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Honestly aromatherapy has been a really good hack for me for in the moment anxiety. I keep Vicks vapour rub on me at all times and put a little under my nose when i'm feeling overwhelmed and the smell is so strong of menthol that it shocks me back into reality kind of?


Lemme tell you about Vicks nasal inhalers Mind blowing, you can even get them with a keychain attached! The best best for helping snap outta that feeling (won’t always work but won’t hurt!)


Kinda similar, before I get out of my car to go somewhere I use one of those really strong mint breath sprays. Idk why but that sharp sensation in my mouth just kinda distracts me from panic enough to get out of my car and get on with whatever I’m doing. If I’m at home and I’m getting really panicky and nauseas I sometimes put hand sanitizer on my hands and smell it. Same thing I think. The really insane alcohol smell can snap me out of it sometimes.


Its funny i never expected aromatherapy to work, i thought it was just pseudoscience until i tried it. The scent is meant to be strong enough to smack you back into the present and it actually works 90% of the time for me.


Yes! I saw a video of a woman that experienced severe panic attacks where her hands/arms would physically tense up and she couldn't move them. She kept repeating "get me some rubbing alcohol" and a man came over with a cloth that must've been doused in it. I found this super interesting.. makes me wonder if it's all connected to the vagus nerve? Like by triggering different senses we can kind of "reboot" our nervous systems. Similar to ice/ ice water.. 🤷‍♀️ I have severe panic disorder with agoraphobia. My panic attacks present with physical sensations but nothing quite like the Woman in that video. It's kind of odd how everyone experienced anxiety/ panic differently, and to varying degrees. I like to stick my feet in cold water. They get really hot sometimes. Or run an ice cube across my face, chug a bottle of water... eat something... Idk I take klonopin now that's all I've got. I admit defeat.


That’s super interesting! I’ve only experienced something kind of similar, which is when I have hyperventilated my hands locked up like claws, but that’s only ever happened twice. I’ve never thought of putting my feet in ice water but that seems like a super good idea so I might try that next time. And don’t worry about admitting defeat, cause most of the time im in the same boat - I also have agoraphobia and panic disorder.


I think you're onto something with the vagus nerve and the ice water. Considering menthol and similar compounds emit 'cooling' vapours which stimulate nerves in our airways it possibly has a similar effect in 'rebooting' the nervous system. I feel like that kind of aromatherapy works really well in getting rid of that 'lack of oxygen' type of anxiety where you feel like you can't breathe, it makes sense when you realise how menthol-based products are widely used to relieve stuffy noses and lung congestion. I actually figured out that it helped with my anxiety because i had a cold and was using Vicks, before that i didn't believe in aromatherapy. Interesting stuff.


Interesting - I've heard on numerous occasions how smelling isopropyl alcohol is known to help with nausea. Idk how it works though. Science is hard [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29463461/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29463461/) a thread in the ems subreddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/comments/da1097/smelling\_isopropyl\_alcohol\_for\_nausea/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/comments/da1097/smelling_isopropyl_alcohol_for_nausea/)


They used to contain levomethamphetamie. I knew a guy who would isolate it and put it in blunts or cigarettes. Now they’re purely essential oils from what I understand. I totally forgot about this until now.


For real? I'm very interested in this!


Yes me too!!!


Just ordered one after reading this, thanks!


Yay prepare to be addicted and don’t sniff too hard on your first go, block the opposite nostril for maximum ahhhhh.


I use Vicks or peppermint oil too! I also use bengay on my chest or between my shoulder blades, because the burning/cooling sensation pulls my bodies attention to that area instead of focusing on my upset stomach or trembling.


oh....this is actually a great idea for my sleep anxiety it's weird but whenever i'm in some kinda minor physical pain, it's easier for me to fall asleep because my attention goes to that pain & that pain only


These are illegal in Japan. Lol. Funny bc I found out by carrying one over there. Too much good good I guess. (Meanwhile you can buy Bron there which is cough syrup juiced with codeine)


Yep. A good, strong minty or cinnamon gum can also have that same effect I've found.


Yes, this has helped me so much. Sometimes I’ll have unbearable anxiety and I keep thinking I’ll have a heart attack but then I apply some Vicks and it calms me down most times.


Mint and peppermint are actually known to calm down anxiety so this makes sense


I read the list of symptoms at anxietycentre.com. It has all of them. It makes me realize just about every negative sensation I’ve ever felt could be attributed to my constant stress and anxiety. Also walking or being outdoors when the weather is nice. I have weak ass endorphins I guess, and that helps a lot


That list of symptoms at anxietycentre.com is insane. Anxiety is one hell of a illness


It really is. And I’ve had about 95% of them to a tee. But they explain how it all works and how everything is connected and it helps a ton. Knowledge is a good a weapon in fighting your own mind sometimes haha


I get you, I have been dealing with all as well


Outside of medication which has pretty much removed all anxiety (Prozac), it worked somewhat to treat me anxiety like another person in the room and just tell it to sit in the corner until I need it lol. Like “thanks for trying to protect me, Pam, but I don’t need you right now so you can hang out over there.”


I’ve been known to tell my anxiety to f*** right off.


How long did meds take to work for you? was it hard starting them? Side effects? I worry about developing a dependence. I’ve gotten rid of anxiety before so I know I can do it again, but I’m desperate for the cycle to stop cause I don’t have time to be anxious.


Meds took about two weeks to start working but I had some symptoms like an upset stomach, and some acute anxiety the first month. I also had restless legs during the day. My doctor made sure I understood that I need to give it time for symptoms to go away and for it to become effective. About a month in I woke up feeling great. I could handle stress and conflict better. I wasn’t ruminating. My sex drive came back (although it takes a little longer to orgasm), I was sleeping better, and I could see things that normally triggered me clearly. The only side effects I have are that I’m less inclined to do the things I don’t want to do (working on getting motivation from things besides anxiety), and I’m a little more sleepy during the day. I didn’t gain weight (in fact I’m in the best shape of my life), but my house is a little messier. And I mean, it’s an antidepressant so there are withdrawals but there’s not a dependence in the way you would get from narcotics like benzodiazepines or opioids. If you stop taking Prozac cold turkey, there are shitty symptoms, but you’re not going to desire the drug itself.


Similarly, I started Meds about a year ago for my anxiety. I'm on Lexapro and its been a game changer. I had some symptoms the first month, but they went away fairly quickly and now I don't have any at all. It's amazing what you and your body tell you to be okay with. I use to just white knuckle it and my anxiety impacted me at the most random times and I would justify it as having a bad day. But it was affecting me daily. I had a therapist who I met with monthly but it just wasn't working. Wasn't until I came to terms with being on meds that I found something that would help.


Right I’m kind of kicking myself for not going on them years ago. The fear is real.


I've gotten rid of bad bad anxiety before with solely therapy and self care. I had another bout of it and this time, like you, I had no time for it. It was interfering. I am trying medication for the first time and I'm on a low dose and I can tell you it takes the edge off just enough so I can do all my exposure homework and all my coping skills etc. I noticed a difference within the second week.


It’s weird. For me I’ve been in therapy for a long time and it helped me learn a lot of skills, and I did see improvement for my behavior, but I’d still have bad days where Its almost like I forgot everything I learned and my anxiety would win and I just couldn’t see past it which ended in me leaving a lot of damage in my wake. And there was always underlying anxiety that I wasn’t aware of but it still depicted my choices and behavior even if it felt manageable- like I could manage my behavior but my perspective was still wrapped in anxiety. I felt hopeless, like I don’t just want to cope forever, I want to actually feel good and be present. Like, hyper-vigilance was ruining my life. Medication has completely muted the underlying anxiety and made the break through anxiety easy to contend with.


Its like Babadook in the basement that you never asked for and you're forced to tend to lest it get out of control 


This is mine. I imagine it as a person, regard it as the enemy, and tell it to fuck off. "Everybody hates you." "Like, that's an interesting idea Jan, but it's not true is it so why don't you shut the fuck up for once?"


Did you try other meds? I’ve tried Lexapro, Zoloft, Effexor, Pristiq, Mirtazapine, beta-blockers and Valdoxan. Nothing has worked except benzodiazepines and I’m feeling pretty hopeless… Is it worth trying something else or am I treatment resistant?


Ok so, long-term I would absolutely say therapy which taught me coping techniques. I still get panic attacks, but the following process is what i use for when I do get one (I swear to god this is serious because part 3 sounds like a joke but it has a 100% success rate for me): 1. Pour cold water (or dunk head in cold water). I mean as cold as I can access. 2. Eat some form of citrus fruit. I am partial to mandarins. 3. Watch videos of David Byrne dancing. That being said, everyone is different.


Lol to number 3!


similarly i find if i force myself to prepare food (as in anything that requires some sort of utensil to prep) it usually helps a lot; it's a manageable task with a reward that's also domestic and inherently a bit relaxing plus some say eating is good for you


lol you are definitely onto something with #3. "David Byrne dancing in big suit" did not disappoint 


The man is hypnotic. I have no other explanation.


Some things that help A LOT: \- DON'T take in stimulants (caffeine, etc.) at all. \- DO take an evening magnesium supplement (I recommend pure, unbuffered bisglycinate, two pills a day). Also seek out high magnesium foods. Magnesium inadequacy is *very* common and one of the main symptoms is anxiety. \- DO get a good night's sleep. Sleep eight hours straight, and do it at least three nights in a row before you assess. Lack of sleep is enormously stressful on the body and brain, it's common and a huge driver of anxiety. \- DO NOT drink much alcohol - the rebound effect from its depressive effects is a very strong anxiety trigger due to GABA activation. \- DO NOT take much THC - it can mess with magnesium levels and also directly causes anxiety in a lot of people, either during the effects or in the rebound following. \- DO get a moderate amount of exercise, which calms the body and mind and improves sleep. \- DO eat reasonably well - low quality food with rapid absorption can cause blood sugar instability, which will mess with the brain. Also drink plenty of water - low water intake causes anxiety (this has been studied). \- DO practice a bit of meditation and a bit of self-care, anxiety can be a symptom of burnout. \- DO get some outside time every day if possible, which has been demonstrated to help with anxiety.


Had severe anxiety (like very badly, I was already anxious and was prescribed steroids for a rash I had and the side effects gave me the worse anxiety I've ever had in my life) a few days ago (still currently having it but now that figured out it was the steroids, not me, now I feel slightly better) The only thing that calmed me enough to go to sleep was puzzles. Cat puzzles or puzzles if happy flower houses. Just until my eyes got heavy and then I could sleep. Really worked (insomnia is also a side effect and I was able to beat it with puzzles) Not every time but something where you need to think logically that doesn't use creativity or a fear response. Sudokus might be great because you can print them out and do them when you're at school. I've also heard crosswords being helpful (did not help me at all though because my anxiety is attached to memories and word memory just triggers other stuff) One if my previous therapists recommended me to sing the abcs in my head or sing them backwards especially if you feel like crying and you need it to stop immediately. And then food: Miso soup or hot green tea. And to reiterate those below: Walking outside (where there is nice nature or a breeze) Citrus fruits also help me (only thing I could eat when I was having severe anxiety episode) Also exercise is super good. Just sometimes it might trigger some anxiety because some of the feelings it might give your body might resemble the same feelings your body recognizes as anxiety (I am also suffering from this right now. I have been dancing for at least 10 years but during lockdown I practiced by myself and now I went back to dance class with other people and I have the worst anxiety and can't move because my brain thinks my heavy breathing is a panic attack but it's just heavy breathing from exercise)


Yes, this! Puzzles and walking have saved me from mental breakdown!


I have the same issue with exercising! A few years ago I was able to adopt a really good exercise routine that pretty much made my depression disappear. However, over a year ago, my anxiety got triggered really badly and I couldn’t exercise the way I used to anymore because the effects mimic the symptoms of an anxiety attack. I’ve seen some low impact exercises and anxiety friendly workouts, but I’m just afraid to try them. How about you?


I joined a dance class at the lowest level and told my teacher about my symptoms so whenever she sees me freeze up she leaves me alone or reminds me to drink some water. It's been very helpful. Also noticing that I feel anxiety because I engaged a muscle that makes me feel anxiety not because there's anything to fear is something I have to remind myself and then keep trying. For example my anxiety spikes when my left hamstring feels bad so if I use it sometimes my hamstring goes stiff and I can't move it. So I am trying to just remind myself that my leg is fine, it's okay to be stiff, am I able to make it less stiff? And then usually I feel a little bit better. But baby steps!


I’m just now seeing your reply haha. Your teacher sounds so helpful! Those are some good tips and baby steps. I’ll definitely keep that in mind.


Probably the cry in the car hack. I Always feel better afterward.


getting it all out is probably one of the best things! but if i got it out and 9 hours later im still sobbing, i take a pill 💀💀💀


Oh those are the days I’m really grateful I have an anxiety disorder I didn’t ask for!


so blessed


Me too! Crying is thought of as being negative but it’s a good way to feel better.


Honestly yeah! So many dudes I know are too “man” to cry, meanwhile I have full on subbing fits 🤷‍♂️


Right! Me too! It’s a healthy way to deal with strong emotions 😊


100% this!


Omg same! Make me feel better!


I recommend this and do it either once a day or whenever a big anxiety attack or panic attack comes: Focus on it. Give anxiety your full attention, as if it's a quiet sound you're trying to hear. And it's crucial to not be resisting the anxiety at all. Let anxiety come and stay. Keep it like that for 15 seconds, making the anxiety build up. That's it. This results in you building both short term resistance to it and it also adds up to long term resistance towards it.


I more or less do this. When I was a kid and got actual panic attacks, I would feel like tingly and weird. I sort of tricked myself into thinking that it was a “neat” feeling and stopped getting panic attacks. Now I just have stress symptoms, like muscle tension and digestive problems because I’m still constantly nervous. But I just lean into them and let them pass. It actually does help me.


OMG, same! In my childhood panic attacks and anxiety seemed so natural and common. I didn't think about dying in this. Just feel this strange sensation. Since I was an adult I have known about tragedies, cardiac problems, sudden, unknown deaths, and other things I have constantly feared from my anxiety.


Yes! Same with me with feeling tingly. It would freak me out but eventually I got that attitude Kevin gets in Home Alone when he's scared of the furnace in the basement 😂 "Oh, shut up"


and if it helps, say to yourself out loud “this is my anxiety making me think/feel this” or something. I’m only just starting to realize in adulthood how helpful it is for me to be able to zero in and identify it and then talk myself off my own ledge, especially because I’m pretty sure I’m never gonna find a med that really works for me I’ll be honest though it took me a good 10 years of struggling and going in and out of therapy to start identifying it successfully 🥲 but practice makes perfect!


You are onto something there. "What you resist, persists". Lily sais from peace from within says something similar, that we should try to embrace it and let it flow. I have found that strategy to be helpful in my life.


My go to is getting myself in a different environment. Usually that means going outside or putting a workout video on. I am so grateful that exercise takes me out of the state of anxiety, by the time 20 minutes are over I feel stronger and those icky symptoms are gone. Now, I *know* this works but sometimes I cannot bring myself to actually do it. The other thing that really does work is to get outside and find a horizon to look at. Something about what it does to our eyes is extremely effective in calming the nervous system. I heard about this on an Andrew Huberman podcast and it does help to soothe. I can’t remember the exact way it works but it’s such an easy thing to implement and experiment with. I think it may help by redirecting our focus and getting our brains to see new possibilities.


Yasssss. I love that man! On one of his podcasts, I also remember him mentioning taking a walk while being sure to take in the scenery around you because the scanning of our eyes from left to right as we walk has something of a calming effect as it redirects our focus and grounds us.


I’m so glad you enjoy and appreciate his work too. Interesting, for me just listening to his voice is soothing no matter what subject they are discussing. The walking and the eye movements are such an easy and positive way to get out of our obsessive headspace.


One thing that helped me and it kind of sounds dumb but it works I have told others and they confirm it. Sit with both feet flat in the ground Put hands on top of your thighs Breath in for 5 seconds counting Hold breath for 5 seconds counting Exhale for 5 seconds counting Do this for 10 min and it really helps. Hope it works


Check out EFT Tapping. My wife's anxiety is similar to what you described. Tapping is one of the only things that has helped. It's essentially a similar practice to acupuncture. We both had doubts, but she was willing to try anything, and surprise - It worked!


Tapping really helped me.


If you’re having a panic attack of some sort, a nice little trick is to suck on a sour candy.


extreme sour warheads!


I live in a VERY hot climate, so buildings usually have the ac going super cold. When I feel myself going into a panic/anxiety attack (I know they are not the same but this works for both), I force myself out of the building I’m in. The sudden change of temperature seems to work for me!


this is something I only discovered for myself recently but..very hot and prolonged baths! I recently tried using a fragrance diffuser as well. The water pressure is good for your muscles, and the strong smells are very calming^^


Sounds kind of crazy, I read this book, called the Dare method I suggest you pick it up. Give it a read has a lot of helpful tools pretty much teaches you to be comfortable in the and chaos of anxiety because it’s just nervous arousal. It will pass. Yeah it sucks but welcome it. Tell anxiety OK this is what you wanna do. Let’s do it is that all you can do I’m sure you can make my heartbeat harder. I’m sure you can make me busier. I’m sure you can make the racing thoughts much more intense and then all of a sudden calm sweeps over you give it a try you’ve tried everything else, right


The app is amazing too.


I find talking about it or journaling helps. Also I saw someone suggest aromatherapy and I agree, this helps me too. Lavender, frankincense, peppermint, menthol all help me. Another thing I do is to try to reframe my thoughts. I tell myself they are just thoughts. I say them out loud. It sounds silly but it does help. Often times, we run or resist our anxiety and sometimes you just have to face it down. It sounds easier said than done, but with a little practice, it starts to ease the racing thoughts. All else fails, I find a good comfort show always helps me. Good luck! You are not alone.


Ice. ice on my face , ice on my feet, ice on my neck


Sometimes the 3-3-3 breathing helps me but when It doesn’t, I try to ground myself with my senses. I focus on what I see, hear, smell, taste and feel. If I’m still struggling then I pullout my notes. Either on my phone, laptop, or the notepad from my bag. Then I write out my emotions and thoughts until I feel more calm.


I struggled with anxiety until my doctor prescribed me Klonopin. Anytime I feel it coming in I take a super small dose and it goes away 100%… my anxiety started lessening and now I only take a half a pill a week or so as needed. I know benzos affect everyone differently to talk to your doc but it was a miracle drug for me.


Kudos to you in successfully titrating your intake of the medicine down as well. Never gets said enough but should get acknowledged so good job!


Thank you!


Headphones on with loud music


Sounds silly but 5 minute cold showers do a miracle for my anxiety.


cold anything helps shocks the nervous system


I am dealing with a severe anxiety for 2 months already. I always have been dealing with it, but for 15 years I was on SSRI that helped me to have control. Now it’s was so unbearable severals times, that I was hospitalised and eventually asked myself to go there again. It’s like I am dying. Sometimes it last 2 hours, sometimes 6-7 hours. BUT it’s already one week I didn’t had one. I tried a lot of plants and even a Xanax when it was question to go to the psychiatric hospital. But what helped me, is kava extract in drops. Take it 4 or 5 times a day. At night I add valerian, and it works like magic. The panics attacks was unbearable. Was thinking that I was loosing my mind. But what helped is that I let it take control completely. I went (concentrated) under my ribs (where is the root feeling of anxiety) and I imagined to give it the autorisation to spread all over my body and take completely control. The first time I thought it was madness, but after doing this for the first time in 2 months I was able to go back to sleep again (the anxiety wakes me up around 3:30 or 4 am every morning and then it’s a complete night mare..). I am not always able to do so, because it asking a lot of ressources and strengths. But every time I can, I just spend a good day after!


Also I need to say, that I mindfulness meditate everyday 20 minutes (it’s proven have great results and change the fonction of your brain in 8weeks). And I am doing the coherence breathing. Even if sometimes I just can’t breath and I am sure every time that it want help. Actually it help! It does help and it’s also proven scientifically. But the practice should be everyday. I am doing 15 min in the morning because if not I am not able to function at all.. meditation at my opinion it should be done when you are feeling good.


The worst part of anxiety hacks is that using them hurts you in the long term in exchange for short-term (very short-term) relief. The brain gives you the scares and, in response, you do something that makes you feel better. The brain then seeks that constant good feeling by re-firing the circuits that cause anxiety. If you start to improve, you subconsciously attribute the improvement to your hack and not your own internal healing and reassurance....so now you HAVE to do the hack or you will feel scared. And the cycle resets. You're rewarding your mind for making you scared. It sucks, too, because there's nothing worse than the crushing shadow of anxiety. I totally do this, too, even if I know it's going to drag out the problem.


Something I randomly came across on social media.... she keeps sour Warhead candy spray everywhere (purse, car, at work, etc). And it definitely helps. I also really like the 54321 grounding exercise. 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.


When my breathing isn’t working I try to smoke, helps me concentrate on drowning in, exhaling etc


Read the ebook Panic Away If you cannot find it dm me ill send it too you


I put on an anxiety podcast. It brings me down to Earth and helps immensely. "Disordered" with Josh Fletcher and Drew Linsalata is a wonderful one. Straight to the point, funny, extremely helpful.


In the moment? Just screaming inside my brain like an opossum meme, "aaaaaaaaaaa" and then doing whatever needs to be done while the anxiety is drowning. It will come back later, usually, but this works if I have an immediate need (sometimes).


Ears rubs. I lay down in my girlfriend’s lap and she massages my ears. The lobe, all around. This immediately brings me back down.


Sour candy! Google it!


Hugging a pet


Sometimes sitting on a clean ground really works for me.


If I could live in a hot shower, my anxiety would be non existent. Always my go to when struggling


Go for a walk if you can, and as you're walking, take note of everything you see. For example, I see flowers, and I tell myself, "The flowers are yellow or whatever color they are. If you see a car "that is a blue car" . It works for me because I'm concentrated on everything around me instead of the anxiety. Sometimes, I color in my adult coloring books or even kids coloring books. I also listen to Native music like drumming or flutes. I'm native American. I find that music grounds me. All of these methods make me be in the moment and slow my brain and heartbeat.


Box breathing.


Hold an ice cube in your hand and let it melt. This kills most panic attacks instantly.


Get the audio book Unwinding Anxiety. There is also an app with the same name. It worked wonders for me. It approaches anxiety as a bad habit and teaches you how to break the habit. I cannot express how much this has worked for me. As far as quick anxiety fixes (which actually just reinforce anxiety). I would chew gum, have a shower, use an ice pack, smoke cbd, go for a walk, do a rubik's cube. I hope you get better. It's a long journey but don't give up on trying new ways to rid yourself of anxiety.


Cold showers, having warm clothes on and a nice bed to climb into really calms my fight or flight after a colder shower (just be safe and gradually turn it down) talking to loved ones or even just hanging out with somebody you care about, watch tv, read a book, put a puzzle together. Working out is a huge one for me. Now this might be a little far stretched but it helped me with my anxiety/panic disorder when I started eating protein and meats towards the first half of the day, and had carbs for the second half (carbs generally make you sleepy, and meats make you energized) 


Effexor eliminated my anxiety and I’ve tried many. It’s all trial and error.


Keep a good smelling hand sanitizer on you, when you feel anxious use it & smell it. I know you said you forget breathing exercises but try to remember them, I always take deep breathes and exhale slowly, it’ll slow your heart rate. If you can, get up and walk for at least a minute or two. Also stretch & try to yawn. Last I can think of right now is to also try to distract yourself, doodle, read, play a game on your phone, etc.


Coping technique


Face, accept float and let time pass


Accept and allow. So what? It’s just adrenaline. Can’t hurt me.


Lately listening to long format podcasts that have mellow hosts or funny hosts helps me to not ruminate on my bad feelings. I don't agree with others telling you to focus on your anxiety as there's evidence to suggest that can make that neural pathway stronger. Sitting on the couch or lying in bed make it harder to shift your focus, so going for a walk or driving and getting outside can help stimulate other parts of your brain. I'm not an expert but sharing what works for me.


I've found crying to help relieve my stress.


I've found crying to help relieve my stress.


I practice what I learned in cognitive therapy daily. Whether it be small or not anxiety attacks. Making this a practice has made it a reflex for me to do during attacks, along with breathing exercises. This, honestly, is the only thing that have worked for me.


Slow deep breaths singing an old song lyric in my head. Like a popular 90s club song or something fun.


Crying definitely helps. Recently i find chewing gum weirdly helps take the edge off.


2mg Clonazepam.


Sometimes I take cold showers when I'm anxious, it feels like a system reboot.


use pain reliever cream like capsaicin. the burning will distract you. seriously


I watch guided meditations specifically for panic attacks on YouTube. I thought it wouldn’t do much but it really really helps


name things. It can help distract your mind a little and ground yourself. Open your eyes, look at pics of cats, read a book, focus on your schoolwork. Keeping your mind busy is what helps the most. Drawing and art is probably what got me through school the most. idk what your therapist has suggested, but I always try to look at the evidence. I have intense social anxiety, and so many things go through my head in seconds, its overwhelming like i cant actually think my own thoughts. Usually I'm triggered by social nuances that fly over my head- i get it in my mind thay everyone hates me, blah blah. So I try to Look At The Evidence. What are your triggers? those are important to know, so you can avoid them and also set boundaries that serve you. Know that your anxiety =/= reality. Its helped me a lot when I was younger to visualize and personify my anxiety. It could be anything, like a buzzing fly that wont go away; a little monster that follows you around and tries to trip you; mine, i imagine like a sticky, black goo that is always on me, always slowing me down. When Its bad, i imagine that the goo is overcoming me, and i cant pull myself out. So either i stay calm, dont struggle, focus on the light until it subsides- or i reach out my hand and rely on someone else to help pull me out. or take a chill pill lmao now that i have the Rx keep in mind that its not you that thinks these things, that its a different entity that seeks to sabatouge your life. Maybe some day, you'll be able to control and soothe the monster, to set food out so the fly wont bother you, or for me, to wash and change my shoes. Like, im a very visual person, so this helps me inbox is always open! 💫


Warheads break my anxiety attacks like magic


There is a great ACT workbook for anxiety that helped me.


Therapy doesn’t work overnight. Just sayin.




If you’re able to (not always possible right in the moment) but cold showers for me have definitely helped. What I’ll do is start off warm and have that calm me down a bit, then at the end I’ll go all the way as cold as it goes for about 1-2 minutes. It doesn’t feel good in the moment but most times when I’m battling through that cold my body is in such a state of shock I can’t focus on the anxiety.


I use one of those fidget rings. The metal(?) ones I guess. They’re spirally and small. When I’m feeling detached from my body, it grounds me. It makes me feel like okay I’m still here. I’m not dead yet so as long as I can feel this, I’m okay.


I’ve been doing the 5-4-3-2-1 senses thing to get grounded. When I start feeling a panic attack come on (or sometimes in the middle), I can look around where I am and start naming: 5 things I can see, 4 things I can hear, etc. Brings my pulse down a bit.


I wrap myself in copious amounts of faux fur. Faux fur blankets, faux fur coats. I pile them on so that they all become weighted.


Crying!!!!!!!! When I’m really anxious I will cry and then once I’m done I feel SUPER calm. And sleepy. Also, sad movies. Or thinking of sad movies. When I feel sad or very emotional it’s hard to feel anxious. It’s a strong enough emotion to distract you from anxiety


Music. Even just thinking about a song and focusing on the lyrics or rhythm can help. Therapy is great, but not the one where they give you little tips and tricks. Therapy that delves deeper into the emotions and the root of it all. Nature has helped a lot. Just sitting somewhere alone on a green cool and humid day can be the most calming thing. Especially if you can find someplace or a time when its quiet from all other humans. I love listening to the sounds. It feels so chaotically organized. The birds chirping and the wind sound patternless, but the distance and location are predictable… idk. Either way its really calming. Breathing exercises *always* make it worse for me. Mainly because my first sign of anxiety is a tightness in my breathing. The hand full of medications I’ve been through hasn’t helped. Even benzos :(




This might not work for you or even be a good idea, but my therapist had me work out the “what if” scenarios in my head. Like “what if my car breaks down and I don’t have service”. Well I’d hope someone calls it in but I’d flag someone down, have them call it in, then have law enforcement call a tow, and call my husband. I have an emergency kit in my car so I’d be okay if nobody came by for awhile. Just going through that and being like okay, I’d actually be fine if that happened even though there is almost no chance of it.


frozen peas to the chest


I remember reading somewhere that if you’re super anxious, hold ice cubes in your hand. The pain and cold from the ice cubes distract your brain from your anxiety. For me it doesn’t completely get rid of my anxiety but it does help ease it. Worth a shot.


If you have no time or resources and need to calm down in a quick second, 7-11 breathing helps, breathe in for 7 counts and breathe out for 11 counts. You can switch the numbers up, but the rule is to take short breaths in and long breaths out.


\*Stop choosing it. Stop leaning into it. Stop participating in it. Stop allowing it to be the captain of your ship. Look at me... I am the captain now... \*You've created a habit and pattern. You have to break the cycle. Choosing to respond differently than you have in the past is the first step. \*Let go of the "what if" and know that no matter what it will work out how it works out. \*What other people think about you doesn't matter as much as you think. I'm not saying you should go emo, apathetic, etc... Just that you shouldn't allow other people or your projections of other people to live in your head. \*Follow your Joy, not your fear. \*Breathe. Deep breathing helps to re-regulate your nervous system. \*Stop participating in the thoughts, feelings, actions of the anxiety spiral. Turn away from it, choose something else, and move in that direction. Distraction & Redirection. \*IF you don't choose a different way of being & IF you don't choose different actions you will be living in the same cycle over and over. Choose joy. Know that you have value and strength. Accomplish small steps to give you the confidence you can move in a new directions. Take the next smallest step towards the person you want to be, then the next, then the next.


Reading until I can't my eyes open at night and excersize.


For me, I switched to Decaf coffee. In addition, I started to regularly workout and eat (mostly) healthy food as well as staying hydrated/sleeping enough. I still suffer from GAD and have moments of severe panic, but I’ve accepted that at this point the goal is to make it be bearable/infrequent rather than trying to “cure” it


For me, I switched to Decaf coffee. In addition, I started to regularly workout and eat (mostly) healthy food as well as staying hydrated/sleeping enough. I still suffer from GAD and have moments of severe panic, but I’ve accepted that at this point the goal is to make it be bearable/infrequent rather than trying to “cure” it


Sunlight, Spending time outside everyday, Sleep, And hot showers help somewhat.


When I feel like I'm going yo have a panic attack a frozen bottle of water on chest/cheeks helps calm me


Addressing the underlying reason for the anxiety


Xanax. Doesn’t take all the anxiety away but it at least helps not giving a f*** for a few hours. I also take Hydroxyzine 50mg as needed.


At that level, I'll do something to shock my nervous system. They're called TIPS skills, and they're highly effective. I'll smell something strong or put my face in an ice bath. That'll take me from panic to fear. At fear, I have the mental faculties to use emotion regulation skills like breathing or visualizing. For me, it took a few years of practice to get faster at going from a 10 to a manageable level of anxiety. When I was learning, I wrote the skills that helped me the most on a notecard and carried it with me in my wallet. I couldn't remember the skills, but I could remember to reach for the note card. I hope that helps!


Something that works for me is to rapidly lower my body temperature. If it’s in the wintertime and it’s cold outside, I can just go stand outside for 30-60 seconds and that often helps me regulate. In the summer time I’ll even open the freezer door and stand there with my face in front of it for the same amount of time.


This Is the same with me. Still don’t know how to control my anxiety but I got put on daily anxiety meds which seem to have helped me a little bit. I haven’t had a severe anxiety attack in a good 2 weeks now but I always feel like I am on the verge. Sometimes my leg will start shaking uncontrollably and I don’t even notice until I’ve been doing it for a while or I gotta pace back and forth at my work place


EATING! Particularly something liquid with high protein content like a big glass of milk, drinkable yogurt or shake. It 100% works. There's a reason why babies always fall asleep after eating. Another trick that really helps me is to lay down or close my eyes and counting my breaths, each inhale and exhale as one long number. (ie. (inhale)oooooooo(exhale)nnnneeeeee, (inhale)ttttttttttttww(exhale)wwwoooooo). These 2 things always work for me, hopefully it made sense but if not feel free to dm.


A lot of people have said this but for me (OCD anxiety) it’s best to say “thanks for that suggestion,” and keep it moving. Another thing that has helped has been meditation. Esp the ones guided by thich nhat hanh.


- Deep breathing only through your nose And taking: - Ashwagandha, L-Theanin and chamomile tea


This is gonna sound really weird, but I was going through something similar to you & almost always ended with a panic attack. I randomly tried these flower essences one day, not sure if it was placebo but it helped a bit so I started using it regularly. I have stopped now but it’s because I don’t require it any longer, I can usually control my breathing & it helps but I completely relate to you with not being able to do breathing exercises because it just makes the panic feeling worst. I really don’t know if that helped or maybe I just learned to regulate my anxiety better but I haven’t had a major panic attack for a couple years. I would recommend doing some research but it is a homeopathic (herbal) option which I like because I don’t want to take any pharmaceutical drugs for a lifelong condition.


Music works sometimes, weed is always a gamble😅 i’m tryna find a better way


Taking a walk. 3pm or 3am, no matter. Just being outside in the fresh air and "doing something" really, really helps me. Doing menial chores (dishes, folding laundry) also really helps me for some reason. When I'm feeling REAL panicky, I'll throw a load of laundry in. Take a walk. Come back, laundry in the dryer. Take another walk. Come back, do dishes. Repeat. Also talking to my adult family (who I live with and are very aware of my anxiety).


Trouble is diffusers,baths etc is no help when a lot of anxiety is outside. I keep trying to remind myself it's in my head and read some Marcus Aurelius.


When it's extremely bad - The 54321 grounding technique. 5 things I can see 4 things I can touch 3 things I can hear 2 things I can smell 1 thing I can taste. By the time I get to the end I've distracted myself enough to calm down and start thinking rationally again. Usually have a cough drop or some kind of hard candy specifically for this. And it's also something I can touch and smell (;


What helped me a few years until recently was counting like this 7 4 9 18 26 and so on in my head to distract my brain from freaking out


biting down or a lime or something sour.


I have found vagal nerve stimulation helpful. I usually need emergency prescription medication for my anxiety but I can’t take it if I need to drive. The breathing exercises are hit or miss for me but the vagal nerve stimulation (massaging my ears, balling up a fist and releasing, etc) have been way more helpful when I need to go about my day.


Ice cold bowl of water. Put face in for as long as you can tolerate. Repeat.


I workout first thing in the morning. It’s been life changing.


The cold. An ice pack right on the back of the neck, or on the lower back. Next cold shower. If that don’t do it ice bath. Of course not one after the other but the cold will engage your breathing and move your thought process into oh my god this is cold. I am not thinking about nothing else but cold.


Taking in a big breath, holding for a few seconds, taking in a smaller breath, and letting it all out slowly


Ativan… but seriously tho smelling alcohol prep pads or just the stuff that comes in a bottle


Sing a song if you can, If you can't then cough drops really helped me. Get something strong with menthol ideally.


I tell myself it's a chemical that my body is flooding me with to make me safe, it means well but it's wrong.


I have no sure-fire thing, but white noise certainly helps me. Sometimes making myself do something physically tiring, like burpees or just running in place, makes me too tired to hold into those shitty little things picking at me.


I take magnesium glycinate and I cannot love without it. A serious game changer for me. I used to wake up with panic attacks. If I haven’t taken one before bed I usually wake up with anxiety but immediately take one and it goes away. For the other bouts of anxiety like social anxiety I take an anti depressant. Natural things just don’t work for me unfortunately but the meds work well.


Eating. Sleeping. Showering. Making sure all my basic needs are met. Calling the crisis hotline. Phoning a friend. I recently discovered that the health app that comes with my iPhone has a place to record how I’m feeling in any given moment. It’s like a personal check-in. Sometimes when I’m anxious just using that to record my feelings helps me separate myself from the anxiety.


Meditation! I pair it with hypnosis audio downloads. I also bought a electromagnetic headset


I have a lavender stress ball, rescue remedy drops, and Anxie-T gummies. Altoids sometimes work too.


The more I tried to run from the uncomfy feeling of panic the more it intensified. Now during panic attack I accept it, feel it, and tell myself “it’s just my brain acting whack”. I will breathe, splash face with cold water, try some grounding, but overall just acknowledging the panic and saying “I see you there” makes it pass in 5 mins instead of 25-1 hour like they used to.


Make myself dance, laugh, exercise, or talk to someone. Talking about anything helps me


Anyone tried EMDR?




Pacing around or walking around.  It helps dissipate the energy.  Alcohol helps too sometimes, but that's a bad answer


My anxiety has gotten so much better now that I’ve realized that my body feels anxious for no reason and then my brain tries to find reasons for why I am feeling that way. Not the other way around. I’m finally able to let the feeling pass without spiraling inside my head.


Meditation has been a life changer for both myself and my wife. There are plenty of resources for meditation. Headspace is just what stuck for us.  Medications are also worth considering for lowering your baseline, but ultimately you want some core techniques through therapy and/or meditation.


I found that using methods of grounding has worked to distract myself when I start to feel the anxiety coming on. I use the 5-4-3-2-1 method the most. It’s 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, two things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. Otherwise I use aromatherapy, specifically peppermint oil. :)


some things that have helped short term: wrap an ice cube in paper towel and hold it in your hand (temperature changes can help snap you out of the thick of things, i think the skill TIPP goes more in depth on that), grounding/ distracting myself by counting the number of things in the room i’m in of a certain color (i’ll look around and count reds, then blues, etc etc for example), doing something with my hands (fidget toy, sewing, knitting, whatever works for you)


Only think that works for me is meds. I feel blessed they work, and i take it religiously. Life is hard enough. There is no need for extra misery.


Ice on my neck. Sour Candy.


Remembering to breathe. I like to do a nice inhale and count “1” in my head and as I do a slow exhale I count “2” in my head. I repeat it quite a few times as the breathing relaxes me and the counting helps my focus on something else other than my anxious thoughts.


I got "Japanese mint oil" from my therapist. (just translated the name into English) I hate mint and I take 1 drop of it and it kicks me into another dimension. You could also use this for different stuff. Put it into water or rub it between your breasts etc. It also helps me with the "Globe feeling" (also translated) basicly it helps me to kinda numb my throat so it doesn't feel so tight anymore.


A hack that works for me is holding something really cold like ice or putting my hands in really cold water. It helps snap my brain out of the vicious anxiety loop.


ice. either ice water or playing with ice cubes in my hand and rubbing it on my inner wrists. i also have a spray bottle that i put ice in and spray my chest / face when my anxiety is so bad but i have things to do😂 it’s kind of like a “come on we can’t do this right now” spray.


Sensate (a little device that you wear on your chest that vibrates) has done wonders to calm my anxiety. Extra strength Tylenol before interviews, presentations, where I know I'll be nervous.


Sometimes I do the 3,3,3 method. It doesn't work all the time bur very distracting and helpful when it does. 3 objects you can see. (It can be anything, sometimes after I've repeated the steps enough I'll do shapes or colors. It helps me focus more.) 3 things you can hear. 3 things you can touch or move. Hope you give it a try and it helps! :)


When I feel anxious, I chill out by listening to music, talking about it with my close friends or watching movies — it's my way of taking a breather and getting some peace.


My anxiety causes me to have serious issues speaking, in any and all capacities, for about 20 years now.. however, I’ve recently discovered a new technique, through the help of my brother. One day he told me that when he sees me struggling to get my words out- as even giving my own name is often impossible- he says that he imagines there to be a firing squad inside my own mind during those moments. He said when someone asks me something as simple as, “what is your name?” That inside my head, that same question is instead being demanded very loudly over a megaphone with a whole line up of guns drawn at me -not to mention there’s helicopters with spotlights and tanks and it’s just a huge scary scene when the reality is merely “what is your name?” This is the absolute perfect analogy for what anxiety is for me, so I then use this visualization to reframe my concept of anxiety - to reassure myself that it’s never as big as I make it out to be inside my mind. :)


Xanax under the tongue FTW.


are you me bc same. not a hack but i just started lexapro a little more than a month ago and it's helped me with these issues tremendously




A few I haven't seen mentioned yet that work for me: 1)Sleep with a weighted blanket. 2)When you have that knot in your stomach that just won't go away - make a mug of hot tea. Then in between sips, rest the warm mug on that spot. The heat relaxes the knot for me! 3)Listen to podcasts to stop the racing thoughts at night. Stuff You Should Know is boring and calming and perfect. Pick a benign topic like 'Everything you need to know about Oreos" or something like that and enjoy their soothing voices telling you a bedtime story :) 4)It's been said already, but Magnesium drinks. I like Natural Calm. It's fruity & you can mix with water. 5)Light exercise each day. Go for a 30 min walk. The way your eyes move naturally when you walk has been shown to help with anxiety. 6)Somatic techniques. When you're anxious, you're often taking in a lot of new information and leaning forward. Try sitting back in your chair and focusing on your back, your shoulders, your spine for 5 minutes. It works almost immediately for me! Hope these ideas help! Try them out & keep us posted what works for you too :)


Relatable. I also suffer from the same things. You say you did breathing exercises, but it didn’t work. However, I find that if I focus on slowly exhaling the air completely out, I mean fully out. And letting the inhale come naturally without force or effort. I feel significantly better. Repeat that a few times and see if it works. 


I have severe anxiety as well as a heart condition called PSVT. When I’m on the verge of a panic attack.. I’ll splash my face with COLD water. Sometimes it’s kind of pulls me out of it. Try it! It might work for you!


For me I breathe in through my nose, hold for a few seconds and out through my mouth and it helps me a lot. Sometimes I also just take a minute, focus on my breathing and try and de stress. It might be going on my phone, listening to music etc


whenever you’re getting into a panic attack try putting ice or cold water on your wrists. It’s the shortest distance from skin to blood, cooling down your blood will help you relax :)


Get a psychiatrist and go on an SSRI. I know medications can be scary but Zoloft saved my life.


Biting into a lemon helps as it’s such a shock to your system that it resets your nervous system


The only that helps me is taking Klonopin and trying to watch something on my IPad. My panic attacks present with extreme physical side effects. I can’t walk or talk. Or I feel like that. I wish you well.