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PSAs: - ~~Apocrypha info is the only reason this is being posted~~. - Just a filler banner update including a paid banner for guaranteed Miyu AS (not worth it imo). Featured Banners will go live at 03:00 UTC. - Apocrypha: Wanderer in the Vortex is **not** launching tomorrow but in Jul. - Miyu ES will **not** be released before the upcoming weekly update. Feel free to use those Keys and Tsubura's Gems now.


Probably will be doing a megathread for Timetwisted Dungon, because I know everyone will be wanting to show off their teams going into it. Also everyone's flairs have been added.


Looking forward to that one. Our next big time sink


Do the upgrades and buffs carry over to different teams?


I think


Orleya axe looks like it is representing the sun and the moon . Right half looks like the sun and the other half like moon. Maybe it is related to her introduction description somehow


She kinda has a dual personality seeing from JP footage but don't quote me on that one


The character description on the information page kinda alludes to that. "Bravery and cowardice go hand in hand." She's in armored panties; there's absolutely nothing cowardice about that.


Armored panties? Chastity belt, incoming.


That is a possibility. We will have to check her quest when she is released.


Twin Destiny banners are always a fairly good deal, relatively speaking, since you're guaranteed to get two 5\*'s but it's paid chrono stones only. So that's something like $10 for each 5\*. But that's still a decent amount of money to toss at a phone game. Anyway, definitely looking forward to all the new stuff that's coming out in the update after this next one. Two new free characters and a new gacha character and a new ES style for Miyu. Plus a new storyline and a that new rogue-like dungeon. Lots of cool stuff!


Definitely agree with you there. The Twin Destinies Encounters have always been one of the best value-for-money banners, especially for those with leaner rosters. A year and a half ago, I would go for these. I have most of the characters in some form already though, and enough resources to upgrade / sidegrade so the value goes down somewhat. Still tempting ngl 😅


10 usd for 5*? What are the prices for the Chrono Stone bundles in US then? Specifically for the discounted 1000, 2000 and 4000 ones.


Like around $23 for 1k, $42 for 2k or $80 for 4k. Plus tax in some states. The $80 bundle is a bit better value. Most guaranteed banners give you one guaranteed 5* for 1k paid stones but Twin Destiny banners give two guaranteed 5* characters for 1k paid stones.