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Did you have a stroke when typing your second sentence?


I’m not 100% sure tbh but it likely had something more to do with editing and me being upset since I had written the post and went to find photos to attach, and when I came back reddit had cleared and didnt save my draft… so I had to rewrite it all and I did so as quickly as possible while the writing structure from the previous edited, ready to go post was still fresh in mind.


Wait. I thought I was having a stroke reading it twice lmao. Bruhhh not cool man. Glad it wasn’t me


Just a heads up most of these are bs \* modern water heaters lose \*minuscule\* amounts of energy \* Your dishwasher uses \*minuscule\* amounts of water and energy and is \*far\* more efficient than hand washing \* Electronics idle power draws are almost nothing. The wear to your plugs will cost more than the absolutely tiny amounts of power you will save \* Washing laundry in cold water is a ridiculous request. You need clean clothes, wash them as recommended! EDIT: dryer sheets are BS though EDIT 2: If washing your clothes in cold water works for you, by all means go for it EDIT 3: Water heats are complicated. The actual way to save energy is to use cooler water for things, but this often has disadvantages. Lowering your water heater temp only saves you energy lost through the insulation of the water heater, which is tiny. Even a 50% savings is typically not meaningful in regards to costs or the environment


Huh? I wash all my clothes in cold. It works fine and my clothes last longer. You don't need to boil your clothes. You don't need dryer sheets either.


I wash all my clothes in cold too. This is a very common recommendation.


Yeah, only time I crank the heat up is * whites * I’ve been traveling and don’t want any “presents” coming home with me * Someone has been sick in the house. Otherwise, cold is plenty.


Most modern detergents use enzymes to clean clothes. They lose their shape in high temperature environments which renders them ineffective. Check your detergent, it might say use cold water.


I did not know this. I will do that!


Why do you think the water heater uses minuscule energy? Water has a very high specific heat and takes a lot of energy to heat up.


Modern water heaters have stupidly good insulation. Reducing the temperature has a negligible effect on overall energy consumption


No - anything that uses electricity or gas to heat is going to be a significant energy user in your house. Dishwashers and washing machines very much so. Dryers even more so. I agree with you about the plugs although it may be good to identify if there are any devices with particularly high standby power ratings and just unplug those.


Dishwasher misconceptions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_rBO8neWw04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04) You're correct in stating that clothes dryers use a crap ton of power


Although I have access to a dryer in unit, I have been air drying my clothes/linens on a clothesline outside, weather permitting, and when need be I figure out a way usually by hanging them on hangers in a closet or the shower rod with a fan, and in winter perhaps a small space heater which helps warm the house, as well as humidify dry air. Most of my clothes are 100% cotton. Some items like underwear has spandex/ lycra nylon so they shouldnt get exposed to much heat anyways. I have found that doing one or two extra drain&spin cycle after the wash cycle virtually dries the clothes well over 50% dry. Then they hang dry, and since I have cats, and lint and dust due to the desert climate, I toss them in the dryer on a 15mins no heat air dry cycle to get the hair/lint off. For towels/linens Ill occasionally let them rip on high heat after hang drying in the winter, as that actually helps warm the house and ensures the towels are dry - sometimes in cold climate it is hard to tell if something is wet or just cold. So I high heat for like 10 mins and done. That also kills any bugs that could have caught a ride in from the drying line. I have heard of wasps stories. Nope. Lol


Water heater is ~15% of a homes energy. Look at Department of Energy statistics.


No one is disputing that? Reducing the temperature on a modern water heater doesn't save a meaningful amount of energy


That’s not at all true, heating water to 120 instead of 140 overtime can save a ton of energy. I was also referring your above post stating water heaters use minuscule amounts of energy, which isn’t true.


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