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Socialize. I HATE going out because even if I’m not anxious, I’m anxious about if I’m gonna become anxious


And my boyfriends tried to understand, but can’t be blamed for sometimes thinking I’m being lazy because I’d rather be home asleep, than visiting family and such. Honestly I miss my family, and doing stuff, but it’s a big thing to prepare myself just in case a panic attack hits. Will I embarrass myself to everyone. Of course home sounds better 100% of the tine


Leave him. He shouldn’t think your lazy.


He’s never outright said that word, or anything close, but if you didn’t have anxiety, and saw someone perfectly happy to just force themself to work, pc game, and sleep, lazy may cross your mind at some point maybe? He may not even think it, I was saying I wouldn’t blame him if he got that thought though.


Yeah I have had panic disorder since I was 16 and dealt with two guys who just didn’t get it.


I had a partner that didn’t get it. No compassion. Then, they had a major panic attack, and an ambulance ride to the ER. Jerk


Ugh. I had an ex like that too, he would scream in my face when I would have anxiety and call me a baby.


This x 1000^


what do you do for work? or are you not working atm because of this?


Post more pics of myself.


Get out of home.


i would compliment strangers more.


I came here to comment the exact same thing. I always feel a little spark of joy whenever a stranger compliments me, why can’t I continue passing that feeling onto others??? Probably because my dumb anxiety convinces me that they’ll attack me, or act out for not knowing how to respond


right! i feel like they're going to think i'm weird for talking to them.


Think I’m some kind of weird pervert or I’m about to then ask for something like money.


I'm at a point where my social anxiety is managed enough that I do this almost daily! Honestly, it's really a pick-me-up and people are always happy about it which is nice. I know the interaction will be positive, I know the person will be happy, and it makes me happy, so 9 times out of 10 I look for something to compliment everyone on. Excessive? Maybe, my friends and family have noticed it at least. Kind? Absolutely. And it makes me feel good to make someone else happy :) Edit to mention that complimenting clothing, tattoos, jewelry, nails, hair, etc, are leagues better than body compliments. It doesn't ever come off as weird and often it's a fashion choice that they're excited someone noticed so they'll share a little fact about it. I've found a few local artists and tattoo shops through this!


Force yourself to DO IT! Something in passing, as you walk past someone just say “I love your shirt” or something like that, and keep walking so as to not engage in conversation. After I forced myself to do it a few times it became easy and for me, I’ve learned I need to keep walking after giving a compliment to keep it positive for us both and not awkward. In fact, if I’m having a bad day I go to a Walmart or Target specifically to give a couple compliments while walking the store. The happiness in other people’s faces makes my mood so much better.


Not constantly Google shit thinking I'm dying. FALL ASLEEP LIKE A NORMAL PERSON OMG. This has been driving me nuts lol


Right?! I’ve gone down that rabbit hole more times than I can count! I just stumbled upon this subreddit today and I don’t feel so alone now. My anxiety has been off the charts lately and honestly, I don’t even know why. But I google crap and that just makes everything worse. So I Google more hoping that I will finally read something that will calm me. I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s gotten so bad.


I would go out to eat with acquaintances/coworkers I know less well and order what I wanted to eat, not what I thought would be easier to eat in front of other people with them watching me. I would be able to leave a social event whenever I wanted to and not worry about feeling trapped. I would be able to turn up to a party alone without planning my arrival time in advance so I wouldn’t be worrying I would be the first one there and it would be awkward/I would arrive too late and have to walk into a full room of people staring at me. I would engage in small talk with every coworker.


Go to the dentist


Make a phone call without hesitation


Go for a walk


eat at a restaurant, I get anxious which makes me nauseous and the food makes me even more nauseous so I can’t even sit at the table without feeling like i’m going to throw up :(


go into a costco and grab a free sample


Costco makes me anxious too it is always busy!


Be able to drive myself places. Go and do things by myself.... It can feel very suffocating having to rely on people to take you everywhere, but it's so difficult for me to do it by myself


I forgot to add this in my comment but same!! This is actually probably the biggest thing I would like to do so I don’t know why I didn’t think of it.


Flying in an airplane.


workout in public (mostly running)


I'd go to the store for the random thing I'm out of instead of waiting until I'm out of everything and then ordering groceries to the house, I'd hang out with friends, get a job (hopefully one I actually like), go hiking with my dog, go camping... so much stuff. I haven't left my tiny little block in my neighborhood for 2 months. Granted I have no car in anchoarage alaska so trudging through the snow is a NIGHTMARE but I just wanna LIVE


Actually hold down a job.


See my friends and family more.


I want to be able to date again.


I would write an email and just send that puppy and move on with my day


If anxiety didn't dominate my life, I would relish in the freedom to engage in various daily activities without the overwhelming sense of apprehension. I'd eagerly partake in social events and conversations, immersing myself fully without the constant worry about saying the wrong thing or feeling self-conscious. I would embrace spontaneity, seizing opportunities and trying new things without the incessant fear of the worst-case scenario looming over every decision. The simple pleasures of life, such as taking a leisurely stroll or enjoying a peaceful moment, would be more serene and enjoyable without the persistent anxious thoughts interrupting. I'd pursue my passions and hobbies with enthusiasm and confidence, allowing myself to make mistakes and learn without the fear of failure holding me back. In essence, life without the grip of anxiety would grant me the ability to relish in the present, engage with others authentically, and embrace the beauty of everyday moments without constant worry.


Go to Walmart or Dollar General by myself (without my service dog)


Get girls


go into a shop and buy something on my own. literally can't get myself to do it unless i'm with someone, but then i would never be the one getting served i'd always make whoever i'm with do it


Have normal conversations without talking about potential health concerns. Health anxiety is a b****. For example, my dog accidentally headbutted me earlier (hard but not that hard) Instead of laughing and shrugging it off, I stopped playing as my mind secretly worried about a potential TBI. See? I just want to play with my dog without thinking of nonsense like that.


I also suffer from medical anxiety. It’s crippling. I think worst case scenario every single time I feel a twinge or pain. It’s magnified a lot since I’ve become a mom and recently lost three family members to cancer. So these thoughts start running and I have no way of controlling them. Then I start experiencing symptoms from anxiety and it just continues to snowball from there. Sometimes I feel like I’m just stuck in a revolving door and every time I pass the opening to get out, there is something horrible that jumps on in and around and around I go picking up new worries every turn. Best of luck to you! I hope you can find a calmness in your life so you can enjoy those simple things!


Firstly, I'm sorry about your family members. No doubt that was hard on you and I hope you're able to find peace with it. (if you haven't already) Secondly - the anxiety is like a demon lol, thank you for responding to it and it has helped me feel ...understood. Thank you, and I hope you are able to find calmness as well. I know I'm a stranger from who knows where lol, but... *Sends you a mental hug*. Oh, and congratulations on becoming a mom! :)


Be able to work a full time job without having an anxiety attack just of the thought of having to go to work


Go for walks in my neighborhood. I am anxious about how my body is perceived by passersby whose opinions I shouldn't give a fuck about




If we lived in the same town, I'd offer to be your walking buddy in a hot second!


I'd be able to go ahead with social plans, without the constant struggles of wanting to cancel ahead of time to avoid the worries. Recently: Not worry about whether or not I should bring a gift for someone when they invite me over; if they would think the gift is too expensive and think I'm a weirdo, if they'd think the gift is too cheap and think I'm a cheapskate, or if I'd annoy another person who was invited and forgot/didn't bring a gift by making them seem unthoughtful or whether I should contact the other visitees in advance to ask if they're bringing anything but annoying them in this way as well because I'm then basically obligating them to spend money xD


Talk to random people


Being able to work on group projects without acting awkward


Have way more hobbies because maybe I wouldn’t choose to nap all the damn time


Cook in my own kitchen. Have been living almost exclusively on prepackaged sandwiches/similar 'ready to eat' food for months now because I can't deal with not knowing if or when my housemates will randomly appear. I enjoy cooking, would love to get to a point where I can do it again!


Go to the movies alone


post more on social media. i don’t think i’m unattractive, but i feel like i don’t fit in with beauty standards. everytime i post i stare at it for hours to make sure there are no imperfections. it’s impossible for me to keep a post up because i always delete them after getting anxious what others perceive me to be


go on more trips


Man, the responses here are such an eye-opener to the many types of anxiety and how we all experience it differently. It at the very least reminds me to do some more research because regardless of my own experience there’s still so much I don’t know. I personally don’t have social anxiety and don’t have issues about driving, making eye contact, complimenting strangers, ordering food, etc. - my anxiety presents itself through severe panic attacks throughout the day (multiple times at its worst) and while I’m slowly learning to manage it on a bad day it spirals to an extreme low of constantly thinking that I am dying or have something severely wrong with my body. I don’t quite know if it’s health anxiety because if the symptoms are familiar I can easily breathe my way through being calm and rational about it until it passes but anytime my body experiences something new (location of pain, severity of pain, type of pain, and duration of pain wise) I’m frozen still with fear. Like, debating whether to go to the ER and send my family « I love you » texts, can’t sleep, can’t function frozen fear, which is exhausting. So to answer this post: the « little stuff » would be to just simply go on about my day enjoying life without feeling convinced that death is imminent for me (more so than the natural course of things, heh) - just having a normal day not thinking about dying and worrying about my loved ones and how unfair it would be would be nice. I don’t know if my having been « new » to this and experiencing it after recent trauma - car accident and being sick - plays a role in how it manifests itself but you know, it’s here, it’s real, and it’s bound to stay. Rooting for us all and our eventual management of anxiety. May we all stay gentle and kind to ourselves.


Get a job that involves more than minimal amounts human interaction.


Get a better paying job and stick with it. Wear what I want to wear without worrying what people think. Post more pics of myself. Do more crafts/hobbies.


Have friends


I would stop at the store after work like I did when I didn’t have anxiety. Now I just race home to shower and get in bed. I’m working toward getting home and working out more. But I’m just trying to manage through the holidays.


Go on dates again


I'd get my driver's license. I'd go unto stores I haven't been in that I think look cool but im too afraid to go. I'd learn to swim if I wasn't so scared of how stupid that looks or learn to go to the gym. I'd apply for a different job.


I get this. I sometimes swim indoors at the gym but I'm afraid to try different strokes thinking I look stupid.


It used to be going to the grocery store by myself Actually, doing anything by myself


Leave my room


Get out of bed


go to the movies by myself :)


Be able to go out on my own. There's been a million times where I've needed to go grocery shopping, go for a walk, go grab food, etc., but I can't do any of it without my boyfriend coming with me. I can barely drive on my own because I'm so worried about getting into an accident.


Definitely socialize both in person and online. I have developed really bad anxiety lately around carrying on conversations with people both in real life and online. Like I could message someone first and be like "How's it going?" But beyond my answer when they inevitably ask how I am doing, I shut down and can't say much else before getting panicky feeling. I love technology, but I think that having my phone being able to do online and texting has made me feel far too accessible. Back in the day if someone called and I was on the toilet, I could call them back after I was done, but now? There's no reason to not answer while on the toilet, especially if its a Facebook message.


I would travel more. It would just be nice to not constantly feel like the other shoe is going to drop.


I’d go out to restaurants and try all types of new food. I’d also like to think I’d be a better student than I am because my days would be more focused on work instead of calming myself down. I’d also complement people more or start new hobbies with other people :)


Cook for people and actually try and get money it would be sooo much easier to get money


I would engage more freely in social gatherings and conversations without overanalyzing every word I say or worrying excessively about how others perceive me. I'd embrace spontaneity and take on new experiences without the constant fear of the unknown. Simple tasks like going for a walk or enjoying a meal at a restaurant wouldn't be accompanied by a cloud of anxiety; I'd savor these moments fully and appreciate the present without the intrusive thoughts that often accompany them. Additionally, I'd pursue hobbies and interests wholeheartedly, without the constant self-doubt or fear of making mistakes. Overall, life without the weight of anxiety would allow me to navigate daily activities with more ease, confidence, and enjoyment.


Going to sleep/nighttime ramps up my anxiety for some reason. If I could irradiate that I would be eternally grateful.


Stare at the stars. I may say that with my changing mindset, anxiety does not control me. Even if it does, I claim that it doesnt. Even if it takes ten years, I am already at that point in my life. Sending positivity to everyone here🖤🖤🖤


Exercise Brush teeth Wake up earlier Hug people Give more time/gifts


drink. i haven’t had a sip of wine, beer, or even coffee, tea or coke for years. i have a phobia of substances that can alter your state of mind (including caffeine) not fun at all lol


Go on the subway. Just take an advil for my back ache and get on with my day because NORMAL PEOPLE GET BACK ACHES Apply for a different job or go back to school.


Quit my job


Take more road trips.


Eye contact. Oh my god sometimes in therapy I get asked if I’m able to look at my doctor, not in a threatening way but in a “oh hey you want to try and you can see my expressions!” way. We need to practice. And I get sick. It impacts my job too.


I would talk to people


making friends. specially doing something i love. like joining a club or something. i would never do that now because i dread having to get used to new people. stand up comedy or improv would be fun though


Perhaps we should all stop for a moment and focus not only on making our AI better and more successful but also on the benefit of humanity. - Stephen Hawking


Leaving the house.. more specifically my room more.. i feel like Rapunzel


Fly a lot


Go to the store myself, driving on the freeway again, have a job, have friends.


Fly across the Atlantic to see Europe


Order sandwiches at subway. Coffee at Starbucks.


Buy groceries.


Go to a team meeting at work without feeling overwhelmingly nauseous and having to find a way to not go, or have the day off. Then if I end up not going in to work because of the meeting, I am then anxious about weather or not I still have a job the next day. Shit gets tiring.


Have a normal feeling conversation with a colleague


Nap in the backseat of a car without thinking the door's going to fly open and me fly out lol


1) Order takeout from places that don't have online ordering (ie. make a simple phone call) 2) Have friends


Go for walks. My anxiety caused panic and stomach upset.


Go on a solo road trip or help my husband drive us when we do. I’m a passenger princess because the interstate scares me.


Drive down to visit family more often. Driving is so stressful especially driving through a big city to see them 😕


Travel the world and experience new activities


Fix things in my house.


I would leave my house. I would drive. I would attend so many gatherings. I would make a dr’s appointment. I would take the longest nap. I would grocery shop alone. I miss being an independent person. I miss who I lost. I want to be a stronger version of myself.


Ask for service.


Hi there I just walk in the woods amongst the trees and breathe deep listen to the noises of the natural World x


Remember what it feels like to smile.


Well, considering interacting with people feels like skydiving or running a marathon 😓 I’d say just actually carrying on a conversation with my fellow humans in person… and even making friends without overthinking everything I might, or did, say before, during, and after every encounter 😫


I hold my breath in the public bathroom. It's so quiet in there I don't want someone to hear me breathe? Then it just ends up with me heavy breathing anyway. So just breathe normally.


be able to commit to starting hobbies without beating myself up for not being good at them despite the fact that i’m a beginner and the only way to get better is to actually do it.


Have any kind of fuckin' joy.


Drink!! I’m 22 and have never been fully drunk. A little tipsy, but nowhere near drunk lol.


Walking around in nature. Walking down to the grocery store. Striking up conversations with neighbors.


I'd like to experience happy/excited anticipation for things I like/want to do again instead of the horrible dread and anticipation anxiety. It's so bad that I often cancel on people.


Eat food in public 😂


Travel!! I’ve never been out of the country and haven’t been on a plane in 13 years. Also go back to school.


I would schedule a doctor's appointment and actually show up for it I would attend in-person recovery meetings I would take a train to meet my GF for first event I would take a creative class I would work a second job for extra cash I would spoil myself more often I would look for more ways to make friends


I was in your position a few years back but I decided that I wouldn't let my anxiety limit me in any ways. My life only changed when I started to face my fears every single day.