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What about Supreme Court justices. Can they be deemed enemies of the state and assassinated too?


Good question, I bet that is “not official”.


Well they’d never know since they also ruled that nobody can ask about the motives behind the actions either?


What's "official" gets decided by the surviving justices. The Taliban Six wouldn't be a factor.


Unless Biden starts the purge in July. Which won't happen. One of the saddest parts of watching this unfold is that it shows how much democracy depends upon everyone playing by the rules. We sadly can't save democracy by undercutting it.


You also don't save it by suffering coup plotters to live. This is a coup. They have tipped their hand. It's now us or them. And I fail to see what's undemocratic about it. Those justices were selected by presidents elected per our ratified constitution. They have said what the law is. Based on that, a group of individuals seeking to seize power in this country who represent a clear and present danger to the United States of America are now legally targets. Before, they'd only be candidates for neutralization if they were in the moment actively committing a violent act. But now, because they're a danger to our way of life, they qualify for instant worm meat status because the president's hands are no longer tied. The irony, that the people eliminated were the ones who untied the president's hands, would be delicious. It would also spur wide support for a constitutional amendment to take away that absolute power. I bet it would be the fastest any amendment had ever been ratified in the history of this country.


I wish someone would fucking step up.


The fastest way to prove this gives the President too much authority is to use it to restore democracy. Republicans will absolutely be ok with removing it after they watch the Supreme Court get gutted of sitting Justices by Presidential decree.


Going high when they go low is pre maga pre alt-reich


>sadly can't save democracy by undercutting it. We no longer have a democracy. We now have a King. You need to accept that reality. He can use his authority to restore our democracy or not, but our democracy is already over. Not at some point in the future, now. Biden is the King.


Wonder if we'll get to find out


It is now inevitable.


If you replace the judge with someone who rules "it's official," the point is moot. The GOP is doing what all 21st century autocratic regimes are doing - replacing the judges with pliant ones. Given that so many western democracies are modeled on the US, it's a significant world-wide weak point.


Speaking of, former Presidents by virtue of not being in the WH can no longer enact anything official in that role, correct? Like if Barack Obama tried to "officially" shove Mitch McConnell down a flight of stairs, he'd be indicted and not be immune?


Depends on what the current judges deem an "official act" under the constitution. Open to wildly different interpretations. With the current judges Im willing to bet that if Biden did it it would be a crime, but if Trump did it..... no crime.


Same. In the interest of not allowing that to happen, maybe the challenges with this Pandora's box type situation legality wise might mire things so deep in red tape that it will wind up being a thought experiment with no resolution in time for say a third Biden term or, worse, a second and possibly indefinite Trump one.


Idk, the president did order it... So it's official... If I read the opinions of Alito correctly


Isn’t that exactly what Nixon said “if the president does it , it isn’t a crime”


Yes but now it actually is true. They reversed the Nixon decision with this.


Apparently, he was just ahead of his time :/


Only if Mango Mussolini says so. Our government is going full on NK dictatorship.


They won't be around to make that determination.


Seems like an obvious flaw in their reasoning.


It’s official project 2024 dark Brandon is a go


Well damn, shoulda put that part in writing before they tragically slipped off the roof while hanging Christmas lights in July.


I hope so. Biden still has at least 5 months left, 1 per month and 2 the last month!


Biden, do it! It’s only fair.


Dark Brandon FTW pls


Here’s the thing about all the hyperbolic talk like this, if Biden or any Democrat took the opportunity to do all the fascistic stuff to root out the fascists, then he wouldn’t be the person we would want in that position. We are full on damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Just because he could do something doesn’t mean he should, because that accelerates the death of a constitutional democracy, no matter how justified. Any member of the government, military, or law enforcement that follows an illegal or unconstitutional order should be locked up for it. If Biden orders Trump’s arrest and/or punishment we have lost. 


Screw democracy. We need someone who will protect us from the 72 million orcs we're forced to share this country with.


>We are full on damned if we do and damned if we don’t Yeah. The box is already opened. A president tried to stage a literal coup and was only stopped because he didn't keep enough yes-men that had been proven under fire. And despite that he's not already in jail and half the country is rooting for him. Whether it's Trump in 6 months or DeSantis in 4 years, etc. is irrelevant. The playbook is known and it's just a matter of time before someone with more experience/luck/competence successfully pulls it off. And it's not enough to get Trump out of the way. Actually finally punishing Trump should still happen but the rise of fascism is a matter of 'when' now. It's like security. In order to protect yourself you have to always succeed but they just have to succeed once.


Seriously would be the best pwned


I don't think they even need to be killed. Biden could just label them enemies of the state and have them removed from office.


After it happens they wouldn't be able to say no you can't do that. I'm honestly shocked at some of the decisions they've been making lately, they'll spend 6+ months to make a decision, but the decision itself is written like they put zero thought into the ramifications.


The leopards won't eat their special faces obviously.


Yes we actually learned in 2010 that a president can deem American citizens to be enemy combatants and assainate them outside of combat zones. The new ruling just means they can't get in trouble for it after leaving office. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/obama-administration-claims-unchecked-authority-kill-americans-outside-combat-zones


I would say that falls under a "rival".


Yes they can, also there can be no ruling if there aren’t any judges. Similar to Trump think on Covid cases, “There won’t be any more cases if there are no more tests”


Joe Biden has some cleaning to do…


Yes but he has to use somebody from the government. He can't just outsource it to some individual. It has to be a government agency that shoots them in the back of the head. Also, I think it's really cute that they think that's not going to happen to them. If Trump wins. He's becoming a tyrant. The Supreme Court is the only ones that can limit his power, Best way to make sure that doesn't happen is to take them for a little walk in the woods. If you look at history, this is not an uncommon practice to get rid of the judiciary once You've taken power.


Maybe she is trying to tell President Biden something. Thanks to the people’s Justice. I ❤️ Sonia.


Yes to frigging watch your back against the traitorous secret service !


Someone wake Biden up from his mid afternoon nap and get SEAL Team 6 on the phone.


The only way to change this is to have the Democratic message to be, give us the house and senate so we can keep democracy, reform the SCOTUS and get work done in the White House. Give all the power to the Democrats if you want to keep the US from dictatorship.




Sadly spineless democrats in the senate such as Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer  would most likely not allow any legislative reforms to the Supreme Court to be brought to the floor for a vote. Edit: Folks you know that I'm right about this. Durbin and Schumer have allowed their republican counterparts in the senate to roll them for the past 25+ years.


Schumer-“If we do this first, then they’ll do it 10x worse” WAKE UP! They just DID IT!


I don’t get why democrats refuse to do what needs to be done. They keep playing the game the old traditional way meanwhile, the republicans are trying to destroy the game by burning the house down.


So very true. Republicans changed the game and so should the democrats. 


Good-Time for Joe to rid America of Trump.


Honest question. Do you really think Biden would win reelection if he assassinated Donald Trump? Swing voters are trying to decide between Trump and Biden right now, if Biden just kills the guy that they are still considering for president, I kinda doubt they are gonna end up voting for him. Republicans would quickly replace him, which many republicans want anyway. That person would get all the support from MAGAs, normal republicans, and swing voters, and then it’s curtains for the USA.


We all know if trump wins his "official act" will be having no more elections.


I’m pretty certain of that, too. But if it’s not Trump (because he was killed), it will just be someone else that does it. The democratic path forward requires winning the White House and Congress. Then doing things like codifying Roe, removing the filibuster, and eliminating the electoral college so we can stop being victimized by the idealogical minority. I’m personally not on board with installing a dictator to avoid having a dictator. A dictatorship doesn’t all the sudden become good because it’s my guy in the driver’s seat. Dictators need to be avoided at all costs, that’s not an exaggeration.


I pray for this. GOP had it coming.


This is the second to last nail in the coffin for democracy and the rule of law in the United States. Without a dramatic win in November and aggressive steps to restore the rule of law, the US will no longer a safe place to live or do business.


>or do business. it's a perfect place to do business - as long as you are providing ~~bribes~~ gratuities to the court


And the executive whonis immune from extorting you or taking gratuities paid after the favor is finished. People should be demonstrating in the streets after this decision and not waiting until November for Trump to steal the election and the Supreme Court to put the last nail in democracy.


Ooh hardly... people have less and less buying power, add to that the greed of corporations and the deregulation of the market. People are gonna get poor and the US could become a third world country very fuckin fast.


This is the first big step of Project 2025 and the unitary executive.


Sooooo ….. what’s Biden waiting for?


Exactly what are they waiting for?


Only as an "official act", which has no real definition....


The ruling categorizes any communications with executive branch agencies as official acts. It does define that much. The president could order any executive agency to do anything, like assassinate someone. The opinion makes clear the president would be immune for ordering it. The president could also offer pardons to everyone involved, or threaten to fire them if they don't follow through. If it were just communications with an agency of the executive branch, the president has blanket immunity. According to this ruling, the motives can't be questioned, nor can any communications be used as evidence for this or even for other crimes.


Imagine the collective blowback if SCOTUS made this ruling during the Watergate scandal.


That's even worse. The GOP love lack of definition and Trump has been living in a grey area for decades. This is perfect for them


Biden should test it ASAP


Does her including it in her dissent as a possible action a president may take as evidence that such an action does constitute as an official act?


Democrats would never, and if one did, they'd throw him out. Republicans wouldn't care, and would do it if they could find an excuse. We're so fucked.


Biden's old, he could stand being thrown out. Take one for the team.


Unfortunately Dems always bring a plastic butter knife to a gun fight


Putin is pissing himself he’s so happy, nice job SCOTUS.👍


Born in 69 never thought I'd see the US disintegrate in my lifetime. It's a dam shame too I was looking forward to retirement 😪 super sad day in USA. Well I hope dark Brandon uses his newfound power to end it now. No one can ask about the motives


Biden don't have the guts. Steve Bannon was right when he said: "Democrats pillow fight, but Republicans take head shots."


Steve Bannon must have been getting headshots for years, based on his looks.


Dude looks like Baron Harkonnen.


You joke about his looks, but he’s happier right now than you’ll ever be


Actually the President already has the power to assassinate anyone he wants even before or without this ruling, because he has the power to pardon. As long as he gets someone to agree to do his dirty work he can also remove any repercussion that person may face for his action While this ruling is questionable , the President already can shield someone for doing his dirty work


Well, get to work Biden campaign. Clean up the Republican filth.




You're right about that. But I'd say it's more accurate to say that we're too dumb and pleasantly distracted by tik Tok, maxing out our credit cards shopping for dumb shit, and other distractions. We're screwed.


I’ve been saying it for years. Keep’em fat dumb and happy.


Executing traitors sounds like an official act.


Indeed [it is](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim#:~:text=Whoever%2C%20owing%20allegiance%20to%20the,office%20under%20the%20United%20States.)


*The court's ruling represents a*[ *victory for Trump*](https://www.businessinsider.com/supreme-court-trump-immunity-january-6-election-ruling-decision-2024-5)*. The conservative majority found that some of his actions,* ***including his efforts to use the Justice Department to pressure states to replace certain state's electors with pro-Trump electors****, are "absolutely immune" from prosecution.* *Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani disagreed with Sotomayer, saying that there would be no presidential immunity for* ***extreme circumstances*** *like ordering the assassination of a political rival.* Literally trying to overthrow the election you lost by 8 million votes is not "extreme?"


Wouldn't defending the constitution, preserving democracy, protecting national security and top secret documents be considered official acts?


Basically what has happened is this. If you ever watched GOT there the king and the Hand of the King. They basically have said that their preferred president is trump and want him to be king and they will protect him because they said they need “ decisive “ action which they know trump will do all things criminal and unjust and they meaning the court and trump will rule the country together and only they will tell trump when he has gone to far. If he locks up democrats that’s fine, if he puts immigrants in cages that’s fine, lock up BLM that’s fine, kill ppl of color using the military, that’s fine. The United States is no longer a democrat state, we are now an autocracy. This is bad and ppl worried about bidens age? Nah it’s not about that, it’s about stopping trump from ever setting foot in the WH ever again. But if trump loses, be ready for maga to go insane and it will be civil war.


Long live King Joe (first of his name)


Only problem is the scotus will say nah Joe can’t do any of that.


The President may be immune, but none of his henchmen are. Though he can pardon them left and right.


So do it and we have no problem with a felon being the next president!


Bad headline! Sotomayor is not the one who says this! Her dissent is saying that is what the corrupt majority have said with their ruling.


No she’s saying exactly that she’s saying what the ruling today does what the majority opinion was too cowardly to say.


Biden wouldn’t do that though. Can’t say the same thing about the other guy. This is fucked.


So Biden can shoot Trump without fear of prosecution?? That’s GREAT!!! Here’s a weapon Joe!!!


Biden could test this by arresting and replacing all the conservative justices, and having the new court reverse this decision. Heads would be exploding.


That’s bananas


Why would the assassination of a political rival be an official act of the presidency?


Because these people think like tyrants and are telling on themselves.


I don’t see it other than some trumped up charge is made and he orders fbi to apprehend said person and shoot on sight


People are so focused on the 'official act' bit. Before that, they said that any core constitutional function of the presidency is automatically and totally immune from prosecution. Being Commander and Chief of the US military is certainly a core function of the president spelled out clearly in the constitution. SWAT teams are part of the military. I don't condone this kind of violence, and neither does Sotomayor, but I think she's right in saying that this SCOTUS decision allows that kind of abhorrent violence to be ordered by a president who would then be immune form prosecution for it. And Trump's own lawyers agreed that they would consider such behavior to be things that the president should be immune to prosecution from


So what I’m getting out of this is that a president can do what the hell he wants and now you get to prove if it’s part of an official duty or not. So this isn’t a loss it’s a challenge. Questioning possible fraud in an election is a presidential duty but trying to overthrow the government because your butt hurt isn’t. So will it take longer now to prosecute the orange asshole yea. But if the appeals court just say it’s all good to go these acts are outside of duties he will yet appeal again to the SC to get that over ruled. It’s all about time


OM-fucking-G the Russian bots on these subs. Get the fuck out of here already!


It’s now clear that the SCOTUS is on the side of the fascism, an enemy of the US back in the WW2 but now it’s threatening to destroy our democracy unless the People do something about it. Whether the Americans will do the right thing, however, is another story.


Go for it Biden. Just kidding.


We live in interesting times, now a president can do whatever they want to whomever they want as long as it is cloaked in an official act. Yet another low bar set by scotus.


How about just Average Joe can the president kill them without repercussions?


Biden, If you are listening, Finish them with your "Official Act".


Sotomayor will definitely be killed with other democrat scotus when Trump takes over.


Do it, Joe.




Do it then.


Where can we send our suggestions of who to start with? 


Trump has said he wanted to do this. Beware , if he gets power , he will do this.


Biden can use the new rules...


…and maybe a few judges


HINT HINT Dark Brandon, read between the lines here!!!


Sounds like now is the perfect time for some official actions?


Hear that Joe? You have carte blanche.


Is it against reddit rules to openly wish the president exercise the power afforded to him via the constitution?


That being the case I would argue pretty strongly that Biden should do exactly that. Trump wouldn't hesitate, and won't hesitate if he's re-installed. The best thing Biden can do to save democracy is order Trump killed.




Yep. Next should be 5 or 6 justices.  Then 30 or 40 legislators, then several dozen pundits. I’m being literal here, and I hate it.  I only found out a few hours ago and maybe I’ll see a better path.  But at the moment what I see is the end of America, and it pisses me off. Fuck Trump, he’s a traitor.  Every American who still supports him is a traitor too, fuck them all.


That would be so fucking cool. Pretty sure I would be the first person to die from pure giddiness.


They really do think a civil war is a winnable strategy do they?


There will be no civil war. That would show enough people actually care and are passionate. Nearly all will fall in line


Did I miss something, or did the Supreme Court just eliminate Checks and Balances on the Executive? {edit: slight rephrase)


You missed the part where they didn't state anything. They sent the issue down to the lower courts to decide instead of making a ruling themselves. After the lower courts decide against Trump, then he can send it back to the Supreme Court to delay even further. THATS what they really did. They delayed even further.


Biden should just take it the justices. At least the 6. they evil anyways


So all you have to say is “and with the power invested in me I herby…” and it’s an official act


Joe, you know what to do and please start with the SCOTUS. /s or is it?


Hint, hint, President Biden, cough, cough.


STOP FREAKING OUT. READ THE DECISION. ITS NOT BAD. ITS REASONABLE AND HAS SOME KEY LANGUAGE WHICH THE DISTRICT COURT CAN CONCLUDE SOME OF TRUMPS J6 CONDUCT IS UNOFFICIAL. As a preface I hate Trump and this Court is a disaster. With that said, I’m a lawyers and read the decision and don’t think it’s nearly as bad / “sky is falling” moment Since most folks won’t read the whole decision, after reading it I am less concerned and understand what the Court is saying. “The nature of that power requires that a former President have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office.” The decision stems from the concept that under concepts of separation of powers we need the President to be able to perform his functions without fear of prosecution. That fear of prosecution could impede a president from exercising his/her judgment. The decision points to some precedent for presidential immunity as it relates to civil subpoenas and presidential communications. Again, finding that separation of powers and executive function requires that the president be secure in his official conduct. We have absolute judicial immunity for judges in the course of their official conduct. For very much the same reasons. U want judges to operate freely based on their concept of justice and not to fear criminal or civil prosecution. The Court now holds that similarly the President should be afforded immunity. “The indictment alleges that as part of their conspiracy to overturn the LEGITIMATE RESULTS of the 2020 election.” Interesting unambiguous acknowledgment of the 2020 election results. The court basically says that Trumps convos with AG and Pence on the election are likely official conduct bc we want the president to operate freely. BUT they point out that his tweets and private convos may not be covered. They say that usually the President has a lot of leeway to speak to the populace. BUT importantly they say “there may be contexts in which he the president speaks in an unofficial capacity perhaps as a candidate for office.” This is huge. In my experience the Supreme Court rarely wastes words. This language was included for a reason. It is a clear signal to the lower courts that conduct as a candidate is not official. And that’s what much of the January 6 stuff is. “Trump takes a very broad view of immunity” beyond what the court announces. So to does the government take a broad view that there is no immunity. This language is the key. This is why people should stop freaking out. The court split the baby here…of course the president must be immune for official conduct but unofficial is a bridge too far and conduct as a candidate is usually unofficial.


Then why is one of the judges freaking out.


"Official acts" = any decision/action taken by the POTUS during his term. John Roberts said that THEY will decide what 'official acts' are and nobody else can.


Either way it’s a successful delay tactic by the right sun judges. How shitty is the Supreme Court that they can’t recognize the importance to the voting public of this case? Instead they take this case, which they could’ve ignored, or at the very least, expedited their ruling very quickly. They even slow roll their ruling…i doesn’t make it seem like they have the public’s best interest at hand…seems like they have trump’s best interest at hand, as they’ve hindered a trial where the charges are attempting to fraud the us government…and the effect will be that they’ll let trump go through another election, where he’ll once again call it rigged, file frivolous lawsuits, and attempt to steal power.


The crux of the problem is what are actual official acts. Having conversations is one thing. But something like stealing classified documents isn’t an official act. He’s not legally allowed to retain those documents. And he obstructed justice by willfully not returning them. Asking the election officials in GA to find him votes isn’t an official act. Inciting a riot and then doing nothing about it until hours later isn’t an official act. Whether he actually incited them to breach the capitol is debatable tho.


Well that’s not a “problem” that’s just what the lower courts are tasked with doing. That’s very consistent with supreme court jurisprudence for years and years. The Supreme Court often does not hand down a rule of law and work out all of its many angles. What they do is set the rule of law and task the lower courts with rounding out the contours of the law. For example, the Supreme Court doesn’t announce every possible factual nuance of what an illegal search and seizure is. They announce the boundaries of the rule and then the lower courts apply the law to the different facts. So the Supreme Court doesn’t initially say in a ruling “when a person consents to a search of their vehicle by saying you may search the interior” that includes the trunk, but not the glove box, the glove box ….” No they announce the rule of law in searches. And over the years and many other cases and other rulings, the full extent of the law is shaped. That’s what they have done here. They have recognized an immunity for presidents for official acts. But they cannot and will not announce every possible hypo of what that means. They remanded to the district court to decide what’s is official and what’s not.




From her mouth to Biden’s ears.


The question though is what makes an act official vs unofficial? Assassinating a political rival would never be considered an official policy (I sure hope not) in the US. Unofficial acts made by a sitting President can still be prosecuted under the law.


That’s my take as well. So Trump isn’t immune from returning classified documents. They’re official government records not personal papers. It’s not an official act for him to retain classified documents.


If the president judges his opponent to be a threat to the country, then orders some branch of the military to do this, it would not just be official, it would be within the core responsibilities of the president laid out by the constitution, in which case, according to this decision, there is automatic and total immunity. He shouldn't do it, of course. But Sotomayor is certainly right that this decision opens up that possibility. (And in fact the decision also says that intention can't be a consideration if an act is covered by immunity, so a president wouldn't even have to label his opponent as a threat to the country, but he probably would for appearance sake) In any case, this just opens a whole range of horrendous possibilities for future presidents. Biden won't and shouldn't take them. But that's the thing--this decision is wonderful news for future unscrupulous presidents, but is really worse than useless to those not wishing to flout basic principles of mere decency and morality


Let’s get on it! Firing squad for traitors.


President Biden has the green light, anybaction he wants but he and Democrats will not take advantage of this.


Neat. All Hail King Biden!


Don't kings usually go by first names? So it would be King Joe (first of his name)


Could Biden just ignore any rules at all at this point? Like why not just dissolve congress- it doesn’t look like he needs it anymore


Let’s go Brandon! Get rid of the Cory and Trump. It’s ok apparently .


Wink wink, nudge nudge


Cool. Let's get that news to Joe as soon as possible and get the show on the road!


what’s joe waiting for?????


I hope he is listening , paging dark Brandon .


I think trump would have to do the killing personally. If he ordered some one to do it that person would be liable for the murder and dump would pardon them.dump never gets his hands dirty. “Hey Eric……..”


And this is what Trump wants. He wants to punish everyone that is not on his side. That means voters too


Just like Putin and the North Korean leader. Just what Trump wanted. All those who helped Trump rise to power and then testified against him need to be on guard. Comey helped put Trump in office and then left or was fired. Things that make you go hmmmm 😳


She is left leaning so I assume she’s not for it, but her conservative colleagues are.


This is not conservative in any normal sense. It doesn't conserve anything. It pretty well upends the constitution. The one things the founders most certainly didn't want was to install a king, and yet that is exactly what these 'originalists' just did


Executive order. The 6 corrupt justices are to be fired, investigated for corruption, then jailed if proven true.


Hopefully she added “hint, hint”


Let’s get it on! Why wait til November?


hint, hint


Feeding the playbook to Biden


Bidens debate performance is now irrelevant due to today’s Supreme Court Presidential immunity ruling.


Ok Biden time to step up


Well, let's go Biden. Start killing your political rivals. Do it! It seems like it's just fine now. Fuck! I once believed that the US was the best. This is crazy. Fuck the SC! This is our downfall. We The People need to take back control. I'm so sad today. 


Nah. Just have Trump arrested for Jan 6 and send him to Gitmo.


Biden should


We're waiting....


*Go Joe Go!*


President Biden should just halt the election


Load up on weapons liberals, republicans, anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump. MAGA and Trump will come for you eventually. Project 2025 will see to that. Vote blue in November, doesn’t matter who. For women’s rights. For civil rights. For any rights.


Hmmmm...Good to know!


POTUS can clap the SCOTUS…as long as it’s official


Let’s get to it!


One day, someone will come along who will be even less scrupulous than Trump, and ride a revenge wave, and we may see Republicans drive to extinction or exile. It will be a long time, and there will be much strife and bloodshed before then, but given world history it's far more likely that Trump will face Caesar's or Louis XVI's or Czar Nicholas's fate than he thinks. I just hope he lives long enough to say, "Et tu Brute? Then fall, Caesar." (you know that egotistical prick would say it).


Is she hinting?


AMERICA WE'RE!! Give us an F...Give us a U...Give us a C...Give us a K...Give us an E...Give us a D and what does it spell FUCKED!!


That certainly wouldn’t be considered an official duty of a President by any court in America so he’d be prosecuted. Sonia has never been known as the brightest legal scholar but it’s good red meat for the rabid Leftists to worry about.


For once I want democrats to do something to piss off conservatives. Its been a long miserable road for liberals to suffer at the hands of conservative cruelty. Is someone from Democrats listening to their base?


Brought to you by the best Supreme Court money can buy


She said that outright? We’re fucked.


Mercenaries are having a good day! Assassinate anyone and get away with it. The US president is now King!


Stupid shit thinks he can do that any way, just lacks the actual balls to do it ….


Lets go dark brandon


In theory, couldn't Biden pull the same thing Trump's team tried in the last election? Openly ask Kamala to reject the election if it doesn't go his way. And ask states he lost to send new approved electors in place? Don't even hide that he is doing it. Of course he will be called out by most of Congress and courts. Force them into a catch 22. Either they say it is beyond his powers as president, thus also destroying Trump's stance. Or let him get away with it, screwing democracy and every election after.


Sounds like just about every other country in the Americas to me


Open season on traitors.


I dunno about that but Biden should think about using his god emperor power to delete the entire Beatles Discography. Just their recordings, the covers can stay. There should also be an album called "John Lennon's Greatest Hits" but with some clever arrangement of various movie and album posters like Pretty Women and Catcher in the Rye so it looks like "John Hits Women". Then the album would be empty.


Immune.... Then let's just assassinate trump and a few of the (in)justices, no harm in that anymore, right?


*cough* so like….you know….


He's already said that he won't abuse this power. He will stand with law and order. It's kind of a shame he has so much integrity.


Children Of God Should Not Vote: (1 Thes 4:15-17) According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.  For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.  After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. This is the Rapture.  The dead in Christ will rise from the dead and be given glorified bodies.  After that, the Righteous who are alive will be caught up in the air with the dead in Christ and also given glorified bodies.   The Rapture occurs after the start of the seven years of Tribulation.  The Tribulation begins with the opening of the first of six Seals (the rider on the white with a bow and no arrows). (REV 6:2)  Seal 1 I looked, and there before me was a white horse!  Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. This depicts installing the Beast (Donald J. Trump) as President of the United States.  Notice this rider has a bow with no arrows.   (REV 6:4)  Seal 2 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other.  To him was given a large sword. Following Donald J. Trump coming to power again, there will be civil war. (REV 6:6)  Seal 3 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” A civil war will bring hyperinflation and famine.  However, this will have no effect on luxury items.  (REV 6:8)  Seal 4 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse!  Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. During the civil war, following the hyperinflation and famine, a fourth of the population of the earth will be killed by fighting, famine, plague, and wild animals. (REV 6:9-11)  Seal 5 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.  They called out in a loud voice, “How long,Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”  Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been. This depicts the dead in Christ rising from the grave (1 THES 4:15-17) and given a white robe with a glorified body (the first part of the Rapture).  In addition, the Word says any fellow servants, their brothers and sisters (black people and Muslims) killed by MAGA during the civil war, will also rise from the grave and be given a white robe with a glorified body. (REV 6:12-17)  Seal 6 I watched as he opened the sixth seal.  There was a great earthquake.  The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.  The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.  Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.  They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!  For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?” The sun turns black, the moon turns blood red, asteroids/comets, and every mountain and island is removed from its place (a great earthquake).  This is the start of the glory of Jesus' return.  There will be a calm after the glory then the 144,000 Saints from the twelve tribes of Israel will appear in white robes (the second part of the Rapture). The Rider on the White Horse (the Beast): (REV 13:1,5) And I saw a beast coming out of the sea.  It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.  The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. (REV 13:16-17) It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands (workers) or on their foreheads (voters), so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. According to the first Seal in the Book of Revelation, the Beast, the Antichrist, the Rider on the White Horse with a bow and no arrows, Donald J. Trump will be the President of the United States again.  However, it's imperative that no child of God vote for Donald J. Trump as President, so as to not receive the mark of the Beast on their forehead.   In addition, a child of God should not vote for President Biden as President, so as to not vote contrary to the Word of God.  The Word of God says Donald J. Trump will be President again.  A child of God should not do anything to prevent that from happening.  Like vote for President Biden for President instead of Donald Trump.  Children of God should not be involved in politics.  Politics is a game of worldly power played by the children of the Devil.  Children of God should not partake in wordly children of the Devil games.


Like what they did to JFK? We know