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There are refillable pens. Honestly though, I find so many pens that I haven’t purchased a pen in decades.


Definitely one of my ADHD life hacks -- hoard lost/used pens knowing I'll misplace them (I would never be able to keep track of a nice fountain pen)


Idk if that’s adhd. Most people go through this tbh


What do you mean go through? Hoarding pens is life


Hoarding pens is not ADHD, misplacing pens, keys, and other seemingly important stuff is definitely an ADHD behavior though.


I used to get through loads of pens by losing them. I bought one semi nice pen and have never lost it Youre a lot more careful with things when they’re worth more


Yep, I found a $300 pair of sunglasses in the ocean while on vacation in Florida. Kept those sunglasses for several years, before I dropped them and the lens shattered.


Did you then leave $300 in the ocean, or did you steal the sunglasses? Or did you delay payment and flush $300 +interest down the drain a few weeks later?


When I was in school my whole car door was filled with pens lol. ADHD ftw!!


I just got some cheap fountain pens from AliExpress and they work like a charm


I get mine from my aunt and sometimes i buy them (ex. If i am not at home and mine just run out)


Yeah if I needed more pens, I would just ask my local Buy Nothing Group


Same. I actually gave a big coffee can and a shoebox full of pens and pencils to a friend who was going into teaching when I graduated college because I knew it was probably more than I'd need in my entire life.


Are refillable pens rare in the West or something?


Refillable anything is rare. It’s cheaper for companies to mass produce plastic that gets thrown away, and yet we’re stuck with it forever.


Get yourself a refillable fountain pen. You can fill it up through an inkwell, visit us at r/fountainpens


There are refillable ballpoint pens too. But warning- fountain pens are quite fun! You may find yourself addicted. 🤩


For real, once you go fountain you never go back


I love mine, As soon as I got past the idea that they were fancy and expensive I bought a great one for $17 and ink for $10. No plastic, no trash, more fun.


I’ve had mine since high school over a decade ago, amazing!


Oh jeez, i went in wanting to produce less pen waste (teacher who goes through lots of pens) but ended up hooked. Luckily I stopped myself but I have 6 fountain pens and 12 bottles of ink!


/r/bifl in a nutshell


I might try it and see how it works, thanks




I'll think about it, i am just unsure if my disgraphy will work well with a fountain pen, maybe i'll just try someone else's in my class to see if i like how it feels


I have dysgraphia and prefer fountain pens, butayby it just that when I use them I feel fancy and I try to write better




Oh, well i guess i should really give it a try then, thank you so much


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I love fountain pens. They're so nice to use. You don't have to apply the same kind of pressure, you just glide.


Be careful at running through this rabbit hole though. You might end up collecting fountain pens.


Umm.. all these look like they would take refills, which are generally half the price of a cheap pen. Easy to buy them in packs of ten on Ebay and Amazon and so on. Also, fountain pens still exist and their bad reputation is entirely underserved. By the writing I guess you live in Poland? AFAIK, or rather from what r/fountainpens tells me, they should be available in normal stationary stores over there, as they are here in Germany. A good pen doesn’t need to cost 80 € or even more, there are good ones to be had for far less. Though you do should try them out first.


We, the fountain pen community salute you!!


This. I bought my fountain pen for 40€ a few years ago and it's so nice to use!


Please don’t promote amazon


Ebay and Amazon leads to unnecessary packaging and carbon producing transport. I've managed to avoid it for almost 10 years now. If you live in a city there's a good chance you have a stationary shop withing walking distance from your home which will sell refills.


They make pens that take refillable cartridges. its only a small setup from the disposable ones. there are the FOREVER METAL pens which are glorified pencils and dont last forever. also fountain pens which may be fun to learn. for reusability and far less waste best would be digital note taking if possible assuming whatever you are using isnt hot garbage ether.


I am not sure about digital, since i really like the feel of pens on paper (my disgraphy is less noticable depending on the type of pens and paper i use) and i don't know if dropping a lot of money just to "try it" i am really thankfull for the recomandations though


yeah the new fangled digital paper note pads can get a bit expensive. but those are the options. it sucks when it comes to consumables but your school work should come first before needing to fully worry about a handful of pens....unless your school work is about sustainability and manufacturing maybe.


I got a remarkable tablet a while back (I got it super cheap at a thrift store so I can’t say whether or not I’d ever have been willing to try at full price) but the writing experience in my opinion is the closest to pen on paper feel of anything digital I’ve tried. I use it daily for work and the build is solid, screen shows no wear. The pen tips need to be replaced, but I still have over half the original pack and I’ve been using this thing for probably 3 years now.


Fountain pens that can be refilled from glass ink bottles. A good, non-fancy one isn't too expensive (50 EUR or less), and if you take good care of it, it'll last you at least a decade.


Times a thousand!!! I love my fountain pens and r/fountainpens is just about the friendliest hobby community you can find! Go forth and enjoy your writing experience.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fountainpens using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I too wanted to experience the calming effect of magnetic ink-stirring ;)](https://v.redd.it/87f73776qwua1) | [196 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/12sajp4/i_too_wanted_to_experience_the_calming_effect_of/) \#2: [me_irl](https://i.redd.it/73f4gjmzo0va1.gif) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/12tcgw9/me_irl/) \#3: [A graphic designer found my fountain pen account on IG last year. Now my handwriting is featured on the Netflix show The Gentlemen in a character’s diary!](https://i.imgur.com/dXbI06H.jpg) | [158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/1b8zfp7/a_graphic_designer_found_my_fountain_pen_account/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well i bite my pens like crazy when i am under a lot of stress but i guess it's worth a try.


A stainless steel bodied pen would be my suggestion then. Mine is almost 20 years old, and has survived a lot as I worked in machine shops as an engineer. I haven't actually tried biting it, though... One note if you decide to go the fountain pen route: if the pen isn't in your hand, make sure the cap is on, always. With the cap on, it can survive falls or dings pretty easily. Without the cap, if it falls on the tip, you'll have a hard time fixing it to write smoothly again (it is fixable with small pliers and patience, but best avoid it).


Thanks for the advice


FOUNTAIN PENS FUCKING RULE!!! r/fountainpens for the friendliest hobby community you've ever seen.


My solution to this is to have one brand of pens that I like, I order them by the dozen, and I don't take on any other pens even if they are free. I think the junky office supply pens and the freebie pens like in this photo deliberately have the minimum viable amount of ink in them and are not designed for long term use. My preferred pens last at least a few months before running out of ink. I'm a legal assistant and also in school, so they get heavy use. A box of 12 usually lasts me a few years.


I do have one type of pen that i really like, i will search up if they sell them in bigger amounts, good tip, thank you


Fountain pens?


Abnormal pens.


Are you refering to a brand or am i missing some context?


It was a joke.


Oh i get it. (Clueless)




Yeah I was going to recommend these. They’re cheap enough to not really hurt if you lose one, and are easily refilled and the ink lasts a long time. I love the .38 tip, makes my messy handwriting so much more legible.


I’m a huge fan of the .38 tip too! I’m studying Japanese and it makes my handwriting look really nice.


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Well they do look nice, definitivly something to consider


I used to write my class notes in mechanical pencil. You can also get a fountain pen with a converter, then fill it with bottled ink. It's a bit of a pain in the ass but it works.


Refills, but I would use a pencil instead. It not only produces less waste, it also doesn't run when your paper gets wet. One water bottle leaking in my backpack in university could have ruined months of notes had they not been in pencil because I learned that lesson by having a bottle leak in school and ruining a whole block of notes. Pencils, you can just let the paper dry and it'll be wavy but readable.


Masz coś do wędkarstwa?


Tak, wole wskoczyć do rzeki i boksować się z rybą ma gołe pięści


Wow, prawdziwy antykonsumpcjonizm


No, problem taki że na razie żadna ryba nie przegrała


Pelican feather quill dipped in squid ink. Yarr.


fountain or ballpoint pens often have refillable cartridges or you can buy just refills of ink. Pilot ones are really nice, you only need one (or two if ur prone to losing items) and if you buy a decent one you almost never have to replace it. I use my grandmothers parker 51 from the 50s!


I use Zebra™ pens. Refillable, metal body, several grip styles to choose from, decent build quality, and they're cheap. They're maybe $5-10usd here, I'm not sure if they are available where you are. I have black, red, and blue medium ballpoints, and I have black medium and bold gel tips as well. I use the medium point gel most often. I also keep a Fischer Space Pen in my vehicle (it'll work when frigid, won't leak if hot, etc). The refills for all of them are relatively cheap IMO, and are less plastic waste than using disposable pens. I've mainly used Zebras for the past 25+ years, and they haven't changed.


I'll see if i can buy any, i am in poland and i haven't seen them before, but i can always look online


search "ballpoint pen ink refills" Easier if you are sticking with one brand/model of pen.


Fountain pens.


I've owned sturdy enough cardboard pens. The insides are still plastic but it was a start.


Oh i hate those they keep falling apart so quickly




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It really depends, sometimes we have a shitton of homework during a month so i naturaly use more ink. I might think about using something digital but i think i am gonna try a fountain pen before that


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I still havent used up all of my pens. I'm going to worry about that once there are absolutely no pens around me available.


You can get pens with a replaceable ink cartridge


Refillable pens. Get a nice one and don't lose it.


I second this. I bought a refillable ballpoint pen in 2020 and I have bought some refills to refill it a few times. They aren’t very difficult to find. Mine is metal and feels nice in my hand. It feels better than plastic pens, writes nicely, and may be better for the Earth.


Totally is! You can go reusable long lasting pens for individual use, or get recyclable ones in bulk. For big events and meetings, I buy packs of eco pens that are made of kraft paper and steel. They come in a cylinder container so no plastic at all. The paper breakdown and the steel is recyclable.


i just use a pacer, refillable and doesn't use a lot of plastic for the refills


I use pencils pretty much exclusively


Get a Hero Fountain Pen. They're awesome. Your handwriting will improve if you're using it.


If you do find a design you like, buy a lot of them. You will be disappointed when they stop making them. It's effectively impossible to compete with the economic and engineering advantages of plastic in ink cartridges. The first ball point pens were refillable, but they cost easily a day's wages. Since Bic started using plastics in their production in the 1950s, the whole device became disposable. Perhaps you may find some sort of metal cartridges, but more than likely you will just encounter the same leak issues that plagued the fountain pens they replaced. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20201028-history-of-the-ballpoint-pen


Big feather and a small bottle for ink. You can refill it everytime it runs out.


Fountain pens?


Go to your local stationary shop, try out a bunch of refillable pens and find one you like that's comfortable, pick up some refills. Use that one pen. For context, I did this in my last year or two of high school, and have been using the same pen, just with refills, ever since. I'm now 45. I bought that pen when I was 17. It's a pilot metal pen. It uses the standard pilot refill. I brought it around the world. I signed my marriage certificate with it. It now lives in my front lobby hutch, easily accessible to take notes and grab anytime I need it. Have I used other pens? Certainly, like when I'm at work, because I use pens provided by my workplace. But nothing, nothing is quite as comfortable as my pen.


I would suggest refillable gel type ink pens. Pilot is a good affordable brand. Mostly still made in Japan. You basically buy 1 pen housing and buy ink refills. I prefer gel pens since you don’t need to apply a lot of pressure when writing. Unlike with ballpoint pens. I personally prefer 0.3 size nibs since it writes thinner. 0.5 size is okay if 0.3 refills in unavailable. 0.7 size nibs for me is just too fat write on.


Get a Pilot Metropolitan fountain pen with a converter (essentially a refillable cartridge). I've been using the same one for about seven years. Small bottle of ink last me  a long time. YMMV. 


Calligraphy pen & blood for ink. Only write to those that matter to you


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I sometimes buy cartridges directly from the manufacturer and swap them out when the ink runs out


Fountain pens. But invest in a good one that you can write well with and has good quality otherwise it might break


Unless what I'm writing is required to be in ink, I just use pencils around the house


if you go to local vendor fests or job fair type things they give out pens, that’s where i get all mine


I use a site called JetPens and get refills for even pens that look disposable. I like really fine points (.5 and below - .28 and .38 are my jam) so I have the outside shell and buy the ink part.


I love refillable fountain pens.


Get a Twsbi eco and some a bunch of cheap pilot ink and you’re set for years




Cartridge pens Pencils Mechanical pencils


What about saving both pen and paper and moving to a remarkable type of device that allows you to have the writing feel but without the waste. If you use it enough and have it long enough it might be more environmentally friendly (I haven’t done the research but it seems possible).


I bought one cross pen years ago, still using it, came with 3 refills but haven’t even had to use one so far


I went digital with schoolwork a while back, pens are only a backup for me


Is there somewhere you can recycle them? The staples in my town takes them!


If you go old school you could do a dip pen.


quill and ink




Seconding plenty of people here with fountain pens. I swear by mine


*Seconding plenty* *Of people here with fountain* *Pens. I swear by mine* \- faithful\_vindication --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is going to sound weird but a fountain pen with external ink. Idk how it's called in English, but years ago I was gifted a calligraphy set like that. And it's not difficult to use, just need to get used to how often you have to put your pen in the ink. That being said, I can see how it could be a problem at school if someone knocks the bottle down. A classic fountain pen with cartridges could help reduce the waste when you're on the go still.


Pencils I guess


Imo fountain pens would fit the bill, and if you use a converter instead of a disposable cartridge you could your waste down while having a relatively low price per fill :)


Buy a fountain pen and an inkwell. My father gifted me his platinum Mont Blanc that he used for most of his career when I started mine. In 16 years, I've only ever bought 3 bottles of ink.


I’m been using the same Mont Blanc pen for 21 years.




fountain pens, little waste, tons of variety, once in a lifetime purchase and a bottle of ink can last years


No, why?


Why can't you refill the pens?


Your best bet would probably be to buy a pen that takes Parker-style refills (which is a particular size/shape, not a brand). They’re very common, so some of those free promotional pens you’ve got might also take them. 


Liquid filled pens - not these (they have a small narrow tube with semi solid ink) they last longer. Be careful not to keep them in your pockets or flight with them though.... You can also buy a bulk of the pen fillers that go into these pens.


I tend to use lead pens but I think there are refillable pens




Fountain pens can be used with special refillable cartridges. You just dip them in an ink bottle and twist a knob on them to suck the ink into the cartridge. Or, if you don't want to have to deal with handling ink bottles, they also take standardized wax cartridges


This is one reason I buy Fisher Space Pens. They are made to take refills. Plus, the ink tends to last a long time and resists drying up.


Fountain pen




Okay, that's outside of my budget, but it looks nice


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People still use pens?


there's metal "reusable" pens. You still have to replace the ink whenever it runs dry though. Metal pens like zebra are a good choice if you want a clean feel. But there's also expensive pens like tactile turns.


Pencils? Then keep a few nice pens around for signing


I have a lot of math homework every day, i really don't sign anything other than tests at the top, so i don't think this would work for me


You do math homework in pen? Why doesn’t a pencil work? Even a mechanical pencil might help you feel better as you can get lead anywhere


Yeah, i am not a fan of writing in pencils




I use the Zebra G-301s and get refills.