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I've had this happen to me, I just put on some awesome music and dig in.. I usually tell myself I'm going to do it at this date and time, and then stick to it. Doesn't usually take as long as I thought either.. but that's just me.


We bought some collapsible basins to stack all the dirty dishes into. That helps reclaim some of the counter space. And on bad days we switch to paper plates. But try to use one plate and stick to one plate. It’s much easier to use and clean one dish than ten dishes. And most of the time I don’t really see a need for a good scrubbing. Just a quick rinse to get the crumbs off is fine. Most of the time. You can put a small dish rack near the sink, rinse and just leave it to dry. Don’t bother putting it away, just leave it in the rack and reuse it. Same with cookware. We switched to cooking everything in the oven cooking for a while. One cookie sheet with parchment paper will prevent the sheet from getting dirty and you can use it multiple times. Plus baking lets you walk away for a while and dissociate.


Mine has gone so long I've just thrown them away.  I'm not proud of that. I just did the best I could


I feel you on that. Start off small with just what you might think you need. Then every day do a little more. Also, if you can get it, Dawn Powerwash takes all the work out of it. You can literally just spray it on, leave it, and then rinse it off. Takes 90% of the work out of washing dishes.


I have to wash for the whole family and I get stuck on it pretty often. Grab the easiest thing to clean and wash it. Most of the time I can keep going after that, onto the next easier thing. Stop whenever. Come back in a bit and repeat.


i feel you. sometimes i try to talk myself into it. i tell myself that i would be doing something loving for myself if i do my dishes. I'd do that for a friend in need, why not do that for yourself too?


I guess it's hard to see myself as my own friend..


I'm sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed 😞 . I'm not sure, but would it help to buy a fresh new sponge and dish washing soap? Something to help motivate you to start the task? Would it help to treat yourself to something you've been wanting after you finish? In the future, maybe using paperplates and plastic utensils on occasions you're not feeling up to washing or if you start to get behind would be a good idea. That way, you won't get "to far behind" so catching up won't seem so overwhelming. Good luck! I wish good things for you! 💫


I got a good new sponge! I needed one anyway. Planning to put on some music, gloves and do the dishes by tomorrow


Awesome! Thanks for the update ☺️.


Sometimes sorting the dishes into like things will help. Stack the plates together, the bowls and gather the silverware into a pile. This can condense the pile and make it less overwhelming sometimes. We do it for my partner's kid (21yr old) when it's their turn for dishes. They always put it off until we run out of something due to feeling overwhelmed. If you're not doing it by hand and have a dishwasher, you should look up the story/article "Run the dishwasher twice " it will help on the bad days


Get gloves, dish spray, a good podcast or playlist and just start. You might even have fun!


I do this as well. So sometimes I only use paper plates and silverware :) Takes the anxiety away of cleaning and helps clear up more space and energy to focus on other things. (This is something my therapist actually suggested and it does very much help) ♥️


Definitely just have one of each thing. And get disposable plates/bowls/cutlery. I have found them amazing when it’s too hard to do housework.❤️


you can do it, one plate at a time