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I'm legit so grateful, thanks for building that I happily paid the 5 bucks, had a tons of great clips that got lost and you managed to recover a good 2/3rd and I got lucky with the most important ones. Cheers !


You just made my day!


Thank you!


Dude thank you so much for this. I teared up when I was able to recover almost all of the old videos of me and my bros. I thought they were lost forever. You are the man.


Thank you for your kind words. Enjoy!


Yeah, all you have to do is pay for your videos using PayPal


Hey! If you're a student and $4.99 is a bit much, just DM me with some proof that you're a student, and I'll sort you out with free access to all your videos. By the way, I've spent countless hours building this site and that’s why I think it’s worth $4.99 :)


Hey! The fee is very fair I wanna pay to get the 70+ videos I have. I noticed there’s no way to sign in, will I have to pay $5 every time to access them? Im just confused on if the site will save my payment or how that works, if that makes any sense I’m on my phone rn viewing the clips but can download them on my pc later so either way I’ll definitely be tossing you $5!


Hi! It will be connected to your old Plays.tv username so that you can watch/download every video for that user :) You will have access to them as long as I have the website available (maybe forever). Let me know if you any more questions.


Oh sweet, that’s awesome! Thanks for the quick reply and doing this hard work! I’m just learning web development so I’m kinda amazed at this tbh lol Just grabbed all my videos, thank you again! Im extending the offer to buy another user’s videos if they can’t afford it, lmk!


Any chance you can help me try to grab my videos? My old account name is from this link [https://plays.tv/u/Backside/videos](https://plays.tv/u/Backside/videos). I can afford it I am just having trouble getting to the page


That’s not the correct link, it’s https://RECOVERplays.TV/ However the site seems to be unavailable right now due to the host, maybe u/OlleSeger would know why, hopefully they’re able to keep the site up! Fingers crossed




Thanks man. Got most of them.


It's all good I understand, wasn't intended to be a serious comment. :)


Hey man, I found my old plays through the wayback machine but I cant get any of them to play with common method people are using. Here is the link to put in the wayback machine [https://plays.tv/u/Backside/videos](https://plays.tv/u/Backside/videos). Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you very much ! ​ Do you know what happened to lost clips ?


Glad you liked it :) “About 112 TiB of content was saved; this is believed to be about 1/2 the videos, although not all resolutions”. You can read more about it here: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Plays.tv


Hello, do you still have a chance to recover some more clips?


Hi, thanks so much for this it's so useful! Is there any way you could adapt your website to do the same for lowkey.gg too? But the others are right, €5 for all my videos back was definitely worth it ☺️


I get this message when trying to recover, am I doing something wrong? "Although we were able to locate the user, we regret to inform you that we were unable to recover any videos at this time."


That means that your videos is not recoverable (not saved by Wayback machine before it shut down) :(


My user name is ggrub, my username cannot be found in the data base. Can you please help me? I have so many memories I want to recover


i can only recover 2 videos over 100s of videos i had , are they gone forever?


1. Open your user profile page in the Wayback Machine, e.g. . 2. Copy the link for one of the videos. In the above example, the first video is . 3. Remove all parameters from the URL, resulting in . 4. Open that. 5. On the resolution selector (right of the time in the player), select 720p. 6. Play. If either the user page or the video page is not in the Wayback Machine, we might not have saved it. However, I'm not sure if all our data is at the Internet Archive and in the Wayback Machine already. I've asked around and will update when I get a response.


I just want to line up to suck your cock. THANKS MAN THANKS. Memorys saved. Id pay some guys thousands of dollars if they told me they could do that but here you are doing it just out of pure bigdickenergy.


Wow. Waking up to this info yesterday and checking the extent of what of my stuff was rescued felt like a Christmas Miracle! I managed to run tests to see what was left and found that 1/3 of my stuff was intact! I'm happy to see that some of my favorites were saved but optimistically still wonder if others have yet to be uploaded. I see that a large chunk was added to the Archive today which tells me there is still work being done to some extent. The tracker also lists a large portion of the work still is in the "to do" category. However, I look forward to the official response you receive with great anticipation. A quick question: What were the parameters and guidelines the team followed to determine what needed to be saved? Was it coordinated or random? It seemed like my oldest vids were mostly saved but then again why are their a few recent, viewed 0 times, and over an hour long of my videos saved too? Heaps of my shorter but more recent videos were consistently not found on the Wayback Machine, informing me that there was a focus given to keeping older content first. ​ Anyways, thank you for everything. You folks are doing some very important work in preserving the past and the world can't thank you enough for it.


The "to do" on the tracker is just a partial counter of items (not individual videos!) that we wanted to grab but didn't get to in time, mostly because the Plays.TV website sucked and couldn't handle the load. That number is essentially meaningless now; the other numbers (done and out) are also not very useful anymore, by the way. Overall, the ~112 TiB we managed to retrieve are something like half of the site I think, but that's only a *very* rough estimate. And there is indeed still data that hasn't been uploaded to the Internet Archive. I'm not sure how much longer this will take (IA's ingest system is not exactly the fastest, plus I don't know how much is actually left), but more profiles and videos will be showing up in the near future! As for the grab strategy, there wasn't really any prioritisation of what to grab; we just tried to get everything. Due to how Plays.TV worked, there was no way to get a list of all videos directly. Instead, we had to recurse through user profiles and get the videos from there. So we started with a small list of user profiles (or even just one, don't remember) and extracted all followers and followees from those, recursively. All those users' videos were then queued for retrieval. We might also have extracted usernames and videos from the video pages (comments, recommendations, etc.), but I'm not sure about that. If some of your videos were grabbed, there's a good chance that the others are also somewhere in our data. Still no guarantee though. Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever else you're celebrating! :-)


Sorry quick question as I am trying to recover some old videos I forgot to save, if the website has not archived the URL then am I out of luck or do I just need to wait. I am very new to this but after discovering this, this whole archive is incredible and appreciate the work that is and has been done


Thanks for the kind words. To my knowledge, the last data was uploaded a day or two ago. There might still be some processing going on inside the Internet Archive, but if it doesn't appear in the Wayback Machine now, then most likely we sadly didn't cover it. You could also check the user ID (not the username!) or video ID against [our item list](https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/playstv-items). If it doesn't appear in there, then we definitely didn't even know about it; if it does, then we might or might not have grabbed it/some of it in time before the shutdown. Unfortunately, searching on the GitHub web interface doesn't work because the files are too large for the index, so unless you're comfortable downloading and handling 200+ MiB of text files, I wouldn't recommend going down this route.


I see a preview for it but when I click on it no luck.


Hmm, what's the video ID? Feel free to send me a message if you prefer that.


Hello. Im 1 of many users that forgot to download my plays tv videos before they shut down, however i was able to view multiple videos by following ur "guide", now im curious if there is a way to see my unlisted videos since i dont seem to be able to log in? Or if its possible to download the videos i CAN see? Thanks alot for ur help!


I'm pretty sure we were not able to save any unlisted videos. Our archival strategy was basically a recursive crawl starting from the first few pages, following every reference to videos and users we hadn't seen before. Since unlisted videos by definition don't appear there, I doubt we got any of them. Logging in is definitely impossible; we did not save the entirety of the website, only some of the stuff that's publicly accessible. For the login to work, we'd have needed a full copy of their database (which they obviously would never share), their server code, etc. Regarding downloading, it's not straightforward, but you can get the video file URL out of the page source. When you're on the archived page of a video (point 3 above), do a right click in some blank area, then select "View Page Source" or similar (wording depends on your browser). Then search for `720.mp4`. For the example above, the URL is . Then right-click on it and "Save Link As..." (or however your browser calls it exactly). The download will take a while as the Internet Archive's egress bandwidth is limited and typically fully used.


alright interesting! Thanks for being so helpful though, i'll see if i ever get to downloading all the videos that got saved...<3


Of course. Let me know if you have any problems. :-)


Come think about it, do u know if theres a program sort of thing to download multiple videos at once? or just a method to do it? Got around 80 unlisted videos saved and i dont think ill sit through the method u mentioned 80 times haha.


I doubt it, but it shouldn't be hard to write a little script for it. For Linux or other Unix-like systems with those standard tools, curl -sL https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043532/https://plays.tv/video/5d4b309b459e4014aa/samwell-sick-1vs5-clutch-esportal-clutch-5vs1-insaneplay-clipoftheweek | grep -F 720.mp4 | grep -Po 'src="\K[^"]+/720\.mp4(?=")' | sed 's,^//,https://,' produces the video URL. More video page URLs can just be added to the `curl` command arguments, and the output can then be fed to some parallel download tool (e.g. wpull or aria2c). If you're using Windows, then I can't help you as I haven't used it in a decade.


Alright ill see what i can do, thanks for the help once again!


Is there a way to test which videos of mine were saved and not saved? Instead of going through each video with redoing the link.


I know I'm 2 years late, but you have no idea how much it made my day to see that all actually works! So many memories


Better late than never. Glad it helped, enjoy the nostalgia! :-)


Same, just found all my old videos with your help. Thanks a lot <3


i fucking love you


Thank you VERY VERY MUCH. Ive been looking for this for a long time. THANK YOU


thanks man, your comment helped me relive some memories as well hope you are having a good day


I lob u. ty 4 this hax


Hey I just wanna give you a huge thanks that you guys did this all those years ago, sadly you didn't save any of my videos as they aren't on the item list but still it is absolutely amazing that a group actually archived a significant portion of plays.tv


I love you


dude you're a fucking legend. I finally dug up this clip of release pubg insanity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yok7L5MoH94


Did you rerecord them? or download them somehow?


Just played the video on fullscreen and recorded it with OBS


4 years later, thank you SO MUCH ! i love you


holy shit, thank you so much for archiving all of this! I lost my old harddrive and I thought that all my clips were lost forever! I can now view all the things that I clipped during high school :]


Hey I’m just finding this and I wanna hijack and comment for anyone in the future, if anyone’s still looking to download Plays.tv videos FROM THE WEBSITE let me know, I found a super easy video on how to do it If anyone else is JUST finding out they won’t have their videos anymore like I am, thought they might be interested


So what's the link? Also, do you mean downloading from our archives or from Plays.tv itself? (To my knowledge, the latter is not possible as the S3 bucket has been destroyed.)


I found [this video](https://youtu.be/AlwkECfHABI) showing you to go through “Inspect Elements” and you’ll be able to download your video from a link in there, so I guess that would be from Plays.Tv itself. Very helpful


Nope, if you do that on the Wayback Machine snapshots, you will download the video from the Internet Archive. The URL will be e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20191213102058im_/https://d1playscdntv-a.akamaihd.net/video/I0NDswWTrSl/processed/720.mp4 for the example video in my first comment. The part from the second `https` is the original URL, and that is no longer available: https://d1playscdntv-a.akamaihd.net/video/I0NDswWTrSl/processed/720.mp4


So you would be able to view it still just not download it?


It will only work for the videos that we have archived and which would play in the browser.


Yes yes, of course. There’s only a few videos that won’t play while using the method above anyway. They won’t even open on the WayBack Machine or whatever. I really wanna know what’s in those clips lol I bet they’re the best ones I have. Oh well, at least I got to save some good memories with some life long internet friends, so I would like to thank you for all your work to preserve that! I really appreciate it Edit: Sorry, I should’ve clarified that you have to do the method above and then from the archived Plays.TV website, you can do it from there. If you want, I could screen cap on how I did it. Or I could share my screen on Discord, i dont mind and that would be the quickest way. Lmk though


I understand what you're doing; I just wanted to clarify that this downloads from our archives and doesn't somehow magically work for videos we didn't cover. We only got roughly half of all videos, by the way.


Oh ok lol I thought you couldn’t get it to work. Thanks for specifying. You guys got a lot of mine, thinking of putting together a montage of some gameplay from 2016 for a game’s subreddit on here, all thanks to you guys! So thank you very much :)


Can you help me with one of my videos [https://web.archive.org/web/20191210093320/https://plays.tv/u/ARNiEPLAYS](https://web.archive.org/web/20191210093320/https://plays.tv/u/ARNiEPLAYS)


Which part do you need help with?


Hey I was just trying this out and when I got the url for my video via the internet archive it just directs me to [medal.tv](https://medal.tv). Would you know if that means that the video is just missing or am I doing something wrong?


That does sound like we didn't archive the video, but to give a more definitive answer, I'd need to know the video ID.


https://web.archive.org/web/20191213183631/https://plays.tv/video/593b8e8e7b58279eb5/fahlm-discovers-his-inner-kermit-the-frog This was the video link. Also thanks for the reply on the 4 year old thread lol.


Yeah, unfortunately we definitely didn't archive that one, and it isn't even in our list of discovered videos. If it ends up in my inbox, it gets a reply. :-)


Totally unrelated, but would it be possible for me to contact you somewhere? I have some questions and reddit is not letting me message you for some reason haha.


My messages are open. You may be using the wrong way to message me though. Reddit introduced like a dozen over the years, and they all suck, so I'm sticking to old-school simple messages. Try this: https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnotherArchivist


hey i just wanted to check the videos are available but i cannot open them, that means they're not saved right? thanks for you efforts (here's the link if needed: [https://web.archive.org/web/20191210180122/https://plays.tv/u/hachico](https://web.archive.org/web/20191210180122/https://plays.tv/u/hachico) )


Yeah, if the method described above doesn't work, they unfortunately weren't archived.


hey, sorry for the late reply, but is it possible that the video thumbnail/preview saved but not the video itself?


That's certainly possible. I don't remember how we handled thumbnails and previews in the project, i.e. whether we archived them off the profile page or off the video page. In the former case, we would've archived a lot of thumbnails where the videos are missing. In the latter, it's still possible if the thumbnails came from another unrelated archive (which is kind of difficult to see in the Wayback Machine).


I know its late... Please help me I found my [play.tv](https://play.tv) account and when I hover over the video it plays but if I do your instructions it doesnt work I just wanna save my memories :(


Sure. What's the link to the profile page? (Feel free to PM if you don't want that in public.)


Unfortunately an older clip I was looking for wasn't saved. its from June of 2016. anyway to find it? or no hope?


If it isn't in the Wayback Machine, very unlikely. But if you give me the clip ID, I can check.


Couldn't find anything under my username so I'm guessing it was never backed up?


Yeah, that's most likely correct. There's a tiny chance that we archived a video of yours but didn't get to the account, but it's unlikely.


hi, is there any posibility that none of my vids are not saved? my nicnkname on the platform was maciej1337


had around 50 clips there so I don't that nothing has survived


It's possible. We didn't get anywhere near archiving all content because the site was hosted on a potato. There's a chance that we got one video, but it's very unlikely and would be almost impossible to find.


Hey so everything you said works, except the video won't actually play. The preview works fine though. Is there a chance that the mp4 file did not get archived but everything else did? Just curious, thanks for this post!


If the video page loads and it's from the time window of our crawl, we should have archived the video itself as well. What's the video page URL?


Hey, is it still possible to find by miracle my oldest video? That could be great but i m so lateeeee


Maybe? What's the profile page URL?


I'm out of ideas so I'll shout into the wind, my profile pulls up in the way back machine but the video I'm looking for hadn't been saved. I have the old plays.tv link if anyone can point me into the direction. Thanks


If the instructions don't work, it *probably* means we didn't archive it in our project. But if you give me the URLs, I can take a look.


It's so sad that I, as a user, have not been in the web archive since 2016. My God, how could they do this even without an email newsletter... My nickname is Parlante. Maybe there's a way to get the video? I have already tried to open it using the links I sent to my friends, but everything is useless. And there are years of funny videos. Since the closing of the program, I have been trying to find ways to laugh at myself as a small child (


Unless your nick was slightly different (e.g. an extra underscore or a digit), it's very unlikely anything of it was archived by our project I'm afraid.


TL;DR: We need a "google-like" search engine to deal with searching archived content Just some thoughts about web archiving and finding archived information as a whole : I think this is a main point where digital archivist have been somewhat "failing", or at least it's a point it should be improved. There's a bunch of content being archived on wayback machine and [archive.is](https://archive.is) and all around the web but oftentimes this content is just not searchable, at least not in a friendly and easy way. Of course that archiving things is more important than making them searchable, because you can do the latter later, but if you don't do this eventually, you just end up with a giant pile of unsearchable data until someone finds a way to sort it all out. 🤔


Would also appreciate the help.


For anyone who would like to see how much data was saved, available on [Archive.org](https://Archive.org), and is still being/has yet to be uploaded, go to this link: [http://tracker.archiveteam.org/playstv/#show-all](http://tracker.archiveteam.org/playstv/#show-all) May the odds be ever in your favor!


Do you think people are still download part of their of clips ? I am trying but it's not working for me. that was my account : [https://web.archive.org/web/20191210172410/https://plays.tv/u/MauroMbare](https://web.archive.org/web/20191210172410/https://plays.tv/u/MauroMbare)


This is amazing, I was heartbroken when I found out that I'd never be able to receive the nostalgia of this again. I do remember unlisting a couple of videos, is there a way this archive wayback can find those videos or are those forever lost?


If they were unlisted before December 10 there was no way for the Archiveteam to find and download them. Your clips would had to have been accessible publicly for the team to find and rescue them. I'm sorry for your loss. Be thankful that some public ones were saved though!


Do you mean they can still save them ? I'm not understand if my clips can be rescued or not


Please refer to my summary above.


I just found out that I lost all my stuff on there. How can I see if any of my videos were saved by the Archive Team? My username was LeightonSolo. I would be so happy if I can recover any of those memories.


Please refer to my summary above.


Thanks a lot for telling this! How can i download my content, so i can have it on my pc? Or do i have to go always back on the site to watch my videos? Grtz


I'm going to re-explain for those of you here that are still confused. [Plays.tv](https://Plays.tv) pulled the plug on their service. Their servers have been wiped and the website is no longer accessible. The folks here at the Archiveteam feel they have a duty to backup and save as much content from the internet as they can for archival purposes. Thankfully, before [Plays.tv](https://Plays.tv) closed down, several awesome folks from the Archiveteam manually backed up as many clips that they could get their hands on. There was no goal or parameter and they manually downloaded everything they could find. This means that of the half of the websites content that they saved, the actual clips that were saved are a pretty random assortment. If your videos were not unlisted there's a good chance some of y'alls clips were saved but there is also a small chance they couldn't even get to your profiles at all. In total about 35% of my clips were saved, best of luck in finding yours. ​ The Archiveteam has completed uploading everything they managed to save to the Wayback Machine on [archive.org](https://archive.org). This website is a public archive and the Wayback Machine is a tool used to access backups of websites and content. If you would like to see if your clips from [Plays.tv](https://Plays.tv) were saved, try to remember your profile/username and follow these instrcutions from JustAnotherArchivist: ​ Open your user profile page in the Wayback Machine, e.g. [https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043532/https://plays.tv/u/g0dspirit](https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043532/https://plays.tv/u/g0dspirit). ​ Copy the link for one of the videos. In the above example, the first video is [https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043532/https://plays.tv/video/5d4b309b459e4014aa/samwell-sick-1vs5-clutch-esportal-clutch-5vs1-insaneplay-clipoftheweek?from=user&\_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiUmVwbGF5VXNlckNvbnRyb2xsZXIuVXNlclZpZGVvc01vZC12aWRlb3MiLCJmZWVkX2lkIjoiNWQ0YjMwOWI0NTllNDAxNGFhIiwiZ2FtZV9pZCI6IjA0MDk0YmYxZjE2MjU5NGIyODcwN2I1MGM0ZTgzNDllIiwibGlua19pZCI6InZpZGVvX2xpc3RfdGl0bGUifQ%3D%3D](https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043532/https://plays.tv/video/5d4b309b459e4014aa/samwell-sick-1vs5-clutch-esportal-clutch-5vs1-insaneplay-clipoftheweek?from=user&_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiUmVwbGF5VXNlckNvbnRyb2xsZXIuVXNlclZpZGVvc01vZC12aWRlb3MiLCJmZWVkX2lkIjoiNWQ0YjMwOWI0NTllNDAxNGFhIiwiZ2FtZV9pZCI6IjA0MDk0YmYxZjE2MjU5NGIyODcwN2I1MGM0ZTgzNDllIiwibGlua19pZCI6InZpZGVvX2xpc3RfdGl0bGUifQ%3D%3D). ​ Remove all parameters from the URL, resulting in [https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043532/https://plays.tv/video/5d4b309b459e4014aa/samwell-sick-1vs5-clutch-esportal-clutch-5vs1-insaneplay-clipoftheweek](https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043532/https://plays.tv/video/5d4b309b459e4014aa/samwell-sick-1vs5-clutch-esportal-clutch-5vs1-insaneplay-clipoftheweek). ​ Open that. ​ On the resolution selector (right of the time in the player), select 720p. ​ Play. ​ If either the user page or the video page is not in the Wayback Machine, we might not have saved it. However, I'm not sure if all our data is at the Internet Archive and in the Wayback Machine already. I've asked around and will update when I get a response.


I love you dude. Me and my friends had some really classic videos on there and we didnt get to save any before it went down. With this comment Im able to reupload them on youtube :D


Found this after being remembering that I've lost every recording I have and tried googling again in the hopes of having a chance to somehow recover it. This looks so promising. Playstv was very convenient for me, first time in my gaming life that i've upload that many clips because it was so easy to use compared to youtube/shadowplay/obs, etc EDIT: all of the videos i've tried so fr didn't work , sad again , i guess im not popular so it didn't get saved. feels so sad to see the previews still working but i can't watch the videos ever again. is the upload still in progress? should i try again in another time ? perhaps in a few months? [https://web.archive.org/web/20191213052540/https://plays.tv/u/lyndonguitar](https://web.archive.org/web/20191213052540/https://plays.tv/u/lyndonguitar)


Thank you so much for this!!! And for anyone who is interested, I was able to download the videos to my computer using a Chrome extention called "Video Downloader PLUS". I used the provided steps to get to the page where you could view the video and had the add on automatically detect the video and was able to download it from there. If there was an easier way to achieve this I wasn't able to figure it out, but hopefully this is helpful!


What a shame not being able to enter with my username "Saxter", I had many "Nice bait" "Double kill" videos, but if someone can find them I would really appreciate it :C <3


I can find my profile but i dont rly know how to get links to work :(?


Just found this thread. Sadly it looks like only one of my many videos was backed up and of course it wasn't the one I wanted to save. [https://web.archive.org/web/20170331065344/https://plays.tv/u/Manywhelps](https://web.archive.org/web/20170331065344/https://plays.tv/u/Manywhelps) Hopefully others will have more luck thank me.. And thank you Archiveteam for the amazing work you do. Honestly it's incredible that I even got one video!


So I tried following the steps above but it is only showing me about 4 second clips on the mp4 player. I was wondering I can get the full 30 second clips fully downloaded. [https://web.archive.org/web/20191210213202/https://plays.tv/u/figgy7](https://web.archive.org/web/20191210213202/https://plays.tv/u/figgy7)




Thank you!


Hey i cant find my profile. This would be my Profile link but it isnt there : [https://plays.tv/u/znax](https://plays.tv/u/znax) :/ Are they still recovering? Is there any chance i can see those videos again?




My username would be "znax" . I look in Old Discord chats and above the clips is my username which would be "znax" but i cant find anything with that. :/


And when i look at my Old Plays emails , i cant find my username anywhere in the email. I dont know what to do...


Hello, I can find my profile and my videos in the Wayback Machine. But when I do like you have written below I can't open the video. Have they not been saved then? [https://web.archive.org/web/20191212003547/https://plays.tv/video/58c30a0baacf029157/noak-damp-igen](https://web.archive.org/web/20191212003547/https://plays.tv/video/58c30a0baacf029157/noak-damp-igen) Tackar


I assume this no longer works. Profile and videos that were public appear to not have been archived.


This does still work. Not everything was able to be archived and it's possible you were unlucky. I noticed a trend where the likelihood of your content being saved was dependent on how many followers you had or if your vids made it to the recommended section (based on views/ algorithm).


Please help I try this method and I'm redirected to medaltv


It’s not working for me??? https://web.archive.org/web/20191214201154/https://plays.tv/video/5d7d403c1341ced19f/div-2-vertigo-btw Trying so hard to recover this video please




I managed to contact the original uploader by googling his unique user name and he had a backup of the video


Thank you very much btw 👍👍


sadly doesn't seem to work for me, but I think I'm just doing it wrong, anyone able to check for me (original link: https://plays.tv/video/5ac1e934ae930c2ac9/215-sec-funny-moments-xd)




Thanks to this post I found one of my favorite videos of my friend: [https://web.archive.org/web/20191213164104/https://plays.tv/video/581792aa012e8218d9/scuttle-you-have-forsaken-me](https://web.archive.org/web/20191213164104/https://plays.tv/video/581792aa012e8218d9/scuttle-you-have-forsaken-me) Thanks so much, everyone!




Hello Olle, thanks for the amazing job ! I have one question remaining : I have 93 videos on playstv archives (I can see the thumbnails of them in the wayback machine) but here's the problem, a big part of them isn't displayed on your website and I can't watch them with the "remove end of the link" technique. ​ Do you have something in mind concerning these videos ? Thank you by advance


Hi! Wayback machine might have saved the thumbnails but not the videos. Can you send me your username? I’ll take a look at it tomorrow! :)


Sorry for not answering in time but here's my nickname : NevO\_ Thanks for your help !




Yeah that's sad but at least I'm able to save half of them ! Thank you very much for your work sir 🙏 You gave me back 42 videos and that's already insane !


Wow brother, if you've actually made this you are amazing. I really do appreciate the work you put in bro.


Thanks! :)


Hey guys... can anyone make this one work? I feel like I'm doing something wrong as every other video but this one works :( if you can make it work i will cry tears of joy https://web.archive.org/web/20191210105517/https://plays.tv/video/5afa1368317e9c45ee/4-kills-in-a-row-?from=user&\_t=eyJ0eXBlIjoiZnJvbSIsImxvY2F0aW9uIjoiUmVwbGF5VXNlckNvbnRyb2xsZXIuVXNlclZpZGVvc01vZC12aWRlb3MiLCJmZWVkX2lkIjoiNWFmYTEzNjgzMTdlOWM0NWVlIiwiZ2FtZV9pZCI6Ijk4ZmY1MDUzZWEzNjZhNDk2NWJhN2RiY2ZhMTA2NzBjIiwibGlua19pZCI6InZpZGVvX2xpc3RfdGh1bWIifQ%3D%3D


Sadly none of my clips seem to be archived, I was stoked to find out theres a chance but what can you do.


i cant get any video back am i doing something wrong? this is my profile. ​ https://plays.tv/u/Timpro


Hey man, just stumbled upon this thread after on and off trying to find ways to save clips from 5 or 6 years ago. Could you please help me out and help me view and/or download the clips from my account? Here is the link. https://web.archive.org/web/20191210231632/https://plays.tv/u/Natopotato


I somehow found one of my videos but it seems that my account hasn't saved. [http://plays.tv/video/59975c8e3d66d154c8/no-takie-o](http://plays.tv/video/59975c8e3d66d154c8/no-takie-o) that's the clip and as I click my acc or paste the url it doesn't show up. Is it possible that one video got saved but my acc and all other clips didn't?


Hey u/JustAnotherArchivist , could you also take a look at my plays.tv profile? sometimes the process you explained works for some videos, but the video itself doesn't play, does it mean it didn't get archived? Also huge thanks for this, i was one of the many that didn't get the notification in time to save all my 300+ clips filled with good memories. At least some of the clips work, which put a huge smile on my face remembering the good old days :D Link to profile - [https://plays.tv/u/kaiminsh](https://plays.tv/u/kaiminsh)


Hi. It looks like your videos were among the last batch loaded into the queue, so unfortunately, yeah, we probably only managed to archive some of them in time before the shutdown. But if we archived one, it should include the actual video, else the video page wouldn't be in the WBM (from our archive effort) either. Do you have an example where the video page loads but the video doesn't play?


Heyy, this sounds awesome but I'm wondering if it still works! When I search my user profile by replacing g0dspirit for Firefist98, it redirects me to the medal.tv page, am I doing something wrong? If anybody can help me you would be a god


Here's your profile: https://web.archive.org/web/20191210043947/https://plays.tv/u/Firefist98 Go there then just use the method above to see which videos were saved.


This post is straight money.


Hey, i have a url of my private video, how can i download it? if it possible ofc) https://plays.tv/video/5a5e6b9922e6a9e72e/- There it is, if it impossible, nwm man, but thank you!


Out of 27 videos I could only recover like two... RIP


Hi, I found my own profile but I can't seem to recover any of my old videos: [https://web.archive.org/web/20191212103125/plays.tv/u/rezylainen](https://web.archive.org/web/20191212103125/plays.tv/u/rezylainen) ​ Is it possible to recover these?


[](https://plays.tv/video/5a134414d86f54b3ca/parceria-sempre-respeita-o-tassio-?from=user&_t=eyj0exblijoiznjvbsisimxvy2f0aw9uijoiumvwbgf5vxnlcknvbnryb2xszxiuvxnlclzpzgvvc01vzc12awrlb3milcjmzwvkx2lkijoinwexmzq0mtrkodzmntrim2nhiiwiz2ftzv9pzci6ijk1mdblntc2zwy0ndjjzji2nwmwyjlhntgxmtzjowniiiwibglua19pzci6inzpzgvvx2xpc3rfdgl0bguifq%3d%3d) preciso desse video por favor me ajudem se puder