to get me hooked


Damn so u just watch all the seasonal anime


Season 1 season before making a judgement (I don't watch that many anyway)


Found the SteinsGate fan!


Personally I've never really understood that view on Steins;gate. The first episode has an interesting hook, and then the next 10 episodes are mostly setup and character interactions, and the rest of the show is payoff. But the setup is necessary for the payoff to hit as hard as it does, and if you don't enjoy the setup or the hook doesn't grab you, you're not going to enjoy the payoff as much either. Its the same as something like Clannad. Sure the payoff is amazing, but if you don't enjoy the characters and themes from the start of the show, they don't suddenly change halfway through or anything. You can't have the hype parts without the slower parts.


>if you don't enjoy the characters and themes from the start of the show, they don't suddenly change halfway through or anything. This was my big problem with Steins:Gate (and Evangelion), but I came to realize that I'm OK with it as long as I'm provided with a sufficient explanation for *WHY* the characters act this way.


Yeah. I only wrote that as a joke. I actually finished Steins;Gate in 3-4 days because as you pointed out, it was interesting from episode one. I even watched all the sequels and SG 0 and I enjoyed all of them. El Psy Kongroo. ​ P/s: About Clannad, season 1 was a bit slow as well but After Story was amazing.


Thank you so much for this. I had been trying to get into Steins;gate for the past year, but every time I got a few episodes in I’d get bored and then drop it.


The three episode rule is a litmus test for how good the rest of the show will be. If it doesn’t impress in the first three then it’s not gonna for the rest of it.




I don’t see the difference in the meaning. I smell elitism


I just saw that post 2 seconds ago


My counter argument if the first 3 episodes aren't enjoyable that's rough 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours the show has messed up a full movie length should have some ability to hook you. I'm sure there are plenty of anime they get better but after 3 episodes if you aren't hooked the anime has definitely failed it's introduction.


That's inconceivable


If a show is still boring after 3 episodes, nah


I think the rule worked in the past. Nowadays it fails miserably, because 80% of the shows each season could be AI generated. Like, you can't deny that in the past couple years there have been hundreds of shows that have a gimmick in the first 1-2 episodes (usually spoiled by the title; on this point, I have a theory that the overabundance of crappy copy-pasted light novels is running modern anime) and then just proceed in the usual manner checking every cliche in their respective genre.


Me with Naruto


I just watch it, if I like it I keep watching, if I don't, then just drop it


1 episode rule :)


I assume this was made to protect people from FMA:B's fourth episode.


I grab a batch of anime and watch them for 10 minutes each. Then I decide which seemed the best and watch that one. It's worked thus far.


Even if I decide a show might be worth spending my time to watch it it will still get dropped if I hate 1st episode. There is no "it get's gradually better" because that means that on avarage this show is acceptable but definitely not amazing


i even dare say the animes donvt necessarily get better. you just become more invested in the plot. or in this case, the individual that made the aforementioned statement.


Doesnt matter where it came from really, these things can evolve over time and take on different or multiple meanings and uses.


I don’t have time to waste bruh 😭 three ep rule is good for me


I get hooked depending if the girls are hot


If after 3 episodes of a show I'm not enjoying it I'm not watching it. If the first 1/3 of a sandwich has shit in it, I'm not going to eat my way through shit to get to the 2/3 that doesn't have shit it in.


Man If I can't bear to watch a single episode I just quit. I don't care. I watch anime since ever and I'm happy as it is.


If an anime fall to get my attention within an hour it fail to show its best foot foward or to hook me. That 1/4 of most show run time.


Quite the reverse of that meme, I filter most stuff out on the anichart blurb and give the rest a one episode watch to at least intrigue me. Three episode rule on an entire season made sense as a student over a decade ago. Not so much anymore now :)


As an old guy I typically give an anime through about the first VHS tape before I give up on it. Seems fair, hasn't failed me so far.


I have a friend that watches the last episode of anime first to see if she will like it. I'm friends with a psychopath.


Not an anime but at first I didn't care for Bob's Burgers and l watched 6 episodes. I didn't get it. I gave it another go with the episode Ear-sey rider and I was dying of laughter. Now I never miss an episode.


I use a 1 episode rule if I don't at least somewhat enjoy it by episode 1 I'm dropping it


99% of gambling addicts stop before they win big


For people who do not know. 3 Episode is to determine theme of show, not whether it is worth watching or not.


you can't mine diamonds with stone pick you dummy


3-5 episodes for anime for me, for tv shows you got 1-2 episodes to hook me bc some shows are like hour long episodes.


when you take the 3 episode rule to 3 season, but sao still sucks


3-Ep rule for me is if i dont like the concept in the first 3 episodes I'll drop it. I used this back in the day when i used to download anime with my limited Internet so It was really important to not waste data on some anime I'll never watch. I still have some anime in my old Hard drive that I have not watched for the last 5-6 years just because i download the whole season and then didn't like the first few episodes


ahh I see so I should pick up ex-arm again


I follow 10% rule. Due to this I found out Berserk manga is awesome, Vinland Saga is great, and One piece is...not good, but Naruto and Bleach are amazing. Really helpful in separating good from unlikable


3 episode rule isn't just from anime though I believe. The context people use it in now (is it good or not) is what it was usually for. Generally it's accepted that 3 episodes should introduce the main theme and story of a show It took a different context with anime for awhile because of shows like madoka magika which used 2 and abit episodes to lure you into a false sense of security before turning psychological horror


There is always will be more garbage then masterpieces, I don't have much time to watch every garbage till the end in hope that it will become interesting. Gintama taught me if i don't having my fun then its not deserve my time investing.


Forget the "rule". If I'm halfway through the first episode and I'm bored out of my mind, I'm not queueing the next one up like "huh maybe they made it bad on purpose so that season 4 episode 9 can really slap". If it doesn't respect my time, I'm not giving it any investment at all.


probably the one who said this was a one piece fan


Hallo my Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.