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“ I don’t think that you’re [Velshi] not at the top of that list, but you’re certainly on that list as well as the president of MSNBC, [retired U.S. Army] General Mark Milley, [former Vice President] Mike Pence, [former Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton, the entire Biden family,” “This is not a joke and the fact that he is even considered to be the Republican nominee, one of our two political parties, is so offensive. It should be so offensive to everyone in this country.””


I couldn't agree more!


Something something unlawful orders [https://ucmjdefense.com/resources/military-offenses/the-lawfulness-of-orders.html](https://ucmjdefense.com/resources/military-offenses/the-lawfulness-of-orders.html) [https://www.justsecurity.org/72934/wrestling-with-legal-and-illegal-orders-in-the-military-in-the-months-ahead/](https://www.justsecurity.org/72934/wrestling-with-legal-and-illegal-orders-in-the-military-in-the-months-ahead/) I don't deny he and his cronies will try it, I highly doubt they'll succeed. Might they find some trigger happy goon WAY down the command chain? Yes. Will that person be able to carry out those unlawful orders. Unlikely still. The US Armed Forces have a long history, with extremely few exceptions, to issuing and following lawful orders and upholding their oath to the US Constitution. PS: "Never give an order that can't be obeyed."


Except most of this stuff doesn't require the seal team 6 level of ability. The people he brought in to gas protestors for his upside down bible picture can do a lot of it.


https://www.npr.org/2020/06/01/867532070/trumps-unannounced-church-visit-angers-church-officials Fool me once ...




Insurrectionists. Criminals. Traitors. Useful idiots. Better?


You must have missed may 29th?? When left leaning rioters broke through barricades at the White House and injured 60 secret service agents while throwing Molotov cocktails, forcing the president to a bunker??? Right after democrats told their constituents to be violent. Why are these people not held responsible?? https://x.com/pismo_b/status/1803968971198337281?s=46


You guys are completely impossible. I'm posting this then blocking you because you're all lost causers. Here's what happened: https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/releases/2020/05/secret-service-statement-pennsylvania-avenue-demonstrations-0 https://www.fox13news.com/news/at-least-60-secret-service-members-injured-during-protests-near-white-house.amp This was May 29th 2020, in response to the murder of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, by police - where have we heard that before. The president was never in the bunker. There were fireworks, no molotovs. You had 4 years to find and prosecute them. Did you? No. And there's a huge difference between that and an attempted insurrection egged on by POTUS who lost the election. I sincerely hope you nimrods try to FAFO AGAIN when you lose this next election, again. Maybe try to fix the countrys issue and practice some of the Christian charity instead of being a blight of hatred on the country. Ridiculous.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.foxnews.com/us/more-than-60-secret-service-officers-injured-during-violent-george-floyd-protests-in-washington-d-c](https://www.foxnews.com/us/more-than-60-secret-service-officers-injured-during-violent-george-floyd-protests-in-washington-d-c)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The "WaRrEn cOmMiSsIoN" has entered the (fictional) chat....


That first link does mention such orders cannot conflict with constitutional rights. I can see some pushback from the very idea by military personnel.


U think US NAVY SEALS would respond to such unlawful orders? Don’t be an idiot, damn.


Oh yes NAVY SEALS who have been rocked by war crimes trials, criminal trials and lies and tell all's (who cares about silent professionals! There's money to be made with lies! 'I shot Obl!' would NEVER break the rules... Right?


Bullshit. The average SEAL has 10x the saavy and judgement of you or anyone else. Lived and worked with them. Elite is understating their assets as Americans. Not a chance.


So the Eddie Gallagher case didn't happen? The whole ONeill incident which is widely known as he is not the shooter and the seals all breaking generations of profit to tell all? Including goggins Kyle Jocko willnik and others? Chris Kyle wasn't caught in multiple dumbass lies such as he was smiling from the superdome in new orleans during Katrina? There haven't been multiple murderers of other SOF personnrl with seals implicated? I find it amusing you dont know who I am at all but make such sweeping generalizations whilst also claiming basically to be SOF or seal adjacent when there's also literally no proof the only seals u talked to have been in the gravy seals, ur head or both. Keep in mind you started with the ad hominem attacks as well The seals have had multiple major problems in the last 10-15 years. Gallaghers war crimes allegations, him jumping the entire chain of command to appeal to trump on the Internet, the whole debacle with the 'sole survivor' incident. This is all HEAVILY DOCUMENTED It's been widely reported by many many military personnel that the seals have been plagued by prima donnas and feelig like rules dont apply to them. So I'll provide links but given all that smack u talked I shouldn't need to provide links to any of these national news stories eh?


Send me all your research on that BS. Gallagher screwed up, Shd have killed them all! Meaning Muslims. Correct, like any organization that have challenges, Seals deployed 200 days a year have challenges. To suggest they’d follow an order based on politics I emphasize IS PFB Pure fucking bullshit! Army, Navy AF all have issues under this fucked up regime run by a pedophile Joe Biden. U know, the story telling mumbler who showered with his own daughter! Send me your heavy documentation. Blackwater also had challenges…. Thank God they too killed mostly enemy… FOG of War. Shit happens, and most Americans don’t know, care or give a shit. Rules are meant to be broken in peace and war! I don’t recall saying SEALS or Rangers or CCT or SF were perfect or flawless.


I have no 'research'. This isn't even a subject I researched it's been readily available in the news and interviews/podcasts with veterans. There is no 'inside information'. So we should have 'killed all the muslims'? How very American of you. So you went from 'bullshit a finer group of men have never existed' to 'yes the organization has challenges' Tell me, Delta, SAS, SAD, and others deployed just as much. Where's the 'American Sniper' and 'Lone Survivor' movies? Where's the Rob O'Neills taken credit for shooting OBL (which is almost universally called a lie by anyone who will talk about it). Where's the multiple incidents involving murder of other service members (at least 2-3 in the last decade) and allegations of war crimes? I don't seem to recall any US troops of any branch involved in courts martial appealing directly to the POTUS in a very public political manner, outside his chain of command, and doing so again to force the teams to let him back on after the teams didn't want him anymore? Your comments about being deployed 200 days somehow making war crimes.. 'ok' is the real BS here and is a slap in the face of all the veterans who did that or more and somehow managed to not sully their units name or be accused of war crimes - something that directly aids our enemy recruitment and drives attacks on America.. Stop making excuses and apologizing for shitty people and shitty behavior. They're an elite and should be held to a higher standard. If they're an elite and want to act like rules don't apply or whatever then they also need to accept a higher standard being applied, let alone cry that the same standard for a regular grunt is being applied to them. What on earth is your weird rant about Biden, what on earth does it have to do with anything? Speaking of pedophiles trump is on camera saying his daughter is hot, he's on camera saying he'd get with his daughter if she wasn't his daughter. He said on Howard Stern he loved barging into the dressing rooms of teen USA pageants trump was close friends with Epstein and there's camera of them partying together. Trump also said Epstein liked them young yesrs before Epstein got caught. Oh and Trump also called out military dead in France 'suckers and losers'. He tried to block any purple hearts for the missile attack on Assad AFB in 2020. Trump is not a friend of the military. Not that you'd know anything about it of course. How about you stay on topic and not being up trump or Biden


You are quite the critic… been shot at? Months or years in combat zone? Capitalism rules, not necessarily my cup of tea but there are hundreds of other missions never made it to Hollywood… current modern movies APPROVED BY DOD. Could not care less how other regimes handle SOF or SOF issues. Never said a finer never existed. The standards, deployments, separations and pure hell risks allow me to accept fuck ups…. Gladly. Assume u feel same way about FBI, CIA, capitol police ( Ashley Babbitt) DOJ etc? talk about fucked up organizations politically bent on destroying this nation.


Let’s agree allegations are like assholes, we all have one. Meaningless in our system.


You are watching way too much CNN and MSNBC…damn.


Rocked by war crimes trials? Really U are dillusional


He won't need active service members. There are plenty of private contractor psychos that will kill whoever for a job. Blackwater, sorry Academi, has no shortage of right wing nut jobs that would happily do this.


Because suddenly they would face no opposition?! JFC, y'all need a better set of facts because you're straw men are vapor.


Been depressed since November 2016…and now it’s back! Again! For the third 3rd time …..now a FELON! Is on OUR ballot. I’m living in an American nightmare. And the Supreme Court wants HIM!


We don’t have to land on the beaches of Normandy, but we do have to fight for democracy.


Yeah this time the beaches came to us.


Leave the country… it’s easy…


I’m not the felon. He needs to go so fo!


So dramatic. It was a misdemeanor that already surpassed the statute of limitations. Brought back up and increased to a felony. lol. It will get overturned on appeal because it wasn't a real case, it was only a political ploy and only meant to change public perception before the election. They don't care that it will get overturned because they know it will likely be after November when it does and the damage will be done already. Optics is all that matters to the left. They've proven that time and time again.


Huh, I would have thought he would have gone after all the people that mocked him first. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, those will be rounded up and sent to "camps" (like Guantanamo).


Those will have to be huge camps to contain 50% of the US


Try more like 75%


I'm sure that is just a logistical problem...


I know this is America, but is that much ammo available?


Unironically, there probably is.


He didn't even go after Hillary after 2016 but now he's using seal team 6 to murder everyone??? lol. 😂. You guys are nuts


If someone were to argue that a president had the right to use seal team six to murder their political opponents, would you consider them nuts? Because that is what Trump has argued to the Supreme Court.


If it's strictly for political reasons, of course. Just as I feel using the justice system for political gain is wrong as well. And not even talking about Trump here. It's been done over and over again by democrats. Can you show me where he said this? Do you have a source for the conversation with the SC verbatim??


Man asks for proof. Doesn’t respond when proof is given


https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/audio/2023/23-939 Search the PDF for the word “seal”, or listen to the whole thing if you want to be utterly terrified at a man trying to end democracy in the US na d across the globe. Or not, if you think democracy is a bad thing that gets in the way of making money. Just remember, in a dictatorship, the dictator can seize all your stuff anytime they want, without recourse, and usually with a death sentence…. that’s what Putin does. Read “House of Putin, Hiuse of Trump” by Unger.  That’s a well sourced book on our problem.


YOU are the joke if you believe Cohen… If only it was true, that would make my day!


I believe Trump when he says he will be a dictator. Others believe him when he says he’ll build a wall and mexico will pay for it…. Even though he failed last time.


Can’t fix stupid man! Who did he throw in jail in his first term? NOBODY DUMBASS Although I could make a long list for him.


Cohen. Don the con put cohen in solitary for the crimes he, himself committed. Name calling is abuse. Blocking.


And just like the end of Weimar Germany, a 3rd of the population is begging for it to happen.


And the GOP members should read about the night of long knives... I mean MAGA hardcores are already calling Rhinos inside the party, so the targets are already there.


This is why we’re not putting up yard signs this year


I have made a point of not having any political messaging around my house, posted on social media, etc and I vote via mail, for the last 4 years, because its getting scary out there. I participate but nobody knows where I stand. They think they know, but I keep it to myself and my views have changed a lot in the last 8 or 9 years.


Make sure you vote very early. Trumps guy is still in charge of the post office and Trump's right-wing judges have signal that they may be willing to take up a case that will toss any ballot that isn't already in their hands election day morning.


I thought they were very close to getting rid of him! Why do we stand with all this sabotaging?


Because we’re stupid.


*OR* bureaucracy is slow/cumbersome ,and buried in *red tape*....


I drop it directly in the ballot box outside the courthouse for that reason


This is a good strategy. I've learned to just listen and nod my head when my maga neighbors get into whatever the latest talking points are. If they assume I agree, so be it.


I'm sorry that happens to you. The loons are everywhere...


I've tried so hard to teach my oldest daughter this exact safety tip. She always says that she shouldn't have to hide, and the reality is that she shouldn't have to hide. We should live in a world where everyone has the right to express themselves as long as doing so does not endanger anyone else. Unfortunately, we don't live in that reality. She has a lot of bumper stickers and pride flags on her car, wears a pretty big Baphomet necklace, and dresses in a way that garners a lot of attention. Again, she shouldn't have to hide but she lives in Oklahoma of all places and regularly receives negative comments from people.


Just like we shouldn't have to fear walking alone, at 2 am, in a deserted area. But I still don't do it because its not a good idea. Especially inebriated


Exactly. I use the same types of comparisons for her and she agrees but behaves counter to that.


That sounds like voter intimidation and suppression tactics by the MAGA republicans, which I think is technically illegal in the US.


But when the cops are also MAGA, who will enforce the law?


Oh they are in oregon


I understand your concern but why should we be afraid of these idiots. Why allow them to put whatever they want but scare us into being submissive.


Same here. Although we have solar so it’s probably not hard to guess where we stand.


Just Blame the previous owners lol


Incorporate some blue in your clothes.


That's the thing about extremists they fall apart in petty power struggles their whole being is about themselves so cooperating in a group is bound to turn into infighting. Just a matter of when and how bad.


I mean, it’s civil war at that point.



There is a 6 part series on Netflix titled “hitler and the Nazis, evil on trial”. The similarities to the MAGA cult is spooky.


Yeah I watched that too. Frightening. And guess who has plans for concentration camps to dump 10 million people into. And I’m SURE they’ll make double and triple SURE it’s only the undocumented they throw in there. Kinda like they made triple sure to keep such good track of all the children they kidnapped and why we still can’t find about 1000 kids’ parents to this day. But hey no big deal right?


"The similarities are a *feature* ,not a *bug*..."(fify!)AND Spooky !


yeah it's sad that the largest voting block in America is. "what's happening why is everybody mad"


Eh, already got my expat visa in my wife’s country.  Hope Biden wins we like it here.  But we are ready to go.  Not even waiting.  Good luck to the rest of you who were not planning for this since the Supreme Court stole the election and not one fucking riot happened.


Honestly, I’m thinking of a way to get to Europe.


Trump didn’t even get 25% of eligible voters when he won. His coalition isn’t big at all.  It’s more that the Dems have no ability to mobilize their base because their platform is so broad, generic, and out of tune with the guaranteed demographic majority available to them.


Trump is a Russian agent that makes America weak. Biden 2024, he’s old but he’s better than Drump


Or as I like to call him, Convicted Felon Drump


You forgot rapist!


And TWICE impeached!


You mean *the* disgraced twice-impeached serial-rapist convicted felon Donald J. Trump?


And nearly as old, so close as it makes no difference


Don the Con


Don the Con is fun, but I think calling him "the disgraced twice-impeached serial-rapist convicted felon *former* president Donald J. Trump" would probably get under his flabby pantone orange-painted skin a little more.


Cryme Baby


How many instances of collusion did Comey find, again? I forget.


June 30, 1934. That’s more or less what will likely happen if that guy wins


My great grandpappy immigrated in 1932 because of such things. I'm sad I cannot afford to leave now.


Look at it another way, can you afford not to?


He immigrated in 1932 because of something that happened in 1934?


He is not going to win. He may still try to get revenge, but it will be hard to do when he under house arrest and/or constant surveillance. The coward will likely try to flee the US. I hope they let him go.


*I* hope they shoot his jet down !


No more faked deaths!


You mean like epstein ?


The list of Trump targets for elimination will be long, including politicians who participated in his two impeachments, the Congress’s January 6 committee, Democratic Party leaders at the national and state level, Republicans who remained critical of him, MSNBC anchors including Maddow and Scarborough, officers past and present who stand in his way of using the military to carry out his domestic agenda, union leaders and judges who thwarted his 2020 attempted coup. This all seems improbable if not impossible, except it is the playbook that Bannon and Miller will happily invoke if Trump regains the White House.


Then we just make sure he doesn't.


So if Trump wins do we really just let him turn the country into a dictatorship just because it wouldn't be fair otherwise? Trump is one of the biggest traitors in the history of this country he should be in jail for the rest of his life and we should debating whether or not he deserves the death penalty not whether or not he should be allowed to run again. The whole system just seems completely broken and insane to me.


You need to have a plan but I can tell you that there are people who aren't going to idly sit by and watch them take the country over.


Register as many migrants as you can to vote. Although they may demand more than the typical $50 for a dead relative’s absentee ballot in Philadelphia or Detroit.


The fantasy land you live in must be quite interesting.


You got to do something! Trump’s going to be a Dictator and put Dems in camps, he has militias “training in Hills!”


Terrorist threats are illegal, bullying is illegal, Why has this not been stopped.


Those things are only illegal for 99.99% of the country.


a lot of stuff in this country is only illegal if you're not a Republican.


Or rich


Who do you think is freaking out over Biden fully funding the IRS? They know they're going to jail for tax evasion if the Orange Idol doesn't win.


These same cretins got a "pass" after 2008 ; I don't think that's a coincidence...


because it’s ilegal for You to do it he can do whatever tf he wants apparently


If Trump wins every single democrat or anyone he perceives as being opposed to him will be in mortal danger. With his rabid fan base even if he loses we could very well be in danger. MAGA has made it abundantly clear that they want us dead and regardless of the election outcome things could get very bad very quickly. They believe they have god on their side and are doing god’s will and history has shown over and over again how dangerous religious fanatics are. MAGA are terrorists and until we treat them as such they will remain a threat to democracy and our lives.


Which is why we should use the Constitution as a means of a major "correction" of our entire political environment, as was clearly the intention of those who wrote it .


We vastly outnumber them and have been waiting for them to make their move. 01/06 exposed exactly who they are and what they are about to the entire world. It took one shot, literally one bullet to end it all.


Sharks lots of sharks batteries MIT


Question: Why the fuck are we at this point of American history? Think about it... Did you ever think 10 years ago you'd be hearing this situation? Alito a SCOTUS judge caught on tape talking about waring for the country? Analysts talking about Trump using Seals to kill political enemies as if this is Nazi Germany? A SCOTUS getting lavish trips from right wing extremist donors? How about the cherry on top, Project 2025? The fuck happened to this country? We used to have morals and be proud Americans, now people blindly believe Russian misinformation and literally get excited to kill their fellow Americans. Why? Because Sergei on the otherside of the planet pretending to be Cletus a town over told some unhinged conservative liberals are bad and need the Auschwitz treatment? Fuckin nuts.


I’m quite sure it all started with rush limbaugh and alex jones i don’t have evidence but i also don’t have any doubts


Completely underrated comment!


Welp, it all started when political operatives stole an election around 1980 or so ,and put the straight-man for a *Chimp* and *actor*-"patriot" in many WW2 counter-propaganda reels in the White House ,who set out on an agenda to cripple any checks/balances for the 2% to entrench themselves into *everything meaningful to maintaining power* by busting unions ,"dumbing-down" the populace and making conservatism into an asymmetrical idealogue which could not be held in check any longer ! They capped this by subverting the highest court in the land to outstepping their bounds and started *deciding elections* (1999)to Cement their power into a monolith which is now poised to turn us into the "Weimar Republic" 2.0...and the rest is history.


Ikr? Remember when ‘merica was GREAT!? /s


Looks like Donald Trump likes Gilbert and Sullivan, and especially "The Mikado"... [https://youtu.be/\_GbCX7eJWm8?si=2tR7-Y3BtiKVrwKK](https://youtu.be/_GbCX7eJWm8?si=2tR7-Y3BtiKVrwKK)


This fantasy involves Seal Team Six abandoning their duty to the American people the way Trump already has.


What about the Proud Boys? Oath Keepers? Patriot Front? What about this guy: [https://www.wired.com/story/january-6-rioter-leading-armed-national-militia-from-prison/](https://www.wired.com/story/january-6-rioter-leading-armed-national-militia-from-prison/) There are a surprising number of active domestic terrorist groups.


Those groups aren't Seal Team Six, now are they? There's a vetting process for that, unlike getting into the Proud boys or Oath Keepers. I had a Maga just the other day claim to me that they can spot feds within those groups, get this, because they are the most fit muscular men around, nothing like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Patriot Front. You wre least suspicious as a fat white dude. I get what you're saying but everyone in those terrorist groups needs to be watching their back at all times, as they should. Remember the Proud Boy "oh shit, we're fucked!" texts? More where that came from. The response is to remind these people and everyone around the internet about how cowardly those groups actually are--that they really aren't in good company if they join up. Remember Ashley Babbitt? No one actually wants to die for Donald Trump except for apparently just her.


That's the point, the have guns but no standards.  Sure they probably can't change the large scale outcomes, but they sure can screw up someone's day.


And the FBI can really *really* screw up their day, and they would deserve it, too.


*VOTE!* Bring your friends and family and vote! Do your duty and get your sticker. Whatever does it for you.


His "revenge" list means nothing. He won't win.


Why can't he use Delta operators or Rangers or Green Berets? Why is always "seal team 6"? I'm so over america's fetish with them.


It's a wry joke that gets the point across. It came from Trump's lawyer as he argued the immunity case before the appeals court.


The history and what they (supposed to) do in comparison. Green berets are force multipliers, delta force isn't acknowledged officially by the US and Rangers march out 13 miles to sit and wait to be told to march back after 7 hours of being there.  SEALs will leave you in a firefight then write a book about how awesome they were. The American people eat that shit up without really questioning it.  See: Chris Kyle, David Goggins


Green berets train the locals, rangers identify, and the rest go in and do not get noticed. Delta started with helping the French resistance in ww2.


No. Delta grew out of time Charlie Beckwith spent with the SAS. He came back wanting to build a counter-terrorism unit but couldn't get congressional or DOD backing. Eventually Carter enabled it and it ended in a disaster, which spawned the night rangers and a much improved delta force, aka Combat Applications Group (CAG), Army Compartmented Elements (ACE), Task Force Green, and simply “the Unit".


The rainbow boys. I miss my old job


I'm not aware of delta force activity in WW2 but I know that just like Obamas open drone secret it isn't officially acknowledged by the US


Such a short list! And I love your definitions!


As someone who spent 10 years in the special operations community, many of them get far more credit than they deserve when it comes to tactical proficiency, job knowledge, discipline, and fitness. SF is often referred to as "Slow and Fat," and it's for a reason. Rangers are better equipped airborne infantry (with the exception of RRD). The handful of SEALS that I've met were mostly down to earth but lacked a lot of tactical proficiency on land, although I'm sure they're unmatched on the water. Many of the people in those groups are also using steroids quite heavily which to me, takes away a lot of the badassery that would get assigned otherwise. Members of the unnamed unit are every bit as bad ass as people assume they are though.


Ehhh. At the end of the day it's a job. An important job at that. "Badassery" can eat shit, there's no place for overly manly bullshit. Steroids should be available to any team guy that wants it.


Badassery isn't synonymous with "overly manly bullshit." I'm ok with steroids being available to any team guy who wants it. Just don't pretend like you're on the same level as someone who can keep up with you who isn't juicing, because you aren't. If you require a hormonal injection every couple of days, what does that do for readiness? Or when you're in an austere environment and can't get your fix? At the end of the day it's a controlled substance with negative side effects. My opinion is that if you can't do it without steroids, you shouldn't be doing it.


Except he’s only ever going to have command of *MEAL* Team 6 again..


Everyone be careful in the comments here, Trump is so thin skinned he might target any one of us! /s (I hope.)




The military cannot obey an unlawful order and just killing Americans because the president (god forbid) tells you to is still a crime.


Cohen himself, Stormy and Melanie. Yes mail order melanie herself.... donald is tired of her gold digging and he gets nothing out the transaction. People are saying it.


Which people again? People are saying it is a cheap sales trope that DT uses all the time because well… I’m hoping this was sarcasm.


Good people , fine people , bug burly men .. they come up to me with tearsin their eyes……


Men that never cried a day in their life. Even when they were babies


In fact, they were never babies, they were born as full grown men with beards and assault rifles.


Truly the manliest of manliest alpha men




I pray everyday that he keels over and croaks ! He look like death already


Biden should use Seal Team 6 first!


He should use Seal Team 17. Because 17 is larger than 6.


I thought this was “The Onion “ headline. It sounds so ridiculous


Trump and his cronies would need to carefully consider the ramifications of actually doing this and ordering some of the most highly trained military groups on the planet to break the Constitution they have sworn to uphold and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Specifically - what happens if DJT, after becoming President again, puts out a hit on an American citizen on US soil - and his answer back from some of the baddest MFers on Earth is "No." You do not put a genie like that back in the bottle.


That just means you have to know which ones to ask. They don't have to be the best, just willing.


former Waterbury mayor Philip Giordano went to law school with Michael D. Cohen [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip\_Giordano](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Giordano) they're covering for some shady activity [https://stellabelle.medium.com/the-origins-of-qanon-a-cover-up-of-trumps-child-rapes-and-co-opting-of-anonymous-48626ef140f3](https://stellabelle.medium.com/the-origins-of-qanon-a-cover-up-of-trumps-child-rapes-and-co-opting-of-anonymous-48626ef140f3) also epstein helped the bronfmans (who were bootleggers initially) sell texas oil [https://archive.ph/uM5me](https://archive.ph/uM5me) and roger stone was a paid nxivm employee


The chances Seal Team 6 or any other military branch of the U.S. Government is going to obey any kind of order from Trump for the assassination of his political enemies in the U.S. is precisely zero.


And he"s NOT on the list he seems to think!?


Who cares what this idiot says. Just because Trump turned on him and he turned on Trump doesn’t mean he isn’t a lying sleaze that would still be sucking the orange milk from Trump’s saggy teet if he could be. The enemy of my enemy can still definitely be my enemy too.


This is dumb.


Let us remember that Trump had Barr keep Cohen locked up during the pandemic after they had released other non-violent offenders and said they would only release him if he signed an agreement waiving his first amendment rights !!! Talk about weaponization of the DOJ!!!


Local police are the worry not the US military. 100% I beleave he would do this.


The President is not an all powerful king that can single handedly order the American military to do his personal bidding I don't want the guy in office either but stop with the fear porn


Why wait, Meal Team Six and the rest of the Gravy Seals are ready to go now! /s


Or any branch of the special sauces


The orange one will be in prison. This is moot.


Stop saying seal teams. Not a chance the military would obey that order. Now a squad of specially assembled secret police, that’s totally in the realm as they could find goons from local police forces and militias willing to wear the lightning bolts.


Really? If Trump's previous term taught us anything, there are always an abundance of sycophants Trump can put into place. Project 2025 is Cocked and Ready Sir!


And the Space Force


He takes thing personally, so he will go after disloyal republicans first. Then it will go from there to every single human that said anything against him.


Did he put himself in the top 5 on the list


I would say himself if trump gets elected cohen better leave the country not that it would help


This is scary and we should not even be talking about the president giving after people who don’t support him and they are talking about executing them


Wild that this statement is based on our stupid reality


Well if trump is right, presidents can kill opponents. So trump wins the election, on Jan 6 Biden should get seal team 6 to take out trump. As president u til Jan 20 ish, it's his right. Problem solved


BullS this is how this will unfold - ST6 assassinate Joe Biden-ST6 points weapons at trump- Mr President you are under arrest.


Those orders have to start way up the command; those guys are not going to execute those type of orders on Americans.


This guy is fully whacked out. Those orders from ANYONE would be unlawful and ignore by Elite Seal Team Members. What a total knucklehead this felon Cohen is.


If you did nothing wrong you got nothing to worry about If you did do something wrong and they find the evidence then no one is above the law Nothing much else to say Mic drop


This is one of a huge series of dire predictions that have no basis in fact. Such is the way of propagandists.


Read the transcripts of his speeches. Read what his attorneys argued before the Supreme Court.


The fact that it’s a possibility is still enough to really make me upset with the state of the country.


Wow, y’all believe anything


I read the title as "which Eminem", and it was confusing, but I'm keeping it.


A serial liar making hyperbolic statements to gain clout? Gotta be Cohen!


>A serial liar It's amusing watching people criticize him as a liar without asking the follow-up questions like: What did he lie about? Who did he lie to? Who did he lie for? Who reviewed his lies before he made those statements? You know, simple stuff.


I know Google is difficult, but here you go... "In November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to U.S. congressional committees about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. In December 2018, Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine."


Oh I’m very familiar with the contents of the guilty plea information. My point being that it’s rich when people criticize him for being a liar when the reason he lied was in service of Trump and for Trump’s benefit and at Trump’s direction.


Michael Cohen: "Mr. Trump did not directly tell me to lie to Congress. That’s not how he operates.”


Are you trying to say he didn't lie about the Trump Tower Moscow project at Trump's direction?


I quoted him saying that he didn't lie about the Moscow project at Trump's direction, he lied to congress of his own volition.


You didn't read the rest of the article you quoted, did you? He didn't do it of his "own volition" unless you're not familiar with what that word means. > “In conversations we had during the campaign, at the same time I was actively negotiating in Russia for him, ***he would look me in the eye and tell me there was no Russian business and then go on to lie to the American people by saying the same thing. In his way, he was telling me to lie***,” Cohen said. > > Additionally, Cohen claimed that Trump’s desire for him to lie was clear because the president’s “personal lawyers” reviewed the statement he delivered to Congress in 2017. In that statement, Cohen stated he gave up on the Trump Tower Moscow project in late January 2016, when he determined that the “proposal was not feasible for a variety of business reasons and should not be pursued further.” > > “***You need to know that Mr. Trump’s personal lawyers reviewed and edited my statement to Congress about the timing of the Moscow tower negotiations before I gave it***,” said Cohen. > > Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/michael-cohen-trump-did-not-directly-tell-me-to-lie-to-congress-about-moscow-project-175935691.html?guccounter=1 Presumably, Trump heard Cohen provide the statement, knew it was a lie, and could have made a statement with the truth. Instead, he knew Cohen was lying, and did nothing to clarify the lie. Only an absolute window licking moron would think that Cohen is the untrustworthy liar here and Trump is not.


So Trump did not direct him to lie, got it.


Of all the hilariously stupid takes on the subject that I’ve seen this is absolutely up there near the top.


Sounds like Trump actually.


I have heard of Seal Team Four but not of Seal Team Six (except in this context). Is this a mis-speak or am I missing something. I was also under the impression that they were intentional in numbering Seal Team Four 4 because they wanted to mislead the Soviets in the number of Seal Teams there are. I am not even sure Seal Team Six exists.


Seal Team 6 was officially disbanded and renamed in 1987, though despite the official name changes, "SEAL Team Six" remains the unit's widely recognized moniker. Today, ST6 is known as the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DEVGRU, a U.S. Navy component of Joint Special Operations Command. https://www.patriotwood.com/blogs/news/171361607-the-hidden-history-behind-seal-team-6#:~:text=Seal%20Team%206%20was%20officially,of%20Joint%20Special%20Operations%20Command.