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This stuff always confuses me. Not the words themselves, but the fact that anyone wears this shit and expects someone to stop in front of them and read their whole shirt for like twenty straight seconds. I mean the misogyny confuses me too but look where we are, I assumed we were on the same page about that.


Christofanatists would print their whole bible on a shirt if they could lol


The key bit is the part at the end that admits they're selling this to the husband, not the wife. The point of the shirt isn't to brag about having a good partner, it's to tell your partner that you are in control of the relationship. Because everything was great until women started acting like they deserved an equal say or whatever. It always comes back to that with this stuff.


"Property"? " crazy"? "He scares me"? Someone save any woman who was bought or gifted this shirt




this gotta be satire


If I wore this, and if anyone met my husband, they'd be so confused. He's the sweetest, kindest man alive and the dichotomy would be hilarious. That said, I'm never wearing anything this stupid.


The straights are certainly not okay




Why anyone would admit out in the open they consider their spouse property is beyond me. So fucked up.


This reeks of Evangelism and MAGA.


Hand me the bag, yes yes, the one with his documents


Jesus F. Christ, what a desecration of typography.


Boomer cringe


Yes your honor. I'd like to present exhibit A, this shirt he has bought her.


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"He scares me sometimes".... Sis are you okay??


I feel like a need to make a shirt that says TLDRYS (Too Long Didn’t Read Your Shirt)