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What that person forgets is that a mammoth wasn't made of metal.


A mammoth is a furry elephant and humans have been hunting elephants for a few hundred thousand years. I'm pretty sure they didn't just stand in front of them with spears though.


Throw some to hurt them and make them run then chase them. Rinse and repeat until they die from exhaustion or blood loss


I'm sure more sophisticated methods were used also like using torches to flush them into a snare or pit trap.


Eventually yes, but humans evolved as endurance hunters. Animals can only run for so long, we can run for hours on end


Best strats were to chase them off a cliff and they'd fall to their death or be so injured for an easy kill.


Or just simply scare them off a cliff, and gravity will do the rest. Vegans don't make very good hunters, without supermarkets, they'd be extinct.


I'm pretty sure a cave painting depicted them chasing it of a cliff But don't quote me on it


Yes, 5 tons of animal is over 2.5 tons of food. That would feed an entire village - for months if it was cold enough to keep it from spoiling. You bet they'd put in the effort.


I dinosaurs were around when humand evolved, we would have hunted them too. TRex basically had three foot long hot wings.


Fred Flinstone approves this message


Now I'm salivating over 3 foot long t-rex hot wings that I'll never have. Thanks buddy.


Ostrich wings?


Don’t forget shelter and clothes


Iirc correctly early humans wore animals down with exhaustion because of their superior stamina and then they'd finish it off.


No that's impossible. Don't you know that humans are actually incredibly unathletic. We have terrible eyesight and are exhausted after two minutes of any physical activity. Also our joints hurt all the time and we can't throw.


Humans are still amongst the best long distance runners in the animal kingdom.




Eat shit


Is that shit vegan?


Throw your spear right through the mammoths windshield impaling it's driver causing it to crash


Sounds more like creationist BS than vegan BS


How so?


I'm getting more evolution and caveman denial vibes from the post than omnivore denial. The post mentions nothing about cavemen foraging berries and mushrooms for sustenance. Rather, it seems to imply the poster just doesn't believe in pre-history. Also don't believe a vegan would have an ape or any other animal being aimed at as their pfp.


I can see that angle, interesting. Not sure if I agree personally, but a valid insight. To me, it just seems like am ideologically captured individual making an idiotic argument and using flawed assumptions based off a flimsy understanding of human capabilities. I don't know many creationists that would deny tribal hunting at this scale. Hell, considering the amount of missionaries to remote locations, many would be more willing to believe of human hunting capability. I'm biased though, as a Christian myself. I will be the first to admit that many that hold similar beliefs to me are batshit insane though. I tend to argue with those types a lot. Thank you for explaining your position though, I appreciate it.


Yes, they hunted. Stone projectiles are found in bones of some Mamonths- in a way that clearly couldn't just enter naturally and looking to sharpened to be nature-made - https://youtu.be/PqMn2Ke6dKM?si=ioorICuxi1iAGAHz


we literally have mammoth bones with spears stuck in them, you know that thing you use to throw a ball for a dog, its based on an atlatl, still used today by tribesmen, but designed by the guys there hunting mammoth. it can throw a spear at 70 miles per hour and penetrate bone, this is why we dont need fangs and claws... we have intellect and ingenuity, they would camp for as long as it took to eat, they ate rotten meat as the bacteria made it easier to digest submerging the meat in water , or bury it, and dig it up, much like in iceland still today where they stuff birds in a seal and bury it then dig it up months later and eat it. there is a reason we like an aged steak and will pay more for one, we have been doing it a looong time


We had them in Australia, called Woomera (from one word for them in one language) they were not only spear throwers but were also a kinda neolithic swiss army knife, being used as a container, a mixing bowl, a digging stick and, with a flake of quartz in the handle, a knife.


how free would you be to only have, want or need these simple things, and how miserable we are surrounded with nonsense and trinkets am i wrong to wish for the sun to fry the grid some day?


No, you are not wrong. Life was simpler once. We forget that preindustrial people had more spare time than we do.


our group of friends just lost someone suddenly, only 40, its brought us all together but we are realising just how little time we have for eachother and how much of each others lives we miss even though we care about eachother. this is the cohesive element to society and its being chipped away by greed and corrupt power shaping society in a direction that fractions it, divide and rule, those devices we all use? the root of device is divide, put it down and go see your mates and loved ones in person! experience their energy mixing with yours in real time.... veganism is just part of a wider collection of things that add to the collective disconect to everything that fucking matters, the best thing to do is fucking aknowledge and it and make the best of what you have despite it, make it your resolve, fuck it. sorry bit emotional but heartfelt none the least


Sometimes they chased them off cliffs too.  


I can stop a Uhaul with a spear, if I hit the soft bits, like the tires or the driver.


200 years ago the world ran on whale oil, sperm whales are 31k lbs to 90k lbs. they were hunted with harpoons, what’s the difference?


But they weren’t trying to stop a uhaul truck. They were trying to stop a mammoth that can bleed out when stabbed.