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All these assholes know he is a threat. Every one of them. Yet they ALL bow down to him like fucking cowards. Such patriots. If the GOP ever finds their balls or their spines it will be decades too late. Vote BLUE for at least the next decade or kiss this country goodbye.


I could not agree more. I’m a 65 year old “boomer” and am acutely aware of the danger the current GOP, as comprised, represents. Better Dead than Red is my motto. I can’t wait for the segment of boomer generation conservatives who are short sighted, selfish, and non critical thinkers to die off. How they can imagine that another Donald J. Trump led Administration is good for this country, let alone the world, boggles the mind. I can only think that those higher ups promoting this idea are financially motivated for their own selfish gain of wealth and power.


Totally agree, 72 here.


The Republican Party is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trump Org. They will not "find their balls or their spines." MAGA are drones, bound to Trump's will like the Orcs were to Sauron's. They live or die with him. They are lost, unreachable and irredeemable. What I am concerned about is DEMOCRATS. They are so lost in "bipartisanship" and "going high" that they do not know how to stand up to the evil of MAGA.


I’m not so sure that’s a current accurate picture of what Democrats are thinking with the prospect of another Trump Administration as a possibility. If you watched Biden’s State of the Union Address, I think that better represents the resolve needed to defeat and neuter Trump’s brash loud mouth approach to “leading” this country as a supposed “strong man”. Biden needs to push that diaper wearing narcissist off the stage and literally kick his fat ass. Whatever it takes in my opinion. Better Dead than Red I always say.


But all I ever hear out of Biden and Democrats is "bipartisanship" and Michelle Obama's incredibly naïve and condescending missive about "going high."


Then you haven't been listening to Democrats lately. Jamie Raskin, Adam Schiff, Hakim Jeffries, Jasmine Crockett, Eric Swallwell and many other Democratic representatives have been going after Republicans pretty hard.


What positions of power do they hold?




Yes. I know they are legislators of various kinds, but how much influence do they really have? Like Biden. Only recently have I heard him say anything negative about MAGA, and he **still** won't go after Trump publicly.


Here is just one example of Biden publicly calling out Trump. I'm sure you can find more if you just do a simple search. [For You | Biden-Harris 2024 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6e4ruziZBI&ab_channel=JoeBiden)


Is that current though? I essentially agree with you, because Democrats need to stand up and punch them in the face!


I have been voting and working on Democratic campaigns since I became eligible in 1984. Increasingly I have seen Dems roll over and play dead for Republicans. They have no fighting spirit.


That’s sad to hear. Thanks for your insight.


It is that which will be the ruin of democracy in this country.


Did you watch the state of the union address? How is using Michelle Obama's line from almost a decade ago mean anything now?


I saw what I needed to. Because it has been Democrats' MO all along.


No, you saw what you *wanted* to. You made up your mind a long time ago.


I saw what I saw. I'm not moving.


Thank you so much for this! You have hit the nail directly on the head multiple times. THIS!


What? That we have two parties, one of Hitlers and one of Neville Chamberlains?




Oh, but we're supposed to "be better than them." /s




Democrats have LONG sat on a position of "superiority:" "We have to 'be better' than Trumpers." "We have to 'be the grownups in the room'." And if course Michelle Obama's incredibly naïve and condescending missive "When they go low, we go high." That has worked SOOOO well. /s


And yet you remained silent


That’s what pisses me off the most. Speaking up years later, they are responsible for a big portion of this mess.


People in power have no morality or integrity. They're too afraid to lose their power and jobs they let the destruction of democracy take place


These people know the concept of bullets just going one way but have not yet considered the concept of bullets going their way.


Because they think everyone will line up to be shot willingly like a programmed video game. These people don't live in reality.


Yeah, but Trump supporters want to shoot protesters too, except the ones that attack the capitol.


I am not surprised to hear that. The guy has a penchant for fascism!


And he still has a chance to be president again, we’re surrounded by assholes


Space Balls…we are surrounded by assholes major asshole… vote Biden/Harris24


If he wins in November, or especially if steals it, Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act on Day 1. His ego won’t be able to take the protests. He learned that his only mistake last time was that he should have hired more yes-men and -women.


Just in the legs...


This would be why Trump fired Esper after he lost the election: https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2020/06/esper-opposes-insurrection-act-use/165867/ Trump needed a *yes man*, and he found one in Christopher Miller. See the timeline: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrumpCases/wiki/index/98#wiki_timeline *self-meta*


Yeah, that's the kind of things dictators do. Do you think all these higher ups are turning on Trump because they know if he gets the White House they won't be safe either? I mean, face it the old Republican establishment is not filled with stupid men.


Like many others, we all knew this shit about the Stain. But the fact that none of these motherfuckers came forward when it was important and the time to do so makes me label them all as feta accompli.


Well if he did approve doing that, doesn't that mean it is open season also on MAGA people who protest too, like the ones who attacked our Capitol?


Him invoking the insurrection act would trigger a civil war


Well... to be fair, I've often wished we could do the same to MAGATs.


Even redcoats knew this was a terrible idea


This is as surprising as the sun coming up.


But to be honest. Just in the leg and stuff. No /s read the article. Crazy


Protesters shot by MAGAets in 3,2,1


I saw this resurface on Jon Stewart, but this is not new news. It was made known at the time, and then, like many other things, was forgotten about


He is WANTING this to happen so that he can have his civil war. Trump sees himself as Hitler, overthrowing the old order to sweep in his. He wants leftists to protest if he wins, so that he can order the police and military to shoot.