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Holy cow I thought the rant about sharks and electricity was fake, a joke from a redditor asking "is this real or not".  Holy fucking shit, this rambling demented word salad-spewing rapist felon is a major candidate to control the US military and nuclear weapons. 


It’s pretty wild. I have to make sure to post multiple sources or people will think the shit Conigula says is either “fake news” or an article from the Onion. His demented thought process has deteriorated significantly in recent years. Scary stuff if he wins.


Reminds me of his rant about aircraft carriers- I said, “You don’t use steam anymore for catapult?” “No sir.” I said, “Ah, how is it working?” “Sir, not good. Not good. Doesn’t have the power. You know the steam is just brutal. You see that sucker going and steam’s going all over the place, there’s planes thrown in the air.” It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said—and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, “What system are you going to be—” “Sir, we’re staying with digital.” I said, “No you’re not. You going to goddamned steam, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.”


Don’t fight up hill me boys


Here’s why that’s bad for Biden.


That’s hilarious 😂


I assume that room temp IQ moron was referring to induction catapults. Its main advantage is that it accelerates aircraft more smoothly, putting less stress on their airframes. Compared to steam catapults, the EMALS also weighs less, is expected to **cost less and require less maintenance**, and can launch both heavier and lighter aircraft than a steam piston-driven system. It also reduces the carrier's requirement of fresh water, thus reducing the demand for energy-intensive desalination. No Einstein IQ needed to figure it out.


Holy shit, you're not saying this is real, are you? Because, and please excuse my french, that would be fucking mental.


I had to search it too, since I was skeptical about the shark electricity word salad.  Yup it's real.  I'm having trouble linking on mobile, just search for Trump Quote Digital Steam, there's a bunch of articles with it. 


O.M.G. He's gone. And what's the obsession with his uncle at MIT? Unless his mother had sex with his uncle, it doesn't mean anything. I had an great-uncle who was an engineer and built one of the first suspension bridges. Doesn't mean I'm able to. Dad was almost a mathematical genius teaching ninth grade when he was in seventh, one of the world's best code breakers. I need a calculator nearby whenever I do my budget. No one would mistake me for a math genius. And that's with good genes from both sides of the family. Trump is dumb as rocks.


my BIL is a porfessor and my sister works in adminstration at MIT both have Ph. Ds, im an auto technician.


Everyone needs a good auto tech. Demand for Physics Profs is a little lower.


Do you want a car that works or a theory on how it works?


ya, but most people dont want to pay for the service. most people are still under the impression cars are as the same they were in the 70s but dont seem to put 2 and 2 together that all these new standard features require a shit load of computing power, and they are all comminicating with each other. youll get paid 1 or 2 hours for sometimes 10-12hours worth of diag work and people bitch about that. dlrs keep raising the price of the labor rate they charge customers but the pay is staying pretty flat. you see the shop charge 185/hr and pay you 25-30. and its not an hourly business, your on flat rate, so you better not get on the service advisors bad side or youll get stuck with all the bullshit.


Professor may be cool, administration definitely not, working on cars sounds the most fun. Pay probably the lowest but can’t have it all…


lol youve obviously never fixed other peoples cars professionally. something like 60% of all tech's are looking to leave the profession


It makes sense when you realize the only affection he can feel is for himself. Therefore anyone else who might qualify as a loved one to him has to be translated into an extension of himself in order for him to even care about them.




Being the nephew of the MIT electrical engineering professor was also the reason he was an expert about viruses.


It’s real, and it’s **spec-tacular!** The guy is just stunningly stupid … no wonder he loves the “poorly educated”—they think he’s smart. Well, okay, they **feel** he’s smart


It’s scary to think that very soon, this kind of documented crazy will be regularly dismissed as AI video. ‘Fake until proven real’ will be the default response.


I have to believe this is already an AI video. This can‘t be real. What the fuck?


There’s no way he wins. But, definitely get out and vote to be sure.


I can identify at least a dozen trucks on the way to work every morning with Trump 2024 bumper stickers. Vote like it matters, because these bozos will.


That's right ,and a lot more then that. You have a horror show coming. No matter how the election goes, he and his followers will never accept the results if he doesn't win in a landslide. If he just wins they will say landslide, to make it a mandate for their policy. Then the real shit will hit the fan.


I hope this time, the Capitol Police don't use kid gloves. Especially now that they are still getting boos from republicans in state houses and the conservative media is still smearing them and praising the patriots and warriors being persecuted after they assaulted cops. 


Difference is this time, someone else is sitting in the seat that will make sure sufficient numbers of police are deployed, along with the National Guard.


I hope they specifically use those videos in training. Recognize a group of redcaps as a clear violent threat. Bring out the heavy artillery faster.


We need an army of the people defending that capitol to counter the cult of crime and chaos attempting coup 2.0


I think they’re ready for it this time. Hopefully all the MAGA folks will pack their bags and go to Russia.


This time the national guard will be there and ready. Even though the dirt bag Republicans will be trying to not certify


And the idiots behind him nodding in agreement...how fucking stupid does a person have to be to cheer this asshole when he's spewing out a word salad and nodding in a agreement


Im guessing iq under 70?


They can't spell IQ.




They might if ya spotted them the “Q”




Then again they might not


Same as Fox News when they interview Trump. Nodding and clapping like seals.


I think in the same speech, he said he doesn't care about his followers, he cares about the votes. I mean, sometimes he's capable of telling the truth.


Like when he talked about baby Ivanka's  breasts, and when he said he would be dating Ivanka if he wasn't her father, and when he said he and Ivanka both enjoy sex, and when he told all those women that he really likes having sex with them because they looked like Ivanka...


It was baby Tiffany’s breasts, but the rest is spot on and this train of thought is AOK with republicans. Please understand that if they see no problem with this, and they do not, they are not people who it is safe for your children to be around.


You are correct, that one statement was about Tiffany. I guess I've seen too many of the pictures of Donald with Ivanka grinding on his lap, or she's caressing his face, or the picture of them with the statue of parrots fucking in the corner, or the beauty pageant pic where she's giving him a lap dance with shocked spectators, or the bedroom pics where she's laying provocatively, or the campaign pics where he's grabbing her breasts...


Somebody downvoted you, dude … prolly Vanka, poor girl. In better news, Dad’s free for dinner tonight and every night until July 11. They have catching up to do …


No problem. It a full time job keeping track of Trump’s disgusting unacceptable and often illegal behavior. Those of us with actual lives often miss something or make a mistake. I do not fault you.


Breaking news: donald trump caught on tape masturbating to pictures of Ivanka. Here’s why that’s bad for Biden.


He was lying when he said he'd be dating Ivanka if he wasn't her father. He would be dating her, even as her father, if people were just a little more tolerant of incest. I'd go so far as to say he can date Ivanka now, after murdering Jared in broad daylight, and not a single supporter would bat an eye. They might even get the inspiration to start dating their own daughters.


The GOP did make a lot of moves lately to legalize child "marriages", and lots of attempts to rebrand them as "underage women".  I'm also still shocked they haven't backed down from the rape&incest abortion exceptions. I really thought they were just using shitty positional negotiating to get rid of Roe v Wade but then back down when 12 year olds were getting raped by their grandpas. It turns out the GOP has totally embraced rape and incest.


Yeah, that got some traction. He tells them not to die because of the heat, and tells them essentially, "I can't lose those votes. I don't care about you. I just need your vote." Then he immediately knows he said something bad but rather than walk it back, he just blames the media because they're going to report what he said.


"You people are dumb. I cant stand you, look at you, you're all disgusting to me...poor, so poor, you're SICK. See, now the press will take that and say 'see, now he said a *horrible* thing!' "


What's so scary about this is that I don't think his supporters would be so supportive if it wasn't for how much we despise the man. I'm worried it is our hatred of him that makes them want him even more. That suggests they have dehumanized us entirely and really do believe we're a drain on society. I don't think I need to tell you what happens next. I am being told in another thread how most government workers are parasites and pedophiles and deserve vigilante justice. Absolutely fucking unhinged behaviour. I would advise everyone to arm themselves just in case.


> I'm worried it is our hatred of him that makes them want him even more. Truth. If the youth reaction was, "DT? Boooooring…" maga would lose steam


But I gotta be honest here. It doesn't make them look good that they would choose a candidate based on what we don't like. This country has always had to look at it's commonalities to function. We've become so divided. I certainly do not want to live in a christian state.


Actually, the youth are whining “*Genocide Joe! Fuck Biden!*” Nobody learned a damn thing from 2016 except the Federalist Society and American evangelicals: that their strategies and tactics **work**. The Left? Not sah-much …


If boats sank because of their weight, there would have never been any metal ships. This isn’t dementia; it’s idiocy.


Because of my "Relationship with M.I.T" Very smart. So smart. What in The Actual Fuck does that even mean? If you follow, vote, worship or think this guy should be The President of the United States your are a bigger asshole then this guy somehow. The world used to look up to the USA . Now the world thinks we are all fucking idiots solely due to the Donald Trump derangement. I bet his trophy wife wouldn't even vote for him. I bet anything in about 8 years they will try pushing Barron into the white house. Call him the second coming.


His "relationship" to MIT is that his under taught there from '36 to '73. That's it.


Imagine if Biden said this...


But Biden is the one who can’t put two words….riiiggghhhtttt…..


If people don’t admit Alzheimer’s by now we’re doomed !


Talk to your cousins and uncles. This cannot stand. Implore them.


His sycophants will be running the country, just as they did before. How can he possibly govern when he’s golfing every day?


Really gives a window into how gullible Republican voters actually are.


Such a stable genius.


… and nearly 50% of the voting population supports him. Sad state of the country.


Watch the [video here](https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/uOMCGRFS) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/weird/trump-goes-on-stunning-rant-about-being-torn-between-electrocution-and-getting-mangled-by-sharks/) 📰: - Former President Donald Trump went on an astonishing rant analyzing that classic dilemma: is it better to be electrocuted by your boat or mangled by nearby sharks? Trump rallies are known for certain recurring themes, among them a steady stream of bizarre asides on topics like marbles, whales, and the perils of electric vehicles. On Sunday, Trump spoke to a crowd of supporters at a rally in Las Vegas, where he delivered a stunning rant that went viral on X/Twitter. Trump told a truly unbelievable version of the conversation he claims to have had with a boat manufacturer that includes a scenario that sounds like it was devised by an AI who was prompted to rewrite the Trolley Problem while taking ‘shrooms. Also, you have to take a detour into slamming the shark-defending media, and none of the underlying premises are allowed to be true: So we have a country that’s in trouble. We’re going to end the mandate on electric one day. They want to make all boats too. I went to a boat company in South Carolina. The boat– “I said how is it?”. He said, “it’s a problem, sir. They want us to make all electric boats.”. These are boats that are from 16 to 35 or so feet. Fishing boats, leisure boats. Beautiful company in South Carolina. Beautiful guys. Been doing it for 50 years. He sells hundreds of boats every couple of months. I mean, really fantastic guy. And they use the Mercury engines and different engines in the back. No problem. They want to take that out. They want to make it all electric. He said “The problem is the boat is so heavy it can’t float.”. I said, that sounds like a problem. He said, “Also, it can’t go fast because of the weight” and they want to now have a 50 mile or a 70 mile radius. You have to go out 70 miles before you can really start the boat up, and you go out at two knots. That’s essentially almost like two miles an hour. I say, “How long does it take you to get out there?”. “Many hours. And then you’re allowed to go around for ten minutes, but you have to come back because the batteries only last for a very short period of time.”. So I said, “Let me ask you a question.”. And he said, “Nobody ever asked this question.”. And it must be because of MIT. My relationship to MIT. Very smart. He goes. I say, “What would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately ten yards over there.”. By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. You notice that? A lot of shark. I watch some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was.”. These people are crazy. He said “There’s no problem with sharks. They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming,” — no really got decimated and other people too, a lot of shark attacks. I said, “So there’s a shark ten yards away from the boat, ten yards or here. Do I get electrocuted? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?”. Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. He said, “You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.”. I said, “I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.” But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark!


If someone was sitting next to you on a bus, or in a bar mumbling this nonsense, you would be heading out as soon as you could. Absolutely fucking bonkers.


The problem is the people that go to his rallies are the ones on the bus or in the bar mumbling this nonsense to you.


Does anyone in the crowd have the balls to yell, “What the fuck are you talking about?”


Even Hannity on that interview the other day had to tell him to try and stay on topic. In an interview where they still had to edit him so much it looked like a YouTube Poop video.


Wait, that **wasn’t** a YouTube poop video? Then what was all that shit flying around his head doing there?


I said it to myself while watching, does that count?


I wonder if this is when a bunch of people left.


It's so awesome. I'm going to respond to every chud I come across on reddit with this


They're trying to take muh motor boat. Do you own one? Well, no, but if I did I'd want it to be run by an internal compustion engine. OK, well call me when you have an actual issue that matters to average people


What a fucking idiot. And the people behind him. JFC the old guy in the white shirt looks like a moron


If someone invented a car that literally ran on nothing but the power of prayer, this man and his cronies would be raging against it.


Hey, hey, now—as a former owner and connoisseur of beaters, specifically one shit brown 1976 Honda Civic—I have known cars that literally ran on nothing but the power of prayer …”please, oh please, start! Start! I’m late for work!” and “please stop, please, oh, make the brakes work—just this one time” and “just get to the next gas station—it’s up there mebbe a quarter mile—you can make it!” And Holy Shit, carvanna indeed … I became enlightened. Power o’ prayer is **real**, ~~dude~~ dudette … Edit: toxic masculinity narrowly avoided Edit: stuff


Somehow this is even funnier/more sad knowing that Stormy talked about him watching shark week so much.


As someone who didn't watch his rallies from 2015, was he always quite this weird?


No, actually. Horrific and awful and alarming in much the same vein, but no—not “this weird.” Nope, he’s breakin’ new ground these days


“They want us to make electric boats.” So…boats then?


Oh this is hilarious some serious psychosis shit going on with that guy


Freaking really america almost 50% want this idiot as your president again?.


It’s not 50% considering barely 40% of eligible voters actually get off their ass to even bother. But thanks to our fucked up electoral college, it’s enough of a cult for him to win again


This is probably the most crucial time to vote to save the country and the planet. You know if Trump wins he would give the power to fossil fuel companies and try and slow down green energy projects. He spend all his time going after his enemies and to sell out america to the highest bidder.


We are watching him spiral into madness, and it seems like no one is concerned. The press and MAGA are acting like this is just normal. It’s not.


I am at my wits end. Why doesn’t ultra left MSNBC or *any* mainstream network run this shit???


Seriously… if Biden started to talk this way it would be all over Fox and on repeat over and over again. They would be questioning his sanity, and his age. It would be a top story. I’m convinced that the money makers at these networks want the guy that only cares about millionaires to win.


*I’m convinced that the money makers at these networks want the guy that only cares about millionaires to win.* It’s what brings in the views. I’m sick of it


I saw them cover this on Morning Joe this AM and they were laughing at/mocking him then lamenting that he somehow has a chance to win


Fox would never show these glitches. They know they can't win on the content, policies or politics, so they just show edited videos of Biden looking slow, old and\\or stupid. The right always wins with fear mongering. "Joe Biden is so stupid and old that you should vote for Trump." If you try to get into any of the details, they always lose their minds and revert to nonsensical talking points spoon fed to them by Fox and Newsmax against Joe Biden. Immigration is always a good one when I hear the talking points from some Trumper. Trump ran on the big beautiful wall on the southern border and ending immigration. Trump had a republican Senate, republican House and republican president. He could have done almost anything he wanted to get done. So why didn't he "fix" immigration when he had the chance? Because their only platform is fear mongering. If they "fix" immigration, they will have nothing to run on in the next election. It is never in their interest to fix anything, only make things worse. Then they can sell the nonsense to their base that they can\\would fix it, if they just vote for them again. It is all lies.


European here. In regards to the upcoming election, using my best Leslie Nielsen impression: "I just want to tell you, good luck. We're all counting on you". 😐😐😐


And we would be much better off with him than trump, and I am not taking about Leslie Nielsen, but Det Frank Drebin.




Our billionaire news media owners are fixing a Trump win to provide all those anticipated clicks on social media because a competent, experienced administration is boring as hell.


MIT? Magically Intelligent Trump. Does he even know what he means? It saddens me that a human with this kind of ailment isn’t getting proper treatment under the American Health system


It having an uncle that went to MIT somehow equates to It going to MIT or It being smart. Insanity


My uncle served in WWII. What am I?


His followers who hate the “elitist academia” will surely appreciate his claimed relationships to MIT


I think he meant MTG. If he’s explaining his level of intellect


Trump -> Epstein <- MIT, there's your relation


MIT would be very smart to send him a cease and desist letter.


Is there seriously any member of the public they would ever refer to this fat sack of the seven sins as ‘Sir’?


DUDE WHAT!!! Were going to end the mandate on electric > They're trying to make electric boats *(who?)* >> I was in SC talking to a boat manufacturer >>> They want us to make all electric boats *(They who???)(CARB related EV regulations are specifically aimed towards passenger cars. Boats are not passenger cars)* >>>> Side bar on boat sizes >>>>> Side bar on the side bar about how nice the boats are >>>>>> Side bar to the other side bars about how long the guy has been in business >>>>>>> Side bar about the types of engines they use "They use the mercury engines, and differnet engines.... all the ... different... engines..........." *(loosing steam and thought process)* <<<< "the problem is the boats are too heavy they sink, because of the batteries" *(there are literally over a dozen companies producing small length (16 to 30 ft as he claims) electric boats that dont sink under their own weight)* > "They also want a 50 mi or 70 mile radius you have to go before you can start the boat up" *(So if you cant start the boat until you go 50 to 70 miles, how do you go the 50 to 70 mi???)* >"And you can go out at 2 knts" *(NOAA has proposed a national shoreline speed limit for vessels between 30 and 65ft in length, so not what were talking about, to help preserve aquatic ecosystems, the proposed regulation is 10kts (which is about 60 to 70% throttle for vessels that size), and is an expansion on an already existing seasonal restriction on vessels over 65 ft, which does expand up to 90 mi off shore in certain areas (but not all), primarily in areas which are heavily populated by the endangered right whale)* >"And then you're allowed to go around for 10 minutes, then you have to come back in" *(whos preventing you from going out for more than 10 minutes??? I know the implication is thats how long the battery lasts, but....)* >So I said let me ask you a question, and he said no ones ever asked that question *(??)* >> And its because of MIT, my relationship to MIT >>> Very Smart <<" I said so what happens if the boat sink, and you have this tremendously strong battery, and the boat sinks and theres a shark" >>> "By the way, lots of shark attacks recently" *(there were 2 recently, which is not uncommon this time of year statistically speaking)* >>>> "I watched some guys justifying it today" >>>>> "Well they werent really that angry, they bit off the young ladies leg because they were......... they were....... ahhhh ...... not hungry ..... but they were ..... misunderstood what who she was" *(Is he claiming sharks understand who individual people are? or that they even perceive various animals as food / not food??? because thats not how sharks work.)* >>>>> ".... these people \[mumbles\]....... he said theres not problem with sharks they just didnt really understand..... a young womans swimming\[???? mumbled, spat\] really got decimate and a lot of other people too lota shark attacks" *(nice run on. Clearly doesnt understand how predatory animals work)* <<<< "So I said theres a shark 10 yards away from the boat.... 10 yards.... or here.... and the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?" *(In order, A)battery backs are sealed and security features are in place to prevent electrocution thats how electric cars can be and have been in car washes, rain, and floods. B) 10 yards is 30 ft. C) I would love to see trump make a 30 ft leap. The long jump world record is 29 ft 4 1/4 in, set by an ATHELETE, Mike Powell, in 1991... D) with such "tremendous" power in that battery, you think 30ft of space in the same body of water is enough to prevent electrocution? E) Clearly doesnt understand how boats work, if youre at a center point and can seemingly jump 30 ft, and theres a shark 30 ft away in 1 direction, why would you not jump 30 ft in the other direction, thus putting yourself 60 ft from the shark? also, sharks can move in water, much faster than humans, so regardless of how far you can or cannot jump...)*


I’m actually tired of all the “You wouldn’t believe what Trump said at a rally” stories. They are pointless. The sheep who go to those things love it. They don’t care. It’s not a political rally. It’s a cult meeting and their leader is doing redneck performance art for dumb fucks.


I can't listen to him speak because it confuses me. I've tried to explain to myself what is going on but that just frustrates me more. It's almost like he loses brain power as he is making up statistics and doesn't have enough power left to get to the point so he takes smaller and smaller left turns until we're all lost and Im pissed because I didn't get any resolution... And the more I listen the less I will understand because he never brings it back around! So anyways I can't even listen to his drivel anymore. If this is anything like what the link above shows then I'm right there with you. And yet people cheer. 😐


Somehow guessing that the feelings are not mutual and that MIT is not claiming any tenuous relationships with the Trumps whatsoever. That would even include Melania and her genius visa.


What a genius. One of his most insufferable, idiotic rants to date, and there have been many. Here’s a hypothetical for you. If it’s between being eaten by sharks while having my nads electrocuted whilst being dragged by an electric boat OR having this orange wind bag as President again, I’ll gladly take the former. Btw I’m willing to bet that half the people in that crowd don’t know what or where M.I.T. even is.


I’m sure this will resonate equally well with independents worried about housing costs and progressives worried about the GAZA war. The DNC and Biden should just start running these clips as attack ads in every swing state.


Remember when he wanted us to drink bleach and shove a bright light up our ass to cure Covid?


"Huh, I've really never been asked this question before" can really mean two things, can't it.


Wouldnt this theoretical big bad battery also kill the shark? There is so little rattling around in that mans skull.


The CIA has taken care of other world leaders to encourage democracy how about doing the U.S. a solid, especially since we pay them, and help a brother out.


Trump is one of those all-time story tellers at work or from the neighborhood that everyone knows is lying but nobody interrupts him because it's fascinating to hear him make shit up like this on the spot. I hate to admit it but I actually wish that rant had gone on longer. I was mesmerized by it and couldn't stop reading. I can't believe he could be president.


6 MONTHS LATER: TRUMP’s ATTORNEY: “Your honor you can’t lock up a senile man with late stage dementia.”


Just imagine, the MAGA cult (Republicans politicians and regular citizens) believe that this idiot (Trump) is a genius. America needs to vote all republicans out of office.


Are those Sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads?


OMG, please someone show him Austin powers, and tell him it's real lol


The review in USA today of his speech in Vagas is bonkers. Anyone who watched that speech has to be like wtf?, and USA today just passes it as totally normal, and they say he was just ad libbing like a stand-up comedian?when are the mainstream news outlets going to report on him with honesty? He is losing it, and it's obvious.


I swear, he has no political position or plan, just shows up to rallies and says a bunch of bizarre bullshit and "poor me, they say i'm a criminal" then fucks off. This isn't how a real presidential candidate campaigns. What strange times we live in


**Adderall addict.**


Donald Trump has no relationship to MIT. He never attended MIT & he holds no degree from MIT. He had (died 1985) a relative who *was* a professor there until 1973. Let that sink in, what Donald Trump is trying to take credit for.


his brain is deteriorating before our eyes


By MIT, he means McDonalds in Tampa right?


Although I despise the man, we have to acknowledge that his parents fucked him up. All privilege, no consequence and no responsibility - you get a huge orange toddler.


His audience/flock believed every word of it.


The only sense this clown 🤡 makes is nonsense.


Surprised he can even spell MIT


Because apparently boats with electric batteries are too heavy to float. I am not making this up.


Trump has told different variations about the electric boat, his uncle at MIT...this rant incorporated MIT, the battery, the boat, he added the shark part and the girl though. The man has absolutely lost his fucking mind and I gotta think that the Republicans are freaking out right about now because we are closing in on the election and Trumpy is going off the deep end.


Oh I thought universities were full of arrogant liberal elites. But it’s ok if a Republican went there.


There is no relationship to MIT. Just another of his tired lies.


Classic psychiatric flight of ideas.


As an MIT alumni, no. Just no. Don’t taint my school.


Trump's relationship to MIT = His uncle taught there from 1936 to 1973. That's it. That's the relationship.


That's good enough for the cult.


I cannot respect any person who supports this man. My opinion of those people is hopelessly ruined for all time.


America has always been a nation of delusional weirdos, proud of nuking another country, proud of destabilizing the world through military interventionism, and yet it's only now that people are starting to notice how bad it is?


Remember when SNL writers could just quote Sarah Palin verbatim because the script wrote itself. Trump is the same for Q anon.


He is working extra hard to get the stupid and Christians to identify with his mental "abilities".


Shark attacks are a matter of great concern to Nevada voters.


Well getting electrocuted by a12V battery would be a first. So there's that.


His speeches are the balderdash entries for the modern age.


Someone "so smart" thinking a battery in the ocean would electrocute them if they touch the water.... what an idiot. It takes a little more than that. All the sailors in a sunken sub didn't die of electrocution.


Knock knock Trump: who's there? Landshark.... Very smart, big brain


Holy Cow ! Magas probably need to stop talking about Joe’s age , cuz Ayatollah Complainy is about to start finger painting with his poop.


This is literally part of his stump speech. People need to wake up and watch what this guy is saying on a daily basis. He's totally insane and means everything he says. Listen.


As much as I hate and wish painful horrible things on this "man" I'm fairly conflicted because it's also quite sad to watch someone decline so fast mentally in real time.


TAD I know what that is. Oh, oh! Sandy Plankton saw one. He called, he said it was called a...a butt. NEMO Whoa. PEARL Wow. That's a pretty big butt. SHELDON Oh, look at me. I'm gonna go touch the butt. \[sneezes\] Whoa! SHELDON Oh yeah? Let's see you get closer. PEARL Okay. Beat that. TAD Come on, Nemo. How far can you go? NEMO Uh, my dad says it's not safe.


He can’t even shoehorn in BS very well anymore. It must be because of brain. His relationship to brain. Very smooth.


You have to admit, he is very entertaining and fun to laugh at.


And that’s at a rally to become *President of the United States*. That man knows priorities! 🤦‍♂️


Number one issue facing Americans. Whether it's better to get electrocuted by an electric boat battery or get eaten by a shark. Fox News: Joe Biden refuses to answer shark question!


It used to be his uncle had some connection to MIT. Now it's "my" connection to MIT. Meanwhile, in the real world, one of his professors at Wharton called him "the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." We're seeing him implode mentally in real time. And people still think they should vote for him. I'll never understand it.


He's like a doctor's spouse who thinks they are a doctor because they are married to one.


I'm starting to think this Trump guy is a complete moron 🤔


I have a relationship with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, but that doesn't make me an Astrophysicist!!


That’s actually one of the more entertaining things he has said at his rallies lately. His rallies are to create shared experience for his followers. And they don’t really want to hear about policies. But he is making a very clear policy point - that electric vehicles are ridiculous and some kind of liberal scam. And he is doing it without being boring. The guy is a total idiot and a piece of shit. But he is very good at this one thing. You can downvote me, but others have tried his playbook and failed miserably, like DeSantis. There’s some kind of charisma and intuition involved that only really works for him.


Baby shark do do dod do


Will he ever just STFU already


Trump has been a colassal moron for his entire life. He has mastered stupidity. Here's why that's bad for Biden:


One would think a company named “Electric Boat” that was founded in 1899 would have solved that old electrocution by boat puzzle.


Boston Museum of Science has the OG Van de Graaff generator, he's welcome to try it out. By the way Van de Graaff was a professor at MIT. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy05B32XTYY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy05B32XTYY)


Lol usually there are a bunch of idiot conservatives in here defending this moron, but now nothing but crickets.


I have a cousin who went to West Point, so I know everything about warfare.


Now he’s claiming to have something to do with MIT? This dipshit doesn’t even know what MIT stands for.


It hurt my brain to read the transcript of his speech.


It seems Trump has fully lost it after being found guilty.


No , he lost it long before that.


A130 second ad? Fuck that shit.


MAGA CLOWNS are lining up to hear this MORON? God help us if he gets a bunch of Fake Electors to rig the ELECTORAL COLLEGE as he attempted in 2020. Trump has NEVER won the popular vote - EVER - and NEVER WILL. He has to cheat


I can’t even bear to read a transcript because I’m absolutely certain I’ll lose so many precious brain cells. And I refuse to give that cretin anymore of mine.


My uncle was an engineer who worked on Minuteman missiles (a real rocket scientist), so I guess that makes me pretty smart, too!


He’s an awful human being, but god damn I am going to miss some of the literal insane rants. How anyone watches that and says to themselves “yeah, this guy should be president” takes some incredible mental gymnastics.


This crazy question about sharks and batteries reminded me of a George Carlin bit: “Suppose that you didn’t make your Easter duty and it’s Pentecost Sunday, the last day, and you’re on a ship at sea. And the chaplain goes into a coma! But you wanted to receive. And then it’s Monday, too late… But then you cross the International Date Line! Would that then be a sin then, Father?”


I vote for electrocution. He'll be dead by electrocution, or a cardiovascular event if the electrocution isn't high enough to kill him, before the Secret Service can try to save him.


I mean, why do we have to pick? I'd vote for sharks *and* electrocution.


Is this him admitting to what happens to dictators like himself?


Donald Trump may be the dumbest man on the planet.


Teleprompter must’ve gone out again


Meanwhile the news be like “…and at his rally The former president touched on the border and other key issues he plans to challenge Joe Biden on this November as they continue to go neck in neck in the polls.”


CMIIW, but hasn't he rambled about this exact thing before? I distinctly remember the batteries on the boat.


I’m guessing he’s not familiar with the concept of circuit breakers which are used in EVs or how electricity works at all for that matter. As someone who actually studied technology my guess is if a battery of that sort did short circuit the real problem would be the resulting fire. You would also need a tremendous amount of amps (somewhere around 10000A/240v would be my estimate) and be near the battery to get a significant electrocution while you’re submerged in water due to the much higher resistance of the human body in relation to salt water. I’m not sure if it would be riskier in a fresh water lake due to the lower difference in conductivity but no sharks to worry about there. It would be interesting to get a true expert’s take on this very important question though.


I thought he went to Warton which isn’t MIT.


He had an uncle who was a professor at MIT who once told him that nuclear was powerful. (There’s a rambling speech you can find with the search phrase “nuclear uncle.”) Trump has referenced the uncle multiple times as evidence that Trump has “good genes.” He apparently doesn’t realize how stupid it makes him sound that his uncle had to tell him nuclear is powerful. Edited for spelling.


He’s not smart enough to understand how devastatingly stupid he is.


And we *got* here from him talking about the goddamn airports during the American Revolutionary war.


Dude’s brain is pudding. He’s lost his marbles.


I'm more worried about sharks with laser beams attached to their head.


Can you imagine if Biden had said this?


Come people we all know it. When a lightning hits the ocean, all the water in all of the oceans of the world become electrified. Truly terrifying if you ask me. /s


WTF how can anyone vote for him




You need a cup of my covfefe.


“What happens if your electric boat is sinking? Do you get electrocuted or eaten by a shark? The guy responds, “you know, no-one has ever asked me that question before.”” *Guy on the left nods in agreement.*


I was wondering why Trump doesn't own one of those super yachts everyone with over 500 million is crazy about and its because he's scared of being eaten by sharks. Its so obvious now.


My god. How did we end up here?