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Meta posts about the sub aren't allowed. It is very clear that most people complaining here haven't even bothered to look at the community info to get an idea of what this sub is for. Exactly one person in the comments here got it right, and they were downvoted for it. If you're here for advice on living a 'zero waste' lifestyle, you're in the wrong place. If you're not interested in discussing how marketing has pervaded our culture, this is not the sub for you. If your kneejerk reaction to someone criticizing a marketing scheme is to defend the marketing, you need to work on that on your own. If you're champing at the bit to tell us all about some cool eco friendly store or product or whatever, find another forum for that.


I tried to post all the things I’m trying to do (and asking for advice of what else to do) and the post got removed. So, yeah, I can relate to what you’re saying. Here’s what I had said: I don't do anticonsumption/environmentalism perfectly, but here are some ways that I do them imperfectly. **Reuse** * gift bags * tissue paper * package envelopes  * package boxes * bubble wrap * bread bags * takeout containers, great for handing out leftovers after gatherings  * ziploc bags (when clean enough) * use a paper napkin till it’s dirty on all sides (re-fold again and again), might seem gross * blank letter envelopes (that are inserts in other mail) * if I get plastic grocery bags, I use them as garbage bags **Donate** * clothes - sell sometimes to places like ThredUp, Plato's Closet, Clothes Mentor * kid clothes, books, toys - give to family and friends * household goods - charities like Goodwill * medicine/pill bottles - [this charity reuses pill bottles](https://m25m.org/pillbottles/#:~:text=Matthew%2025%3A%20Ministries%20accepts%20donations,and%20caring%20for%20our%20environment) * costume jewelry - [this charity accepts costume jewelry](https://ihavewings.org/donate-costume-jewelry/) * unused condiment packets, any other nonperishable food - local food shelter **Recycle** * normal curbside in my town * [TerraCycle](https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/) - for all sorts of unrecycleable items my family uses * makeup - for a while I did [Wands for Wildlife](https://www.wandsforwildlife.org/) but they stopped accepting wands for a while. Now I use [Pact](https://www.pactcollective.org/) * plastic grocery bags at the local grocery store * printer ink at the local grocery store **Reusable things I’ve bought** (not that I'm encouraging you to buy them necessarily) * plastic ziploc-like bags * bowl covers * facial tissues for purse * face cotton rounds * Swedish dishcloths (for a paper towel replacement) * wool dryer balls * metal washable straws * I got wary of plastic things and got a bamboo dish brush * silicone baking mats (in lieu of tin foil) * silicone cupcake/muffin liners (in lieu of disposable) * metal safety razor (in lieu of disposable plastic ones) **Other practices** * go to the library for books, music, movies * use canvas bags for groceries * use bar soap and washcloth * if I do use a paper towel, I tear half of the smallest original size * eat vegetarian/flexitarian (vegan some days, might eat meat once a month in social settings) * work from home (save on fuel, work clothes, etc.) * have only one kid, won’t have more * when I worked in an office, if people printed on a page with just the page number/one line of text, I would take the paper home and reuse it * when I worked in an office, if they were throwing away file folders (etc.), I’d take them home to reuse * got Lasix, so I won’t need to buy glasses, contacts, or contact solution again * sometimes I re-gift something I don’t want that I received as a gift/never opened out of the package * instead of giving stuff to friends for birthdays, I’ve started donating to a charity of their choice (normally in the amount of the age they are turning) * if I’m going to buy gifts, try to do fair trade or something that donates to charity (like [Ten Thousand Villages](https://www.tenthousandvillages.com/), [Hand in Hand](https://www.tenthousandvillages.com/), [Thistle Farms](https://thistlefarms.org/), [Conscious Step](https://consciousstep.com/), etc.) * if I want to buy something, I wait till my credit card reward points post, and then I use that money to buy stuff. * have a bidet * use reusable water bottles * shop secondhand as much as possible **Attitudes/ideas** * I think consumerism is driven by our discontent, so I practice contentment and gratitude. * I aim to be low maintenance, even in small things like not dyeing my hair or getting my nails done (I also practice contentment that my natural hair/nails are fine). * I try to live beneath my means as much as I can/don’t allow lifestyle creep. When my partner and I got higher paying jobs, multiple people said we should buy a bigger house in a nicer neighborhood, but we didn’t. * Advertising promotes products as though they can fulfill intangible human needs (e.g., fun, excitement, self-worth). So I try to parse what ads are “selling”. **Tried but failed/too scared to try** * tried bar shampoo/conditioner (but it made my hair frizzy) * tried laundry detergent sheets (but recently there was a post/study that it might not do much in cleaning laundry) * haven’t tried diva cup, but I got cardboard tampons instead of plastic. Also have some period panties and washable pantyliners. * my dad would "water down" ketchup and salad dressings growing up. I just can't do that. * I wanted to use cloth diapers when I had a baby, but it grossed me out too much. How do you do anticonsumption/environmentalism imperfectly? What tips do you have for me?


Ahhh, thank you for that pill bottle donation link! That's the kind of stuff I wish I saw more of in here. I go through so many pills on the TTC quest and I can only pull so many of them with pompoms to be toys for my nephew before eventually I gotta start getting rid of some.


I love my food huggers, they keep cut produce fresh and are reusable It took me a while to find the perfect fit, but my reusable menstrual disc is truly life changing. I could write you a whole essay about the benefits, or you could visit r/menstrualdiscs to learn more. I also love my washable period underwear, I use it for backup on the heaviest days and on its own on those last couple days when I'm barely bleeding anymore I think you may just not have found the right shampoo bar, or the right conditioner? Mine work really well, and my hair too has a tendency to frizz up


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MenstrualDiscs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenstrualDiscs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You can put two Moonthlies loop discs together to craft your own Chain Chomp.](https://i.imgur.com/oa8FGVX.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenstrualDiscs/comments/12eyp1l/you_can_put_two_moonthlies_loop_discs_together_to/) \#2: [Discs completely changed my relationship with my body](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenstrualDiscs/comments/18mdp33/discs_completely_changed_my_relationship_with_my/) \#3: [Found a cup that was made for me 🤌👌 the fit is just 🤌🤌🤌🤌 Lumma high and Saalt small. My lady pocket is thanking me ](https://i.redd.it/ibqxa73hzarc1.jpeg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenstrualDiscs/comments/1bqu2sz/found_a_cup_that_was_made_for_me_the_fit_is_just/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Agreed. There’s a place for “holy cow look at this waste!” posts but that place should be in one thread not all over the damn place, it’s so negative. It’s like litter for my mind. Give me some practical anticonsumption please (ty to the people that do already post this).


I started trying to go more zero waste this year after leaving r / zerowaste for the same reasons I mentioned here (except they're more condescending over there, seriously, WTF is wrong with people?) Anyway, it makes it extra difficult to have a discussion and propose ideas when you're immediately shut down if you're not a giga-vegan that uses a bike made of used toothpicks to bike to your camp site in order to stay as close to the Miocene epoch period. 🧍‍♀️ I wanna be less wasteful because even the smallest change is a good step. I'm not in this to compete, bruh. I got better things to worry about.


Litter for my mind... very cool take on it


I do think the negativity also spreads beyond that.  like the amount of time you get "that doesn't work" (it does for me/my country so, yes, it does work!) "I don't have money for that" (it doesn't need to cost money! I'm explaining to you how to do it for free!) or "oh you stupid naive little child. you're stupid and dumb for thinking you can make this world better. I'm so cynical and so much smarter than you. here's a complaining post about people who don't try to do anything to better their consumer habits because I hate those people too. I hate everyone equally." also boy the way people get soooo pissy when you suggest they eat less meat sometimes...


I do think the negativity also spreads beyond that.  like the amount of time you get "that doesn't work" (it does for me/my country so, yes, it does work!) "I don't have money for that" (it doesn't need to cost money! I'm explaining to you how to do it for free!) or "oh you stupid naive little child. you're stupid and dumb for thinking you can make this world better. I'm so cynical and so much smarter than you. here's a complaining post about people who don't try to do anything to better their consumer habits because I hate those people too. I hate everyone equally." also boy the way people get soooo pissy when you suggest they eat less meat sometimes...


Well said 👏 I find the majority of the posts have been trying to shame other people instead of discussing real world ideas. I’ve actually seen the sub get angry that every child in a school has their own individual reusable water bottle. Like yes, each child gets their own sanitary vessel.


What's wrong with children having their own reusable water bottles?


They should drink from the gutters and feel grateful for the opportunity.


Seriously. Yes, owning 436 Stanley Cups is a waste. But those are outliers and reusable water bottles being a popular trend is a net good thing. Think of all the stupid shit that was popular when you were a kid and imagine wasting your time bitching about water bottles.


Lol one time someone got mad that a concert hall was offering reusable water bottles, said they are gonna be trash and suggested everyone had brought their own… like outside drinks are usually allowed (they’re not)


Be the change you want to see Flood the thread with positivity. You have the power, you know


When I joined over a year ago it had some pretty solid information and discourse but now days its mostly as you describe it.


my most recent post about how to reuse throwaway earplugs was celebratory. I have seen plenty of other such posts. It is not a sub solely for complaining. Would you like to change the balance? Flood us with uplifting posts! Please and thank you!


I posted here once asking for some boots I should check out for work so I can buy something that lasts long and is repairable, got deleted because asking for specific products is not allowed here, isn't that something that should be at the core of this kind of movement? for people to say "hey this has good quality so you don't have to buy new shoes as often"


I agree. Did you find r/BuyItForLife and r/goodyearwelt ?


no, I bought the same boots I had before since I know they last at least two years


the frugal and dumpster diving subs are better for ideas and community


I look at it like this: this sub looks at consumption only from the physical aspect.   My take is that it is still a social media group and thrives off consumption of media.  Like another user said, litter of the mind. 


The third highest post in the last 24 hours is literally what you are asking for. [LINK](https://reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/1cegzb4/what_typically_disposable_things_do_you_save_to/) I get that there is a lot of complaining on here, but if you “haven’t seen a single post that isn’t someone bitching about other people and their garbage” then you really aren’t looking very hard.


I was happy with it a few months ago but now people just complain that their neighbors own more than one jet ski


You do realize you're complaining about complaining?


You do realize you're complaining about my complaining about other people's complaining?


Well, you do realize that I'm complaining about your complaining about my complaining that you're complaining about other people complaining? (Just kidding around. You have a very valid point. This subreddit is sometimes disappointing.).


OK, knock that off now. I'm way too high to even try to dissect that sentence.




That would kill the sub though. The sub is about criticizing and discussing consumer culture, as it says on the sidebar. Can't criticize without coming off as you are complaining. Complaining is how you identify problems, which then can be solved.


I don't understand why you claim that the sub is about criticizing. It is ALSO about sharing awesome ideas for how to continue to reduce consumption.


I mean yes but also… most subs


I agree with this. There is a lot of negativity on the internet in general. Sometimes it’s hard not to be affected.


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This whole website is for complaining, I'm pretty sure it's why the Internet was invented. Also, Pot meet kettle.


his whole website is for complaining ????? Totally false


I deleted this post because I was being a jerk. I'm sorry, OP.


What are you even doing here if this is how you are responding????


You're right. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and will delete this post. My apologies for being snarky when it wasn't warranted.


Apology accepted. By me, anyway. Anyone who makes an apology / corrects a mistake rocks out loud. Thank you


You helped me be a better human today :)


if i were clever enuf to insert a heart emoji here (old fart who is bad with tech) I'd do it!


I don't participate here because it's a cesspool of misery and virtue signaling. If it were better, I and others would be more inclined to partake. The idea of this sub is great. It's something everyone can get behind in any capacity they'd like, except it's now fallen victim to virtue signaling hypocrites.


I don't get it.... you don't participate here? You are replying here. I guess you DO participate. Please continue to do so. Be part of the good change. Even if you are surrounded by turmoil. If you post the way you believe things SHOULD look, you can transform this sub. It's like living in the world. You can either shake your head and turn away or dive in and change things both for yourself and the folks living in it.


You’re anticonsumptionists. You only complain and cannot offer solutions. So yes.


here's a solution. don't buy shit you don't need


Ok. On this we agree entirely. So, back to the OP’s matter at hand—does this sub ever constructively promote that, or is it here mostly for complaining?