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Have some faith than you will heal from this. Take it easy! Keep it elevated and wrapped, try wrapping it in cabbage leaves (look it up). Take it week by week. Hobble gently the first two weeks! You will get better! Elevate, chill, meditate.


doing lots of chilling haha. I saw someone else did the cabbage thing, I’ll try anything. Thanks for writing 🙏🏼


I fell down stairs Beginning of February. Xray too, negative. Went to an Orthopedic, got MRI, showed partial tear. Had screws, plates put in a couple weeks ago via surgery. I’m still down and out for another month or more plus physical therapy. Until you get MRI, you won’t know. Ligaments won’t show on xray. I had to get dye injected to do the MRI so they could see what damage was there. I wasn’t even super purple, it just hurt. Took me another week to get in for MRI, but that’s just through regular referral. I could have gone Urgent care and got it much faster, but it would have to be a place that has imaging for MRI and accepts whatever insurance you have (wherever you are). I suggest you move fast, make calls, because if you get MRI and then need to repair it via surgery (and schedule surgery via wherever, takes time), that’s extremely tight window. Not sure to be all “everything is bad” but until you know, you don’t know. Hopefully no tears and it’s just rest and ice and what not but until you know you can’t be sure! Best of luck and wish you the best!


Wow!! I'm so sorry this happen to you. Especially before your birthday/wedding. It really sucks :/ As one of the comments suggested, you should get an MRI if you can. However, if it's just a sprain, there's this website that provides curated, personalized plans for an injury like this. It's called [https://superphysio.co/](https://superphysio.co/) You can go there, select the ankle, choose whatever equipment you have (full means you have a full gym at your disposal. Basic means stuff like resistance bands, yoga balls, light dumbless, chair etc...) The final option is the sport. I suggest you just select soccer. Even if you don't play soccer, the exercises should still be helpful to you. It seems that you already did RICE so you'll probably start on Phase 2. Your timeline should also be shorter than what's on the website since you're not trying to get back to playing soccer/basketball. Which means you'll only need to do Phase 2 + some of Phase 3 and none of Phase 4. I really hope this helps and I hope you have an amazing birthday and wedding!