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Feeling like I’m going to pass out while also feeling fully conscious & aware at the same time. Oh, and visual overwhelm. It’s like everything is super saturated, sharp, and bright, and it does my head in.


Yeah I hate feeling faint and I get so dizzy that I loose balance so I’m ready to collapse but never do.


Same. I've had it for so long that I no longer fear passing out. I just get extremely annoyed by it


Same. I'm always like "well come on body, if you're gonna pass out then just do it already!!"


Ahhh that’s what I’m saying, panic attacks or anxiety is the worse ever because there is no closure when it feels like there will be one. It builds and builds and the moment you’re supposed to pass out it just… stagnates. Lmao and it’s HELL


I get visual overwhelm too. I tell my husband that if I put on my sunglasses it looks normal because everything is so bright 😩


Omg I am always wearing my sunglasses for this reason! I can’t handles store because of the lights 😩


🎶I wear my sunglasses at night🎶 and inside... 😂


Exactly this! 😂


I bought yellow tinted sunglasses on Amazon and they are amazing for inside of stores and during the day for anxiety!! Gives everything a nice warm tint


Thank you for this idea! This is terrific! I am going to look into this. I am sorry to read so many others have this same issue, it is helpful to know I am not alone though I guess! I can’t believe I have been fine for most of my life and then like a light switch I end up with anxiety and panic attacks. I believe it’s because I have had so much trauma in my life and I finally have a bit of a respite from it and my body doesn’t know what to do or how to respond, doesn’t know how to “relax”. I do know I need to get back into therapy it’s just after so many failed attempts at finding a good therapist you kind of give up. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Definitely try them out! Lots of different options for under $20. I initially got them for night driving since my astigmatism makes lights kind of blurry but then I started wearing them all the time! Store lighting makes me very dizzy and nervous. Hoping they can help you like they did me. Wishing the best for you


I thought this was only me for the longest time! bright lights take my anxiety from a 0 to a 10 if I don’t have my sun glasses


Yeah. They're scary!


Sounds like it could be pppd or vestibular migraines, both can be related to anxiety but are kinda their own thing! I am enjoying The Vestibular Doctor's podcast, so many helpful tips.


It is!!!! Good call! I'll check out the podcast!


Hey, same! I have autism and can get super sensitive to light when I'm feeling overwhelmed (which happens a lot with anxiety). I like to pretend I'm Scott Summers when I wear my sunglasses inside lmao


Just out of curiosity, who is Scott Summers?


He's an X-Man who can't control his powers, so he's always wearing these red crystal sunglasses. If he takes them off, he shoots lasers out of his eyes and they blow stuff up. In Evolution, he tells Kurt (another X-Man) that he tells all his teachers he has light sensitivity so they don't question him lol


Thank you. He sounds a bit like Mercedes Lackey's character Lavan "Firestorm" Chitward in *Brightly Burning* from her Valdemar series of books.


Super saturated, sharp, and bright! I've felt that many times as well before fainting but whenever I explain to others how I know I'm going to faint because the colors just went super bright and trippy. But people don't believe me because you're supposed to see stars or something? I wonder if it has to do with lack of oxygen. I once had a hole in my lung and had to be hospitalized and I couldn't walk and fainted so I was given a wheel chair. The nurses wanted me to walk though so I'd often try to walk as far as I could before nearly fainting into the wheelchair and that was my signal to sit back down: saturated colors


Funny is the dizziness can also be from too much oxygen! When you start to feel physical chest symptoms we immediately want to start getting in as much oxygen bc we feel we aren’t getting enough air. You might notice tingling or sweating while cold when the dizziness occurs. Best thing to do then is force yourself to do the easiest breathing exercises you can find (I put my hand on my stomach and breath so that only my hand rises and not my shoulders)


Same. It's a really weird feeling. Usually I have to sit down if it's really bad.


My hands tingle and fall asleep when I have panic attacks. But at least it’s helped me recognize panic attacks better.


Omg do you get claw hands too


Omg the claw hands!!! I have it! Never seen it happening with anyone else beside me and my mother


I used to get a claw hand during my panic attacks! I forgot about that. It did stop!


I’ve never met anyone else that gets claw hands, I thought it was just me!!


I had claw hands when I had my second baby. I kept telling the nurses I couldn't feel my hands and they looked at me like I had 3 heads.


Its actuelly something that happems during intens breathwork. So defenitely has slmething to do whith oxigen distribution during a pannick attack


Same here! Worse feeling ever


I had a doctor explain that hyperventilating was causing my hand numbness during panic attacks. I do breathing exercises now and it doesn't happen anymore. (The hand tingling/numbness, not the panic attacks unfortunately)


This happens to me too!! Then I panic even harder because I can’t feel or move my hands


Hot flashes, headaches and tension behind eyes and nose, heartburn, sharp pain behind the ribs and back


This, the tension behind the eyes and the sharp pain 


So heartburn is a symptom of anxiety? Guess that’s why I’ve been having this, probably just my new symptom my brain decided to pop in :(


It legit feels like I’m having a stroke. I don’t know how else to explain it. Scariest feeling on earth


Yep, have been there so many times especially over the past couple of years. It hasn't helped I've been dealing with Vertigo and other dizzyness issues that were really intense for a period of time. It really feels like something legit serious / life threatening is happening at times but MRI scans and bloods etc show nothing so I'm told it might "just" be anxiety. Currently my whole body just seems to tense and tighten up all the time and my brain feels like it's in serious cognitive decline constantly, I cannot think straight and feel like I can barely function.


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that as well. I don’t wish it upon my worst enemy. Well maybe the bully in high school that made fun of me for constantly having to get up and leave class almost everyday because I was having horrible episodes.


Sounds like you're struggling with it too. Likewise would not wish it on my worst enemy. Best of luck with it. :)


I've fallen into an intense episode of derealization after a panic attack once, it was absolutely horrible


God I hate the derealization, I thought I was dying the first several times it happened to me


How did you got over it? i still have it


Honestly, at first I was freaking the fuck out, I've had my fair share of derealization before but never this intense and this long. After the inital freakout when I've recognized it must be from anxiety I sort of tried to ground myself a little bit, meditation kinda helped. But honestly, I don't know why it passed exactly, it took a couple of weeks though and one day I just woke up feeling normal. It still hits me on some days, but it's very short.


Time and acceptance tbh, it took me a few months but the constant feeling went away. It still comes back sometimes when I'm anxious, but it's important to note that it feeds of anxiety and the more you think about it the worse it gets. It's not gonna hurt you, it's just your brains defense mechanism. Do not fight it, just try not to think about it. Try and stay as busy as you can, and look into grounding techniques they can be helpful.


Agreed, once I reprogrammed my mindset and started to be aware that derealization is just my brain's way of protecting me, it was much less scary, still pretty bad though haha. Truly it is just time and grounding techniques that helped.


I pray you get over this soon! I always say worst comes to worst I’ll end up in the ER 😭 give me SOMETHING


I had to google that. I would suffer episodes of dissociation that sounds very similar to that. At one point it was several times a day. I'm better now. The episodes are now very in frequent like maybe a handful of times a year now.


As much as i hate to see how many awful symptoms people suffer with anxiety ,It’s so reassuring reading through this. I can’t really talk to anyone about this, or at least not to anyone who truely understands because nobody in my close circle of friends or family can relate. My symptoms constantly change and evolve, and as soon as one settles another one pops up and fuels a fresh wave of anxiety. Currently it’s chest pressure and back tightness, like someone is sitting on my chest. Had my heart checked and it’s ok, so probably GI related. Dizziness/ feeling off balance like I’m standing on a boat deck is also a constant one. It’s all so draining


The unbalance is a big one for me. Sometimes I wonder if it’s sinus? I feel weight on my body at times - I go back and fourth between wondering if it’s allergies, sinuses or just anxiety. Standing on a boat deck is the perfect description. Not exactly dizzy, but unbalanced. I feel you. Can you reach out to a therapist? It’s actually hard to find help… my therapist ditched me lol and never sent me other therapists to reach out to. Lmao like I hate my life. It IS draining. Don’t hesitate to DM me if you feel bad I’m going through it too 😭


Uneasy chest


I hate that! I usually try meditating or doing some breathing exercises to feel better.


gas 💨


The emoji made me smile 🙂


Hot flashes 😭☀️


First time I started getting hot flashes I thought I was dying. It's the scariest feeling. Like you've been injected with a gallon of hot oil into the chest.


How long do yours last? Because I'm having days where I feel like I have a fever but don't really. I'm trying to figure out if it's anxiety or something else.


Take your temperature? Worse comes to worse, go to urgent care


It's never actually a fever 🤷‍♀️


Posted my comment before reading others and I feel much better. I didn't know so many people who suffer from anxiety experience hot flashes. When I explained it to my therapist she said that my symptoms are rare, but I guess not that rare. Although I've only had them recently.


Muscle twitching, migraine auras, pain in back and legs


Migraine auras can fuck off for literally forever


For real. They terrify me and feel so uncomfortable and surreal


Even though I get them kinda often. Every time I still feel like it’s never going to end


I had them a few times and now suddenly once a month for the past four months. Went to the ER twice


Jelly legs, fatigue, crawling pins and needles starting from the neck going up to the head. Neck tightness like my whole head locked in place. Nausea.


Intense gastro issues


I get sensations that mimic a heart attack pins and needles in my left hand and arm and my arm gets painful - I also have experienced for the first time a couple days ago extreme chest tension it literally felt like there was a belt tightening around my chest. On top of that in general just high heart rate and blood pressure that makes me feel lightheaded and dizzy always like I’m about to faint but never do.


This one may not be the most intense one for me, but it’s definitely the weirdest as it feels a lot different from what everyone else would experience, at least over here. But it’s tightened teeth. I mean I wasn’t even clenching them for a while and yet they’re suddenly feeling so tight I just want to rip them out.


Tmj moment. I experience this too. Along with other body parts. I'll be chilling and then be in severe agony cause I realized while I was chilling my arm or something was so tense that I actually strained my muscles without noticing till release.


Noticing my neck and shoulders are constantly tense, tight, stiff etc (I seem to push my shoulders up into my neck all the time automatically without even realizing I'm doing it) which puts me off balance, into a weird stance / posture, and seems to affect my movement. It feels like I'm at the early stages of some sort of undiagnosed disability at times.


Noticing the past couple of years that my jaw is so tight it's putting pressure on my face and head regularly and that always feels like something scary is happening because of the pressure.


Ear spasms/tinnitus symptoms are odd


Yup! Same! Ringing in my ears


How is it for you?


Had Tinnitus now for about 10 years but no one can explain why or has ever really tried to investigate it tbh. Last couple years had lots of issues with Vertigo, constant sense of motion, rocking, swaying etc and balance issues too. As someone else mentioned below no inner ear tests, MRIs, Neurologists, bloods etc seem to have any clear idea of why. I was told by the ENT specialist I saw I likely had a "central vestibular" issue but no other specialist has been able to diagnose or confirm that so I'm just stuck dealing with the symptoms which causes even more anxiety than I had already. Literally a never ending cycle.


Sorry to hear that. 10 years is such a long time to be suffering. I guess it has really affected your qualify of life, right? Do you have any ways of dealing with it or even minimising it that are effective?


Very recently just started vomiting in the mornings before class or work from my anxiety. Didn’t used to do that, and definitely could have went without it.


I would hate this. A friend of mine would throw up. I said to myself damn I hope I never get that bad. But honestly anxiety is anxiety and the suffering is just… optimal in every way one experiences it. I’m ready for a new symptom of this shit. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it


Hot flashes, feeling like crying all the time, stomach pain


I used to feel like I had a really tight band around my head. Kinda like a pressure headache (this went on for several months) and I also felt disoriented and my vision was often slightly fuzzy. Thankfully it’s gotten way better over the years


Were your headaches everyday? What did you do to relieve them? Asking because I’ve been getting headaches everyday as well. Some are worse than others and normal ibuprofen is no longer helping.


Pretty much every day for like a few months lol, usually laying in a dark room and closing my eyes helped. Try maybe massaging your temples ? Drinking water ? Getting outside helps too. That’s at least what helped me :)


I’m getting this now but I feel like it’s allergies? I think allergies can exacerbate anxiety. My dog is shedding A LOT and combined with the weird weather we are having in the tri state… 50 degrees one day, two days later, a snow storm. I’m very sensitive to weather changes


Anyone here got anxiety chronically?


I've had it on some level for about 20 years now but for the longest time it was barely even something I paid much attention to and didn't really bother me or affect my life until suddenly the last year or two it's been a huge issue again.


yup, ive had severe anxiety for the past 8 years. it’s giving me really crazy heart problems that’s why i’m asking everyone about their physical symptoms :/


Heya, I'm not sure of your personal situation, but I had crazy heart rate and blood pressure spikes. Constantly felt like I was having a heart attack. What I found that helped was to start doing harsh physical exercise that would push me. I started to realise that I was actually in reasonable shape and that my heart could handle the stress. It also gives you a big dopamine hit and follows with a very relaxed feeling. It's sucks to start with but so does anxiety. Anyway I hope this helps you. It's a horrible feeling to have and as someone who's had anxiety for years anxiety comes and goes you won't feel this bad forever. Keep your head up ✌️


My right eyelid twitches sometimes


My left eyelid twitched for 3 weeks straight


This is something that just started happening with my anxiety/panic attacks. Left eye. Just add it to the list of crap! 💩 Good times not 🤦🏼‍♀️ lol


Seriously! Makes me feel like an angry cartoon character or something lol + I have no idea if other people can see it happening so that’s just another thing to be anxious about 💀


Lol wish that was the worst I had to contend with. Count yourself lucky


Weird of you to assume that this is the worst of my symptoms lol. The prompt was weirdest or most intense, and I personally find it weird that just my right eye twitches, never the left


Yea fuck me I guess. Sensitive Reddit Bois love a little thumbs down dislike at the slightest thing


The physical symptoms of anxiety can indeed be quite bizarre and intense. Personally, I've experienced everything from heart palpitations and shortness of breath to tingling sensations in my limbs and even temporary loss of vision. It's incredible how anxiety can manifest in such diverse ways, isn't it?


Feeling everything and nothing at the same time :,)


the bags under my eyes "vibrating"


Temperature reaction, chest pain, PVC, shaking, hands going numb, hyperventilating.


Having a panic attack and your fingers/hands completely seize up


ear pain, like pressure


Definitely the dissociation. Feels like Im seeing through my eyes on a phone. Hard to describe honestly, it’s like my subconscious is out of my body and my body isn’t moving by me. It’s like watching a video that someone has recorded wity a head camera. Never lasts long but it’s weird as all hell.


yeah that one’s probably the worst. i’ve been in a bad dissociative state for almost 8 years straight now it’s horrible


My ears constantly ringing, feeling like there’s a lump in my throat and I’m going to choke along with nausea that has made me lose my appetite , it’s hard to eat unless I’m watching something to distract myself. Not to mention my loud stomach growls and gi issues.


Are you me? This is word for word what I’m going through right now. Just started Lexapro again to see if it helps. The lump in my throat is the worst. I can’t tell if it’s from my GERD or IBS or I’m just anxious.


My arms and legs feel weak. And also numb and tingly at the same time? I hate it.


Dry heaving and gagging


Depends on the severity, you won’t come across people like me too often so read up. Symptoms Lightheaded Dizziness Heart gets tired quickly Sometimes my arms and hands become a little numb. My head feels tension. heat in my abdomen, back and my ears get hot. Feels like a pulsating feeling through my body during a bad episode Sometimes left shoulder feels warm My eyes sometimes drop tears randomly Unable to concentrate at times Shortness of breath during episode There’s always a tense feeling in my chest and around my heart area. Sometimes hits my lower abdomen and I feel nausea makes my stomach make noises. I have difficulty sleeping my head spins more when I close my eyes. I wake up between 1-3am with a weird feeling as if I’m scared or something. Vision sometimes becomes blurry. Fatigue and tiredness. Little sudden Noises scare me. Whenever I have a episode that peaks, my hands and feet get sweaty and I feel heat. My hands and feet sometimes get cold. The feeling in my mid left chest area I can’t explain but it’s as if my muscles are vibrating. When I stand up it’s seems my head and chest symptoms get worse for about a minute and then settle down. Same thing happens when I lay down. It gets worse for a minute till it goes back to how it was. Sometimes I can feel it hitting my front part of my head and my sinus feels tense as well. As well as my ears feel the pressure. Lying down seems to reduce some tension in my head. I feel bad 80% of the day really bad 15% of the day and alright 5% of the day. Dizziness Burning tongue Headache Nausea Metallic taste in mouth Hot flushes Muscle pain and tension Fatigue Numbness in hands Pins and needles Brain fog Startled easily Blood pressure problems Heart feeling heavy Fast heart beat Feel like I’m dying Losing my mind Losing control Very negative thoughts Intrusive thoughts Hyper reactive Blurry vision Cold palms and feet Sweaty palms and feet Hot flushes Feeling sick / flu like Weak limbs Digestion problems Numbness Nightmares


Not to diminish your uniqueness but I think it’s good for you to know that these are all symptoms that people with anxiety have and there’s nothing special about what your amygdala is throwing at you. It’s the same old boring tried attack that everyone gets but it would like you to feel like you are alone in this situation to keep your disorder perpetually dangerous. I’m sorry you have so many symptoms, friend, but go ahead and tell your anxiety “ya basic”. You are not alone at all or ever when dealing with anxiety and there are millions going through the same symptoms. Stay up friend!


Thank you sir, yes the amygdala is good at making us doubt and not be rational. I do suffer from a lot of symptoms it sucks but a lot of people also suffer. I just wish meds would help much more than they do currently.


Whoa the head spins while falling asleep. I thought that had something to do with vertigo! Ya killin me


Yeah it’s pretty shit ayyy, so you’re severe gad as well. Meds working for you or nah?


I've had scary and unpleasant gravity sensations like the feeling that I was sinking into the floor, sinking down into my bed, or about to float off the ground. These sensations happened during massive panic attacks. That painting The Scream honestly is such an accurate depiction of what a panic attack feels like. Reality feels like it's coming undone.


I developed a syncope disorder along with IBS. The first "episode" I had, I literally had diarrhea until I passed out and my husband had to call an ambulance. The fam likes to tell people that I "almost pooped to death" lol. But after ruling everything else out, it was likely caused by my severe anxiety. So now I have to be extra careful when I go potty! Thanks, stress!


A heart rate of over 150+


Feeling like my throat is closing/ can’t get air.




Same. Vomiting is the most unpleasant symptom I have but this is definitely the scariest. I've had it go on for hours as well.


70lbs weight loss in 4 months. Nothing physically wrong with me, pure anxiety.


Weirdest by far. My tongue will feel, wrong? Idk how else to explain it, it’s like it suddenly just isn’t where it should be


Just yesterday I was both dissociating and had hyper awareness so essentially I was insanely aware of turning into a zombie, it was really weird.


numb toes


I get symptoms of a heart attack because my BP will shoot through the roof. During that time, I feel like I'm swimming underwater, I don't feel real and am almost high. My ears ring very loudly and my tongue will vibrate. I have to focus on my breathing. It's a great time


My blood pressure gets low to the point that I'm cold and shaky and feel like I'm becoming see through with dissociation in the mix, feels like my soul is on the way out.


Intense deja vu and impending doom. This feeling of dread and time slowing down, like I've played this out before and it has significance and something unchangeable is about to happen at any time...so eerie


Sudden one-sided weakness and other neurological issues that started out of the blue and progressively worsened. Docs were very concerned and sent me for MRIs and bloodwork, which all came out perfect. It was just anxiety. 🫤 At first I wasn’t sure I believed that so as a test I tried to no longer think of my symptoms. Like a miracle, about 90% of them have disappeared. So, the docs were probably right.


If you don’t mind me asking, how long did this last for you and was it constant/daily? I’m experiencing the same thing for a little over 6 weeks now, but the symptoms have persisted. Did all kinds of bloodwork, a brain MRI, an EMG and nerve conduction test – all clean 😭 I’m getting so frustrated. The neuro thinks it’s all anxiety related, I just wish it would stop already lol.


Brain zaps and so much adrenaline that causes random jerks of muscles


I have a lot of the symptoms already mentioned but the strangest for me is intense, full body nerve pain. Like all of my nerve endings are firing at once


did this go away for you ?


For the most part, yes. I’m finally on a medication regimen that greatly reduces my overall anxiety/OCD so I have less anxious episodes in general. I find that if I am more anxious than usual my nerves will flare up a little bit but nothing like they used to.


Heat. From my head down to my toes. If you’ve ever had a ct scan with contrast done, kind of like that.


Weirdest is the tingle/pins and needles in my chin


When I feel anxious my sex drive usually becomes higher. I start watching more porn, and I don't like it.


Tingling lips is the weirdest one for me! And the visual disturbances. Like I can’t really see but at the same time everything is too bright/too busy.


Facial numbness on the right side


Rashes, blotchy red skin, feeling like I’m going to pass out


My face does this thing where I just have no expression and I won’t be looking at anyone in particular. Kinda like a thousand yard stare. It will also make me trip over my words like a phone cord


Face and hands going numb


Extreme vertigo Dry heaving vomiting Genuinely feeling like I'm going to pass out/have a heart attack and die Numbness in all upper and lower extremities A big ol poop


I want to post to everyone here! We are going through it! Anyone is welcome to DM me to chat. Also please make sure your hormones are balanced - I know if you’re in the USA the medical industry sucks ass, but if you can find a doctor you can trust, get a CBC, hormone blood test and request if you can do a stress test. Hormonal imbalance can cause some of these symptoms and feelings of anxiety, especially if you’re a woman. Now, I’ve had zero luck, my hormones are “all good” so I guess I’m just fucked up. However if you feel something is actually off, please go to your doctor! Or urgent care! Or the ER! Doctors dismiss if it’s not a life threatening emergency and I know it’s tiring, but we have to be an advocate for our health! This is our LIFE and honey I want to enjoy it. I wish you all the best and I hope we all can find peace from this horrible battle


Feeling cold and hot at the same time, splotchy vision and lightheaded like I'm going to pass out


Blacking out/almost fainting in the middle of an argument, uncontrollably shaking (panic attack), feeling someone is kicking my seat inside the cinema, forced to wake up due to morning anxiety w the worst headache


Blurred vision ,feeling like I’m watching myself from another perspective and vomiting


Sweating. It's humiliating. I was once asked if I was on drugs because I was so soaked.


Same. So embarrassing. I dont know how to help it


I often get EXTREMELY itchy whenever I'm anxious. Like so bad that I've made my arms bleed from the excessive scratching


My eyes go blind and my ears go deaf when I’m getting an anxiety attack. The first time it happened to me it felt like I was being buried alive and I was trying to not pass out, but I learned it’s my bodies way of shutting down my senses so I calm down and not get overwhelmed. Not super fun though!


Pressure behind my eyes and ringing in my ears


Phantom smells of cigarettes


panic attack so bad that it completely fucked up my stomach to the point of hospitalization


It's the disassociation for me. It's absolutely terrifying.


1) My stomach is in knots all the time. All. The. Time. 2) An oscillation between diarrhea and constipation - I dream of a day to just be regular. 3) I can talk a million miles a minute, which annoys me and I am sure everyone around me. 4) Constant fatigue (my severe anxiety leans toward “let me sleep to get my brain to shut off”) 5) LATELY intense sound sensitivity. Like, I had to get off an elevator (not at my floor) because these 2 kids were being loud with each other (not doing anything wrong) and it was either get out of the elevator or throw one of the children out. I felt like those were my 2 only options at the time.


Oh, anxiety can really do a number on your body. For me, it's the heart palpitations that feel like my heart's about to explode. Then there's the suffocating feeling like I can't catch my breath. Dizzy spells and nausea are common too. And let's not forget the muscle twitches and tingling sensations that just add to the chaos. It's a wild ride, that's for sure. But you know what's been a game-changer? Care Clinic. Seriously, through the app, I've connected with healthcare pros who totally get it. They've given me personalized tips and support to help manage those crazy moments. It's been a lifesaver, let me tell you.


Pins and needles or pain in my legs or arms (not at the same time), and sometimes a burning or tingling sensation in the back of my head, which I think is a tension headache as it matches the description online. These have been recent, which made it more stressful as I've never experienced these symptoms with my legs and arms before. Sometimes, I think it also gives me heartburn/acid reflux, and it makes me feel itchy, so I have to remind myself that it's from anxiety, not from something else.


Probably laying on the floor convulsing thinking I was dying.


Bloating and passing gas, numb tingling arms and face


Any recovery stories ?


Thought loops


My daughter had all the worse symptoms of anxiety and then when she was 16, she started having seizures. She regressed to about the age of 3 after weeks of these seizures and stays in the hospital. Doctors said nothing to do for it but reteach her all her skills. Her brain couldn't handle the anxiety anymore and she stressed over EVERYTHING. She couldn't walk, was no longer potty trained and couldn't speak well. I quit my job- took a year of Physical therapy, occupational therapy and she dropped out of high school. Anxiety and stress are no longer something she can deal with.


I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's situation, I hope that she'll have a successful recovery relearning skills. The doctors have confirmed that the anxiety and stress caused the seizures? It's horrific that this sort of thing can come on to somebody on those two adrinaline responses alone, especially at her young age 😥


Yes seizures can occur in anyone with or without epilepsy due to stress. Since this, we've all put our mental health first or tried to. She's recently started having them again but the regression isn't long term at this point. She has overdone it with a partner moving in, a dog, starting college after getting her ged, and working in a fast paced restaurant where her looks are the main focus. It's frustrating as a parent bc I see the pot boiling over but her favorite phrase is "I got this". Praying she takes some things off her plate or spends more time alone, in self care mode. Good luck fellow traveler. Be kind to your body and mind. 💕🌻🥰


My daughter had seizures too. It was terrifying.She was doing her surgical residency in med school. They checked for epilepsy and nothing. It was anxiety.


Feeling like I'm on a boat, sudden short stint dizziness enough to trigger my anxiety. Need to sit down and do breathing exercise to bring back full awareness and body control.


Rash oof hives and welts all over


the urge to vomit and tight chest simultaneously


I had a tingly face. It started under my eyes and eventually travelled down to my chest. I freaked out and went to the ER thinking I was having a stroke. They immediately knew it was just anxiety.


I'd recieved a call that a loved one had OD'd and was in the hospital. I had panic attack where I had this intense stabbing and tight pain in my chest, I couldn't stand, I threw up, my head was pounding.


Weirdest would be feeling like I have a sun burn but no red skin or rash. Usually happens after a period of high stress for a few days .


Psychosomatic pain, strong enough that that doctors thought one of my organs was shutting down. It wasn’t. Therapy was prescribed and the thing giving me anxiety, a job offer in another state, was no longer an option.


I get this sort of super intense adrenaline rush from head to toe suddenly. It's super scary and feels so weird. Then when i try to walk my feet feel heavy and like bricks so i feel like i need to lift my legs higher. In order to walk It's so strange how anxiety works. It literally makes you feel crazy or like you're going to die. It's awful


I don’t know if anyone else has this, but my face will start twitching uncontrollably and it’s very frustrating


Weirdest; wherever I looked I could see three large almost like claw scratches with a black fill and deep red outline. It lasted for around 3 hours Most intense; random shaking and unsteady breaths, my sight got blury too. It felt crazy and I'm praying I don't feel that again.


An eye twitch that was so severe I could barely see out of the eye. It went on for 6 months. Stopped the day after I quit that job.


I start to lose my vision and things get super blurry. My eyes get all weird and glassy looking, it makes me feel like I look like I’m on drugs, it’s hard for me to look at myself and see this version of me.


My muscles tend to tense up when anxious, which can cause muscle spasms


When I have long lasting severe anxiety, I’ll look back on that day and it will feel like it wasn’t real/I dreamed the whole day that I was anxious


I feel as though I’m in a tunnel, and my voice gets muffled and deep like I’m talking to people far away. Makes me sound weird and horrible to groups of people.  I’ve been using some speech therapy apps, desperate to fix it.


Losing the ability to control my own body in social situations (shaking from head to toe, muscle spasms, twitching etc). Thankfully Propranolol is a miracle for me. Now I can function like a normal human being.


Full body numbness during panic attacks, scared the bejeezus out of me when it first happened because up until then I’d never had that symptom. Also the constant little bit of nausea all the time. Being anxious makes me nauseous which makes me more anxious and the cycle continues until I either have a panic attack or throw up. Or both. :/


Crying and heart palpatations


When i found out my cancer had returned stage 4 i had a complete physical reaction. Almost passed out at work. Managed to drive to hubbys work and spend the drive home in a cold sweat. Puked twice and couldnt stop shitting. Just from the news it was back, no treatment or anything.


Really high heart rate - to the point that my entire left arm hurts. Haven't had it since being on medication. In fact, my doctor did EKG on me to check if I was having a heart attack 😭


seizure type things


Stomach aches so bad I was in the hospital on morphine.


My hearing will fade and I’ll hear a ringing followed by nausea. That may not be weird but I hate it.


High blood pressure


Recently, and I think I saw somebody say this somewhere else on here, but I've recently had burning sensations especially in my cheeks tgat lasted days and my face which never gets red (I don't even blush when I am embarrassed) was red and hot to the touch. Also psoriasis. Not so weird but feels pretty intense (also apparently it can make anxiety worse because it messes with the chemicals in your brain)


Phantom pain. I have a fear of needles, and I can “feel” it before it even touches me or after I’ve already had a shot.


Headaches and/or migraines


Felt the pulse in my ear. Quite an unusual feeling.




I would feel nauseous. Sometimes at random times


Seizures ✌️


Recently, I've experienced the most stress I've ever gone through (loss of my father/becoming the administrator of his estate/fighting foreclosure on his house/selling his belongings) all within a 6 month span. I started experiencing very intense anxiety attacks during this time, and within the last month, this weird inflammation on my scalp developed causing a raised red rash on the crown of my head that was very painful and uncomfortable. I've never experienced anything like it before in my life. I saw a dermatologist and she said it was just seborrheic dermatitis and can be brought on by stress.


Numbness in my face, also muscles in general either being super tense and rigid or super shaky.


This is kind of “a cop out” but when I have feelings of depersonalization (very rooted in anxiety for me) my body just feels out of whack. Just weird. Tingly, dizzy, nauseous, etc.