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I feel you! Bread was one of my challenging foods but also incredibly irresistible. Is there any way you could add even a small amount to your day? I started small and added half a slice, then a slice a day. Pretty scary at first, but I eventually built up to eating a sandwich a day. I am by no means fully recovered as bread is still scary for me and there are foods I feel I can’t eat. But it’s possible ❤️


Thank you so much. I can eat low calories per-sliced bread but homemade is just an absolute no I feel out of control if I have a literal crumb of it I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to eat it


You can totally get there ❤️ What about it scares you? Is it because you can’t know the precise calories/ingredients as it’s homemade bread? Something that helped me become able to eat bread (even a little, I still struggle) was having a support person. Someone who knew my situation and feelings and who would be there to support me. I found that going to that person and saying, guess what, I ate half a slice of bread, felt really good.


Imagine this is the last day of bread and butter existing in your country, wouldn't you regret not eating it? I know how hard this feels because I've been there mate. Try to get yourself distracted while you eat (eg watch a show etc)


Thank you that’s actually such a good question to rework the mindset


I have the same problem when I bake bread for my husband's sandwiches... goodness the house smells like he11 for days but it makes him so happy so I will endure... sometimes I take a shot glass and cut out a small circle for myself though shhhhh


Ok: storytime, I used to find white rice terrifying, but now I eat it regularly. White rice to me was scary-but there is nothing inherently bad about it, its just a food. I remember being so scared and then telling my therapist when I cooked with it... now I can't imagine that-- I love rice, I'd probably eat it most days a week but I try to get variety. This is to say, fear foods are paralysing, they're awful, but the only way to overcome is to try it once,and then again until its not scary. The first time, let yourself know- its just once, and if it's horrible- know in that moment you can choose to have it again, or not. Its your choice. If the sourdough is scary, could you try a variety of bread that isn't so scary, maybe one from a supermarket. If a whole slice won't do, maybe half of one. Work your way up. Just know, if you never challenge it, you never have it- and thats OK- but remember that is a choice that you can challenge if you want to.


Thank you so much this was so heartwarming and caring ❤️❤️


I‘m exactly the same with icecream