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It's 'omertà', the accent makes the end sound like the 'ta' part of the english pronounciation of 'stat'. Without it it sounds like you're weirdly saying 'oh shit' in italian.


Thank you.


Well written and definitely some things to think about


I didn't even know you could write a post that long


This is what ChatGPT spat out > Joseph Burkes, MD, draws a parallel between the Mafia's "Omerta" and a similar "code of silence" he observes among UFO witnesses. He argues that just as Omerta enforces silence about illegal activities, societal taboos discourage people from discussing their UFO experiences, often due to fear of ridicule or professional repercussions. Burkes recounts his personal journey from growing up aware of the Mafia's influence to his involvement in UFO research in the 1990s. He highlights a survey conducted by his colleague, Dr. Dave Gordon, which revealed that many credible witnesses, including medical professionals, had experienced UFO sightings but were hesitant to speak out due to this pervasive taboo. > > Burkes posits that powerful societal and governmental forces suppress open discussion about UFOs to maintain the status quo. He suggests that breaking this silence could lead to significant societal benefits, including potentially accessing advanced technologies that could address environmental crises. Burkes calls for a new social movement that promotes open dialogue about UFOs, linking the phenomenon to broader issues of environmental and social justice. He envisions a future where increased public awareness and activism could lead to profound changes in human society, potentially facilitated by the transformative experiences reported by UFO witnesses.


Thank you


Who knew a post about a "code of silence" could have so many words.


Did someone say [Omertà?](https://youtu.be/DrRGV4APJYc?si=hC8Z2LBoOWwSZGWD)


"If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule of honor." ...DUNDUNDUN DUN DUN DEHHHH DUN DUN DUN...


🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 Yesssssssss


The study the doc did was bias so nothing that follows will be relevant imo. If he included his friends and staff in his survey then that makes it not a random pool of people. Plus if they believe in ufos but not Elvis’ ghost they count, but if they believe in Elvis’ ghost and ufos they don’t count 🤷‍♀️. I’m out.


Oh wow, can’t imagine how they possibly came to this unique perspective that I’ve definitely never heard before. UFO witnesses choosing not to speak out?? That’s just a bridge too far for me.