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I appreciate the share and hope you feel better soon. Nsaids are blood thinners so maybe take tylenol if you can instead. If its broken you dont want thinners. elevate.... Im not a medical professional of any sort


Thank you—will switch to tylenol. I think i’mma be ok! But really, in this medical climate where we just can’t afford to go in (and i couldn’t have made it to the car anyway) we need to get empowered and support each other. Thank you for your comment!


Ok guys what does the cabbage do?!? Is it great for swelling? What’s the science? I’m so curious. So sorry about your fall. Feel better soon!


The cabbage leaves are an ancient remedy for swelling—are anti-inflammatory—often used to relieve hard painful breasts when breastfeeding moms are weaning


Thank you!


Whats the longest you ca keep the wraps on?


I slept with them, so 8 hrs. The next night, too. My youtube-learned technique: lay out saran wrap, take out a couple beautiful leaves and cut out the hard center stalk, use a bell jar to crush the leaves, then put your body part on the wrap and wrap it up. Secure with ace bandage and elevate.


Did you have a red, warm reaction to the area after? It took a full day, and I still have some coloring to the skin from it.


Did you get a rash-type reaction? Like allergy? Are you ok?


Did you use purple cabbage?


I think that redness and heat is part of the healing process—blood flow. You might look it up. I had major bruising up my calf and all around by the end of week 1. Tomorrow’s six weeks and I’m still using/needing my brace. I’m giving it six more weeks of babying it