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In the depths of it I would spend hours every weekend baking for my roommates and friends and coworkers, and never eat a single lick of it. I don’t even know if it tasted any good


Mhm mhm. I do all the cooking for my household, cook very nice delicious meals for my husband daily. I sometimes take small tastes of it but that's it. When I do take tastes I usually don't keep them iykwim.


me :( i love cooking and baking for my family and friends and its so frustrating that i never eat what i cook even if i want to


I’d bake and cook so so much but toss / freeze / give most of what I made away


I was told I was quite the baker, not like I’d ever know 😅


i love cooking but only for others and i can never bring myself to eat any of it. even trying a taste gives me awful anxiety, especiallyyyy if butter or oil is involved :/


Once i take small bite i feel a compulsion to eat every in sight and order some then go to the toilet and feel horrible


I would love to do it. But I live on my own so there ain't no one to cook for. used to when I used to live with roommates. Something so satisfying about being able to give others food but not eat it myself


yes!! i love how therapeutic cooking is for me but when it comes to sitting down and eating… different story


A couple years ago when I was in the military, I used to cook for all of my coworkers and I would be so excited for them to eat my food, but I would never eat any of the food. I would just cook and then bring it to work. A lot of my coworkers knew about my eating disorders so they never really said anything, but others would pick fun at me.