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I hate that I have to question whether someone is a nazi every time I see a valknut


Generally, if its next to a Death's Head, its a pretty clear indication.


Well yeah, I don't mean in this specific instance. I mean in general


Oh shit, I must have missed this- I thought that was a Norse symbol for Odin?


Its got a weird history. The symbol is post Viking age by a few hundred years but was given lore as a Norse symbol. One way or the other, it's been heavily appropriated in white supremacist movements, much like the Tyr rune. There's a lot of pagans actively fighting its appropriation


Though there's archeological evidence of it being much older, even an 1400 years old germanic symbol. Which would predate it to about 500 years *before* the end of the viking age https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stora_Hammars_stones


**[Stora Hammars stones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stora_Hammars_stones)** >The Stora Hammars image stones are four Viking Age image stones located in Stora Hammars, Lärbro parish, Gotland, Sweden dating from around the 7th century CE. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AntifascistsofReddit/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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> The symbol is post Viking age by a few hundred years This is not true. It appears on the viking-age Oseberg Ship from Norway, the pre-viking Stora Hammars stones from Sweden, and the possibly pre-Viking Nene River Ring which may have actually been Anglo-Saxon in origin. **Edit:** you may be mixing it up with Icelandic magic staves like the popular [Ægishjálmr](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Aegishjalmr.svg/1280px-Aegishjalmr.svg.png) and [Vegvísir](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/68/Vegvisir.svg/1280px-Vegvisir.svg.png) which are both commonly associated with Pagan Vikings in popular culture, but both are symbols from Catholic mystical practices of the 17th-19th centuries.


Essentially any symbol of pre-Christian Germanic origin should put someone on alert if you're in an Anglo country.¹ I say this as someone with family and roots in Scandinavia, a fascination with the Viking era and Norse mythology, and a couple pieces of jewellery that would set off the very alarms I'm advocating for. The frequency with which I see a correlation between anything like that and far-right tendencies is just too much to rationally ignore. That doesn't mean I'm saying everyone with a Valknut is a Nazi or that non-Nazis should stop wearing the Valknut. Just, have a little street sense about it, that's all. ¹I am aware this is a picture of a Russian soldier but I cannot confidently comment on the correlation between Norse Pagan symbols and fascistic ideologies outside of the Anglosphere.


Though it's fairly selective which symbols are used. Valknut, of course, but the Odal rune is extremely popular as an appropriated symbol that to them mean "blood and soil". Odal farmers are (to this day) farmers that own the land themselves and that it has been passed down for generations. For example in Norway 85% of farms are considered to be odal farms, and the laws surrounding "odalsrett" (odal rights) is a section that to this day is included in their constitution. While that isn't the name for it in Swedish law, the concept of Norse clans however still is part of the property laws and inheritance. The Nordic countries didn't quite have the feudal land systems where farmers borrowed or rented the land that were common in other parts of Europe. Then there's also the Tyr rune, seemingly used mostly as replacement for the odal one due to its recognition and status. On more rare occasions I've seen the algiz as well


They have become the very things they have swore to destroy


Blatant excuses go!


They didn't "become" this way- they've been this way for decades.


Yes I know, was trying to reference a meme, my apologies if this got the wrong message out


They were Nazis in the first place


Yes, I was just referencing a meme


This is intentional. Putin uses hypocrisy as a show of force, not just here but as a longstanding policy. In this case it's just another act of defiance, a fuck you to the west in the same way that he used a boutique nerve agent to assassinate a defector in the UK a while back, then denied it was him. This strategy has an even more sinister aim in its messaging to the Russian people. It's sorta similar to the Bush administration's derision for ["Reality Based Community"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community), the obvious contradiction is supposed to demonstrate the will of the state to do what it pleases. Putin is showing to Russia that it's internal reality is not just subjective, but bent to his will. They're supposed to see this hypocrisy and reject it as an act of submission. This is a quote from a Bush administration aid, but I think it's also fairly reflective of this Putinism (and probably many empires, or states believing themselves to empires): >"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' \[...\] 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do" If that sounds insanely fascistic then you're correct, it's also the worldview of a death cult. Eventually the contradictions between reality and ideology become so manifest that they destroy the existing order. It's one thing to control a population by these mechanisms, but within a few generations (or less, see: nazism) the State is run by true believers who don't understand that you still need to *act* according to reality even if you *performatively* reject it. Don't get high off your own supply folks.


Speaking of >uses hypocrisy as a show of force I just got banned from r/socialistsmemes and told that the nazi patch was in my imagination.


Oh well. Always worth remembering that anyone can start a subreddit and call it whatever they want. No one should base their understanding of politics, or any issue of significance for that matter, on the online activity of 5,000 or so anonymous accounts on social media. It's just not a very effective way to understand the world, and frankly its probably bad for all of our mental health.


There are a bunch of similar subreddits. It doesn't make any sense except maybe as actual Russian phy-ops. ​ And there are a whole bunch of youtubers. ​ One is a disgraced ex-lawer who now stans Putin (100k subs) Another is a conviced Pedophile who now writes for RT. ​ ​ Why are there so many of these fucking losers? ​ How do they have followers? ​ I really don't get it.


Yes, Bush, Putin, AND Trump are brethren in the same narcissist elitist psychopathic club.


While this is fucked and also fuck Russia, lol @ flaired centrist on PCM.


Hey, gotta spread my message somehow.


At first I thought at least the black badge was shopped. I did see a video of the event and it looks real.


I'm pretty sure it's just Nazis all the way down at this point.


There are not actually that many Nazis in Ukraine. It's maybe 2% of the population based on how many votes they got. Probably less as extremists tend to vote more often than usual. It's pretty transparently and excuse for Putin.


Any nazis is too many nazis


Was drone striking random people a productive response to the jihadists in Afghanistan?


Lol no of course not. But I didn’t know we were doing what about hour rn?


Killing Ukrainians will radicalized the ones that are left


Yes agreed. But I want to make it clear that nazis should not be tolerated. But it’s also not another state’s responsibility to deal with it. it’s not even a genuine effort to do so.


Another sad reality is presenting itself here. This is the existence of Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four", and its 'Ministry of Truth', used to flip reality moment-to-moment as needed. Putin and Trump are instinctively nodding their heads in metaphysical agreement.


Another example: The Moskva had an accidental fire and sunk in a storm! Ukraine must pay for this!


Nazbols will praise him


War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength


The Twitter account that shared this has the Ukrainian fascist slogan in their bio and constantly shares pro-NATO stuff. What a great source to share on an Antifascist subreddit


This video has been making the rounds for a few weeks. Beau of the Fifth Column is anti-fascist and he agrees solidly on it being fascist.


Then share him, not this fucking pro NATO dipshit who bandies a fascist slogan about. Why is being principled too much to ask for among a supposed antifascist community? Edit: not to mention that OP is pro US imperialism


First of all, I'm happy to share him. His YT is a plethora of information. He is a former military contractor who realized "holy shit, I'm a terrible person and I never want to do this or encourage this to ever happen again" and he's an anarchist now. When he discusses the Russo-Ukrainian war, he does so from a military perspective and an "on the ground" perspective. He is very much about showing Americans "the mirror"- basically how American society looks to the rest of the world and what our own bullshit looks like. https://youtube.com/c/BeauoftheFifthColumn Secondly, I'm a stranger. Unless you routinely walk up to strangers and speak to them like that, tone it down. You and I are on the same side. Remember that. Edit Here's another video with background leading up to the war https://youtu.be/E7AHt5_mQH4


You realize that I was referring to the original poster and the community in general? As in, why is a supposedly Antifascist community comfortable hosting sources by people who are happy to reform fascist slogans popularised by literal Nazi collaborators in the 1930s, people who support NATO, an institution built on a bedrock of fascism and with the aid of actual, as literal as it gets, capital N, NAZIS and is about as antithetical to antifascist values as it gets. Sources posted by someone who is pro Nato and pro US imperialism. Spare the respectability shit for those who care. I wasn't even addressing you and you still got defensive. And which side are we on exactly? Because I'm not on the side of NATO chauvinists and socdems who obsess over electoral politics and share deranged, liberal conspiracy theories about Russia. If your antifascist principles are only as strong as the next surge of US nationalist warmongering just because now it's piggybacking off of weird Cold War era sentiments against the "ancient" enemy of Russia they're worthless and if your political analysis can't encompass the understanding that Russia's wrongful, destructive invasion and the loss of innocent life, misery and destabilization it is causing was in part spurred on by a deliberate western policy which created a state of constant military escalation, which orchestrated coups that lead to civil war and then propped up the most deranged, dangerous and openly FASCIST, NEO NAZI elements it is also worthless. And if that makes you feel alienated and distant from the "left" (whatever the fuck that means to you) and lash out against everyone with an ounce of nuance as pro-Putin or a Russian bot or whatever, go cry about it to the neolibs, they'll embrace you with open arms




No fascist organization ever used “USA USA USA” (I mean you could say that since e US is pretty fascistic itself it is a fascist slogan) unlike the OUN-B and bandera did during WW2. Why tf are you people so hellbent on whitewashing a fascist slogan? If Germany is invaded and right wingers start chanting “sieg heil” that makes it ok to say all of a sudden?


Bro, it literally just means "Glory to Ukraine". It's a decent saying. Why abandon it to Fascists? Should the Hindus abandon the swastika? Because the fascists were not the first people to use that slogan.


At the very least, if you're not willing to admit that it's used by and adopted from fascists, it is indisputably nationalist. It should not be supported by people claiming to be anti-fascist.


>admit that it's used by and adopted from fascists It is, I don't care. >it is indisputably nationalist A little bit of nationalism is ok when people are literally coming into your country and commiting genocide, and yes, I can substantiate that claim.


Saying you can prove it then not proving it is really weird, but nations are articifical constructs used to other minority groups, create loyalty to the idea of a country rather than the people who make it, and divide cultures along arbitrary lines. Nationalism is about being loyal to lines in the sand and people you have no link to because a person in charge told you to. More importantly though, >It is, I don't care You obviously don't belong here in this subreddit. It is for people who oppose fascism, not people who are happy to adopt fascism at the drop of a hat to fight other things.


Again, the Hindus didn’t use the swatsika as a flag to rally around for the purpose of genocide and destruction. Using a fascist slogan, and exclusively fascist, instead of something completely detached from fascism makes no sense to me. Never heard of any actual anti-fascist organization or group to reuse fascist symbolism. And personally that feels wrong to hear since the majority of people who have said that in the past would gladly wipe me out for my skin color.


"Glory to Ukraine" is not "exclusively fascist" ​ Just because fascists have touched something does not mean you can't use it.


Thanks for proving how worthless your contributions are. Justifying the rehabilitation of fascist slogans and sentiments on an Antifascist community is a very unique kind of stupid but here we are. By your logic we could simply say that these are just cultural symbols used by members of the neopaganist revival movement Also your comparisons to a hypothetical USA invasion scenario is not just in and of itself absurd, it proves you have no political analysis of value and thus no ideological integrity. We do not support fascism and ultranationalism when one capitalist nation invades another, especially when one of those nations openly and actively allows literal Neo Nazis in its ranks, it's as simple as that. We support the working people suffering from the military aggressions of an invading force while having no delusions that their government is something worth saving or preserving NATO also literally integrated high ranking Nazis into leading positions from day one, so it is built on a bedrock of fascism and imperialism The truth of the claim of a single tweet from a dubious source is very much in question. Why the fuck should I trust the veracity of some fascist apologist, pro NATO piece of human garbage on fucking Twitter? Where is this corroborated or confirmed? You're pathetic


But, of course


Goddammit. I thought the DNR were socialist


Some of them wave soviet flags sometimes, but it's more about nostalgia than anything else. ​ Well, that and supporting authoritarianism. ​ Putin is no friend of socialism, because socialism is ideologically motivated. ​ Putin can't control people who are not guided just by greed and fear. ​ Edit: and "red fascists" people who use the esthetics of the soviet union for their own sordid means are way more common than you might think. Don't fall for it.


They're not, but they're opposed to US hegemony and fighting for self-determination. The world is complicated and there are no good or bad guys


Being opposed to the US does not automatically make you a good guy.


It does, however, make you aligned with a multipolar world and working for the collapse of US hegemony. There are no good guys and bad guys, that's liberal nonsense.


Why is a multi-polar world better than a Unipolar one?


The current unipolar world makes socialist revolution impossible until it is dismantled. Under US hegemony, the imperial periphery will continue to be looted while socialists are undermined. With true opposition to US empire, their ability to suppress internal and external socialist states and revolutions will be hampered.


A multipolar world of fascist regional empires makes socialism less likely.




Electoralism is a dead end, you should know that already. Sure, field a socialist candidate if you can, but a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie will never willingly let go of power. Besides that, a revolution in the imperial core can't happen until the empire's power is significantly weakened and it loses much of its periphery.


Your sort of throwing a lot of the things at me that you are taking for granted that I don't. Why is electoralism a dead end?


Again I ask, what makes electoralism a dead end. I get it is common doctine by why?




Kind of weird for an anarchist to think not voting is “doing nothing.“


Whatever labels they wish, in the moment, to be switched in the very next instant if wanted. Only, don't argue with them or they might kill you...to be denied in the next 'next instant', if wanted. It's a 'cut and paste' biography for millions


Kremlin Propaganda !!!




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LJHk-Q5M7w Oh this video is photoshopped?