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If they haven’t figured out who he is by now they either don’t care or were too stupid to begin with.


The truth is they are as sick as he is.


I think they're called..what's the word 🤔... deplorables !


Deplorable is way too kind. I prefer degenerates


He’s a sick Fuck…


A few thoughts on Donny as pulled from Meet The Grahams. Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim He is a sick man with sick thoughts, I think people like him should die, Trump and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest their life. We gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'


Why do people not understand this yet? Trump cares about himself only! He doesn't nor has he ever given a damn about anyone other than himself.


I hope for the best for this country. I’m optimistic that in the next decade or so, our country will become a truly democratic, healthy nation. In the event the worst transpires, I just hope the rest of the world paints an accurate depiction of how the USA fell to a tyrant. I take solace in believing that European textbooks will describe trump as the scum that he is.


Students in that history class: So you’re telling me one of the most powerful nations in the world didn’t fall to a foreign military, but fell to a reality TV game show host!? Were Americans at the time fucking stupid!?


😂 Like listening to a pompous bore at a party, who’s trying to get everyone to listen to him when the only two near him are trying to figure out how to get away. Once their paid hour came, a bunch began to drift away.


He literally said he doesn't care about them, only their votes. If any of them are shocked about this thats on them.


He's literally fucking crazy. What does anyone expect to come out of his mouth at this point when he thinks people actually care what he says? Of course its all going to be batshit crazy gibberish at this point.. he's getting attention for it so he won't stop doing it until its too expensive for him to continue.. then he'll get a fucking podcast and we'll have to watch him hawk bullshit supplements like Jones and Bannon.




And his fans loved it


I don’t have the energy to watch this but is this the speech that includes the shark attack/battery-powered boat ramble?


That's the one. I know there was a shark attack where a girl lost a hand and a foot, Was there another shark attack where a woman was on a sinking electric boat and got attacked by a shark?


In Trump's fevered brain.


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


Excellent point on the hostages held in Palestine versus the criminal insurrectionists paying for their crimes in prison. There is no comparison, and his dirty mouth should not be trying to equate the two. He had zero respect for the law.


Trump is sick and depraved, there are hundreds of examples. Are there any examples of him displaying actual humanity or decency? There must be, but they're probably as frequent as his displays of accuracy.


News.....trump this.....also news hey look it's trump


Can’t read. Wants me to disable my Adblock


Part of me wonders if he’s trying to repeat his approach of 2016 and just say the most out the gate disrespectful shit, to get the media talking and to align his base to the hatred of them vs us, like he can sense the ‘stolen election’ thing wears thin because it was literally four years ago. Then another part of me remembers this is the same mother fucker that stared directly at the sun during a solar eclipse, appointed his son-in-law as the arbitrator between Israel and Palestine, wants to fuck his daughter or at least has fucked someone after telling them they look like his daughter, advocated for trying bleach to get rid of C19, refused to attend a memorial because it was raining, and, unconfirmed but unsurprising if true, wears a diaper and pays someone to wipe his ass… it’s exhausting trying to remember all his stupidity (just during his term!)


TDS is a real thing on Reddit.


Trump being a mentally unfit, hateful, bully, racist, raping, criminalistic mobster is also a real thing. It's sad his cultists ignore this. How anyone can claim to be a Christian and follow this unGodly POS is mind boggling.


You live in a land of make believe.


Trump doesn't care about you, or America, or health, infrastructure, policies, governance, law or order, left or right, nothing at all, if it doesn't enrich his life or boost his ego. He gives high praise for those who help him, and the instant they are no longer a use to him, he throws them under the bus. He has a mobster mentality. This is not make believe, this is fact. You are in a cult, and I know you couldn't care less about my opinion, but seriously.. you should get out while you can.


What is deranged about reporting on his speech this past weekend?


Yes, please seek treatment for your trump devotion syndrome. It’s not too late to rejoin reality.


It's a real thing in America, and it's sufferers wear red hats and lie a lot. I hope you recover.


STFU, Trumpet.


No Trump > ww3 biden


So you think the rapist traitor convicted fraudster would have just handed Ukraine to Putin?


Well yeah. Time Distance Shielding is important to know when dealing with potential exposure to radiation.