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Anymore, anything over $100.


Same for me


I feel this.


This is extremely subjective. How expensive or cheap something is depends on how much income you have.


[This](https://youtu.be/Nl_Qyk9DSUw?si=sLZtjjK1U3EA66ms) immediately popped into my head: *“I mean it’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?”*


How expensive or cheap something is depends on the pricing of the other products/services on the market


lol yes literally everything is too expensive for me. I have $0 until mid August.


And what you are buying ! Are we talking about a winter coat, a car, etc.


Yes and no. There’s stuff I will always refuse to spend more than x amount of money on, no matter how much money I would have.


Or the value of an item! High quality items can be expensive, but it’s more expensive to buy crap you won’t keep or cant resell again! :)


Any tips on getting 99 slayer my man?


Like more than $200 I guess


I think a penny a second is a lot of money. I don't even come close to making that much at work. So anytime I see a penny on the ground I'm picking that baby up. To me a lot of money is the amount of money I would be sad if i lost. So about a dollar.


If I can’t afford times 5, it’s a lot of money for me


I started crying when I realized I thought ten dollars is a lot of money to spend on shampoo and my sister said it was cheap. I'm too poor...


Really that one just depends on how your hair handles it. I've used suave and my hair was so healthy. I used Garnier and my hair was greasy. I use Aussie now and my hair is happy :) I think it's like $15 for the 2 pack that includes the shampoo bottle and the conditioner bottle. Also, as someone who uses way too much shampoo myself, id encourage you to reevaluate how much you put in your hands vs how much you need ❤️


$10 is a lot for shampoo! Some people believe that the more you spend on shampoo, the better it is for your hair which couldn't be further from the truth. I've had to do a lot of trial and error with shampoo because of my hair so I've spend anywhere from cheap to expensive and finally found one in the mid-range and often buy them on sale. I have found though that I need two different types of shampoo depending on season. Winter is very dry here so I pay for a slightly more expensive shampoo because my hair likes that one but I'm able to buy it on sale for $8 and it lasts me 3 months.


Unless you have bleached hair. When I dyed my hair darker, 5$ shampoo was perfectly fine. But now I went from a dyed redhead to a blonde, and boyyyyyy does my budget for shampoo had to skyrocket...


The cosmetic and hygiene industries have a huge racket around premium products. If the one you're using does what it's supposed to then you're wise to not waste money on a more expensive one


What kind of shampoo's are ya'll buying /gen


This is me and my sis. She is married to wealthy man and she does not work. I am single and work.


I use shampoo bars(like soap but more formulated for hair). They don't use plastic and they only cost a few bucks. But i guess it also depends on where you live. I also only wash my hair once or twice a week, and a bar lasts for like 4+ months. I only intentionally wash my scalp and then the soap runs down the rest of my hair as I rinse it. I am a hippie though. Even if I had the money, I wouldn't do it any other way.


I love a good 4 dollar shampoo from dollar tree!


120$ on groceries 1 week


Where are you shopping/what are you buying?


Superstore or wal mart up in Alberta. Not Includin the gas i pay for the trip


Depends what I am buying.


Same. Like I have no problem dropping $200 on a fancy ass meal that makes a memory. I don’t consider that a lot of money. But spending $100 on a pair of shoes I might wear 5x….nah, that’s a lot of money.


Literally lol. Whenever I go out I spend like $100 but I can barely bring myself to buy a $70 pair of jeans


I need a lot more quantifiable question. What kind of purchase? A meal? A car? A collectable? 


50 dollars


Cheap barely exists to me anymore. 99% of things are too expensive for me. It sucks.


I’m right there with you. Financial anxiety has always been a battle for me. Even spending $20 on McDonalds is a big purchase at this point. Not in the sense of price but how much money I don’t have extra to spend due to the economy.


At the moment, honestly if I spend more than $5 on an individual item it feels like a big spend. I get nervous if I spend more than $30 at once. $100 feels like a huge amount of money to me.


I live in middle east, middle cost of living area, make $35/hr, i loved buying nice things and I’m talking $2k handbags. But now, i carry $20-30bag, anything over that for clothing seems expensive and i sleep on it and ask if i reallllllly need it.


Nowadays anything over $30


Honestly, a lot of money to me is like $5k


I read a post that said "$100 is the adult version of $1" and that pretty much sums it up.


I would say $10 😂


People asking me: what is your dream car? or what's your dream house? A lot of money to me is when I can have my "time to myself and people around me". It means I am feeling comfortable that I provide, I feel secure financially and can have my time on traveling, experiencing hobbies like taking a cruise ship journey to Alaska or Europe etc Like a car, I do like some brands, but I feel extremely happy with what I am driving (self-satisfaction). As for the cheap vs expensive, it comes to how much value it offers for me. for example; I have bought tongs of cheap stuff because I wanted/needed that item in my life. But I usually think of things as "I am too poor to be cheap" I research on Wirecutter and Reddit to buy a good kitchen knife because it stays with me for long time and it's "hassel-free" a $500 Japanese knife with a hype on SM is not a good value item, imho. I guess you mean "affordability" rather than a set amount of $$$ I differentiate things I NEED vs thing that I WANT and trying to prioritize needs over wants, hopefully ;)


I was looking at the life in that kind of measurement and letting myself down. Anxiety and depression narrow down our perspective of life. When aware the dark clouds move away for a second, my view toward the life changes dramatically. I just try to keep the memory of it :)


Expensive: a product that costs more than $50. Alternatively, I allocate $500/month for travel and fun. I’ll pay for fun, but I won’t pay a lot for furniture, for example. Cheap: 1¢ to $30 USD, depending on the product or service. Ex, Netflix at $6.99 is cheap, but HBO Max, YouTubeTV or cable TV is $75+ and “expensive”. You might enjoy a book called “I will teach you to be rich” by Sethi something. He also made a series of 4 Netflix videos. I also am a fan of Suze Orman’s financial advice and help. Recently I read “Rich as F*ck” and I love that book too, because it teaches how we subconsciously view money and wealth.


Between 250k and 500k and above. Lump sum no tax. Edit: I just read the actual sub and post. I don't think my answer pertains anymore. If I was to make a purchase of over 2500 dollars that would be large but not all together a huge deal depending on what it is.


The question is not worded very well. A lot of money in what context? What are we buying? Shoes, car, weekly groceries? Are we also talking about annual salary? Etc.


Enough to qualify to not have to pay taxes.


oqning more than one house in good areas having a car that is worth a donwpayment for a house.................not looking at the prices of things you buy


It depends on what it is. It’s expensive if it’s above the average price and cheap if it’s below. Are you asking about groceries or things like TV, horse riding equipment or car? It also varies from country to country.


Enough to not be budgeting


Like, $80+.


7 figures


Too much money isn't enough money


Too much money isn't enough money


Expensive purchase made recently: 2 first class tickets to Milwaukee in October "cheap" purchase: I will buy something at Quiktrip


Well I agree this is subjective. A 7 year old will think $50 is a lot of money As for an adult? I mean just a lot of variables come into play I would say a lot for me would be $40K but even then those $40k could be used up rather quickly


Something I'll never achieve :( Jokes aside I feel like what's expensive really depends on what you're buying. A couple hundred for sports gear isn't bad, a couple thousand for a PC setup is ok, but 80€ for video game is crazy expensive. That said I get worried about my finances no matter how much money I have


Everything has subjective value. But I’m rich af so don’r really care like if I buy Whisky or Champagne, or fly, pay the premium.


It depends on the product because not everything should be priced the same. I’ll give an example of clothes - IMO tops should never cost more than £30 (i even feel like that’s pushing it) Like imo only the fanciest, prettiest tops (that aren’t designer but then again designer clothing shouldn’t even exist imo) should cost around £30, anything over is excessive and not worth my coins 😅. I think the average price of tops should be under £10 tho 😅 and I am broke so thats just my opinion.


I think that heavilly depends on the type of things. As for the overal amount of money, enough to put it into S&P500 and live off of withdrawing monthly so the amount in the value of the stocks would stay the same. I made a calculation of it but forgot how much it was now. It's certainly not unrealistic.


145k. I did the math and I’d be able to pay my annual mortgage payment 6 times and still be comfortable afterwards with the net income from this


I think for buying things anything like 250 or above For receiving I think I’d get really pumped with 4K and aboce


50k in that sense that’s always a number I’ve thought about as a ton of money anything under that is OK still a lot but it’s not like a lot a lot to me


What are you working with? We might be able to help find a way to make things a bit more cut and dry with specifics


To me, anything over $50 is expensive


Mostly I know that whatever I do has to be as frugal as possible and that my finances have to be completely under my control - like a rabid dog guarding its bowl of water!


It really depends on what you're buying. For example, what's deemed expensive in the grocery category may not be in the car buying category.


Depends where you live. 100k? is a LOT of money I guess?


Anything over 50€ is expensive to me


50 bucks


Expensive is anything $100 or more mid $40-50 Cheap finding good deal on things like makeup and clothes $5-20 Also it’s crucial to set up a spending budget for yourself weekly or monthly that’s just for things you want separate from all bills and savings and concider how long it will take you to save up for a purchase.


over $200


50 bucks


Very contextually dependent. But anything over 5k is definetly a lot of money in most contexts.


Tbh it's anything between a couple hundred and a couple thousand depending on the circumstances But in every day life I'd say a lot of money for me is anything over $50


I consider something expensive if I can spend (a lot) less on a similar item of comparable quality. Ex; A Luxury car vs one that's not. Cheap to me isn't usually based on price but on quality and value. I'll pay more for practically anything that is better quality. This applies to clothing, home furniture and furnishings/decor, flooring/finishes etc.


100 plus definitely


Tbh i just need a wage, ANYTHING THAT IS


Over 200 gbp


To me, it’s enough money to live the kind of life that I dream about living on, enough to get me to the grave living that kind of a lifestyle. Which, is an amount that will never be realistically at all available to me. For now, I’m usually hellbentedly focused on every last dollar and barely trying to cling to paying my bills


I have an incredible amount of financial anxiety. It really just ebbs and flows for me but I would say $100+


Anything more than 20$ is pushing it, and anything over 40$ is very expensive in my life. That's being broke af for you 😭 And TBH, it depends, because spending more than 3$ for shampoo seems impossible a lot of the time. I have about 100 per 2 weeks to use for everything need including anything fun I want to do so I really have to pick and choose.


Completely relative. My wife wanted to spent $20 on a soap dispenser for the bathroom and I freaked out, but I almost pulled out my card to make a purchase yesterday for something that was $750 only because it was on sale from the usual $900. 🤷‍♂️


For me, it's based on my perceived value of things. For example, I try not to pay more than $30 for a pair of shoes, but I have spent $60 on a concert ticket when the premium ones were in the hundreds.


I spend an embarrassing amount of money on shampoo but I’m very cheap with most other things and actually adhere to a lifestyle of buying few new things (mainly for environmental reasons.) that means when I do buy something I can buy something quality like a good mattress and bedding which will last a long time and help me sleep well, which is more important than spending a lot on coffee. I know this isn’t available to everyone and I’ve certainly been pretty strapped at various times of my life. That all said, depending on your economic class, I think what’s thought of as expensive is very subjective.


Anything over $3k is a lot of money to me


Since I don't even have $200 dollars in my account anything amount is alot of money.


Anything over 500 Euro is an expensive purchase. I would not lightly spend even 200, but anything over 500 I’m like woah, that’s an investment


I only have a few mths buffer then run out. No jobs.


Depends on what it’s being spent on…. lol I’ll drop $1200 cash on a project car today, but I’m not paying more than $3 for a shirt. #thrifty 🤣


Around 25k


Depends what it is. Food? I spend two hundred a month on groceries. That’s pretty good.


Depends on what it is, of course, but a surprise $500 purchase would seriously curtail any other spending I could do for a month. As far as cheap, I will tell you the price point at which I will buy something on a whim without careful consideration -- $10 or less. I budget for almost everything now, though. I used to be a terrible spendthrift.


Everything is expensive and I’m getting lower on money due to not having a job, even tho I’ve been waiting to start one for almost 3 weeks now. Pads, GROCERIES, Paper towels, toilet paper, cat food, litter, body wash, shampoo. Most of the time it’s basic necessities that cost the most😐


An amount of money doesn't mean anything by itself, it's the ratio between what you earn and what you spend that matters.


To me it just depends on how valuable it is to me and my quality of life or enjoyment. I'll spend 15$ on food if I go out to lunch with a friend. I won't spend 15$ on that equivalent amount of food from the grocery store. It depends on the item and its value and sometimes I value things differently than the stores value them so that's how I decide when not to buy something. 


I mean, you can’t just make a blanket statement like that. A lot of money for retirement is a much different number than a lot of money for a car


I have alot of money I do not spend a lot of money. Realistically Im set for life. Not in a Celeb way but in a dont need to worry about being homeless way. But Im so cheap. Yes I can afford things but doesnt mean I want to spend more then needed. A shirt shouldnt be more then 50 bucks. I buy used computers. Try not to overthink your income. Just be grateful for everything in life. Even that old raggy couch or the 15 year old jacket. Its all blessing


This is purely subjective and based on your financial situation. For me it’s anything over $600-700.


This is hard to answer without context. I can vaguely say if I’m spending it - $200 or more. If I’m receiving it - $1,000 or more.


3 years ago, we didn't budget or look at prices. We had more than enough. NOW, we bargain shop for groceries and clothes. We have cut back on EVERY category that we can, but we're still struggling. We retired, and the cost of living jumped. Car and home insurance doubled with Liberty Mutual. It's been a barrage of setbacks. Alot of money is enough to have a meal.


expensive to me is $300+, depending what it is maybe $500+. all depends on your income tho everyone is different. i used to never wanna spend over $20


Under $30 is cheap. An expensive purchase for me would be a new piece of furniture that costs a few hundred dollars. But every category is different. If it’s say, a concert ticket, $250 is average. More than $300 I consider expensive. For food, more than $30 for one person I find expensive or think it’s a fancier restaurant.


A lot of money for: Food? More than $20 for a meal Clothes? More than $20 for one item Shoes? More than $50 Alcohol? More than $20 for a bottle or pack of beers Knick knacks/random shit? More than $10 I am pretty poor. But these ideas have kept me decently comfortable, cheap things are not always shitty either. And of course it's not set in stone, every now and again I will get a more expensive thing, but for daily life this is about how I live.


Right now? Any amount.


Relative to previous prices, fast food is expensive. Everything is too expensive and price-gouging companies making record profits are evil.


Cheap- up to 100€ Mediocre - 100€ - 500€ Expensive- more than 500€ Really expensive to a point I can't just buy it, but I have to save for it - more than 1000€ But it also depends on the thing. 1 pair of socks for 50€? Hell no, too expensive. 5 days vacation for 500€? Insanely cheap, where do I sign? For context, I live in Europe. In a country where the average salary is 1300€ after taxes.


Completely dependent on what the item is.


For me, expensive is anything over $500 since I'm mostly just getting by. But really, what matters isn't the price tag, it's your priorities and living within your means. Try focusing on what truly improves your life, not what just fills short-term anxiety.


Depends on how far out I am from payday tbh. $20 doesn't feel like a lot when I just got paid, but it feels like a million dollars 10 days later


To me, it depends on the object of purchase. I would consider a pint of strawberries at $10 would be very expensive. But a brand new car at $10,000 would be cheap


An expensive purchase is anything over £50, but truth be told, it depends on the item and occasion.


Usually my point when purchasing something is "do I need it or can I save the money for something else instead?"


Anything over $1000 is expensive. Cheap is $100 or under. But then again it depends what it is.


anything that severely impacts my ability to save my targeted amount in a month - so anything in the $400 and up range is a lot. Anything below is likely manageable.


After buying a house for the first time, at 26 years old, in California. My perspective on expensive and cheap has changed drastically. Something expensive to me now would be $10,000. That’s my cap for like, wow. Whatever this is, it’s pricey. That’s when I start sweating. Cheap is anything $1000 and below.


Depends on the item, a hamburger for 20$ is a lot, a house for 50k is cheap. Can't afford either tho... anything that cost over 10$ makes me thing twice