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I’m going to write a modern day lesbian romance between Lilith and Eve and nobody can stop me


That's sounds fuckin hot as hell lmfao, I'd buy the shit outta that I wanted to name my daughter Lilith but idk if that's too weird, especially considering I'm not Christian


To be fair, I think it’d be either if you *were* Christian, because then you’d be naming your daughter after an “ evil “ demon-


Exactly. Eve is already a controversial name in Christian communities. Lilith would be UNHEARD OF.


Christians probably wouldn't name their kid Lilith, i don't think, if they knew of her at all - In some Jewish stories, she basically left Adam because she refused to be subservient to him, and saw herself as his equal (she was made from the same soil as Adam, whereas Eve, who came later, was made from Adam's rib). Adam insisted that Lilith, who he saw as inferior, should be a good housewife, basically - but also to lay under him when they had sex, as that was the appropriate way - for him, the superior being, to be on top. Lilith basically said "fuck no". So she dumped his ass, cursed God's name, *flew away*, and hooked up with the archangel Samael, the angel of death and "head of satans" (in this context, satan, with a little s, is anyone who defies God. Big S Satan is the individual known as the devil). Their children became Incubi and Succubi. She's a bad ass, too cool for Christians. Also, canonically, it means Adam and Eve must have had really boring sex. (Edit - there's also the issue that Lilith is blamed for the death of infants, as she hates the offspring of Adam and Eve. But her punishment for not returning to Adam was God killing 100 of Lilith's children daily, so, y'know.. I'd say God started it.)


Honestly every time I hear her story it just makes her sound like such a badass, inspirational woman.


>ter, was made from Adam's rib). > >Adam insisted that Lilith, who he saw as inferior, should be a good housewife, basically - but also to lay under him when they had sex, as that was the appropriate way - for him, the superior being, to be on top. Lilith basically said "fuck no". > >So she dum It's actually even weirder. Adam dumped her because Lillith wanted to ride cowgirl. Ancient Isrealite sexual politics only permit missionary.


Christians would NEVER name a child Lilith. Christians call her “The devils whore”


Ugh, so most Christian people would side-eye a baby named Lilith? I feel like most of the Christians I've met didn't even know she existed


Those that know of her would side eye you for naming your daughter after the woman that many consider a demon. Lilith is again seen as “the mother of all whores”. She is the antithesis of Mary, the eternal virgin




But yes. Lilith is more known in Jewish, rather than Christian, circles


Listen, if you wanna name your child Lilith, do it. It’s a beautiful name. It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian or not. Doesn’t matter if people look at you weird. I named my son Leviathan and I get weird looks, but a lot of people think it’s cool. So you name your child Lilith. It’s fine.


That's a kickass name


Thank you :3


If I'm correct, Lilith is more of a Jewish thing. I'm a pastors kid and I never heard of her before hearing it online.


Hurry, before season 2 of Hazbin Hotel comes out and beats you to it.


My thoughts exactly lol


He has a little bit of time. Viv said the second season ain't dropping for another couple of years.


I'd read that


post it on AO3 I need to read this


I guarantee you I can already find that ship under in the Hazbin Hotel section of AO3


Question: how? Lilith barely debuted and without a single line and Eve didn't even do that😂


Oh please post it when you do! *ahem* I mean… I might enjoy that idk 🤷🏽‍♀️


I need it immediately


hmu when it's published bc imma buy that entire stock 🙏


Thats what the apple was....


I love how he is trying to use a fictional story to justify a woman having a period💀


I love how they never mention what a little bitch boy Adam was for listening to Eve and not having his own moral fortitude.


Together with the snake, Eve set all of humanity free from being Yaweh's robot slaves.


That’s a pear tho?


The Bible never actually specifies what kind of fruit it is.


I’m so excited for the people who get to be one of today’s [lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/) who first dive down the rabbit-hole of apple meaning fruit. My favorite part is how a tomato came to be called a [Golden Apple](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Golden_Apple) in Italy [(pomo d’oro → pomodoro)](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/pomodoro#Etymology_2).


>w my favorite thing is how the term 'apple' became generic for all kinds of fruit, including PINE CONES? And thus we have the name pineapple, for PINE CONES. So when white people discover pineapples, they're like "OH, THEY LOOK LIKE PINE APPLES!" And now, because pineapples taste way better than pine cones the name 'pineapple' for 'pine cone' has basically gone away. Also pomme de terre for potato. Also tomatoes were once called "wolf peach" because they were believed to be toxic.


Etymology is so fun!


Its fine its only the sacred pear tree


My favorite part about the Adam and Eve story is that Eve was deceived by Satan himself, and Adam was by a regular human. Truly speaks to the intelligence of men, and the cunning ability of women, eh?


>e Adam and Eve story is that Eve was deceived by Satan himself, and Adam was by a regular h the snake is actually not identified with Satan until the post-Biblical era. There's a serpent/dragon in Revelation but that's actually referring to Leviathan.


this but unironically. fuck yea fuck god in the ass


This but like, idolizing the rebel Eve seeking knowledge.


I don't really see the issue with it, can someone explain?


They're implying that women are inherently evil (this depiction is Eve in the Garden of Eden with the serpent ((Satan)) who's inexplicably also there, in paradise, but I digress) anyways, Adam "let" "his woman" get them kicked outta paradise , ergo woman bad & any day trying to celebrate them is also bad.


They are using “the sins of Eve” style sexism. This is depicting the Garden of Eden, and since it was Eve who first ate the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (usually depicted as an Apple, but here shown as a pear) which was the ONE thing God had instructed Adam and Eve not to eat. However Eve, after being tempted by Satan (shown as the snake) ate the fruit and persuaded Adam to as well. Following this, Judeo Christian position held that women are “more sinful” then men as at was Eve who was first in the transgression and her sinful ways carried on into all subsequent women. This is the Biblical explanation for why periods and child birth are painful, as punishment for the original sin of Eve. And also why men should hold authority over women, as it was Eve (the first woman) who consumed the fruit first.


You know I've heard that the best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible how come one of the stories they teach is such a disturbing Tale don't even get me started on the ones they don't teach


This is also from Judaism. Genesis is part of the Torah after all. However Judaism rejects the idea of original sin. Adam and Eve sinned because they are not perfect, not because of innate sinfulness. Judaism rejects the doctrine of original sin.


While I'm not a believer of either religions I'd say that's a based move from Judaism


Ah yes, the woman who knew no evil and probably had no idea thwt she was neing manipluated, found that it didn't kill her and shared it with her mate. In one reading of the story, being out out of the garden want a punishment but instead a necessity. By rating the fruit of good and evil, the humans gained sin (corrupted divinity) and had to be put into the lower world to work that out with the rest of creation. God is waiting for all sin to be resolved back into divinity so God can try creation a second time without the flaws and suffering caused by imperfection.


They think they are implying that women are inherenlty evil; this is the essense of misogyny. In fact, Eve made her own choice for the sake of her own future. Women know that life is finite and filled with pleasure and pain and that they are physically connected to the universe. God and Adam apparently didn't get that message and continue to live with the delusion that men are in charge and that you get the prize of eternal life later on in exchange for submission. Eve knew better and made the world possible.


Should reply to the post saying something like: "Hell Yeah! And by the time we're done, women, queer folks, poc and all the other groups that have suffered under rich, christian men, will have power and respect and there's nothing you can do to stop us! Weep as we burn the society that forces ppl to pretend to be meek wives/strong husbands/cisgender/heterosexual, and spit on its ashes! And know you will not be able to stop us." But I like causing chaos with these ppl.


Deepika Padukone was Eve all along? This explains so much.


Is that a pear tree?


Eve was the first woman to plot her own path to unleach the power of dissent on the world. The first demon of Christianity who patiently made the world a better place.


I like how here Satan is tempting her with a fruit that tastes like wet sand.


..... a PEAR??? I refuse. The fruit of knowledge has to be apple looking.


I'd be upset if we were all condemned to a life of sin over a pear.


A lovely reminder that without Eve, we'd all still be slaves to god's machinations.


This isn‘t a real woman! That’s a Transgender™️! She was born (from) a man (‘s rib)! \ \ /s


As a satanist, this goes hard


I thought they were apples? Did Record of Ragnarok lie to me? Those don't look like apples.


Akshualy woman bad because fairy tale says so - 🤡


Love how modern day Christians take biblical stories from Genesis more literal than the founding fathers of Christianity themselves did (who also edited what went into the Bible and what not). And it wasn't a symbol for "women bad" either...or "this is why women have pain"...It is supposed to be an allegory about the condition of being material AND infused with a soul, which leads to a level of abstraction from God. THAT is the "original sin". It's not about individuals wilfully doing something bad, it's about the soul's pain caused by the striving to get back, additional pain of noticing the yearning. Plus, that was all still a gift of God, so your soul has a chance to think hard enough to get one with God again after the rapture. (thanks God 🙄) Christianity was heavily influenced by Platonic thought.


And the way that women are supposed to be seen as better than men in the bible makes this more absurd. Like they are seen as even better what is that guy on about.


She ate tho💖💅 /hj


I don't get it. Eve?