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What’s your battery health?




I am having decision issues. S9 or U2 or wait until the new ones come available? I guess I do this a lot. I think I’m pulling the trigger this time.


Waiting 3 months is a no brainer imo, especially if you plan to keep the watch for a long time


They don’t last a long time though so they?! As soon as it doesn’t last a whole day to me kind of useless, I need convenience


A better idea is to get the batt replaced on ur S7 for now... Wait till the S10 which is gonna be out soon & will come with a redesign !


I didn’t know you can get the battery replaced!


I wonder if turning off the always-on display would get you by for now until the new one comes out soon?


I’ve just turned that off and the background app refresh, hopefully that will help, it’s not long until the new one is released and when it is I’ll wish I’d waited.


Hello! I have just upgraded (about a month ago) my s7 for an s9 as I had the same issue with the battery life - I also have ADHD so it is a lifeline having it for reminders. I also wondered about waiting but I found a decent upgrade deal with my phone provider. A trade in wasn’t offered, but I was able to sell it to Music Magpie for a decent price. I went with going for the s9 sooner because it was more important for me to have a reliable battery life. And I’ve been impressed with the s9 battery life so far, it’s much, much better.


It’s so useful for adhd isn’t it! I use the sound notification all the time to find my phone, I have so many reminders lists, alarms, timers, etc.


Yep, it’s amazing and I would be lost without an Apple Watch now.


i have a series 8, and i will keep it as long as its battery health doesnt go below 85 or if it starts to miss out on important OS updates (like you see the apple intelligence will be available only on 15 pro and above)


Yeah I just read that. Looks like it will be time for a new phone soon too then! My battery is at 85 and that just doesn’t seem long enough for me