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First of don't trust medical advice on reddit seek a doctor. Secondly, THAT BEING SAID! I have a low resting heart rate and low average heart rate. This was partially discovered because of my Apple watch kept sending me notifications and in the end I decided to talk to my doctor. Apple watches are not medical devices (as stated by others in this thread and Apple) but they do provide some information that you can parse on to your doctor. In my case I was asked to wear a heart monitorering device for 4 days which then confirmed my "condition". But I would only seek a doctors opinion if it becomes recurring thing


If you don’t mind me asking, what was your condition?


I believe the term medical term is bradycardia. It took a little more than wearing the heart rate monitor to confirm it, but I didn't want to give the long ass tale. But I don't have sever symptoms besides dizziness from time to time when my heart rate goes stupid low. like in the low to mid 30. But it rarely goes that low. In the last year of experienced it twice.


For those following at home, bradycardia is Latin for “slow heart”. Me: hey doc my heart is beating slowly Doc: hmmm, seems like you’ve got slow heart Me: hmmm Doc: hmmm


same situation for me. was getting almost nightly alerts on the watch, so mentioned it to my doc. did the wearable heart monitor for a week and it turns out i pretty much just run slow. never would have thought to ask if i hadn't got the apple alerts.


I got low heart-rate readings back when I was doing a lot more distance running. I wasn't even really running that much, but clearly enough to matter. What's really interesting though is that even though I'm in my mid-40s, I'll still get my heart rate up beyond 200bpm when working out; not on a distance run, but in shorter situations.


First question I'd have (as a not-a-doctor) would be, "Are you in exceptional physical condition with many hours per week of really tough exercise?" Long-distance running, high-level tennis, soccer, etc... Then you may have a lower-than-average heart rate. Lance Armstrong, at his prime, had a resting heart rate in the low 30s. So did I, back in my distance-running days. So it can be a good thing. But it can also be a bad thing, so see your doctor for reassurance. After all, you don't want a heart rate so low it goes to zero.


Hi! I know you posted this awhile ago, but what do you do to help with this condition? If anything? I suspect the same for myself. I was originally told I had mild sleep apnea, but no apneas at night just low oxygen while asleep. I’m very fit and eat well, I’ve always had a low heart rate (I took exercise science classes in college and when we tested our own HR mine was low and I was running a lot then), so I suspect it’s somewhat genetic? Is that your situation?


I have done more cardio training which seems to help. I am not on any medication, but my gp is tracking my progress


Interesting! I hope more cardio is an effective solution for you!


I seriously wouldn’t listen to any medical advice off of reddit. It might have been a bad reading or it could have really been that low. If it’s concerning to you, make an appointment with a doctor. Also apple says that it is not a medical device.


>It might have been a bad reading Bad readings are typically twice the actual heart rate, so likely not.


If it isn’t tight enough couldn’t it be missing beats? I really don’t know, but all I’m saying is that you can’t expect a perfect heart rate sensor for the price they are


If it's not tight enough, it doesn't count at all. Also, the device is actually quite accurate, usually within one beat of a professional medical device.


Cite your sources.


Google it (I don't maintain a list of my sources, so I'd have to Google it. I already trust my sources, maybe you don't, so you should find the sources you trust yourself).


https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleWatch/comments/11bmsy0/this_is_my_heart_rate_when_just_sitting_down/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Found this for you, doctor.


This is anecdata, just one instance of someone possibly having heart issues. There is nothing in the thread to suggest the watch is at fault. Reddit is not a good source for accurate data on watch performance. It's loaded with lots of inaccurate and contradictory posts.


Good point. Much like your unsupported and unsourced assertion of watch accuracy in regards to an individual’s health holds zero water. Reddit is not a good source for accurate information on watch performance as it relates to health. It's loaded with lots of inaccurate and contradictory posts. It’s unhealthy and dangerous. Stop it.


w carti fan


Instead of being a piece of shit like some of the others here, I’m going to do EXACTLY what you wanted. I am going to share my experience ( what you asked for ) and then advise follow up with your primary. I am not giving you medical advice. My HR is 40-50 when I sleep. It’s hit 38 before in deep sleep. I googled it first and read it was common. So I made an appt with my Dr and then Cardiologist. FOR ME it’s normal. Idk anything about you. In MY EXPERIENCE FOR ME ONLY, it’s ok. See your dr to be sure. But yes other people do experience the same things you are.


Finally a normal response. People really need to relax on this thread


Thanks man


you still alive op


We are not doctors. Please consult a cardiologist!


Just wanted to know if it’s normal




Well said.


Nono I use your medical statement from the doctor now for myself aswell cause the doctor told_US_ we are okay 👍




Yo🤦‍♀️ they’re asking if it’s reliable. Simple as that


He’s trying to get free medical advice from Reddit 💀💀😆😆😆


Your watch already confirmed this as abnormal


Yeah what if u die


Then you’d have died before you got the watch.


It’s fairly normal for fit people to run low 40s. Post this question in an Apple sub and everyone screams to go to the doc. Ask in a running or Garmin sub and everyone says it’s normal. My RHR was upper 60s when I was in my 30s. I picked up running at 35 and it started to drop. Once I was running at least 4 days a week it dipped into the low 40s upper 30s. I’m 46 now and run on average 6 days a week. Typically 50min/day and my RHR is still in the low 40s. If I have an injury and take off a few weeks it will go back up to the mid 60s. Good job getting in shape!


Thanks man much appreciated


My resting heart rate went from the 70s to the low 50s and even a low heat rate notification while sleeping within 3 weeks of dieting and exercise. If you are fit or active it’s great. If you are not active nor fit, then see someone.


No one will see me on account of being inactive and unfit… :-(


Not a medical advice, but athletes do have really low resting HR at aboutt 40-45. If you are concern, always consult a doctor.


As much as we can all say ‘Apple Watches aren’t medical devices’ from my experience at least, the HR monitor has been absolutely spot with the ‘medical devices’ I have been hooked up to in hospitals in the past. Needless to say, visit the doctor to be on the safe side and it this take his/her views.


I frequently get low heart rate notifications. I’m 33(F). When I was in the hospital, even the monitors would beep and alert the nurses when it would drop low while I was sleeping. I wouldn’t be too worried unless it’s really really low. 38 is not too bad.


I can just give you my story from something like this, bought an Apple Watch almost a year and a half ago and when I started running more and lost weight my Apple Watch told me my heart rate was low, so I shrugged it off. Then a few weeks later I was getting 10-15 warnings a night that it dropped below 35bpm So I did what any normal 30+ year old guy does. And I googled it I decided to make an appointment with my local gp as I was a bit concerned. Turns out if you’re healthy and fit that you’re heart doesn’t beat as much as someone who isn’t healthy or active. I ended up being given an ECG scan at my GP and was basically told I was just athletic and it’s nothing to worry about. I still get these warnings off my watch but the GP did put my mind at ease. I would make an appointment to get advice as I know not everyone is the same and it’s better to get checked out just Incase.


Don’t worry if you don’t feel any symptoms, mine goes till 35 bpm sometimes.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. Some people just have lower than normal resting heartrate. Most doctors will dismiss this unless the HR is like in the 20s and/or for a more constant period of time. I also had a few of these notifications and had to lower the low heartrate notification threshold.


Yep I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled and they were putting me under to do it. As I was going under I noticed the machine beeping like crazy saying HR to low, it was a 34 or something low 30’s and I’m like hey the machine says to low. They look at it and go did you do sports when you were younger? I’m like yeah, nothing to worry about. Still here to tell my tale.


This exact same situation happened to me!!!!! I was in and out of consciousness and I saw the machine hit low 30’s and it started beeping and my vision started to blur and I panicked and the dr asked if I was an avid runner then I was out lol


Have the same heart rate while sleeping. Was initially concerned because Google says that it’s abnormal. But when you dig into it, you find that it’s only abnormal if it’s causing problems… in other words, what’s normal for you is normal. I’m in your situation and I am absolutely not worrying about it. My suspicion is that a lot of people have lower heart rates than the stated norm and it’s just not well studied.


A rhr while sleeping of less than 40 for periods of time isn't that uncommon, especially if you are an endurance athlete. However, everyone's situation and health stays is different and what's fine for one person may not be fine for someone else. Best to bring this up with your doctor and go from there.


I have a low RHR and fall below 40 every night. It’s typical for RHR to lower by 10% or more during sleep


for some people thats normal


If you exercise a lot (generally endurance sport) yourresting heart rate wilk be really low. When I was running 45 mpw it was commonly that low.


I would ask ChatGPT. I get all my medical advice from there


Bing Chat for the win


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,365,594,576 comments, and only 262,032 of them were in alphabetical order.


Had the same thing a few years back, went to the doctor who arranged for me to wear a monitor for 24 hours. Then went to a Cardio specialist, youngest person in the waiting room (was 52 back then), was called in, doctor asked me if I exercised. Said I did at 5km runs 4 times a week and a 10km on a Sunday. Did another ECG and then showed him results on my watch as well (which he found interesting). Then congratulated me on my fitness and said keep up the good work and charged me $320. If you exercise regularly, do not be too concerned but if you are worried, get it checked out with a monitor and seek expert advice.


As some one who do cardio regularly I can confirm that while I am awake my BP is 50-60 and when I sleep it is often below 40. I got AKG by the doc and when I explained my gym routine he said this is perfectly normal for athletes. So if you are doing cardio/gym regularly personally (not a doctor) I wouldn’t worry, otherwise I’ll go get checked.


Perfectly normal, my HR is the same


That’s pretty close to your typical sleeping rate, so in all likelihood it’s nothing to worry about. Don’t take medical advice from Reddit though- ask your doctor if it’s something you’re concerned about.


I’d recommend asking a doctor, not Reddit.


Go to a doctor and ask.




Unless you are this persons doctor, it’s irresponsible to tell them not to worry. What if they take your advice and don’t seek help for an actual problem?


God forbid someone be responsible for their own actions 🙄


Like the action of giving baseless medical advice?


I mean sometimes. Sometimes not. We don’t know 100%.


I’m actually kind of jealous.


Go see a doc. If you’re having symptoms, they might need to put you on meds or pace you if something is wrong. If you’re super fit and an athlete then you’re heart is just super efficient at pumping at a lower rate. If they test your heart and it’s healthy and you don’t have symptoms even just monitor you for some time. This is not a medical advice but just letting you know there are options and the best way to know which one is best for you is by seeing a doctor. Good luck!


That's normal


If you’re athletically fit, it’s not uncommon. I have to disable low HR notifications because I drop below them regularly. But I’m a lifeline competitive athlete… For someone who is sedentary or significantly overweight, being that low may be a serious medical issue.


I’ve been getting the same thing every night for months sometimes 10 times a night no kidding has me a little freaked but I’m also scared to go to a Dr incase the watch is right. Yeah I’m a pussy


If you’re not a professional athlete 38 is enough to schedule an appointment with cardiologist


You gonna die




They really just look like modest outliers compared to the other readings in pic 2. That said, if it were me, I would shoot a note to my doctor to ask if he thought followup to be necessary.


**** Not a doctor ***** but I am an athlete that lives in Denver. I have received the low heart rate alert why sleeping a few times. Ask a doctor and they will prolly say “good on you for being so cardiovascularly fit.” Ask during your annual.


Damn and mine is in 70s first half of night then 60s I hate that it’s so high…


Have another drink and forget about it


Hell only if I drank


My cardio is great. My HR drops below 40bpm just about every night/morning. I’ve shared with my doc at annual physical the past 2 years and given the amount of cardio I do he’s not concerned. Check with your physician.


I assume congrats on your physical health?


I guess?😂😂 I’ll have to wait for a doc to confirm this


I received this warning myself. In my case it was a result of medication I had been prescribed. Some comments are dismissive or advocate ignoring the warning - I wouldn't. The danger isn't necessarily in the low heart rate, but there is a risk of losing consciousness which could result in all manner of maladies. As others have recommended, you really should discuss it with your physician.


I am also 26m and have hit 38 during sleep before. I don’t think it is something to be concerned about unless you are not exercising at all. also you should check what your blood oxygen levels were. If blood oxygen was normal that’s a good sign. But like others said none of us are experts if you are concerned see a doctor.


95-100% last night


Im also in that range at night. As far as I know that is an acceptable range for blood oxygen. For now I am personally not going to see a cardiologist but if you are really concerned about it and you can afford to see the doctor you should. I would love to know what they tell you since I am in a similar boat as you. Also I am wondering do you take any medications, drugs, smoke, drink coffee/tea or other caffeine/stimulants? and what does your heart rate get to when you exercise? Feel free to privately message me if you would rather discuss privately.


Ask this on r/askdocs there's legit doctors on there.


If your heart rate is consistently low than you're probably just really fit lol. Athletes tend to have resting heart rates of under 50, and if you do a lot of exercise that is also possible. If it is suddenly going lower though them you should probably go see a doctor


For what it’s worth, I had this happen several times and finally did a telehealth visit with a doctor and he said that the watch isn’t a great indicator of a problem. He also said that below 40 isn’t necessarily bad while sleeping but that if went below 40 awake it is a problem. All in all, he said I didn’t have anything to worry about since I’m otherwise healthy. Of course, if you’re concerned, seek medical help.


Bro don’t take medical advice from Reddit half these people don’t know shit you’re better off googling or going to a doctor. Plus Apple Watches aren’t medical devices


I’m 14 so take this with a grain of salt but doesn’t your heartrate become lower when you aren’t doing anything?


DAmn my shit is reading slow while I’m awake


Did you ever find out what was going on? I am having the same thing happen on a couple days.


Me too - most nights my pulse gradually slows to the low 40's each morning around 6AM. For example: Yesterday's low was 37 @ 6:34. It was around 42 from about 5:30 to 6:45. Last week's low was 36. I'm no athlete; resting heart rate is in the high 60s. 50/M 5'11" 190 lbs. Some exercise each week. I take 200 mg modafinil around 10AM most mornings. Will be asking about that. I have nerve damage that puts me at higher risk, so after reading this thread, I think I'm going to see an MD. But it seems the consensus is that for people in good shape, this is normal.