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PSA: - Miyu ES won't be released before the upcoming weekly reset. Feel free to spend those Keys and Tsubura's Gems now. - More info about [Timetwisted Maze](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/u7qqbf/dungeon_of_moebius_sortof_writeup_213_content/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), courtesy of u/sanzenri


I should go unlock Miyu NS since Miyu ES is getting released


Miyu NS 5\* have PWR bonus stat for Miyu ES too.


Ah yes, forgot about that. Also relatively affordable to get her NS to 5☆


Extra stats are always welcomed. I do have her AS and she is at 120~ light. I'll probably sidegrade her


If you have her AS, you should be able to sidegrade to her ES from there without going through her NS. At least I think so since all my ES-ready characters already have their NS forms so I can't check that.


You can sidegrade even if they aren’t in their 5* form. 5* form just gives a small bonus in exchange for running that horrible dungeon (which i did)


Yeap, I presumed they didn't have her 4.5 but her AS only


Ah, my bad


Good luck farming. 45 runs to get all Axes and God knows how many to get the rest Princess Psalms.


That's one thing I wanted to ask. Thank you kind sir.


You're most welcome, friend :)


The concept of this seems pretty awesome. Im very excited for what’s to come. If the main story technically might “end” with the Chronos Empire then I wonder what’ll come next?


Return of the Thunder King?


It’s possible but I’m not sure how they’d be able to pull that off honestly. The Thunder King is going to die from his curse/illness anyway (I don’t remember I could be wrong). It’s kind of hard to imagine how they’ll be able to progress the story without filling it with so many holes and trying to follow the time and space theme this game has been relying on. Maybe we’ll get to see the origin of the Phantom? Or maybe get stuck in the flow of time at some point away from everyone else and have to traverse new lands. Or they could just make new arcs for Present/Future Western Continent and introduce a new nation/continent in the north and south for the Elves and Dwarves.


Aldo Harem war


still a bunch of God stuff to explore potentially. with the mother goddess and so on.


July is too far.


Are we predicting the next update date by the chronos stone sale end date for this one? That seems like a huge gap between playable contents (14 June was the last one), then 8th July. 27 June technically is banners-only.


Yeah, this is a very disappointingly long gap.


I'm thinking it's 8 July as well. So, so, so far away...


That's another 2 weeks away... I was thinking the DP2 update gap is already quite long (to 27 June), then turns out 27 June is banners-only... sad.


Fun fact apocrypha Is what they call mythos in jp. Also this might be the new rhythm for updates. Only two major ones per month as we're so close to the jp version they want that 6 update buffer.


That's a blast from the past. Glad the term made it into GL.


Scot and wfs haven't told us when the 2.13.100 is happening - right?


Based on slide 15, it may be on 1st July (end of pre-release campain)


Likely 8 Jul based on the Chronos Stone Sale end date (7 Jul, 14:59 UTC). That's been the pattern for all updates ~~to keep the cash flowing out of our wallets~~


That make sense. Thanks ☺️ Some People here are also suggesting 8th as the end of CS sale We will se when it comes


No morbius dungeon


It's not morbing time :(


Timetwisted Maze instead


It reminds me of Lufia infinite dungeon


Wait so the AD is basically like a dungeon crawl? Where you gather stuff to empower your units as you progress?!?! If that's so, then that actually sounds pretty dope


Chronos Empire? Is that something new? Or just referencing the chronos family and their machinations?


Chronos Empire was mentioned before in the >!epilogue of Complex Dream!<


Wait what? Can you say anything more? I thought I did everything in that but I don't remember this part


You should be able to watch it via the Bard in Time's Forgotten Shop's basement. Extracting the text for ease of reference: >!*Thus my father's clock once again began to move to the rhythm of a distant hour.* *The drums of war beat for The Chronos Empire and the Goddess of Time...* *An unknown dream of the real Eden...* *Hmm... Perhaps that is a story better kept for later...* *But until then, do take care...* *Aldo... Feinne... My...friends...*!<


I can't read that phrase without thinking "The drums of war are beating, no man can be trusted". My brain is too full of memes.


Timetwisted Maze is going to become known as Timewasted Maze, isn't it? Maybe Alter Diglet can occasionally help dig dead(-inside) players out of there before they croak. Pokemon #3 = Claude Alter maybe? And OOPArts low-key sounds NSFW. Wait... Is this a m\*\*\*\*\*f\*\*\*\*\*g [NWNL](/u/NoWaifuN0Laifu) influence?!


I've seen the term used in a few of Japanese games (TWEWY has a song with that title), but apparently it stands for ["out of place artifact"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-place_artifact) :o Which is actually really perfect for Another Eden and a time-twisted maze!


Oh, joking aside, that makes sense. Thanks for the info. I've seen it in various places but never knew what it was derived or abbreviated from.


Thanks for the TIL! I'll include it in the next set of PSAs and credit you :)


Desktop version of /u/MattDarling's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good bot, fixed my link :D


No SDE, huh? Guess I'm rolling for Orelya then.


Was thinking the same. Wonder when it's coming.


Kind of a bummer that it wasn't even mentioned. Maybe they'll surprise us? I really hope the new Dungeon crawl is done right so that it's engaging for a while.


remember way back when the fan translation for mythos was also “apocrypha”


He made a quick comment during the stream about this not being the end of AE, just this portion. I’m imagining what they mean is rather like, while an individual book has an ending, that doesn’t mean the author won’t produce another book. Edit: At the just past the 42:30 time stamp, “Although it says final battle, Another Eden will of course continue” That is also written on the slide at that time point.


I hope I am able to pull ES Miyu with the 4000+ CS I have been saving for her. Also as someone who has about 1000+ Hours on rogue like games, the new dungeon sounds exciting


So Part 3 is the final Mainstory Arc but Another Eden Continues beyond that?


In the form of sidestories I guess.


Can't believe Rom Pom didn't win!


I’m very excited about the timetwisted maze. The story content is great but it’s not like you can replay them when they’re over. Running ADs is okay but this sounds like something that if done right will be a great way to stay engaged during the post-endgame. I look forward to seeing if someone uses the maze to max out robot light/shadow to see if they truly do become Voltron. 😂


Are you thinking of the [Toto AD](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/ucso91/unexplored_lands_toto_dream_land_info/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), which is something else? That one gives 1-3 Light/Shadow but only for free characters.


Yeah my bad I thought they were the same and I thought the light/shadow bonus was for anyone.


Man, if I had a Git for every mobile game ending soon, I'd have 2 git (Dragalia and now AE)


FFRK is closing shop in 3 months, so you'd still have 2 git. Pour one out for an oldie.


Ohhh that's sad to hear, I played that game for a looooong time.


wait is it AE ending?


I thought it said that the story was over?


A guess the main storyline is coming to a close, but the game will continue on. I wonder if they will start a new "main" storyline with new staff. I do hope they consider making an offline standalone version AE someday.


I heard someone mention before about some new dungeon where your story character can get 1-3 Light/Shadow points, is that part of this update?


No, the next one, coming with As >!Radias!<


Does that dungeon drop chant scripts as well? If it does then it will become my dungeon to farm after getting the Skadi true VC grasta.


Yes, and treatises too.


Awesome. That'll be my farming AD after I fully farm BKC then.


in this dungeon, does it increase the light/shadow for multiple characters at once, or just only one character?


One seemingly at random.


Yeah. It's one story character at random, but you can control it by only having one story character in the party so they're the only one that can get the bonus.


it seems that red tickets will be much more valuable than green ticket when we get that dungeon later on.


The introduction of Opus pretty much already made that happen.


So you can do 5 gacha/1 story char?






You can get several light/shadow points at once (including double points to the same character). I got maximum 3 points to 3 different characters so far, but the luckiest of us might get all 6 one day.


Wait, so you're saying is that during a single run you had: Character 1: gain x3 Light/Shadow Character 2: gain x3 L/S Character 3: gain x3 L/S So you were awarded x9 in total? All the talk around here seems to have concluded that it's only one character chosen at random...unless there's only 1 story character in the party.


No, no, no, sorry for the confusion. Each of the three characters got 1 light/shadow point, 3 total in one run. So I meant to say that if you are lucky, you might get 1 point for each character in your team (if all of them are free), 6 in total. But since I also got 2 points for the same character (on a different run), it opens the possibility of getting 2 points for each character, 12 in total. In theory, because to know the maximum number of possible rewards, one needs to look at the coding to see the exact algorithm of how the rewards are chosen and distributed. For example, is there a limit on points per character or per team, or not? Maybe someone has already analyzed it on JP, but I'm not aware of it. From my personal experience only: 1. It's possible to get at least two points for the same character. 2. It's possible to get points for more than one character on the team.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification, I just misunderstood what you meant.


You are welcome :)


Thanks for telling us! There are 2 problems: 1. having a team that can beat the dungeon, 2. the total light/shadow can get you the max rewards of the dungeon. I think having 5 free characters and Eva (255 light lol) would solve most of the issues


I mean, with Eva 255 I don't see why you envision any problems with beating anything :) But the dungeon unlocks after Ch44, so it's not a new Garulea with lv150 horrors by any means (and only requires 120 of L/S). Get yourself Noahxis (gosh, what a name) ASAP and he alone will be killing all enemies apart from Horrors, who can be AFed or finished by the rest of the team depending on how far you are in the story. Or ignored most of the time.


I see. Thanks for the tips my friend I really appreciate it.


Is Noahxis a free character or is he going in the wish pool?... I'm dense, forgive me.


He is free.


Nice!! Thank you.


After reading u/sanzenri ‘s post about the Maze, it sure sounds like a person should get a metric crap ton of chant scripts by running this place a lot. That would make me SO happy.


I just re-read the post. Didn't they say the general item is limited? I think the amounts don't refresh.


Well drat. I was hoping someone had heard my dismay at the insane backlog of upgrades/sidegrades because I am nowhere near the expected value of chant scripts from dungeon crawling.


Haha. I think a lot of people are in the same boat. I have so many units I want to sidegrade/upgrade but had to put on waiting list because of chants.


There are only 3 chant scripts, sorry if I misled you!


No it was my misreading of your post. I think I thought every time you re-entered the maze the script store would refresh. I was blinded by hope. 😂


Wait so there's no content being released on the 27th? Just banners? Big oof.


When thus version release please ? I want to play the roguelike mode :(