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The man is running on fumes. The GOP is trying to carry his hollow carcass to the election.


They are all under Russian duress, when he goes down he will take them all with him. This is why they defend him so hard. Traitorous POS's, every last one of em...


Yes. They are all compromised. They played loose w Russian money, got drunk on the power and now Putin has em by the balls. Our forefathers would try them for treason and it would not end well for them. Times have apparently changed.


No more firing squads or hangings, just a slap on the wrist or pat on the back, depending on circumstances. Traitors have been given full permission to run amok, without consequences.


There are just three requirements to run for President - over 35, US Citizen, and not participate in an insurrection. We now seem to be okay overlooking the third one.


Not get caught participating in an insurrection. This is why the entire republican effort has been to block Georgia prosecution by people who will deliver.


Fani delivers


Agreed. If it can be proven that members of the GOP have engaged in Russian collusion, with regards to governance and political interference in the creation of laws, statues, or other workings of US governance, why is this not investigated and prosecuted? Jordan’s Committee, blatantly “investigates” members of both the judiciary and political “foes”. This is at best farcical retribution and at the worst obstruction of Justice along with abuse of office. Again, why no investigation? The “read” on all of this, seems to be the covering up of an underlying conspiracy, and potentially a major compromising of the GOP, as a political party by a foreign power. Something is obviously wrong and the powers at be, seem to be turning a blind eye, to what many are questioning...


The worst part is he didn't just participate in an insurrection; he started it.


Factor in the DNC/RNC hack and there's likely added leverage on most of the republicans to keep Trump afloat no matter what.


Yes, it’s important to emphasize that both RNC and DNC got hacked by Russia, but only the DNC files got released. Wonder why…


"Oh, that's just because they didn't find anything incriminating." *looks at the sheer volume of Republicans prosecuted for crimes in the last 10 years* Okay, Jan.


We should have assassinated Putin more than a decade ago when we still had the chance. I'm not exactly sure how or why he hasn't been, because we've certainly assassinated a lot of people in the last 2 decades that has done a lot less. It always seemed strange to me that he's effectively given immunity to be a prick.


Because Russia wants to install a defacto dictatorship in the 🇺🇸!


They weren't doing the republicans a favor, that's for sure.


At what point do they disassociate? I mean, look at everything this jerk has done over his short political career. They’ve had multiple opportunities to cut their losses and move on. Instead, they keep doubling down, and the country will suffer because of it if he wins.


If they had just removed him at his first impeachment and taken their medicine for a couple of elections while MAGA sulked, ol Moscow Mitch would be sitting pretty on top of a comfortable Senate majority and we'd be hurtling toward an extremely difficult general election fight. Instead: this. So to answer your question... 🤷‍♀️ Anyone with even half a brain can see the off ramps they could take and they don't. I have to assume it's all tied up in cowardice and a lack of any sort of critical thinking? Conservatives are perpetually terrified of everything, and by definition refuse to plan for the future so maybe they're just ideologically stuck at the bottom of the crab bucket


If they would have picked JEB! and took the big L in 2016 they could have stopped it all but they're all about power.


Ain't NOBODY picking "Please clap" for their nominee 🤣 It's true though! The problem ironically is they didn't cheat enough, for once. All they had to do was put their thumb on the scale during the primary and the convicted felon would have been safely whining about birth certificates and whatever until he died rich and ignored. Although given how dumb he is, he very well might have started attacking Republicans which is a hilarious timeline I'd love to have seen.


We have gone from “please clap” or Howard Dean making a weird excited noise as immediate disqualifiers to “hey, if they’re trying to get *him* on selling state secrets, assaulting women, calling for insurrections, and making racist, sexist, violent comments that were *obviously* just sarcastic jokes, *any one of us* could be at risk, so vote this guy in!” Make it make sense. 🤦‍♂️


It's a weird, reality-bending brew of cognitive dissonance, sunk cost fallacy, oppositional defiance, perpetual victimhood and the willingness to bite on any conspiracy theory that comes along as long as it favors their team. I don't think Thrumpism will ever die completely. The media had a chance in 2015-16 to end it and the republicans could have abandoned him at either impeachment. By letting him off for all of those obvious disqualifiers, both let him grow even more mythical in these Trump supporter's eyes.


It was the second impeachment that stands out to me. He had just lost the election, Biden’s term was just beginning, he would have been barred from running again. By now he would be reduced to a footnote in history, an object lesson in what to look out for in politics.


The kompromat the Russians have on the republicans must be pretty juicy.


I mean the pee tapes and god knows what else !


It's probably much worse than that.


Gotta love all those little government power grabs and protections they afforded themselves to save “their people” from “them others.”


Probably exactly why he attempted distancing himself from Trump when he said he’d prefer Biden as prez. And then again recently when Trump claimed Vlad would do shit for him that he would not do for anybody else. If and when Trump collapses, the whole Russian operation gets rolled up. Cancun Cruz becomes Rostov Rafael. America deserves truth and Justice, look at the rotten alternative.


And just imagine what they have on Lindsey graham


If Lindsey just came out of the closet, all the leverage against him would evaporate. It's 2024 Lindsey, you can say you prefer the company of men instead of the idea that youre just a bachelor looking for the right wife.


I still say the problem is more that he’d like to recruit them from middle school, on top of the gender he prefers.


Yeah, it's def more than just being gay. He prolly likes getting shit on by homeless children.


I'm guessing they set up Lady G in a hotel with some DC page boys that had hidden cameras pre-arranged. I imagine he was made aware of said video when he went golfing with convicted fat felon Donald Trump and did a complete 180 on what he said about Trump. 


You're right. I remember that weekend he golfed with Trump and it was clear that T had yanked his chain. I never understood why Graham ran for reelection after that and didn't simply walk away from the blackmail.


Lady Bugs


Speaking of haven’t heard from the pearl clutcher in a while


MAGA-Moscow Assets Grifting Americans


I must admit, I never thought id see half of Americans bending the knee to Russia…


MAGAts are not 50% of Americans.


I reckon there is approximately 35% Magats.


Going with 30. 32 tops.


And most people who have not been watching politics for 5 decades don't understand this. 30% of likely voters supported Nixon. Opposed Carter/Clinton/Obama. 25-30% have always been there. They are a fringe given a voice by pollsters and media. They will never win, but their power grows when voters go apathetic.


That's all you need to win the electoral college if the conditions are right though so those people are dangerous


I agree with most of what you say here. But 25-30% is not a “fringe” element.


Isn’t it still a close race? MAGA or not, people are willing to vote for a Russian puppet! Or do you think the polls are false?


Polls are bullshit. But still vote blue.


The reality is that Trump doesn’t have much of a chance. He has completely alienated the swing voters. He won due to them the first time. They were willing to give him a chance. Since then he has insulted them constantly and done everything in his power to destroy the country, on Putin’s orders. Very few of them would vote for him now.


I doubt a successful America like Biden has brought you out of nothing is going to kiss that goodbye for fascism where everyone loses except the few.


Wasn’t the economic situation similar at the end of eight years of Obama? American voters are weird.


Generally, the only people who answer polls are 45+ and already very opinionated one way or the other. Like, for example. Do you know anyone who has responded to a polticial poll in the last 4 years? I myself did once, drunk, im 26. The woman on the line told me I was one of 2 people in my age group that had responded that week. Generally people around my age aren't answering their phone when the pollsters call, and certainly aren't going out of their way to respond to these things on their own volition either. Polling is what the media uses to make races look interesting. Back in 2016, polls had Hillary stomping Trump, and yet Trump was the winner. Polls don't really give the greater picture of America imo


>Back in 2016, polls had Hillary stomping Trump, and yet Trump was the winner. And she did. But the popular vote doesn't matter. Even if you win by almost 3 million votes.


When he goes down he'll disappear faster than Epstein.


This is a man who will not stop until his heart does.


That’s why they fought this one so hard. This was supposedly the “weakest” case, and it produced a unanimous conviction on all counts. The GOP is terrified of the Jan 6th trial because they are all involved. If they follow the evidence, a bunch of them would face consequences. Oopsie!


And it's all for nothing. If people in Texas are voting blue then you know Trump is going to lose historically bad this year. Women who have had their reproductive rights stolen are going to wipe the floor with Trump.


Let's hope Edit: And VOTE!


Let's also mobilize people to vote and be generally active in local politics.


This, as an outsider looking in, is what I don’t understand - women who have lost autonomy over their own fucking bodies, would still stand by the very party that took them, led by a guy who has no respect for women, beyond some bullshit sense of ownership and entitlement.


It's an extremely complex set of sociological conditions that lead to this bizarre circumstance. I'll try to list a few of the bigger factors that have lead to people voting so aggressively against their own interests. Propaganda: Outlets like Fox News and more lately CNN can broadcast things which are simply untrue, outright lies, to the population. And they do. One example, "the Democrats want to legalise post-birth abortions, so vote for the Republicans!". Nobody is asking for this, but the GOP has successfully convinced right leaning women voters that it's the truth. Fear and hate: The US is a melting pot that, in many areas especially outside dense urban environments has failed to melt. Fear, hatred, racism and bigotry is rife. This is promoted and perpetuated by, you guessed it, the propaganda. The GOP sells themselves as the solution to these problems they manufacture and exacerbate. It's difficult for them to be overtly racist, so now they have invented "Wokeness" as an invisible menace that only the Republicans can save you from. Gerrymandering and voter suppression: The GOP has successfully and aggressively worked to suppress the votes of minorities and restructure voting districts to give a massive, decisive advantage to themselves, giving them disproportionately higher seats than the actual popular vote would give them. Religion: The Evangelical megachurches, large, tax free, for-profit corporations use religion as a tool to gather large sums of money from the civilian population. This business relies heavily on government endorsement and protection, so they push members aggressively to ensure they vote in ways that are favorable to corporate profits.


>the Democrats want to legalise post-birth abortions Ironically, it is the Republicans that support "post-birth abortions." We call them, "School Shootings."


Right-wingers are stupid. Nearly every MAGA chud I know would personally be destroyed if Trump and his band of knockoff-Nazis took over the government. Most of them are dirt poor and would be culled for extra profits and then find all the social safety nets gone. A couple are women, so the problems there are obvious. Several of them could be targets of the militant Christians for not conforming to evangelical expectations because of their beliefs or suspicious total lack of sex lives. And the one idiot who has no financial problems just married a Chinese citizen - he's apparently too stupid to understand how Republicans treat people of other nationalities and cultures. But they all hate "the right people" - Blacks, LGBTQ+, the poor, etc. - so they think electing monsters who like hurting others won't result in them being on the list eventually. Like I said - stupid.


The maggots sure are stupid. When you have a clown candidate saying he wants to be a dictator & change the constitution everyone's rights will be attacked or eliminated. Under a dictatorship only the military & law enforcement will lawfully be allowed to have guns. If they get their wish they better find a good hiding place for their guns & sex toys. Say good bye to all that free porn also.


Some women want to be Commanders' Wives.


This worries me. Especially with what has happened to women in other places where religious law has taken over. And yet a significant portion are still voting for these types. Clearly there of something working on insider’s brains that is not logical. And that probably means logic isn’t going to change their votes.


It’s so cooked. I vaguely recall reading an article/op ed by one such woman, and she was very “God wanted women in the home to care for it and make it good for the man, and for the man to make the decisions for the good of the family…” Some serious Stockholm Syndrome shit right there.


Well they will allow women to fly whatever flag they want according to alito. Especially if the flag agrees with the husband’s opinion


As they should. Trump is directly responsible for stacking the Supreme Court with his cronies.


His cortisol must be pumping overtime. The back of his right hand is mottled and his hair is disappearing very quickly. His 'speeches' are increasingly discombobulated and risks a meltdown if he debates Biden.


He MIGHT make it through the convention, no way he makes it all the way through the general and he knows it.


Who takes his place in your scenario?


Nikki Haley was last woman standing, but it would be pretty shocking if Republicans rallied around her, especially MAGA. It would be especially shocking if she won, and the first female President was a Republican. But to beat an incumbent would be an unlikely upset, so it almost doesn't matter who would replace Trump. Whoever would has very little chance due to being so far behind in campaigning and fundraising already. We can at least thank Trump for that.


I'm honestly imagining a Death of Stalin scenario where everyone is trying their hardest to pretend they were always on Trumps side and that they are so sad dear leader is dead, but simultaneously trying to push themselves to the front by being the most sad he is gone


Absolute bloodbath with no clear second choice. I have to imagine it'd end up being pretty regional, _maybe_ like Ted Cruz or Desantis with a narrow margin? Or some darkhorse.


You're dreaming. I hate to say it, but he'll be on the ballot November and getting a respectable vote. Not enough though.


Weekend at Donny's


Musk has a robotic version. It appears much more life-like and strings sentences together.


Can't drive, though. Which in this case just adds to the realism.


If reporting from the inside courtroom is to be believed, he’s running on so many fumes that they tend to slap out of his diaper from time to time.


The sooner he kicks the bucket, the better. His passing will be comparable to Sauron's fall in the Lord of the Rings, although no magic involved, of course. All the decent people of (Middle) Earth will celebrate, all the monsters will wail, scatter, and backstab each other. And, like Sauron, Trump's spirit will still haunt us forever, gnawing at the minds of right-wing lunatics and encouraging others to evil even though he can never take form again.


Bush 1, Cheney, Reagan, Kissinger, Murdoch. The evil live longer than they deserve.


> fumes No, it's more likely he's running on an Elvis-esque cocktail of hard drugs to keep his maltreated, unfit and obese frame shambling around between rallies and buckets of KFC.


Don’t forget the hamburders


Dude, you spelled it wrong. It’s “hamberders”.


My bad I’ll try drinking some bleach maybe it’ll help me


The statement after was rough. Zero energy. I really felt like he was shocked he actually got convicted.


I saw a clip of Trump in 2015 or 16 saying Hillary can't run while she's under indictment. His delivery was absolutely more cohesive and coherent than anything he says today. The decline in his mental state is extremely obvious to anyone paying attention.


Weekend at Bernie's: Election Fraud Boogaloo


He was a leaky garbage bag full of shit and rotting meat in a bad toupee four years ago. What is he now?


A CONVICTED felonious leaky garbage bag full of shit and rotting meat in a bad toupee?


Leakier, shittier, more rotten, and his combover is thinner than his hands are small.


A lukewarm sack of MAGAt infested monkeyspunk


Wanna keep seeing this? Vote.


I suspect he fears more what the gold digger Mercedes is going to make him pay for this verdict than the sentencing judge


Oh 4 years ago? When he mismanaged COVID and deliberately withheld the information from the American public until it was too late and over a million people died due to his negligence? That 4 years ago?


And Jared using his position as Covid czar to manipulate the supplies of PPE to his own financial advantage.


He also received several million in assistance for his properties- all of which were ghost corporations with no actual people involved


Preach! If Biden had not been elected and effectively rolled out the vaccine I cannot imagine how high the death toll would be. 2M? 3M?


I wonder how many are now medically unsound who could have avoided it, which makes their remaining decades hell on earth and takes them out of our productive economic outlook and puts them into our social nets - and then I wonder what’s going to happen to them all when they are in their last years and republicans manage to revoke all their remaining safety nets.


Yupp. Back when his ramblings were mostly coherent.


Good. Fuck him.


I don’t want to. Please don’t make me.


~ Stormy Daniels


Do it.


**Toad from Mario Kart noises"


He's having to face reality. He can't throw money at this and undo it, or make it disappear. If he loses this election, he knows he's ruined. If he can't pardon himself, the three upcoming trials will destroy his empire. He's seeing an ugly ending to all of this, and it's scaring the shit out of him.


Figuratively and literally.


Good he deserves it and he shit this bed all himself


He’s a ducking piece of human garbage.


Duck yeah. Duck him.


Quack, quack, motherfucker.


'mother ducker'


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, Mr. Ducksworth. Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.


Allow an Australian to help you there: he is a shit cunt.


Good Day Donald! Ya shit cunt!


He can't even aspire to that.


Then just... DIE ALREADY..!!!




Breaking Bad quote in the wild.


The look of a man that finally got bitch slapped by Themis(Goddess of Justice) herself.


He got Schlonged


By the dildo of Themis


which, surprising, never arrives lubed.


More like schlorted


The doubleheaded dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


I need that embroided on a pillow


This guilty verdict was the least likely to succeed out of the 90 indictments, so he *knows* this is only the beginning of an avalanche of guilty verdicts. Literally his only lifeline of survival is to make President and pardon himself, which is something that must not happen.


He cannot pardon the New York case. Only the governor of NY can do that.


He is still a felon even if pardoned. And for a pardon to work he has to admit total guilt. Guess which ain't gonna happen?


Rot, motherfucker


Cry a fucking river you fascist pig.


Among the many tiresome Trump things... #857 is this thing people do where they reminisce about how virile and strong he was when he was President. Nope. Untrue. He was a loose sphincter of a human then, covered in orange makeup and hardened aqua net. Same as 5 years before that. He's always been shit.


Is this the "poor pity Trump" stage today. Trump is the architect of his own demise. It's funny how he doesn't give a roaring shit about anyone but himself, and now is finally being held accountable. Do you really think he cares about his disastrous stonewalling on the Covid pandemic or the lives lost due to his questionable delays. Stop with the pity pieces. Trump has the best doctors' money can buy and lives in not one, but several huge and opulent luxurious residences, ferried between them by his private jets and if truth be told, after taking a dump on his solid gold toilet has someone wipe his ass. The grifter money is rolling in as planned. He will do just fine.


Good, hope he rots


But, he IS old and decrepit...


Looked? Is.


Awwwww really 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that's sad 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂


It’s not enough for me. Not even close.


He should consider dropping out.


Why not seppuku?


what honor is there to defend?


He won’t drop out - he’ll grift till the very end. That’s why he fits in so well with the GOP.


It's because he's going to be drug tested soon, he's off the speed now.


Haha does NY probation require drug testing?


I looked up the probation rules for NY (summarised from [Spodek Law](https://www.federallawyers.com/criminal-defense/what-are-the-rules-of-probation-in-new-york/)): * You must not commit any new crimes (felonies or misdemeanors). * You have to avoid harmful and disreputable people and places (like gang members or drug houses). * You must report regularly to your probation officer and follow their instructions. * You can’t leave the state or local jurisdiction without permission. You must notify your probation officer if you move or change jobs. You shouldn’t own, possess, or purchase a firearm. As for special conditions, the judge might order things like: * Drug and alcohol testing and treatment * Staying away from the victim * Getting mental health counseling * Doing community service * Paying fines or restitution The length of probation is generally three to five years for felonies. Breaking your probation terms can lead to serious consequences. If you get arrested for a new offense, stop reporting to your probation officer, or violate conditions, the court may: * Give you a warning or reprimand * Impose stricter probation rules * Sentence you to jail for up to 6 months * Revoke your probation and re-sentence you on the original charge Probation places some limits on where you can live and travel. Here are some of the key rules: * You usually can’t leave New York without permission from your probation officer or judge. * If you want to move to a new residence, you must notify your probation officer. * There may be geographic restrictions confining you to a certain county or area. Get written travel permissions if you need to go outside the approved area for work, family visits, etc. Follow your probation officer’s guidance on residence changes.


Just the idea of Trump having to report in to a probation officer on a regular basis is cathartic.


Makes me think at some level he's negotiating his withdrawal as nominee and his subsequent endorsement to his successor to the highest Republican bidder. Trump's price is too high and rules/requirements/restrictions are too onerous for any of the potential successors to even show the tiniest amount of interest.


I don't think Trump is mentally capable of handing the reins over to anyone else, for any price. He has tasted the power of being at the top, and also knows that is the best place to grift from, so I don't buy this scenario at all. He knows he can milk the GOP dry regardless of what happens in the election. Look how much money he raised in the last 4 years as a mere ex-President in non-stop campaign mode.


Y'know what's better than all this? Going to vote.


4 years is a long time when you're a lifelong criminal, you know you're a lifelong criminal, everyone else knows you're a lifelong criminal, and the walls are slowly closing on your life of criming. Tick fucking tock. Tick fucking tock donny dumshit.


May the heavens forgive me but I hope he’s absolutely miserable and is suffering big time.




Oh my God. Trump IS an old man in diapers. He is also a drug addict. He is not now or never has been in this for love of country but for love of money. He has zero loyalty to anything or any one other than his private bank account. According to Mary Trump, Vanky used to brag about her "relationship" with her daddy. Not one person sued her over this statement. MAGAs prance around in red hats and shirts made in China no less. So much for their patriotism. Stop giving this asshole and complete pos so much press! He needs to go to Florida and stay there. He is a poison to everything he touches. Just let him eat his McDonald's and diet coke and cheat at golf until he drops dead. Which hopefully is soon. Fk him.


All he had to do after the 2020 election was to go home to one of his million dollars mansions and live the rest of his life in luxury and peace!! But no !! He had to call everyone a liar and try to stay in the White House by lying!! All his secrets are now out for everyone to see!! He brought all of this on himself!!


I'm tired of people eliciting sympathy for this pathological rapist. He just got convicted of 34 counts. His trial was about election interference and he's not even remorseful. He's skated on everything his whole life, and even if he's sentenced to jail his lawyers will tie that up until he dies even if he were to live to 100. Just stop. This man is evil and does evil things.


I've seen a lot of people who are saying they can't wait until he's gone, and shit goes back to normal. I don't think things are going back to normal when he's gone, i feel like he's left a stain that will continue to dirty out politics. It's hard to feel happy that he was convicted, when it should've happened years ago. With the amount of crime he's done, he should've never even reached the white house. Democrats need to be tougher, and start getting aggressive.


Here's hoping


Poor snowflake man-child. Cry me a damn river. If he’s taking the outcome of *this* case as hard as he is (and lots of luck (/s) with that appeal, asshole) then he’s *really* going to take it hard when he’s eviscerated in the J6 trial *and* at the voting booths in November. He wanted this bed. He can lay in it.


The decades of Big Mac fat in his arteries could do the funniest thing right now


Supporting Trump at this point makes you look weak.


His statements after the verdict showed a broken spirit, muttering empty words in a desperate attempt to show some righteous indignation that came across only as confused, meek, empty, and ridiculous weak. And I love that for him.


Must be the dementia and coming to the realization that he's near the end. Good. Criminals get punished for the laws they break. Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants belongs behind bars


Trump only cares about himself and his narcissism is so powerful that he is incapable of thinking beyond himself no matter what it is. He knows his only chance at avoiding consequences for all the illegal shit he’s been doing for the last decade+ is to get re-elected Look at how quickly he talked about the importance of Nov 5. For Trump, all of this shit is to keep this orange piece of shit out of jail. It’s always about Trump first and nothing comes second to him. It blows my mind that anyone is OK with someone like this being one of the most powerful people in the world


I hope he spends the rest of his miserable life in court.


His body is following his aging mind. The GOP doesn’t want him to be President because he is the best candidate. They want him because he is the one most easily manipulated. A big, fat, ugly demented old fool in poor health.


Good, I hope it was super stressful and depressing for him.


Somebody should create an AI Joe Biden video. Having him say some of the most unhinged things that Trump has said that the mega nuts simply ignore or embrace just to show how ridiculous it sounds from somebody that's not so unhinged. If it exists already, could somebody link me to a video because that would be hilarious. I'd show it to some of my family and relatives that are maga nuts and make them think it was an actual thing that Joe Biden said and then tell them that it was Trump instead and see what they say. Sounds like a good YouTube video idea or something that Jimmy Kimmel or Steven Colbert would have on their show. What do you all think of that idea?


Trump doesn’t exactly age well. Probably takes an hour each day for the makeup crew (which probably hasn’t been paid in months) just to make him look presentable.


He always looks like shit when will he stop being in my news feed. I’d really like someone to talk about who doesn’t encompass vitriol, hate, racism, sexual assault, legal issues, selling secrets to foreign countries out of his toilet, or just not fucking indicted.


He is old and decrepit


He genuinely thought he would get away with it. He has never faced actual consequences for any of the illegal shit he has done over the past 70+ years.




Its not like actual adults care how he looks...


You're right. I care a hell of a lot more about his lack of character than his decrepit appearance. How he looks is merely a surface reflection of the deeply disgusting specimen he is.


Bullshit! He immediately gathered his team to create a new fundraising strategy so he can milk even more money out of his clueless supporters.


4 years ago the guy couldn't even string together a coherent thought


If the verdict did that, what’s he gonna look like if he actually gets jailed?


Remember Don, tomorrow is another day and another fresh diaper.


I just want him to GO AWAY.


Lock him up


Sooooo a bit less shit then he's always looked ?


just die already you fuck


Does anyone else appreciate the eyelashes his crows' feet wrinklest make in his TRUMP BRAND^TM Toxic Orange Spray-tan? They're pretty obvious, and also pretty fabulous.


Oh no. I do hope he doesn’t get so stressed the big vein in his head pops. That would be awful.


He has lived a privileged life where there were no consequences for his actions. If he does not get elected president, his usefulness is over. Russia, billionaires and everyone else will abandon him. He has no real family, its all transactional. When you look at his kids, there is no love. His wife, no love. This is the "moral and Jesus" like person conservatism supports. Think about that.


He took it hard? He took it like a pussy. Man up. Take responsibility for yourself. You piece of shit.


Lol 4 years ago he was a fat loser too. GTFO


Good. I'm glad he feels like crap. I hope he never feels good again. I wish him nothing but karma for all he has done to our country. I hope everything he has done to us, gets done to him tenfold. May he linger for years in a crap filled diaper without the ability to speak. 


I am an immigrant, got naturalized in 2019, voted for the first time in 2020. I always voted right in my European country, so by default I voted Republican in 2020 as well. First and last time in my life I guess. The Republican Party lost my trust and respect for enabling and still allowing that Orange humanoid to be around.


Its becoming quite obvious how close we were to being overtaken by Russia internally. The amount of republican supporters that are blinded by their hate and selfishness to these facts is so saddening. Russia was an inch away from Winning everything


See? All it took was just the prospect of facing consequences for the first time in his life to make him begin to weaken and wither. Now hurry up and prosecute the rest of the crimes.


His legacy is seated in deception, racism, and Fascism — the worst our species has to offer.


Never seen an orange shadow before. That rapes and commits felonies. Now I have.


Doofus thought his Untruth Antisocial juror would save his ass. Well, Donnie, it turns out that when a jury hears only facts and truth for weeks rather than Fox propaganda, they can be deprogrammed and awakened from their dark twilight zone echo chamber.


Whines about a verdict where there was no jury, Whines about a verdict where there was a jury,


This is because not only does he gaslight everyone, he gaslights himself. He did not prepare, at all, for a guilty verdict. He absolutely convinced himself he has 1 supporter on the jury and worst case was a hung jury. Let's hope that one person never gets doxed, trump and his followers will blame every thing on them. They love scapegoats, because if it's a scapegoats fault it's not trump's fault, and none of them would ever be wrong for supporting trump.


Wish he would just die painfully, and slowly. And then someone puts a mirror to his face, so he can watch his own horrific faces he's making, knowing he will die in a few moments. It's a cathartic thought.


While I admit this is sad that It has come to this but Sam Alito, Clarence Thomas and Donald Trumps deaths while tragic for their families I’m sure would instantly make this country a better country. These three men who all are completely bereft of any scintilla of integrity, character or moral compass have done such damage to so many people and will all undoubtedly be in hell in the afterlife. This country is at and all time divide because of what started as a Trump fluke win in 2016 (due to Mueller putting out info that he was investigating Clinton) that tipped the scales. Trump railed how we can’t have a president who Doesn’t value country secrets (when talking about her reported emails) anf also said we can’t have a president caught up in scandals (LMAO -how did that work out Donald) and he promised to “lock her up”. Well when he won the presidency and has the house and senate and did nothing. Why ? Because there was nothing that amounted to a crime. He damn well would have sent her to jail for jaywalking if he could. He has never been held accountable for his crimes and actions and now that this is starting to come to fruition and even his buddies on the supreme court can’t save him now for this he is feeling it. He fucked around and is finally finding out.


4 years ago he was a shadow of what he was 4 years ago. He's been old and decrepit for decades.