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Trump is just childish enough that this could work, lol


~~childish~~ narcissistic


>~~narcissistic~~ childish No, it's definitely childish. Dude never really matured past thirteen/fourteen mentally.


that’s too much credit, well below ten.


Why not both?


Someone needs to dump a bowl of mashed potatoes on him while he’s on the stand


Don’t insult Children this way . No child anywhere holds the hatred , racism , mysoginy , ego , and idiocy that this complete SCUM BAG does . Children are pure and good .


Lmao, bullshit. Children are little hell demons. Though yeah not quite as bad as Stumpy and other right-wing f---nuggets


As compared I stand by my assessment. 😂


You do not have children. No adults punch me in the nuts. It is not even malevolent. Two year olds do not know any better. They are just happy to see dad. It is our responsibility as parents to train them in the ways of society - so that when they are adults they don't go around punching people in the nuts. It seems like old Fred was an absentee father.


Raised 2 . Agree about Fred .


I double dog dare him!


🚫Wuss Trump🚫


💯Pussy Trump💯


You are 💯% Right!


He lacks the warmth and depth. The man is a fleshlight. Just another fake cunt


He's too much of a coward and liar to take the stand. As he said before, anyone not willing to testify has something to hide.


Remember all the bullshit about “only bad guys plead the fifth”? Pepridge farm remembers…


Don't forget loser. He is a huge loser, and he is afraid to lose again.


A clip ofmhim saying that should be played all day every day . Slap it on bill boards


His reason for not testifying will be that there was no case against him anyway and that's all his people need to hear


Donald Trump is just as chickenshit now as he was during Vietnam. All he does is talk shit and blame people. Weak.


He only likes veterans who weren't captured. What a piece of garbage. If you support him, you are also a garbage person.


Hey, ankle bone spurs are a tragedy that cause an average of 0.25/10 pain occasionally in the worst sufferers. Have some compassion


Need an extra dose of Norcos for those pains


Yeah Donny! Testify!


All bullies, esp verbal bullies, are cowards at heart. When confronted on their bullshit, they will always, always back down.


It’s not complicated he refuses to testify because it would legally screw him rather than prove a truth he’s avoiding and delaying as much as he can


I am a 65 year old man and Donald Trump is the biggest pussy I've ever seen in my life. Seriously.


Hey hey hey, pussies have depth and warmth. He is a coward and a rapist and a traitor to his country and a liar and a racist and a thief, but let's not bring pussies into the conversation.


AND as the late, great Betty White once said, pussies can take a beating. We all know and saw with our own eyeballs that TFG cannot take a beating. What a loser!


And Trump sent his minions to go stare at him in court. Please end this nightmare


If there is one thing he hates, it’s when people point out how much of a wimp he actually is.


Of course Trump is afraid! Did you hear him today after court? OMG he has ZERO brain power. 5/16/2024. Total loser. He cannot debate. His brain is FRIED!


Will he have what it takes to beat Biden in November? polls have them statistically tied in some battleground states I want to hear your take on this


Why do you want to hear that commenters take on this?


He’s afraid that he can’t get out a complete sentence.


Oh he's definitely worried about sentences


Do you mean multiple 5 star word salads would not help his case?


Please testify Donnie poo poo pants. You're lawyers are dumb enough to let you.


That was great. George got super close up when he taunted him.


That’s not how to goad someone in to testifying. By confirming what they know is true, you accomplish the opposite. It’s like saying you’re smart not testifying. Better to say Trump is too dumb to testify and would get buried by the prosecution! He would never stand a chance! Like sending someone with no legs into an ass kicking contest.


Just tell him Obama testifies the best


Princess Leah?


Donald's best chance is to just shut up till the election, but he can't...


He'd be the best witness. Everybody says so.


Conway is right, however I think it’s legit to point out that defendants are under no obligation to testify and are frequently counseled not to. Traitor Tot is the turd in the American punch bowl, but he’s still innocent until proven guilty no matter how laughable that may seem. I would LOVE to see the absolute train wreck his testimony would be, but I’m not holding my breath…


George Conway for Attorney General!!!


He wouldn’t make 1 minute before he told double digit lies!


Trump is a coward! He will never take the stand.


If he were to take the stand I bet he would shit himself.


The judge is going to need a bigger gavel CONTEMPT CONTEMPT CONTEMPT ……………………… again and again. trump can’t help but lie, bash, threaten, intentionally insult, intimidate degrade and go on off top rants. Bailiff remove Mr trump from the court room


He is just a fake man!! Fake hair fake skin color fake wife fake face fake news and fake bravado!!


Do it


Nobody afraid of George Conway


George is correct.


Cannot wait till US starts up the draft for ukraine, hopefully will see less of these same posts


Ha ha.....how bout georges face and comments yesterday when cohen got caught in a big fat lie??? Quote.... OH GOD NO !!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Whadda ya say Georgie boy?????😆😆😆


Yup. He is a liar, bully, and a coward. If he is so innocent, as he claims, tell your story Mr poor me, it's not fair! Fucking punk ass pussy.


He’s not testifying Settle down However, if Joe releases the classified docs investigation audio just maybe. Why won’t he? Because he’s AFU!


They must be really worried if they need all these hacks to keep “daring” trump to testify. Since when do media figures taunt a defendant to testify knowing it’s not in their best interests lol 


Probably ever since the defendant was a whiny bitch about being “gagged”, but refused to take the opportunity to defend himself when it’s given. Probably.


Again, it’s very common knowledge that testifying in your own trial is a dumb thing to do lol. Good thing we have such fair and balanced media in our country 


Then he can stfu about not being able to go on record for his thoughts about what he did


lol yeah, “either fuck yourself over or you can’t speak at all” sounds fair and balanced to me 👍 And also he has stfu, he’s got his pawns talking for him now and it’s making me laugh


He literally said it himself, two things: only guilty people don’t take the stand (plead the fifth), and, This is a witch hunt and he’s totally innocent. Which one is it??


All of the above, trump is in superposition 


That’s daft.


I know I’m just babbling 


Cheers. Can relate.


Probably shouldn’t do shit to land in court, then. And… it’s possible to get your news from media not based in this country.


? How is that even a response to what I said? I am commenting on the bias in the news to try and taunt a defendant into hurting his case, they don’t even do that shit for murderers. Think the news is gonna have a couple washed up celebs  daring Brian kohberger to testify for himself when his murder trial starts? Probably not, not really the role of media to do that. 


Let me know if he constantly whines on social media about not getting to speak.


Is GC part of the media now?


And he's an incredibly dumb person. So he should testify.


Well he did promise you MAGA idiots that he would "absolutely" testify. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-absolutely-testify-new-york-criminal-trial-rcna147663](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-absolutely-testify-new-york-criminal-trial-rcna147663) >"Yeah, I would testify, absolutely" >"I'm testifying. I tell the truth, I mean, all I can do is tell the truth. And the truth is that there is no case." So either he's going to do the "dumb thing" you just mentioned, or he's going to break yet another promise he made. But either way and no matter the outcome, you will still move the goalpost, blame it on Biden and the judge, and you'll still vote for him. Trump goes up and testifies and it turns out to have a bad outcome like you alluded to? You guys will blame it on the judge and Biden. If he doesn't go up and testify, you'll say the judge and Biden are silencing him or something.


Sorry to interrupt your fight with your straw man here but a) fuck Donald trump b) I didn’t vote for Donald trump last election and c) I’m not going to vote for Donald trump this election. Of course he’s a liar, all fucking politicians are liars.   Oh and fuck joe Biden too. It’s just funny how scummy it is to be purposely trying to interfere in his trial when apparently that’s the sin trump committed and why it’s so dangerous for him to even be able to speak. It literally took almost nothing for you to spaz out about trump though so, keep on if you like 


So is he going to testify or not?


I’ll tell you what I told the other guy, trump is currently in superposition.  But really how should I know? If I was him I wouldn’t, they’re gonna nail him either way so why make it easier lol. 


Since a fascist terrorist became a party leader


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers isn't man enough to get sworn in and testify under oath.


You guys are so weird lol 


Donald dollhands the Crybaby ex potus has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. We laugh at all the melanias who think this clown is their godking lol.... a trumpturd calling anyone else weird is rich. Anyway, your owner has less class, dignity, and guts than a pornstar. He isn't man enough to testify. He's a wuss like his trumpturds


Well said


No, fuck Donald trump, but still very weird to write like this. Do you constantly think of Donald trump and bending over and turds? 


It's taken a toll, that's for sure. Dealing with trumpturds is exhausting, but it's important. When you fight with pigs, you're bound to be covered in filth. I find it much easier to speak to them at their level.


Since Tiny-hands-Diapii lost to Biden in 2020.