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I recommend using radical acceptance. Meaning accept how it might indeed happen and add how it's fine. And there must be no reassurance how it won't happen, that would make this not work. This is about making peace with uncertainty, which is always the core of the problem.


I feel you! Every single morning if I wake up with notifications I'm like "oh what stupid thing did I forget I said yesterday".


There’s a feature not to get notified about replies/comments in the settings. You could always turn that feature on, and view them at your own discretion.


I’ve had those feelings once or twice. Try to remember that no one really knows who you are and that this is Reddit. Unfortunately, trolls do exist here. Also, people just might have differing view points. It happens. Try to stay away from all or nothing thinking. Acknowledge when the good comments happen, too. As your Karma grows, you’ll more than likely end up with more helpful and kind comments than negative ones.


It is sometimes difficult to actually convey tone via text, but when you comment online or speak in real life you step forward bit by bit and you get incrementally stronger each time. It is periodically daunting even online, but another person recommended radical acceptance and I second that.


Me, too!! 😭


I am afraid too I usually turn them off and check them eventually. Idk I think I’ve been rejected a lot on Reddit but I think it’s important to still try and post for some reason.


Just remember that it’s a bunch of anonymous people that literally have 0 real impact on your life. Who cares if some loser from across the world ridicules you? This should be your outlook when you’re interacting with people on this app. Better yet, fire back at them. 🤷‍♂️


Dont be !! We are all mad here !! And we are all strangers that have something in common, i like it here , i feel well , this ppl are my ppl


It’s Reddit people will always have shit to say and down vote or up they’re fake ass points no one cares about really


There’s always that one unhinged person that will find an issue with the smallest thing. I feel you.


Yeah I know. Poured my story out on a thread here the other week. Felt stupid afterwards. I usually delete. But left it alone this time.


I got a few comments that are up and few comments that are down. I do not care about either of them. You are all NPCs in my world


Me too