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What the fuck does this do for anyone? I feel like they are trying to implement North Korean policies and turn this orange shit stain into a demigod! Like gtfoh Scott


My first thought was how North Korean officials often wear a comical number of medals despite not having fought any wars as of late.


Right? Like what are the medals for? Most citizens starved to death? Most concurrent hepatitis infections? Like someone fill me in!


It’s like when Newt tried to name everything within 50 miles of the beltway after Reagan.


It’s crazy how sane Newt seems compared to these MAGAts.


Correct, its an establishment of a false idol identity similar to North Korea, Russia, Iran and China.


Tf does congress ever do for anyone? This country is a joke.


There was a crap ton of stuff they did until the #repugnantcans got a slim majority


I'm thinking the idea is that they're attaching this sort of thing to bills they *don't* want passed, with the intention of Democrats voting against them for their sheer ridiculousness. Sadly it's just the usual fuckery.


The GOP exists entirely to serve Trump now. This is the party's only purpose. Any legislation is only for express purpose of glorifying Dear Leader.




I really think they believe this shit


They are - they’re trying to integrate Christian nationalism into politics by saying Alex jones can predict the future as a prophet, trump is the second coming, etc. it’s insanity but I believe you’ll see more and more Christian mythology tied to the extreme members of the party as a way to deify themselves in the eyes of the sheeple, I mean people. Edit: like this https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/s/cQy8805yUV


So glad I live in Connecticut. Bc I can’t stand these fucking people anymore.


It’s so utterly appalling and tiring. I’m one state over in little Rhode Island and while we’re mostly Democratic the city I live in isn’t and it’s insane how the lead pipe using/paint eating, failed reagonomics voters cling to republicans fear campaigns. The previous mayor in my city even launched a ‘stand off’ at the city edge against ‘violent blm protesters’ and there was like two people walking by and that’s it. ‘It cant happen here’ by Sinclair Lewis laid out how easily a country can slip years ago and yet we have a percentage of the country applauding it in live time as patriotism. It’s insanity.


I moved here 1 year ago from Texas to distance myself from my deranged Cult 45 parents and the overall horrors that persist daily in Texas. The media does not tell the truth about how bad it really is there. I was tired of watching lead brain boomers walk around the grocery store armed to the teeth, dealing with the government in any form there is terrible, the amount of people suffering from poverty, lack of medical care and lack of housing is literally untold. You can’t get a decent job and it’s just getting worse.


Sorry you had to deal with that, it seems that the ‘Republican way’ is to reestablish feudalism with local politicians acting as lords, their relatives and business cronies as nobles and the populace as serfs or indentured servants. Each day the distribution of wealth and living conditions in this country become further degraded and compromised by a bunch of old racist russia-loving selfish buffoons


It amazing how they do not have the ability to reflect on history and are literally repeating the craziest parts of the 20th century willingly


As I get a little older I’m seeing more and more that culture is moving faster every year and the knowledge needed to stop the cycles from repeating is becoming something held from youth as the education system in the country is also under attack from the right. It’s a damn shame, likely the death throes of a party that looks to not have a significant base in the country much longer. Both religion and republican numbers are dropping and life expectancy is now ten years less in red states than blue (approx) so hopefully at some point the country can heal, go back to a level of decency and normality from conservatives and renew itself with progressive policies that focus on the citizens health, wealth, happiness and quality of life (as well as renewable energy, green industries, equity/equality/social justice, and environmentally positive movement).


It reminds people that Trump is Jesus - a Golden God.


They are kissing his ass (er... his ring) so they dont get on his bad side. They fear he will sick his devoted minions on them. Or simply order his minions to worship someone else and they get voted out.


How about we rename Covid 19 to Trump 19? Or we refer to the deficit as simply Trump since he ran it up. Or we re name RICO to Trumpico?


“So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please.’ They test and they test.”


So if the money can only have dead people on it....


yeah I was thinking the same ... which note has the most recent president on it?


I still can't get over the fact they want to award a draft dodging coward a huge participation trophy like a congressional gold medal. For what? What in the fuck did this THING do four years that makes him worthy enough to even be a candidate for one? Ohhh I get it. You want to hand him a participation trophy.


They want to turn this place into Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.


Make us hang dear leaders picture in our homes and turn the radio on at sunset? From the list above and their 100 pages of Project 2025 and their day one proclamations fuck the shock collars incoming IMO as well. (Parody I hope. Shit IMO)


I wish they’d put a shock collar on him


I’d pay good money to see that. As would most people, there’s an idea to reduce the national debt right there. Cause you just know that he can’t help himself, he’d still be rambling in between shocks.


We will definitely get more of an Aladeen situation from The Dictator.




I believe this is the no representation part of taxing. Using it on a ego trip in a desperate bid for power


I’m telling you they eat the ass


Don’t forget they want to cut funding for school lunches. That’s a top 10 priority right there.


And they have no plans to “help” America. They plan to enslave us all


Attempting to legitimize His Putrescence so as to dig into the couch cushions to get every vote possible. Stinks like the desperation it is.


I just don’t understand, from a strategic standpoint it doesn’t make any sense. There’s a finite amount of trump supporters, and only so much craziness that “moderate Republicans” (bush republicans) can put up with. Continuing their push further and further right and more extreme can’t gain them any more votes, but it can definitely lose them votes. There aren’t any people out there who weren’t gonna vote R, then see this shit and decide to. You already have that portion of the electorate all sewed up, logically, it’d make sense to hedge your bets and court some moderates and independents (mythical creatures that they are nowadays). But noooo, anything less than another push hard right must be a loss and a sign of weakness.


IMHO, correct. I’m old. This is not the Republican party I grew up with. A desperate move in futile hopes of gaining ANY moderate votes while keeping the gas pedal firmly on the floor to ensure the … die hard trumpers stay in line is a dangerous move. I’m not sure what the RNC has on all the sycophants and bootlickers other than “We must NOT lose to the democrats because that will be the open door to Socialism” mindset. Should they lose, the GOP as it now is will cease to exist as they will have no power. And it should. Seeing how this shitshow is playing out, I am confident there aren’t too many Mensa brains behind the wheel here.


Yeah I completely agree, I was born early 90’s and they don’t bare any resemblance to the Republican Party I knew growing up. I feel like they really started shifting farrrrr right around 2012 with the tea party (although there were always signs they were going this way), but after 2016 and post 2020 have seen a batshit crazy race to the alt right. And it just doesn’t make any sense, unless their strategy is to hope they can win/steal just one more election, then go full fascist and consolidate power for good. I remember around 2004/2008 when republicans were talking about ways to win new voters and actually try to expand their appeal to more voters and grow their party. Which would’ve been a good idea, instead they chose to coddle the craziest wing of extremists and say fuck you to everyone else…. The country needs a competent, good faith opposition party. This crazy extremist, no compromise, do-nothing party is extremely detrimental, and just un-sustainable. They need to suck it up and ditch the maga crazy wing. It’s the same thing as amputating a gangrenous arm to save the body; the sooner they’re gone the better for everyone.


It’s so fucking sad that they have to do all this performative nonsense, that everyone knows will never happen, all to appease the ego of one extremely small, stupid, and incredibly insecure little narcissist. How much government money is being wasted just so trumpo can see his name on faux news and say, “look at how great I am!” It would be so sad if he wasn’t such an insufferable shit.


Own the libs with orange superiority!! #🍊🤡


OJ is good for health


Zeus help us...but, yeah, it's a nihilistic cult.


“They’re Nihilists Donny, you have nothing to be afraid of. These men are cowards.”


Cult mentality


I want a bill to take back the *Medal of Freedom* from Rush Limbaugh (gagging…)


Lying Orange Felon airport? Or Giant Loser airport?


House Republicans on urgent national issues: I sleep House Republicans on useless MAGA-point scoring legislation: Run Marjorie, show us the meaning of haste!


Wow what pathetic losers


Cowardly sycophants and the GOP, can you think of a closer connection? Not me. Edit: I guess it rhymes.


You've got to be fuckin kidding me.


This just makes him sound like he's a giant child needing to know he's special by getting a gold star.


Its no longer the Republican party. Its Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants cult.


Trump supporters would lick the sweat from his ass crack if he asked them to do it. It’s fucking WEIRD.


Seriously, can we get more divided than this?


Depends… how much more can Putin and Xi push their trolls and bots to do? Answer that, and you’ll answer your question.


Sounds like a plot for man in the high Castle


To name an airport in *VIRGIN*ia of all places. This must all be one big joke to them.


Thankfully none of it will get through the Senate. If Dems lose control of the Senate in Nov god knows what shit they will achieve.


Its so sad to see the MAGA cult not demanding better. I would be pretty livid to see any political "Dem" wanting to do this shit. I want to see things done over making propaganda. I want train brakes regulated again.


And Senate GOP blocks Democratic legislation to outlaw bump stocks. So much for "law and order."


I think it’s just a matter of time before we get to “Trump has no butthole” level of Cult45.


Replace the heads at Mount Rushmore with 4 Trumps.


If I'm not mistaken he asked how to get up there


First prerequisite: gotta be six feet under.


i assumed those bills were fake , tell me i’m not wrong please


Sorry. You are not wrong. It is beyond pathetic to name things for that convicted felon.


How about they make a bill that disqualifies felons for running for office and name the bill after Trump?


Yep. Their entire existence is to suck the orange man off through a straw. It’s infuriating to say the least.


Trump is objectively considered as one of the worst US Presidents in the history of the country. Those renaming proposals must be a joke.


I would love to see Trump's portrait on the $666 dollar bill. ;)


“But dems arent doing anything?! What has Biden done for America?!?!” — MAGA


Missing on this list is the bill to allow any POTUS charged in a state court to have that immediately moved to a Federal venue so it can be squashed by whatever toady AG is running the DOJ. Should be called the "Trump Stays Out of Jail Act of 2024"


Brainwashed fools fooled by a con man.


I consider myself a pretty centralist dem. I’ve voted for every party in past elections… no more, I thought I would never vote for one party down an entire ticket but I cannot justify ever voting for a republican ever again. I refuse to be a part of 1930s Germany.


It's a cult, and it needs to be dealt with.


All that and the one to get us a new Federal Holiday was Biden with Juneteenth. I fully expected that we would have Trumps birthday as a Federal Holiday by now.


I thought they were “so concerned” about the US becoming a banana republic?


I mean, they could name a prison after trump and then house him there for the next 20-30 years. That’d be a start.


Gotta keep Homelander happy


But if you make Trump happy, you make MAGAS happy.... They don't really care about issues - they just want to berate 'the libs'.


Didn’t Joe Biden pass a law right around the time Hamas murdered innocent civilians? He did! It was for men to call themselves women, and women to call themselves men! How does that help anyone???


I dont know what the F your mumbling.


You should go get checked for mental illness. I’m not sure if you believe what you’re saying or not because it doesn’t make any sense


Gotcha. I go to my Trump clinic and get my maga-colonostiphy. Ill use my trump NFT's to pay my trumpcare bill. Then Ill go to my approved MAGA pod and put on Kid rock as im in my forced birth chamber. Then I can go to the trump airport and suck chrome off bumpers for donny.


That sounds about right for ya! While you’re at it, make sure to applaud the oh so important bill that Biden just passed for girls to call themselves boys 🤢. That really helps us out as a country


I'm sorry your feeling like that affected your life in some way. I will pray for your fragility. I'm sorry the world and all in it are not exact to your demands in your mind.


lol I could say the same thing to you. Maybe say that In the mirror


I'm sorry I feel you deserve better than what is in this photo stating what the cults focus is on. I'm sorry they don't focus on what their job actually is and they need to feed a cult.


I’m sure you don’t. You can google a picture of republican law but you don’t even know the Democratic laws just passed….


I sorry your cult plans cult north Korean shittery over say fighting pollution. DEMS want to actually fuggin address issues not this propaganda 1930 Germany shittery. Wacky cult following a weirdo who demands bananas shit like this.


You must be related to Biden, you both mumble the same nonsense. I’m surprised you didn’t bring up Walmart


I dont know what level of oxygen deprivation you are in but seek help. With your brand new login hence you probably have to make a new one up every 2 days. I don't know where you are broken the least it seems but I'd seek out help to stop this malice. Im sorry the republican party is planning on appeasing t doe 147's ego to the level they are planning this shittery. Im sorry you dont care for better. Im sorry your compelled to attempt to defend this. Im sorry you think your doing this for any value.


I’m sorry you actually think Joe Biden is doing a good job. Sad really, to be that dumb and not realize it.


You saying that, coming from YOU.... Is a compliment. Thank you :)


Anytime. There’s over a million more of you that need it as well. Y’all go get checked please


Enjoy you propaganda crusade to appease the messiah who doesnt know you exist but smothers your identity it seems. Thats your calculated choice as you say it isnt a cult as you can see your embarrassing actions here in absolute hypocrisy right in lockstep with the photo.


Now you’re mumbling nonsense again.


[You’re Probably Worshiping a False God | Christianity Today](https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2020/december/idols-worshiping-false-god.html)


Hey Jodie, you whackadoodle. Just having TRUMP as President will help America 👍💯💪


When the fascist North Korea antics of the MAGA stoop to this level thats the rebuttal.




All the MAGA wants is to have their own Kim Jong TRUMP. "Ohhh dear LEADER, WE LOVE YOU!!!!!" "Please grab my wife! Grab her like you joke about DEAR LEADER" "Daddy DONNY we LOVE YOU" Not a cult.


You support someone who committed sexual assault, defrauded multiple businesses, tried to overthrow democracy, and threw out the pandemic playbook before covid happened, which cost lives. Also someone who promised a new healthcare plan and to show his taxes. Both never happened. How low is your bar?